5782/Astral Flux: A martian meets a sorcerer

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Astral Flux: A martian meets a sorcerer
Date of Scene: 15 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Doctor Strange
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn walks in, not as the Martian Manhunter, that would garner too much attention in a public place like this. Instead, he is simply private investigator John Jones. He knows that the Sorcerer Supreme will be able to recognize him no matter what guise he takes. J'onn calmly sits on a park bench, reading the newspaper.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "The sorcerer supreme is not to be trifled with! I have heard your case and by the Horray Hosts of Hoggoth, I seek thee out and am rebuked, but I will tolerate no more!" The wizard proclaims before slaming a fist into an open palm and then curling both wrists and blosoming his hand open like a flower of fingers, and slowly pulling the hands apart to open a gate way for himself to walk through.

    A fissure appears in space time just before John and opens horizontally, with yellow and gold sparks flying off and into the rift, the other side appears to be what could only be called 'hell' as flames and stagnated lava rolls along the window between worlds. A man wearing a large red cloak and blue clothes steps through the portal before opening his eyes and with a subtle sigh, the spell ends, closing with a WHUUUMPHF as if nothing out of the ordinariy just existed there, and a strange man didn't walk through.

    "Oh. Hello there." Stephen says, his hands falling to his sides and a warm appearing outfit slowly grows across his form and out of the folds of his sorcerer's garb to be something much more mundane and fitting.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn looks up calmly as if nothing out of the extraordinary just happened right next to him. Not because the teleportation fissure wasn't impressive, but because J'onn is so jaded by the incredible things he sees and experiences every day of the week. He calmly folds the newspaper and gestures to the park bench. "I am here seeking knowledge and answers about our adversary in the Astral Plane. My limited understanding of the situation suggests he is a powerful telepath who now wields the mind gem infinity stone. Is that information correct, and if so, what is your recommendation for how to approach the situation?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange's eyes widen just slightly at the abrupt question thrown his direction by the peculiar man on a park bench who he just ran into by walking out of a hell dimension. So the doctor takes a breath in to collect his thoughts and get his mind right before responding. Still standing but with his hands in the thick pockets of his over coat and the end of his scarf dangling in the cold wind, "You're not wrong, but we don't have definitive proof that he wields the mind shard, it's just an educated guess at this point. Very educated. The plan I have been acting on is to find the gem in our dimension and relocate it somewhere as secure as possible. Preferably off Earth." Strange says with a strong eyebrow raised as if he was making a hint. This guy came looking for him to easily, Strange, ever the cautious and concealled man, felt safe enough explaining the plan due to John speaking of the gem first.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods his head slowly, understanding. "Is there, perhaps, another gem, or artifact, that we could acquire that might counter its properties? I would be willing to undertake an expedition to procure such an item. In addition, there are places I know off-world that might be advantageous to utilize for the plan you have laid out. What, precisely can the Justice League do, right now, that would be most beneficial? I have no interest in waiting to see what this villain has planned. His initial strikes seem...simply exploratory, perhaps testing the artifact's boundaries. We should strike before he finds them, and then exacts his plan."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I have some ideas as to where to take the gem once we have it, but nothing is for sure at this moment. I try to not put the cart before the horse." Strange explains, it's all predicated on them getting the stone, which they haven't yet so why fuss about what they do not control at the moment.

    Then, covering his tracks and protecting himself even, the wizard keeps the truth hidden, "I do not know of any other stones but there do exist some artifacts that could shield a few individuals from being influenced by the being but those too will fail in time against the Astral King." Strange explains. "Now for what the League could do, it seems there is little to do in our world against the being's will, and fighting him in his own dimension is even more difficult, for now, keep the League prepared to assist as another large scale attack could happen at any time."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods his head, detecting the lie almost instantly. J'onn has been an interstellar police officer for literally a million years, and he is a telepath with a genius level intellect. He notes Strange's reluctance to provide him with a comprehensive overview, and makes a personal mental note regarding it. "Superman is leading the Justice League's reaction team. I am leading the investigation team. If there is an artifact that can provide us temporary shielding, then we should acquire it. Where can I find the first one?" He levels his gaze at you, and there is something in his gaze...it's not threatening, but you can also tell that he is not someone who tolerates being given the run-around.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "The artifact is called the staff of the seraphim. It's an old artifact that's been lost somewhere." The wizard explains, lowering his chin to brush against his scarf and then he pulls his hand out of his pocket to pull up the edge of the scarf to cover his nose against the wind. "It's been lost for some time, and it's last known location was in the northern foothills of the Himalayas, a truely inhospitable place if ever existed."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn folds a knuckled hand under his chin, considering the issue. "I see. Still, that is a small area compared to what Green Lantern is used to, scanning entire sectors of space at times. I will lead a search team and we will see what we can find. Any information that you or the Avengers have on the Staff should be forwarded to us, even if is just an image."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I will let you know as soon as I can find anything." Strange says with a lift of his hand and a soft nod before he turns and starts to walk slowly down the path of the park as he seems to be done with the conversation.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn simply vanishes. He is still there, but now he is invisible. He glides away, having gotten what he came for.