566/Paging Doctor Bats!
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Paging Doctor Bats! | |
Date of Scene: | 18 March 2017 |
Location: | Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Star Shimmer, Batman, Batwoman
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Its been a few days since the botched Prison break. A few days since Autumn got her first taste of combat. A few days since she got shot and then patched up. Autumn is doing okay. She called her mom and had her bring over some crutches that they had laying around. Thats helped her get around. Thankfully she's had a little bit of stuff stocked up in her apartment.
Quietly she sits at her computer. Her leg is propped up, Elevated with the hopes of it recovering quicker. She is putting the finishing touches on her Valedictorian speech. Tomorrow is the day. She quietly looks over her a few things concerning medical stuff too. She's trying to make sure she's doing everything in her power to heal quickly.
- Batman has posed:
The window to Autumn's fire escape slides open, and Batman enters--noisily and purposefully.
"Autumn," he says in a quiet voice as he steps into the apartment.
"You're resting," Batman adds as he catches sight of the girl. "Good."
- Batwoman has posed:
It's a veritable Bat Convention. Batwoman soon follows into the apartment, another dark shape at the fire escape. It's like forming a queue.
"Autumn... Batman." There's a faint frown on the woman's redl ips ut little more. It doesnt' seem to be directed at Batman either.
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn frowns and nods. "Yeah. Getting shot isn't exactly fun. Even less fun when you know you can't go chase down the jerk who did it." She frowns and rubs her head. "Good to see you out and about, Batman."
Then in comes Batwoman. SHe smiles. "Quite the flock of Bats in here. Hey Batwoman. Sorry. I did my best to not take a beating but. Crap happens I guess. Personally I wouldn't mind laying into the guy who did it but... Its going to be fun trying to just do graduation tomorrow."
- Batman has posed:
"That's why I'm here," Batman says, nodding curtly to Batwoman. "/Education/ is what you should have focused on in the first place. You weren't ready for that operation."
He takes a step toward Autumn. "You could have been killed. Did you have any idea who was inside that building?"
Batman exhales audibly through his nose. "The fact that I even have to ask that question should make it clear that it was well beyond your training."
- Batwoman has posed:
"Autumn, I told you not to do anything drastic. I'm just glad you were wearing armour when they started shooting," Kate adds, shaking her head slowly as she steps aside. Batmanis given a brief nod and she takes a moment to survey the room before blue eyes latch onto Autumn once more.
"You're going to be out of training for the next several weeks. I have research I expect you to do in the mean time." Then Kate steps aside and adds in a so, firm voice, "It's godo to see you alive and well, Batman." She defers the conversation to him.
- Star Shimmer has posed:
"Here we go." Autumn states as she just looks down shaking her head. She listens and listens well to both Bats. She definitely doesn't look happy. Still she's patient. Very patient. Her attention shifts between the two. Damn those masks. Its hard to read someone when you can't see their face.
When both have said their piece, Autumn speaks up. "Who did you tell about your plans, Batman? Clearly not the League. None of the family knew. You kept silent about it all. I went because you saved me. I was going to return the favor no matter what. Yes. It was beyond my training. Education? Thats what got me out of alive. I got shot only AFTER You told me you didn't want sprung out! Imagine that. The way I see this, with a few simple words, you could have stopped all of this." She frowns. "I got in and out with my life. Yes I got shot. I'm not going to die. I'm alright. I call that one heck of a win given that I went in with so little experience."
- Batman has posed:
The dark knight clenches his jaw for a brief moment, but it passes and his expression relaxes.
"When you get to the point in your education where you get to be briefed, you will be," he says, his growl a bit more forceful than usual. "The student does not get to decide on when to take field trips."
He turns his head to glance over his shoulder at Batwoman. "For that matter, the student is ultimately not to blame. Isn't that right, soldier?" He narrows his eyes. "But you're still a student as well, in some ways. I clearly did not articulate to you how this enterprise operates. The fault is ultimately mine. It was my lack of judgment that brought us here--but not for my radio silence. It was for expanding operations in the first place."
- Batwoman has posed:
"The fault is ultimately mine for not preventing this form happening," Kate articulates stiffly, in response to being called 'soldier'. It seems to awaken something in her. her posture straighens, eyes lock onto the wall. "But your conclusion is invalid.
"You say that it is not the fault of the student but it would be accurate to say that it is the fault of the student acting entirely under their own initiative." Kate's voice is stiff but firm and she holds a beat here before continuing. "Similarly, the fault is not that you've expanded operations but that these operations are autonomous." Then she turns toward Batman, blue eyes ablaze as she narrows them on him, fiercely.
"Why didn't you tell me what was going on? How can you protect anyone, anyone if we're all flying blind? And not just radio silence here. There could be all kinds of reasons for that. But you can't keep control of a situation by refusing to communicate." Batwoman shakes her head once. "Autumn, you did your best. Just try to rest up. We'll go over your training in more detail tomorrow."
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn sighs, "There is enough blame to go around. I have my own share and, In case ya haven't noticed, I'm paying for mine." She sighs, "Yes I acted on my own accord. It wasn't because of some test of my own abilities. It was because I wanted to help a friend."
Autumn sighs again and rubs her head. "By the way, The other night I had a run in with Nightwing... Before I got laid up." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a violet ring. She holds it out to the Bats. "We seen this go streaking across the sky and then it flew to me. I am open for suggestions about it. I mean. I have only seen one like it. That belongs to Star Sapphire."
- Batman has posed:
"I was protecting the city well enough before you arrived claiming you wanted the position," Batman says, his voice sharp. "I'll share information when it seems pertinent to do so. Sometimes /not/ sharing is necessary. The same can be said of when it might /seem/ like a colleague is in trouble--but not so much it can't be taken care of."
He begins to turn fully toward Batwoman, but stops when Autumn shows a ring.
The caped crusader stares at it for some time.
"The Green Lantern is the best person to talk to about that," he says. "I can put him in contact with you."
- Batwoman has posed:
"Fully protecting the city. Can you honestly say that Gotham is actually completely safe without us here? How did I even find work? Why does Autumn even feel like she needs to fight? Face it. People still get hurt. Bad guys are still committing crimes and getting away with things every single day. You can't be everywhere at once and even you know it. That's why we're here." Kate is still facing Batman, unwilling to back downfrom this conversation now that she's gotten going. She takes a deep breath and holds it for a long second before carefully exhaling.
"People get hurt in war. I'm just glad that there's going to be an opportunity to make up for it this time."
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Looks at Batman. "That may be for the best. Nightwing warned me to be careful with it. I've not put it on but... Everytime I turn around there it is. I don't get it. Not like Sitting here. Like sitting right in front of me every time I turn. It was in my belt the whole time during the break in!" She sighs. "I wake up, there it is on my nightstand. I don't move it. I go to my computer to work, study or game or whatever, There it is on my desk! The thing is following me. Its why I just started keeping it in my pocket."
She frowns to the Bats. "Ummm I chose to do this life because of my love for people. This city sees fear night and day. Maybe a healthy dose of love is just what it needs?" As she speaks about love, its clear she's being very truthful. If not by the tone of her voice but by the fast that the ring starts glowing.
- Batman has posed:
"It's clear that neither of you is going to stop doing this," Batman says, shaking his head. "I can accept that, no matter how much I'd rather try to keep you /safer/ rather than in danger. But if you're going to assume the role, we're going to make sure everyone involved is trained for it."
Batman stops for a moment. "That does not, however, mean that you should question the way that I go about my own work, either. When I need aid, I will make sure you're tapped for it."
"Is that a fair enough deal for you? Because it's the only one you're going to get." He folds his arms across his chest, shifting his weight.
"As for the ring," Batman adds, "let it stay in your pocket. The less you touch it, the better--at least until the Lantern says otherwise. That's not a statement meant to shut you down--he's the expert on intergalactic rings of power."
- Batwoman has posed:
"That's fine," Batwoman responds, slowly. "I can handle training. I can't put a leash on someone and keep them out of harm's way," she starts slowly. "But we'll work on knowing when and how to go into a situation next." There's a glance at Autumn after this statement and a brief smile. Fond, even.
"I have to agree. In your pocket, since it apparently likes you anyway, and maybe you can make some sense of it." The crimson bat takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. "Keeping me safe was never an option, Batman. I just chose my own war this time. Just- keep in touch.
"There's nothing wrong with having a little more help on hand." Then Batowman moves to stand beside Autumn. She pauses, tilting her head as she studies the young woman from head to toe. "Rest up. I'm going to be bothering you again tomorrow. And Again. An amateur works until they get it right. A professional practices until they can't get it wrong. IF you need anything send me a message and I'll take care of it.
"You're certainly not lacking for bravery," the tall, lean redhead finishes quietly. "But for now it's time for me to go. Get to see the new GCPD in action."
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Nods, "Tomorrow I have Graduation. I'm going. It'll hurt like hell but So did getting through school!" She snickers a little. "I should be home tomorrow evening." She takes a deep breath. "I need to get in touch with Diana. I know she wanted to be there for it."
Idly she slips the ring into her pocket. "Yeah. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing to be honest, It liking me. I have seen what these things are capable of to a degree but, I haven't a clue how to work it, even if I were to put it on."
- Batman has posed:
"There will be enough to celebrate tomorrow," Batman says with a thin smile. "Let the ring sit until you can dedicate your attention to studying it."
"Speaking of which ... how do you foresee your training happening once you've graduated? Having a job can cut considerably into available time..."
As Batwoman moves to go, Batman nods. "I think you'll find they're preferable to the temporary replacements. And we can talk more about training methods soon as well."
- Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn looks at Batman and shrugs, "I need to find a job. Hopefully one that I can get away from as needed. I have my own fantasies of course about submitting songs to record labels and making money that way but, sadly the odds of me making it big is slim to none. I can keep on busking. It helps. I was thinking of applying at Wayne Enterprises. Maybe Kord or something. I dunno where to go to be honest. I mean... I'm smart. Theres that right?" She laughs. "Or I can get a job as a photographer so I have all the time I need right?!" She laughs that one off.
"Be well, Batwoman. Be safe. Don't get yourself killed." She smiles to her. THen quietly she stretches, "I think I am going to nod off soon."