5545/Breaking big rocks into smaller rocks!
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Breaking big rocks into smaller rocks! | |
Date of Scene: | 12 October 2018 |
Location: | Upper Atmosphere, Earth |
Synopsis: | Superman, Blue Lantern, and Captain Britain help stop a potentially lethal meteor shower! |
Cast of Characters: | Superman, Sister Reinhardt, Captain Britain
- Superman has posed:
Space is a rather large.. well space, and meteor showers don't just happen every day, but they /do/ sometimes happen. and tonight it just so happens to be one of those nights, with The Watch Tower giving a proximity alert when several of the larger chunks are determined to be of sufficent size, and metallurgical makeup that they'll actually manage to punch through the atmosphere raining destruction down on the tri-state area.
With a priorty alert going out to all league members, Superman responds just a dark blue and red blur in the upper atmosphere before he comes to a stop with a rippling boom of displaced air having not needed to slow himself down from his usual top speed his eyes scanning the upper atmosphere as the meteor shower begins, red and orange streaks of plasma and burning rock starting to glow in the night sky above him..
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
There is also a blue comet just a bit behind Superman as the Blue Lantern streaks out of Metropolis and actually catches one of the meteors in one of her construction bubbles. "huh. These things can go out to sea, but shattering them would only add tot he destruction if they didn't burn up" She says as she looks it over, before crushing it. "Let's see if they burn up." And she lets the pieces fall towards the atmosphere.....
- Captain Britain has posed:
Captain Britain, through his association with the Extraordinary Intelligence Service, or MI-13, had heard from their contacts with Alpha Flight about the impending meteor shower. He flew up to the designated area, where some were expected to get past the orbital defences.
As he arrived on the 'scene', as it were, he spied a red blue in the upper atmosphere. With no meteors making their way down this far yet, he decided to investigate, sending through a communicator in his helmet, "Captain Britain to command. Do we have any other operatives on the scene..." he stopped his transmission, pausing as he saw a second, "at present? I'm registering two fast moving objects, possibly metahumans."
- Superman has posed:
Superman floats there, his cape fluttering in the wind of the upper atsmosphere.. "let them get down to here.. there's a lot of atmosphere and a lot of rocks. anything that's bigger than a loaf of bread when it gets down here smash break them up to pieces no bigger than the size of my fist. Those'll break up the rest of the way down, and won't cause any damage." he says to Suzanne, his head turning around when his hearing catches Captain Britain's communications. "Little bit out of your jurisdiction are't you?" he calls out, his voice booming, recognizing the british accent and hearing the word 'operative'
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"Probably a good idea. I'm still not used to space. Especially after running into sentient 30 foot tall robots." Suzanne says before she flies out towards another meteor and smashes it by lancing a blue beam right through it. Ironically, the meteor was a bit closer to Captain Britain. "Uhm....'scuse me." She says waving to Captain Britain. "But...if you're able to help us? Could you? Two isn't going to be enough to handle all of these meteors." And she flies off....as another meteor gets past the line superman set.
- Captain Britain has posed:
"Superman," Captain Britain intoned, speaking loudly, because he had to account for the acoustic impedance of the high altitude and resulting lower air pressure. He was straining his vocal cords to speak, because in reality, he was screaming at the top of his lungs... and were the Kryptonian and Blue Lantern human, they would hear it as a mere whisper.
GHe couldn't hear a word that they had spoken, as while he had superior hearing, it wasn't nearly on par with them. And he had to focus to do so, which he didn't want to, because of other physical issues with their location.
The booming greeting did help, and he quoted a bad movie, but one that had a line he liked. "Policy makes the world England. However, my jurisdiction encompasses the whole of Earth-one-nine-nine-nine.... It's complicated." He seemed almost embarrassed to describe it as such.
When the Blue Lantern flies close enough to him, he could understand her spoken words, "ma'am," he pronounced that in the British style, meaning it rhymed with 'farm', "it would be my pleasure." To himself, in a normal speaking voice. "I need to incorporate a bullhorn into my suit at the next opportunity."
- Superman has posed:
Superman floats there, smaller pieces about the size of a persons thumb slamming into him and shattering as he just smiles at Captain Britain his voice loud enough to be clearly heard. "Don't strain yourself talking, I can hear you just fine if you whisper, and Blue over there's ring has a few tricks." he says before he turns back around.. "Anything larger than a loaf of bread, make sure it breaks down into pieces about as big as my fist." he says as he lets The Blue Ranger handle the pieces that are streaking past at this level, his eyes suddenly glowing a sullen red as several basket ball sized chunks are suddenly super heated to the point of exploding a quarter of a mile above.
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"Whatever you can do is fine." the Blue Lantern says as she actually forms a blue bat as a construct....and starts smashing them with it. "I imagine this could be almost like a game of baseball." *WHACK* The Blue Lantern is having way too much fun with this. She's still taking it seriously, but.....baseball?
- Captain Britain has posed:
With a nod of understanding, Captain Britain does the maths, calculating that Superman would prefer everything reduced to approximately 93.9% of the size of his own fist, as while not an alien powerhouse, Brain was both taller and heavier, with a comparable body fat content.
With the main event coming, Captain Britain is all about efficiency. Without laser eyes or force objects, he has to do it the old fashioned way, with his fists. So, he flies after the larger pieces, overtaking them, and crushing them in his hands, reducing them to manageable sizes, so they'll be burn up in the atmosphere.
- Superman has posed:
Superman is a blur of motion, using his X-ray vision coupled with heat vision to get the truely dangerous meteors while the others handle what gets through.. "we've got a big one coming through, looks like the watch tower missed it." he calls out as he flies up towards an incoming meteor that's roughly the size of a double decker bus it's surface pitted and black. "Blue Lantern, see if you can surround it in a Bubble to keep it contained incase it doesn't break up properly, Captain Britain, come down from above while I come in from below, we're the jaws of the nutcracker." he calls out strategy as he goes flying up towards the meteor in question his heat vision just getting absorbed by the alloy of the rock..
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"Right." The Blue Lantern says as she flies right for the meteor and puts a constuct bubble around it. Of course, she also leaves enough room for Superman to melt it. "heat vision only seems to melt it, Superman...."
- Captain Britain has posed:
It was a little odd to be given orders. Usually he was the one giving them. But Captain Britain was a team player, and he followed as directed, flying up, "Blue Lantern, I'd appreciate an opening on the dorsal side...", and coming down, two fists, each packing a considerable punch, as he came in perpendicular to the wider side of the mass's dorsal side, while Superman came up at its ventral, and Blue Lantern tried to keep the shards from getting away. There would still be considerable dispersing needed.
- Superman has posed:
Superman nods "I know.. hence getting physical.. seems this rock absorbs a lot of energy." he says as he makes his way up from below meeting it at the same time as Captain Britain, the rock unable to handle the dual stresses as it explodes with incredible force, the smaller pieces breaking up as they ricochet off the blue bubble and the two men inside.. "Alright, everything else is small enough that it'll burn up on re-entry. Thanks for the assist." he says to the two heroes..
- Sister Reinhardt has posed:
"And that takes care of that." the Blue Lantern wipes her hands as the rest of the meteors burn up on re-entry. "Glad to work with you again, Superman." She then looks to captain Britain. "You, on the other hand, are new."
- Captain Britain has posed:
"Captain Britain, at your service," he offered to the Blue Lantern with a militaristic salute. "A pleasure working with you, Superman," he offered to the other one. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe there are people far below in need of our help." And he flies off, obviously not wanting to get into too many details. He had an identity to protect, and unlike others, he had never quite figured out how to mask his voice.