554/Fix of the Year
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Fix of the Year | |
Date of Scene: | 22 May 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | 279, Ravager
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
Its somewhere about evening. This spot of town isn't the hub of nightlife. Unless one considers a few dives to be night life. And then, other areas completely close down. Between all that is a space with the chain door in front. It doesn't roll up to some fancy store front, its literally a garage. The door is half opened. Aside from a few flourescent overheads, the only other light comes from headlamps clamped to stands near where Steel works. More John Henry Irons at the moment, he has a worktable set up in the middle and assumingly he is alone, he has the cuffling of what maybe be part of his boots on the table. Though it looks more like a ring, with some blades inside the banding and hard to see, like a Dyson fan. And more light coming off the weilding torch he has to it. Currently he's at work on it, and with the garage half opened, a deluge of sparks make the area look light mild lightning, flashing into the nearby street as he holds his face shield up. A pause, then he lowers torch and face mask, to look at the work he had just done, compairing it to somethig he has pulled up on his smart device on the table nearby.
- Ravager has posed:
Pulling up on a loud Harley, Rose Wilson stops in front of the garage and then ducks inside, as she looks for John Henry Irons. Today she looks casual in her jeans and her annoyingly green t-shirt, but she still looks impatient nonetheless. She plops her hands into her pockets as she stands in front of the door, backlit as the moonlight streams in from behind her. Her hair floppity flips a little as a warm breeze cascades past, "Hey!" she lets out, putting her hand up to get John's attention.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
The torch dies off, first the Harley, then the Hey. John gives his attention as demanded. A simple blue t-shirt, jeans and Wolverines on his feet. He is welding, mostly safe. The T-shirt less so, bits of black soot from welding already gathering on it here and there in flecks. The hand wave helps, as he comes to find her silouhette there near the door, hair flopping, and the rest of the figure outlined there. A slight glance to the side, canvas already tossed over the rest of his suit, enough that he doesn't think it recognizable, and the greeting returned. "Hey there," accompanied with a chin jutting towards her, "Can I help you?" It seemed a natural question, he pulls off welding gloves next, to start walking in the direction of the woman.
- Ravager has posed:
At once, Rose Wilson plays up her role as needy and social teenager as she smiles and flips her hair, "Hey!" she says again and takes a few more steps inside. Maybe she could get a deal with a smile. "I was wondering if you could fix my bike. I uhh...hit a rock or something and dented the fender," she tells him, motioning to the brown and black bike outside.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
Cute kid, smile, was it some weird weakness. John wasn't pondering it thought, for what it was worth. Like an older male, he smiled and nodded. "I could take a look," he returns, not certain how fast it would be if it was completely engine work, but a fender, "Yeah, I can get it back into shape for you." He moves over towards the chain, and manually cranks the garage door, not cool enough to have it on an automatic system it seems, old school perhaps. "Yeah, gotta watch them rocks. Why don't you roll it on in near the table, we'll get the fender off and hammer it back into shape for you."
- Ravager has posed:
Turning around, Rose Wilson walks back to the Harley and rolls it into the garage next to John Henry Irons. She then looks over at him again and says, "Okay cool, thanks. I could come pick it up tomorrow if you're busy right now. Oh, hey...you have set prices? I mean, it's just a dent..." she comments, looking concerned as she glances at the front fender where the rock has bounced off. "I didn't think you'd even be open now."
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
"No worries," returns John, moving to get socket wrenches to start taking said fender off. Half a chuckle as she explains, and as he's moving near the bike, he bends down to get nuts and bolts moving. He doesn't need air impact tools any time soon, that much is evident. With the grin lingering he looks up, "Yeah, not really a shop either, I'm in here when I can manage time to work on my own projects." Wrench wrench wrench, some bolts off, move to bend over to the other side of the fork, wrench wrench wrench. "So no prices. Civic duty or something, pretty face helps." He holds up the wrench, dropping another bolt into his other hand, uses it to circle about his face, "Sucker here." Then back to removing said fender.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson snickers at first as she cons a fix job out of John and then smiles proudly, "Hey thanks!" she lets out, putting her hands back in her jean pockets. "I was riding down the street and some dumbass rock kicked up and nicked me," she explains as he removes the small front fender, "It was like a golfball, I didn't even see where it came from," she casually reports about the stupid rock, "Hey how long you been over here?" she asks him.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
A chuckle and a shake of his head, he goes with all the pride in him being a sucker and all. "Yeah, that will do it." He has the fender off, sets bolts down for retreival and carries the fender over to the approprite machine shop tool, to clamp it down and hammer out the dent. He could suction it maybe, but old fashioned, a hammer to fix it proper like. "Me, oh, not more than a month, best place I could afford," given that its Hell's Kitchen and off main streets in the area even, a lot of people could probably afford it. "Sort of like home at least." He goes to grab a hammer, and there is what looks like a double handed sledge hammer right next to it, not a machine shop sort of tool, he ignores it, goes to the fender. "Home away from home, maybe." Clank clank clank, turn the machine, walk around, clank some more. Pause. "You, what are you doing driving around here anyways? Looking for goflball sized rocks in the street?"
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson thumbs toward the street outside and says, "No I work up the street at The Tunnel," she explains to him, "It's a nightclub. I just thought I'd zip it over here cause it's Monday," she adds. She glances over the tools in a nosey way, then watches him bang and clank out her wee lil dent in the fender, "Monday is a slow day. You ever been to the Tunnel? It just reopened a little while ago," she reports.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
"The Tunnel, sounds like something to get between the burroughs," and there are a lot more of them around here. John looks a the dent, considers it. "I don't think I've been to a club in years. I'd probably embarass myself trying to dance." A couple of little clinks, it looks out, but he needs it spot perfect. She may save a fraction of money on gas now with slightly improved aerodynamics from his fix. It'd take a year to see the results, but a few cents add up, if one counted in centuries. He's walking it back to the bike. "I'll bite, so I check out this joint, The Tunnel, who do I say sent me? Do I get some sort of discount?" He's putting the fender on tire so it doesn't touch ground, to scoop the nuts and bolts back up.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson motions to herself, "Tell em' your Rose Wilson's pal," she explains and then smiles mischeviously, "I'll have the bartender slide you a drink on house, for fixing up my bike," she tells him, "Yeah, it's open nights, all week--busiest days are Saturday mostly," she reports to him, "Hey, what's your name again?" she asks him.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
"See girl," grins the man, "You're a bit of trouble, something the wind blew in." And he chuckles and shakes his head, the bolts start to go back onto the fender. "So avoid Saturdays, less people to watch me if I get out there." Dancing he means, he assumes that sort of night club, he'll probably find out too. "John, John Henry Irons." He has since grabbed wrench, leaves it fixed on a bolt, and offers a large hand over, it could have some grime on it, he dusts it on his shirt real quick and offers it again.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson has probably fooled John into thinking she's a mischevious but totally innocent teenager in ripped jeans, and she smiles at her success, "Okay thanks John, I appreciate your help. We're practically neighbors. At least to my job," she explains and shakes his hand lightly, not wanting him to know she's too kickass a person. "You like motorcycles right?" she wonders.
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
John does take things around him at face value it would seem, very much so. "Nah, no worries. I figure if I needed a hand, you know." She'd return the favor? Someone else wood. John's paying it forward? He looks over the bike, finishing the last of the bolts. "I like them, sure," a pause, last bolt, "Ride them, not so much. The mechanics seem easy enough, just have .. other means of transportation is all. Its your thing, Rose, bikes like this, I'll have to leave them to you." He assumes the smile is because she's nice, or thinks he's good, or both, he accepts it right there.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson could be smiling because her bike is all fixed up, and she walks up to it, checking it over, "Hey, no problem, but it's the only one I got. I live in Queens so I usually drive to work. I'm not taking the bus," she explains, going for more sympathy again. "Okay, yeah stop by. I'll see you around then I guess, huh?" she asks, and hops onto the bike, swining her legs over it like a pro, making it look like she's rode a motorcycle many times before, because her hands and feet go to the right place automatically. She smiles at him as she says, "Thanks again."
- John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
Sympathy works, from John at least, "You bring it by anytime you need something, if the lights are on, we'll get you fixed up Rose." He certainly doesn't need to indicate himself and say sucker, but there it is, all on the line. "Yeah, see you around, I'll check out The Tunnel." He is wiping his tools as he watches her mount the bike and all, grinning to that smile she tosses his way. "Don't sweat it, can't have you riding around on a busted up bike. Be safe you." He head nods, just standing and wiping the socket wrenches like he's doing something other than just wtaching her about to take off.