5538/The Metropolitan Bull

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The Metropolitan Bull
Date of Scene: 11 October 2018
Location: North Bridge, Queensland Park
Synopsis: Battleborn and Superwoman fight a mechanical Minotaur.
Cast of Characters: Battleborn, Superwoman

Battleborn has posed:
    It was a pretty calm day, until a Mechanical minotaur decided to break free from it's inventor and run away. T^his caused a small bit of destruction, as well as people running from their cars on the North Bridge.

    Walking onto the Bridge is Battleborn, wearing her full armor, with her flow shield in a hoplon shape and firing a few rounds from her desert eagle, which manage to only dent the metal of this twelve foot mechanical monstrosity. "Crap..." She says, holstering her gun and extending her hand as her runed axe form in it with a small bit of melting snow comming off it during the manifestation. "Hey, horn head!" She says as she tosses the axe towards the bull, getting it's attention...

Superwoman has posed:
    And Battleborn is quite alone on the bridge as people are either driving to get away from the mechanical minotaur, or running when they find they can't drive away due to the barriers and proximity of the Minotaur. Of course, all of this yelling has got to get SOMEONE'S attention. Thankfully Battleborn is in the vicinity.

But it has caught someone else's attention....

And Battleborn would recognize a sonic boom anywhere.

Battleborn has posed:
    Hearing that boom, Helena smirks. "I think you are about to have a super bad day, better get my hits in before one of them arrives." She says, knowing the sound of a kryptonian flight, as most people in metropolis know by now. She runs towards the Minotaur and leaps onto a car, and then into the air, calling her axe back to her just in time to do a spin in the air, and bringing the axe down onto one of it's horns.

    The rather hard clammor of the horn hitting the ground as helena rolls away makes her frown. "Decoration... jeez, thought it as a guidance system." She says as she stands and raises her Shield as the monster fires a lazer at her.

Superwoman has posed:
    And in front of the laser, suddenly, is Faora. Likely not who anyone was expecting to save the day. In a black unitard with blue accents, Faora's hand are upon her hips as the laser hits her in the chest. "Interesting. I didn't expect someone to actually invent lasers for a....what is this thing?" She says before looking behind her....almost casually. "Were you the one who chopped of this....thing's horn? I'll keep it distracted. Find out if there's anyone inside of this piloting it." And she likely hit hard by the Minotaur by now....and skipped off the ground.

Battleborn has posed:
    "You aren't.." Battleborn says before she ducks then the minotaur shoulder slams Faora out of the way and continues it's charge towards Battleborn. A split second choice has Helena diving out of the way and grabbbing a smaller car, a prius from the looks of it, and spining in a circle with it to hit the Minotaur, which causes it to slide back just a bit. "The heat signature comming off it it to high for anyone to be in there, if you can rip it open, I can destroy it's source of power." She says as she twirls her axe, raising her shield. "Also, we got anything bigger than a Prius?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora shakes her head as she gets up from the indentation from the bridge. "That actually stung." She then gets up, hearing the info from Battleborn, and a small 'boom' can be heard as Faora zips in front of the minotaur. She breaks it's charge with an uppercut, then a striaght right hand knocks it backwards, over Battleborn's head and towards the other end of the bridge. But the minotaur is suddenly stopped by Faora with her OWN shoulder tackle to the thing's back....after it's bounced twice.

"And you aren't either. I think that makes us even." Faora says, raising an eyebrow at Battleborn.

Battleborn has posed:
    -I- am Battleborn, Daughter of Valdis." She says with the pride that only an asguardian could muster, or, half asguardian in this case. "Time to put this thing on ice." She says as she runs for the Minotaur and extends her hand, her axe comming off the ground and into her hand just as she leaps into the air...

    The runes on the axe begin to glow as she comes down from her arching jump and slams the Axehead right into the Minotaur's chest, it's structure damaged by the pummeling of the Kryptonian. Landing and now having made a huge frosted dent into the Minotaur's chest... "Finish it off!" She says, clearly in a military tone.

Superwoman has posed:
    And that's when the hand of Faora comes through the chest of the Minotaur and holds a glowing.....something, in her hand. With a *KRRRRUCKG*, she brings her hand back through the back of the Minotaur, and tosses the carcass almost casually to the bridge. "huh. So this is what it feels like to do good. Had almost forgotten." She says as she floats back down to the bridge, alongside of Battleborn. "You almost sound like one of those 'Asgardians' when you made a declaration like that. Hmmmm....." She then looks back to the power source....clearly inspecting it with her vision. "that was a bold move when you leapt at the mechanical thing here. I'm guessing you've have combat experience."

Battleborn has posed:
    The axe vanishes and so does Helena's helmet. "I am one of those Asguardians, well, half of me is." Helena says as she nods. "Yep, heatsource. And Yes, I'm a Major in the Marine Corps, special raiders division." Special ops. "And any hero worth their salt would have done the same thing had they the ability too, well... most heroes." She says before looking at Faora. "I'm going to go out on a limb and say You're a Kryptonian."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Good guess. I'm called Superwoman." Faora then looks to the unarmored form of Helena "Marine....corps? Raiders...division?" Clearly, these are words unknown to her. But then she taosses the power cell up and down in her hand. "Supergirl was right, I do have to hold a lot back." She then looks back to the minotaur carcass. "Any idea where that came from?" She says tossing the power cell back at it.

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard chuckles. "First Responce Military Soldier. That should explain it better." She says as she tilts her head. "Nope, though I have a feeling the local police are looking into that. I'm not a detective, I just fight things and protect people. I also notice that you look to have a better... battle pressence than the other Kryptonians."

Superwoman has posed:
    "That is because I am a soldier, have been on my life, even before the destruction of Krypton. The others you have met...Superman, Supergirl, Power Girl.....are from a 'caste' of scientists....or at least, they were from Krypton." Faora's blunt in her assesment. "They have gotten experience, but they are more predisposed towards thinking before they punch."

Battleborn has posed:
    Helena nods. "Makes sense, I was taught that a split second could lead to disaster. No hesitation, and in some cases, no quarter." She says as she turns to move from the bridge, not wanting to be a 'ground zero' when the cops show up and she has to answer a bunch of questions and then her colonel will show up and... it's just a mess really. "So, how long have you been on earth?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "not for very long. A year or so, maybe. I think. I can't really tell how you judge time here, yet." Faora then moves away from the wreckage. "Earth is very confusing, but then.....it's pretty new compared to where I've been...and a lot better." She hints without telling directly.

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard nods. "I'm pretty sure there are vids online somewhere that will give you a whole host of information. Sometimes I just listen to history vids for hours on end, helps when you have to spend a week mending a broken bone." Only a week.

Superwoman has posed:
Faora says, "I've been trying. It's why I've been 'pulling my punches'." Faora looks behind her and tilts her head. "Strange. that did resemble a minotaur from greek mythology....""

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard smiles. "Yep, probably someone has an obsession with them, well, better than anything out of norse mythology, like dark elves and fire beasts." She says with a chuckle. "In anycase, we should do this again sometime, I'm sure there will be more strange thing where that came from."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I certainly hope not. I don't really want to relive some of the things I did on Krypton." Faora then starts to float up. "I'm sure we'll encounter each other another time, Battleborn. I hope they'll be under happier circumstances...." And she begins to fly away. casually this time.