538/Not so Solitary

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Not so Solitary
Date of Scene: 21 May 2017
Location: Fortess of Solitude
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Superman

Superwoman has posed:
    Since Faora's arrival on Earth she's been staying, primarily, in Superman's Fortress of Solitude- with his blessing. She spends most of her time, when she's here, on the Kryptonian computers reading and studying about this new world she's on. About the people of Earth. Their customs and laws.

    Today is no different, although she is dressed in her new uniform- that of Superwoman. A gift from Superman's robots- a uniform that could stand up to the rigors of the superhero life style. It is primarily black, by her choice. Silver accents add a lightness to it- and white. White is central to her crest, the crest of House Hu-Ul. A shield, almost the same around it.

Superman has posed:
Hearing the heartbeat when he arrived to the fortress, Kal makes his way toward the source, the computer room. He'd been out, saving the world, and repairing the barn's roof (stupid tornados!), and buying Lois lunch. It'd been a busy day! but now he was ready to stop in, check on things before considering move number fourteen hundred and six this week.

Alright. It had been a busy week.

"Hello, Faora," is greeted in English as he lands lightly in the center of the room.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Greetings, Kal." Faora replies simply, albeit in Kryptonian. "There is trouble in Gotham." she states next, quietly working still on the computer- information on Gotham city. "Batman may be captured." she states next, "And criminals are masquerading as the police. Including people with Kryptonite." she notes of Superman, "He has been removed from the equation. At least, temporarily."

Superman has posed:
Moving over to the computer to catch up on what she was seeing baout it, Superman just nods.

"Sounds like he's right where he wants to be. If they are using Kryptonite, we are hands off. More so because it's Gotham. Batman will let me know if he needs an evac. Until then, we trust him to do what he feels he needs to do," says Kal, sounding for all the world as if he can complete and utter trust in a human that dresses up as a bat and has, as far as anyone knows, no super powers of any kind.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Metallo has been neutralized." Faora responds next. "He lacks tactical awareness. He shouldn't be a bother for a while. His limbs have been broken." Superwoman looks back towards Kal, still speaking Kryptonian. "However, if you feel it would be wiser to keep distance, I will do so. Still, it seems wrong to allow the people of Gotham to suffer under such... wickedness." There is a sense of anger to her voice. "They are behaving terribly. They have lost their safety. The police no longer serve them." She stares at Kal- its too much like her own story for her to ignore.

Superman has posed:
Superman sighs a faint breath of relief at that: Metallo neutralized. That half man half machine terminator gave him a headache. But as Faora continue with her concerns, Kal turns his Earth blue eyes to her, dark brows pulling together faintly.

"It's not a good idea to patrol Gotham, for any reason. I don't like it either but... bad things happen when we fly into that city," he tries to console, reaching a hand up to rest on her shoulder, a move of human companionship.

"It's not a good idea, but if your heart is set on it, I can't stop you. I'll just ask for you to be careful. There are elements in that city that we can't plan for."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Its not right, Kal. I can't stand by and just sit here while people do that to other people. What would it represent for me?" She wonders quietly of Superman. "I can't stand there and let them do what I was going to do." Faora stands up, to look into Kal's eyes.

    "No one can stop me, Kal. I will not be stopped in my task. I can't.. I promised you, and them, that I would serve them with Honor. There is no Honor in letting criminals run the asylums."

Superman has posed:
Kal lets his hand fall from Faora's shoulder as she stands to face him. He mets her gaze with unflinching compassion.

"I understand where you're coming from Faora. But there are things about that area that are beyond us. It's not about being super fast or super strong or invulnerable. I don't know how to explain it, but Batman is working on fixing this with his team. If we go in, either of us or both of us it doesn't matter, it will be a variable he wasn't counting on. We could put a lot of people in danger in our attempt to make things better. Not acting here doesn't reflect on you. For all our powers, there is still only so much we can do."

Superwoman has posed:
    "You don't understand, Kal. You *can't* understand." Faora replies softly, "You've seen what happened through the lens of your father- and although it is largely neutral it does not include.. It can't include my personal feelings." she says softly. "I betrayed our people, Kal. And now, because of you, I am here to protect Earth. How can I withdraw? How can I release myself from that Duty when Gotham's protector is captured by his enemies?"

    "How can I let the people of Gotham be *Used* by the very office that is supposed to *serve* them?" she looks at Kal, "How can you stand by?"

Superman has posed:
"Because I think he wants to be there, Faora," Superman says. His voice is soft and though his eyes are troubled he's not budging.

"If criminals have infiltrated the police force, then then best place for him is inside their base. I have faith in him, even though I'm very worried and would very much like to fly in and get him out of there. I can't. That's not the way to help him. They way to help him is to wait for him to call, and he will call, Faora. He knows his limits, and when they are reached, he calls.

"You ask how I can stand by... I can stand by because that's what he needs me to do right now. Stand by, and trust him.... and I do trust him."

Superwoman has posed:
    "And what of the suffering that happens in the interim between his being captured, and his calling for help?" Faora wonders then, taking a slow breath. "What about the innocents who are taken advantage of and harmed? How do we help them?" Faora wonders as she begins to pace back and forth, clearly agitated by this turn of events.

    "Kal, I don't understand. I'll take your advice, but I don't like it." Superwoman states, "I hate it. I hate it with all my being. Its wrong to allow one man's pride block us from the duty we have accepted."

Superman has posed:
At her questions, Kal frowns lightly and his shoulders tense, the weight of the world once more visible on his frame.

"I don't have the answers for that, Faora.... and I don't like it either. But I have to trust him," is all Kal says, eyes drifting to the monitors again for a moment before he turns away.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman nods quietly. She takes a slow, quiet breath. "Its terrible." she says so very quietly as she takes a walk away from the monitor. On the monitors information regarding Gotham, and its criminals are listed. In particular- Joker. Information, histories, criminal records.

    "This world is insane, Kal. This world is just crazy and chaotic and it makes *no* sense to me." She says softly, "Its just.. Its madness. And they need to be protected and guided into a better future."

Superman has posed:
Clark waits for her to get to his side, walking with her.

"I know, Faora. It really is. And they do need to be guided, but they can't be forced. They would learn nothing that way..."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Its just difficult to deal with. And I know that, Kal. I know we are not to force them." Faora replies softly. "Its just so..." she sighs again, "I hate having to look away and do nothing." she says so very softly. "Its very difficult for me." She sighs then.

    "DO you have any Kryptonian food here, Kal? I never asked. I.. I miss Kryptonian food. I've not found anything here that reminds me of it. I miss it."

Superman has posed:
Clark smiles again, sympathetic to Faora's plight, because he gets it. he really does. Once more, he puts a hand on her shoulder, warm and hoping to be comforting.

"We can check the zoo? See if anything that's in there is edible. I'm honestly not sure what it is, even if I could rattle off genius and species of what's in there..."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I don't think you have anything Kryptonian in there, Kal." Faora says, with a quiet sigh as she returns to a seat. She just leans back, looking at the ceiling. "You sound so much like a scientist, Kal. On Krypton you wouldn't be fighting anyone, did you know that? You'd have been a scientist. Like your father." she shakes her head quietly, "He was a good man, you know. That's why its him I went to. He was the best of the House of El. Honest, you know. Honorable. Everything that was expected of a Scientist, and more. Open to new ideas."

Superman has posed:
Clark sighs with Faora, letting his hand fall from her shoulder as she sits again.

"I'm not much of a scientist here. I'm a writer. But... I'm glad to hear both my fathers were.. are... good men. It's nice to know," he says, pulling his feet up to sit cross-legged in mid air, cape brushing the floor lightly. Baby-blanket cape. Though even as he's talking to Faora, his mind is wondering... does teh zoo matrix have any edible foodstuff seeds? Could he get a greenhouse like structure built? Could he get kryptonian crops to grow on Earth soil... in a manner not dangerous to the ecology of the planet? What an interesting agricultural puzzle to work on...

Superwoman has posed:
    "I had dinner with him a few times." Faora offers softly, "With Zod. Its funny. Zod considered Jor-El to be his best friend. And me.. I was the closest Zod had to a.. partner." She laughs softly, shaking her head, "Zod wanted me, you know. TO be more than just his lieutenant. He paraded me around almost like he would a prized wife." She laughs quietly, grinning over to Kal. "Do you know why its so funny, Kal? I'm not interested in men. Not at all." she shakes her head. "It was never a problem on our world. Cloning technology was such that gender didn't matter. It was.. just a part of pair bonding. Who you were interested in was just part of life. No one cared."

    "People still care here, don't they?" Faora says, "Will that become a problem for us? My... life choices?"

Superman has posed:
"Really?" Clark says, turning his face to peer at Faora. It's odd to hear Zod spoken of this way, and adds a weird surreal quality to what Clark experienced of the man. He sets an elbow on a knee and then plops his chin on that propped up fist.

"Yes. Many of them do still care, Faora. And many are going to try to make things difficult for you. Personally, I don't really care. You love who you love. Male, female, in transition. You being happy and respected for the amazing person you are, that's what's important to me. I think, as long as you aren't ashamed of it, or try to be too agressive about it.. You'll find there are a lot of people on this planet that are going to really respect and love and support you just for that."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Of that part of myself I have never been ashamed, Kal." Faora answers simply, "And I never will be. I have, in that regard nothing at all to be ashamed of." She pauses, "Did you know Supergirl gave an interview to a Ms. Lois Lane?" she wonders, "Then asked me to do the same?" she looks to Superman now, curious.

Superman has posed:
And at that Kal sighs. He didn't know that Kara had taken the interview, but it doesn't surprise him. In a way, he was glad that it was Lois. That somehow made it feel like things were being kept 'in the family'.

"I didn't, but.. I'm not upset. L- Ms. Lane is a superb reporter, fair, even-handed, tough, and highly respected. If you want to talk to the press, tell your story, Ms. Lane is - hands down- the best reporter for the job. She will treat you fairly, not give you undo credit because you are like me, nor will she be unfairly harsh because of your connection to me. The choice is yours."

Superwoman has posed:
    "It was vital, Kal." Faora states simply. "These people... They deserve to know who their protectors are." She looks to Superman. " They need to know, up front, who I am. That I am willing to let them know that once, I failed. That once... I was considered a criminal. It would be much worse if I were to keep my past hidden from them. It would destroy my credibility and ruin their trust for me. They have to know that Faora Hu-Ul was a traitor to her people, and placed in the Phantom Zone." She takes a slow breath. "Its their right to know who their protectors are."

Superman has posed:
"And it's your right to tell your story to the person you think can best tell it to the rest of this world," Clark says with a nod of his head.

"And if you're asking my opnion, Lois Lane is hands down the best person to do that."