5260/A Practice Run

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A Practice Run
Date of Scene: 29 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Green Arrow, Carrie, and the Red Ranger deal with a celebrating gang. Green Arrow takes prisoners. Crowley amuses himself watching the show.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Carrie Kelley, Crowley, Red Ranger

Green Arrow has posed:
The turf fighting from the aftermath of the fungus war has died down a bit, with new gangs and old having redefined borders. Borders give stability for their rackets... and the black market has stabilized enough that smuggling has once again become hard to trace, let alone stop.

Still, there are a few leads. A few abandoned warehouses along Britannia Beach aren't so abandoned. One of them is the hideout of the 79ers: one of the new gangs in town who got lucky somewhere along the line and got themselves military grade weapons.

Tonight, Green Arrow has summoned Carrie for a test. Green Arrow has been watching from a one leg kneel, from the rooftop into the warehouse itself for hours... but Carrie has been summoned to appear at midnight in the parking lot nearby. This group isn't being very quiet, so anyone with ears can hear the party going on inside.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Tests. Tests were never good for Carrie. Where she would try to be creative, and handle the situations to her best judgement, it didn't really end up that way when people were watching and judging based on their own standards. Yet... She did see the wisdom in possibly getting to learn something from more established sorts. She was rather new to this after all.

Dressed in a typical 'ninja' style garb, including face covering, she slips through the shadows in the parking lot that she was requested to meet at. Even as she arrives she scouts the location using the party going on inside to help hide her snooping. Windows, doors, the general layout. It's set in her mind before she announces her presence to Green Arrow by joining him on the rooftop.

Green Arrow has posed:
With finger mics pressed up to the glass, Green Arrow seems to be listening to conversations with the way he nods slightly on occasion. Once Carrie comes on the rooftop though, he stands and turns to regard her. Tonight, the emerald archer is decked in full gear, and his Skybike is in the parking lot. "Good. I've been watching this group for about a week now. This isn't the main hideout, but they like the space and how out of the way this warehouse is for their parties." Green Arrows head looks back down to the skylight. From this vantage, the inside is well lit. Plenty of booze, drugs, and sex are going on inside. It's a hedonists paradise.

"I'm not expecting any serious trouble, but they do have an armory in the back. You've mainly been training in martial arts." He gestures to the window, his domino mask looking back to Carrie, "I want to see if you can get inside and plant an explosive in the room the gun rack is in, so we can take out their weapons all at once before going in." There's a pause, "think you can do that?"

Crowley has posed:
Crowley appears out of nowhere but no one likely notices. He's a way off from the combat zone and is looking on from a distance. He's probably just bored in all honesty. His eyes drift upwards to the rooftops. The two figures above inspire a chuckle from him but for the most part he's focused on the building itself. He doesn't teleport inside just yet.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tips her head at Arrow giving him a quizical and perhaps even hesitant look at the suggestion. "I could," she finally hazards hesitantly. "Is that really such a great idea to do with a warehouse full of people though?" It was a fair question after all. "Or is it a seperate building entirely?" A glance is cast over her shoulder looking over the area again. It makes her miss Crowley's appearance in spite of her attempts to remain hyper-vigilant. "I'm sure I could sneak in and do just about anything. I was training in martial arts because I know I don't know anything about hand to hand. Or didn't," she corrects.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Most of them are in the center area. There are no guards to speak of, and the gun rack is in a side room next to one of the entryways. If you're slow and careful, you'll be just fine." Then, Green Arrow brings up his left hand to pat the staff on his backpack-quiver, "and if you get caught, you'll have me to back you up from above. I've got a perfect vantage point from up here to take them all down."

Green Arrow points to the western side of the warehouse, directly opposite the parking lot, "just drop down from there and get inside. You want the northern door just as you enter. The gun rack is inside." Then, he reaches back and pulls out two objects from the storage pod of the backpack, handing them to Carrie, one at a time, "glass cutter and grapnel gun to rappel down, and a remote explosive with detonator. It's small, but more then enough to take out the stash."

Crowley has posed:
Crowley continues to watch from well across the street for now. He will wait for them to begin their assault.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley purses her lips together tightly as she's handed the items. The glass cutter was easy enough, as was the grapnel gun. The last though she regards quietly. It was hard enough to read her expression with her face mask on. "I don't like the idea of bombs. Not this sort at least." Smoke bombs, sure. Even flash-bangs. This ... Holding a live bomb, however small, makes her uneasy.

A deep breath is taken to brace herself and she curls her fingers around it slipping it away into a pocket for now. "I won't get caught," she remarks simply before she turns away to head for the other end of the roof to drop down off of it. Apparently she was going to do it in spite of her protestations. There's no sign of her for a short while though. Several minutes pass, then a few more, before the window tips open allowing a figure to slip inside.

A figure in a tight fitting dress that looked as if it were bought off the discount rack at a stripper store. Carrie, dolled up like one of the girls at this rampant party, moves into the room smelling only a bit like alcohol that she'd splashed on herself. Just in case she did have someone stumble on her she'd likely buy some time this way.

Green Arrow has posed:
From his vantage point on the rooftop looking in, Green Arrow has been keeping an eye on things inside. His staff is taken and transitioned to a compound bow. No arrow is nooked yet, but Green Arrow has a blunted arrow already constructed in the shaft cylinder.

Down below, Carrie can easily hear the music. It's something modern and rock and roll. She also has a few row seat to the snorting and needles, as well as the gangbangers and hookers having their fun off in corners. They're a bit out of the way, but it's easy to see the nude bodies coupling. So far, everyone seems strung out of their minds, with the only ones relatively sober being the ones being socially drunk.

They're clearly not expecting any trouble. Carrie has a clear path for now to the north. For now.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott has taken to running, in the mornings, and in the evenings, the extra stamina, and power that the morphing grid has imbued him with meaning that for it to be an actual honest to god workout, he has to run a good twenty miles.. So he started his route from his place in Angel Grove, just letting his feet rather rapidly take him through the city.. And that's how he finds himself in this part of Starling, having no worries about being messed with by the bangers himself, generally cause he just ignores them if they call out to him, he's got a red hoodie on and pulled up covering his face a pair of ear buds plugged into his smart phone as he listens to his workout sound track as he runs

Crowley has posed:
Crowley teleports into the building, settling on a dark corner away from anyone else. From here he will try to gain a better view of this fiasco. He soon has a drink in hand and tries to blend in.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Gangbangers. Alcohol. Drugs. Messed up as this situation was... It wasn't an unfamiliar one to Carrie. Even before her forays into vigilante work. This was what she grew up around, what she had carefully survived and avoided until she could get herself into a better place further away from the slums of Gotham. She knew how to fit in. How to blend in. More importantly, how to not be noticed.

The rhythm of the music is taken up as she dance-walks slowly in the direction of the door. Not too sloppy, she didn't want to seem as if she were ripe to be taken advantage of. Just enough to seem as if she were taking a break to catch her breath while perusing something on her phone in hand where she wouldn't be disturbed for a few minutes.

Sometimes it helped wearing glasses; the glint of light off the lenses hid her eyes well enough while she scanned the room waiting for just the right time. Casually she leans against the doorframe, legs crossed at the ankle with both hands holding up her phone to 'read' the screen. It's not unusual for a teen to be on their phone even at a party.

One hand falls back brushing the doorknob to twist and then she's in, stepping back smoothly and vanishing from sight as if never there. The door is shut, nothing looks out of place. Likely she'd moved back to the party if anyone were to look up again. Now that she was inside though her phone is raised to cast a bit of light around using only the dim setting of the screen to help illuminate the closet seeing what was within. Bombs, huh? Great. It's slid into the middle of a row of guns before she has much chance to question herself again. Green Arrow had been at this awhile. She would trust him that this wasn't going to go tits up.

Crowley has posed:
Crowley continues to blend in, keeping an eye out for the two roof hoppers. No one seems to think he's out of place here. He even moves to the beat of the music a bit, sipping his drink as ill the flavor may be.

Green Arrow has posed:
The 'closet' was once a store room for cleaning supplies, and the smell makes that obvious. The shelves instead hold rifles, machine guns, and a few grenades now, along with the occasional pistol and sub-machine gun. Carrie can easily tell this place is a warzone waiting to happen, even with the little lighting from the smartphone screen flashlight app. So far, no one has come over to open the door though... but then, Carrie doesn't have a line of sight to the party now.

With the block of explosive placed between two rifles, it's fairly well concealed.

Time to leave.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley felt an uneasiness settle over her as she places that bomb. It's done though. The grenades, though, that causes her quite a bit of worry looking toward them. It was indeed a stash that needed taking out of circulation, but that would likely make the bomb all the worse. Great. With a glance at the ceiling to scrutinize her options she lets out a sigh. Time to go the risky way it would seem.

The door is nudged open just enough for her to slip out, and as she does she rubs at her nose as if she had just been snorting something, using the ridge of her thumb to wipe off any supposed traces of drugs. Even as she does so, using the movement of her hand to help hide her face just a bit, her eyes flit around quickly to ensure no one is looking her way.

If they aren't, or no alarm is raised, she dance-sways her way toward the door again. Just have to make it outside. That's all.

Crowley has posed:
Crowley is drifting through the building when he sees Carrie as she's leaving. He raises a brow at her strange behavior and makes his way to where she was exiting out of. He sees the bomb but doesn't raise an alarm. He stifles his laughter and teleports back out some distance away from the building, drink still in hand, "Showtime it is then.."

Green Arrow has posed:
A few of the gang look in her direction, but quickly go back to their preferred entertainments. One of the social drinkers, a caucasian with light blonde hair down to his shoulders, gives her a glance and a whistle. "Lookin' good sweetheart." He probably think she's one of the hookers at the party... though there's a 'huh?' from him as she nears the exit. "Must need to freshen up or somethin'." He states as Carrie leaves.

Up above, Green Arrow has been watching the entire time. Once she's out, the handheld detonator is taken in one hand, "I swear they get more clueless every year." The emerald archer smirks as he hits the switch.

The explosion starts out small, causing some dents in the wall... before the wall explodes out as the grenades go off inside, sending fire flaring out into the night sky along with debris along the roads as the armory turns into a giant crater inside the building.

There are shouts and yells coming from inside now as the gang gets back onto their feet, "What the fuck?" "Didn't that bitch just go in there?" "I thought we had this all paid up with the locals. What's going on?"

Crowley has posed:
Crowley teleports a cigar into his hand and lights it, "Little late for the fourth but I'll take it.." He drags and puffs , drink in his other hand still, "What a night.. what a night.." His eyes are on the fireworks.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott hears the explosion "Woah!" he exclaims looking towards where the light show and secondary explosions are going off from and with that he takes off, leaping a good twenty feet into the air and planting his foot on the wall of a near by building he zig zags up the alley til he's on the rooftop and is running in a full sprint across the roof tops in a display of parkour that would have Harry Dresden drooling with envy..

"Alpha-Five, get ahold of Starling emergency services, there's been an explosion, use my communicator to get an address!" he calls out not noticing Green Arrow from his vantage point, nor Carrie down on the street below as he lands on the street 30 feet below red hoodie still pulled up his shoulder slamming into the reinforced steel door taking it off it's hinges. "Is there anybody Hurt in here?!" he calls out figuring it's a night club and a gas main has just gone up..

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances back toward the guy who calls out to her giving a wink, and waggle of fingers as she steps out. Yeah, she was just freshening up some was all, definitely. Soon as she's out though... The heels are kicked off leaving her in a pair of slip-on ballet shoes that let her take off running flat out. She didn't know when he was going to set it off... And she's rather glad she did take off running given the bomb is detonated far sooner than she expected it would.

"Oh sure, great, don't let me get a headstart or anything," she mutters darkly. Yanking a mask from a pocket to tug up over her face resuming some form of hiding her identity, she makes it at least until the next building over before whirling around to see if anyone was following.

Or in Jason's case, running into the building. "Oh for crying out loud..."

Green Arrow has posed:
"You're fine. It was small and localized." Green Arrow states as he starts to fire arrows inside. Tear gas starts to fill the room as three arrows filled with it disperse their payloads. The disorientation the gang feels getting doubled down on as the gas fills the warehouse, "anyone who leaves, take them down. I can handle these the rest of these punks from above."

A couple of the gangers kept pistols on them, and they try to pull them and fire up into the roof in retaliation... but are firing blindly at a Green Arrow who has already moved. By the time Jason is inside, the gas is fast approaching his position.

Crowley has posed:
Crowley can hear the gun fire and fighting going on inside with his enhanced hearing. He takes another puff from his cigar and just listens, "Never dull in this city. Been putting off my trip to Paris for good reason.."

Red Ranger has posed:
"Ohh, crud.." Jason says as the guns are pulled and shots are fired. moving quickly to get out of the way before the triggers are pulled Jason leaps into action reaching behind his back to pull out his morpher and activating it, the room he's in flaring with bright red light that leaks around blacked out windows, and the open door frame.

"Can't let you keep those, you might hurt someone." The Red Ranger says as he quickly disarms one, then a second armed thug, his helmets HUD giving him the layout of the room through the smoke..

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"We've got a friendly in there," Carrie shoots back at Green Arrow as she watches the place turn into chaos. She'd only seen him from behind, but the red hoodie, and red shorts, and red shoes... Jesus, he was the most color-coordinated guy she'd ever met. It was hard to miss him.

Though she'd just run away she goes back into the fray hoping that her face mask holds up to the gas. Just as she opens the door she's greeted by the sight of... red light? Was it another explosion? She tucks to the side, lifting her hand to her eyes to cover them a moment with a quiet hiss of breath as she lets her eyes adjust while listening for the sounds of someone approaching the door. All she hears though is the sound of bodies going down.

"What the hell is going on in there?" Best to just find out. Opening the door again she blinks back the remaining after images of bright light to see the Red Ranger fighting. "... Okay. This is new."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Never seen that before. Something new, and probably attracted by the explosion." Green Arrow replies over the commnet, before he starts firing blunt arrows down into the warehouse, taking down a few gangsters himself.

Eventually though, he moves around the skylight and manages to see the Red Ranger through the haze, "looks like someone in a red costume who knows how to fight." He's pretty out of place amongst the group, especially since the tear gas isn't doing a damned thing to him.

As Carrie goes in, a couple of the drugged out enforcers try to take swipes at her, but they're clumsy and completely avoidable. The tear gas is also starting to effect Carrie with the concentration it's in.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley does have a filtered mask... But it was the sort meant to reduce CO2 pollution, not stand up to tear gas. The few that come after her are taken out easily, and she kicks them back in, or out the door depending on how out of it she thought they were. No sense in killing anyone if they were having real issues breathing after all.

Her own breath was starting to burn though. Even with her ability to block off some pain and discomfort due to her training, this was not something she would be able to maintain. Ducking out the door again her hand lifts to tug the mask down enough to get a few gulps of fresh air as she strays to the side.

"Gonna have to... *cough* Get out of... Fu..." Coughing again she lifts a hand to wave over at the air as she lopes several yards away to get out of the fray and find a spot to hide, hopefully.

Crowley has posed:
Crowley doesn't help or hinder anyone involved. He simply continues to stand outside and listen.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott takes down the other three thugs in the room, furious kicks and punches taking the mundane humans down with relative ease as he starts to make his way deeper into the building, not worrying about the person who just escaped...

Green Arrow has posed:
With Carrie leaving the tear gas, Green Arrow is already around the roof to give her cover. Carrie can feel an object drop on her back from above; a gas mask, "It won't help your eyes, but you can breath." Green Arrow notes through the comms, before he steps around and fires a taser arrow at a group of thugs through the window, trying to get inside the office on the other side of the warehouse. Four of them get caught by the homing wires as the arrow embeds in the wall and shocks them, disabling them immediately.

Over near Carrie, three of the thugs run out of the building through the door she just came out from, ignoring her entirely as they cough and rub at their eyes.

Jason can easily see the man in the green suit up top as he continues moving, along with a man and a woman coming his way. The two are naked, but armed with pistols... and once they see the Red Ranger, they fire, screaming. "Fuckin DIE!" The man coughs out.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grabs the mask after it bounces off her shoulder regarding it a moment before slipping it on with a hint of relief. She didn't have anywhere near the gear that Green Arrow did, after all. When the three guys come out coughing and sputtering she takes the opportunity to attack in the most efficient way possible.

Three swift kicks to the groin later and she's pulled out zipties to bind their hands together for later pickup by the police. They could at least catch their breath now without any worry of them coming at her again.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott sighs..."Big guy, red armor Do you really think your pop gun's going to do much of anything?" he asks leaping forward with blinding speed he quickly is able to take out the last two bangers. "Man, if only putties were this easy.." he says with a sigh taking a leap through one of the broken skylights to look around for the archer he spotted earlier..

Green Arrow has posed:
When it's clear the gang is dealt with and Carrie is clear of danger, Green Arrow starts to head for the edge of the building where Carrie is... only to turn his head around with a nooked arrow to look at the Red Ranger as he jumps up to the rooftop. "interesting outfit. Where do you get your fashion tips from?" he quips at the man, his compound bow idle in his left hand for now without an arrow.

Green Arrow can be seen on the edge of the roof from where Carrie is, looking over towards Red Ranger. The green hood and domino mask with white eye lenses obscure his identity, as does the voice mask distorting his tone.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tips her head up toward the conversation above. For a moment she considers helping, but what was there to really help? She grabs the bag of her stuff she'd stashed with her original suit and slings it over her shoulder. "You got that? I think I need to get some fresher air than this. And put some pants on," she adds over the comm with a still-raspy voice. "Catch up with you later, Arrow." And off she goes, hopefully before the police and anyone else show up.

Red Ranger has posed:
"Monocolor's R Us, looks like you're a card carrying member too." comes the mildly sarcastic quip. "Green Arrow I take it?" he says having seen news broadcasts back in Angel Grove about him. The Power Rangers themselves having been on a few news broadcasts talking about mysterious Kaiju apperances in the not so small suburb of Starling..

Green Arrow has posed:
"I mix in with black and yellow here and there." Green Arrow replies, before he turns back to the rooftop edge, starting to walk over, "I hear you and yours deal in giant aliens out of nowhere. I'd ask about it, but I get the impression your group tend to keep to themselves and doesn't share with outsiders." He takes an arrow and launches it downwards at the ground, out of Red Rangers sight, "so, if you'll excuse me, I have some prisoners to interrogate."

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott shrugs.. "Generally, the explosion got my attention, glad to see there weren't any fatalities." he says simply "happy questioning.." he adds grabbing the silver and gold beltbuckle at his waist and vanishing with a flash of red light as he teleports away..