511/Exploring The Mall!
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Exploring The Mall! | |
Date of Scene: | 19 May 2017 |
Location: | Metropolis |
Synopsis: | Catseye goes to explore a Mall! Happens by Rogue. |
Cast of Characters: | Catseye, Rogue
- Catseye has posed:
Today Catseye, AKA Sharon Smith, decided that she is bored with lurking about Frost Tower and the Academy of Tomorrow. Today she decided to explore the outside world, and more particularly, a mall! One of those huge places with colors and scents and people and music and....adventure! However, upon first attempt to get in as a cat, she found out security is pretty tight at keeping animals outside of the mall. But lucky her, Ms. Frost taught her how to control her tremendous mutant power! She found a hidey spot, and bam! Turned into a human! Her clever Sharon Smith disguise which seems to fool everyone into thinking she is human! Great success! Thankfully, due to mutants being around, the fact she has feline slitted eyes don't really bother most, as they easily take her for just another mutant. If they dislike her as a result, well, that's bad. But most don't even look at her long enough to notice that fact.
One thing that stands out immediately about Sharon is her silly manner of dress, childish actually. She likes pastels, she likes happy pictures, she likes cats, and she likes not wearing too much of that foul fakeskin that humans refer to as 'clothes'. One of the amazing artifacts she encountered in this mall is an aisle shop, right in the middle of the hallway, with loads of sweet treats! Also known as candy. She approaches stealthily, which in her human form means she moves comicly like a cartoon character that want to make it obvious to a young crowd that she is now being stealthy. Big, albeit silent, steps, moving very slowly and freezing between steps to make sure the clerk doesn't spot her.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue was out of school now and she was bored out of her damn mind. The Professor had told her she couldn't get a job this summer and needed to focus on her studies for when summer classes started. So here she was, bored, cause there weren't no summer classes going yet...
Rogue didn't like video games, she didn't want to deal with Danger Room stuff, she'd been upset since she seen the man who kidnapped her parents and now had no idea how to go after him or track him down... so what else does a teenager do? Go to the mall? ugh.
Rogue was seated on a table not far from where the Cat Woman was doing her... thing... and Rogue was poking a plastic spoon into a almost empty cup of chocolate and vanilla ice cream ("Its just like your hair! hahahahahaha!" the man at the ice cream place said at her, his fat rolls bouning around as he pointed and laughed -- while Rogue had just glared at him, then taken her cup of ice cream and walked to where she is now).
"What in the hell are you doin?" Rogue spoke up to the Cat Woman, watching her stalk about like she was hunting a mouse or something. "You ain't from around here, are ya, sugah?" She asked then, her husky voice laced with an amused/boredness.
- Catseye has posed:
Sharon was within reach of the many containers with colorful candies, and just as she was starting to extend her hand to snatch a few, Rogue moved up behind her and spoke. This caused Sharon to yelp, turn her back on the candy, and freeze. Pressing her index finger to her lips, she goes one further and actually mouths, "shhhhh," staring in alarm at Rogue, and while still keeping her back to the candies and the clerk behind the counter, she asks faintly, "lady in with glasseyes not look?" Clearly, instead of explaining to Rogue what she's doing, or where she's from, she's more intent on completing her miraclous candy heist! Fully expecting Rogue to serve as her lookout.
It's only as an after thought that she adds, "funny hair, like Sharon, she like."
- Rogue has posed:
"Funny Hair is my street name." Rogue said to the Cat Woman in response with a sly smirk on her red painted lips. Rogue could tell this... person... was clearly let loose from a cage or something and set free upon a world she didn't fully understand.
"Look." She said. "You're kinda adorable, so let me do ya a favor and tell ya not t'go swipin' stuff that ya ain't got money t'pay for.... The folks around here don't really like that sorta stuff. See?" And rogue looked down the hallway toward two male security guards in black pants and bright yellow polo-shirts with badges on their shoulders. "Thats Carlos and Jerome." She said then. "They'll have t'put ya in cuffs and give ya t'the police if they catch ya pilferin' candies, MIssy."
Rogue then offered her cup of ice cream to the cat. "You want the resta this? Its free. Ya can have it instead."
- Catseye has posed:
"But sweetything there, see?" Sharon points behind her without looking, approximating the location of the many candies, so easily within reach. "She take, and give to Funny Hair too?" Seems like Sharon is willing to cut Rogue in on the deal if she plays spotter for her.
But then Rogue goes all Emmamother on her, explaining things that don't make sense, and expecting her not to do what comes natrual, frowning, she quips, "Sharon fastyfast, silly men with stars not fast like cat!" She nods as if to emphasize, whispering to Rogue in secret, even though her whisper is kinda loud, "Sharon is cat, see? Makes fasty runs!" But telling her to not steal is one thing, providing an alternative is something else. First of all she snatches the cup of ice cream from Rogue's hand before she can change her mind and sniffs at it, "smell sweetly, yes?" She asks Rogue, switching between peeking at Rogue from around the ice cream cup, and staring directly at the ice cream cup.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced back at the security guards, who she knew pretty well as they were often bored and liked to chat with regulars at the mall. Thats when the ice cream cup was snatched from her and she laughed softly. "I ain't helpin' ya steal candy. If I'm gonna steal me anything, its gonna be one'a them high dollar bags down at the Nordstroms. But even then, I can't get in anymore trouble... those days have gone for me." She said to the kitty.
Eyeing her doing the cup-thing, Rogue laughed a little more and shook her head. "My god... what weirdo's basement have you been looked up in your wholfe life?" She asked the Cat then. "You a mutant?" She asked. "I mean, like, is your Cat... stuff... new for you?" She wasn't sure how to phrase it, Beast would be upset at her.
- Catseye has posed:
Sharon looks aghast at Rogue's idea of stealing dollar bags instead of candy, "why take bag when can take sweetything? Mmmm? Sharon know better, maybe she teach Funny Hair? Yes?"
Sharon frowns when Rogue asks about which weirdo's basement she been locked up in, and sticks her tongue out at Rogue, "Sharon not locked! Sharon free! Always in street, yes? Only Emmamother tells what to do, but manymany times, no Emmamother, only Catseye. Now, Emmamother give name, so she call Sharon, clever, yes?" Her eyes open big and wide as Rogue amazingly guesses that she's a mutant, "yes!" Catseye concurs, "she is mutant! How Funny Hair know?" But she does shake her head vehemently at the followup. "No. Cat always. Smoothskin new, yes." And that's about as long as she'll delay with trying the ice cream cup, and she tries by shoving her face into it, pressing the cup firmly against her mouth while no doubt collecting all the inside with her tongue. From the way her face light up, she approves of the sweet taste.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't even know where to start with all of the questions that came from everything that the Cat had just said to her... She finaly settled on a nod and a.. "Sharon. got it." She said at the young kitty. "Your mutation... sorta, maybe, kinda effected your mind too?" She asked then, peering at the kitty for a moment. "And, I just got a few friends who are mutants with similar... visible mutations." She glanced at the tail coming out of the kitty's backside and thought of Kurt.
"And yeah. I'm a mutie too, in fact, I go t'a school not far from here thats all filled with mutants." She said then, trying not to sound too weird with her questions. "You live around here then? Your mothe'ah here at the Mall with ya? Emma you say?" Rogue couldn't possibly think 'Emma' meant -that- Emma, -that- Emma was a rich bitch in the city...
- Catseye has posed:
Sharon remains occupied with the ice cream until she's thoroughly cleaned up the cup with her tongue, at which point she just drops the empty cup on the floor, her entire mouth area covered with remanants of ice cream which she duly licks with her tongue. Once she's done, assuming Rogue was patient enough to even wait for a reply, she says, "Sharon says yes to iceycup. Yummygood." She stretches her arms a bit and finally takes a single step away from the candy, "Sharon mind cleverclever, she is smart. Very smart. Yes. Emmamother says." She seems rather excited at potential friends with similar mutations and nods at Rogue, "bring to Sharon, make happy friends."
At the mention of a school, Sharon brightens and claps her hands, "Sharon go to!" Naturally it couldn't be Xavier's seeing how Rogue hadn't seen her before. She shakes her head firmly at the suggestion her mother is at the mall. "Sharon walkgo, Emmamother want Sharon stay, but Sharon go! She brave. She live in City," yeah, because City is extremely descriptive. "Funny Hair know Emmamother?" And then all of a sudden Sharon pokes at Rogue, "show Sharon what can do, yes?"
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue sighed and she knelt down to pick the ice cream cup up off the ground. She then offered a napkin to the Catgirl with one of her gloved hands as she's poked and asked what she can do. Rogue was more-so thinking about how this kitty must've gotten away from Emma Frost... who she'd researched more of after that Boat thing that happened a week ago. "Uh..." Rogue said as she walked to a trash bin nearby that was made entirely out of colored rocks and concrete, it probably weighed at least a hundred pounds.
Rogue tossed the empty cup inside and then looked around to see if anyone was near them, which they were not. "This, I guess." She said and picked the trash-bin up with one hand like it was made out of styrofoam. She then held it there and wiggled it a bit before she set it back down where it was. "Fancy huh?" She asked the kitty with a grin.
"You need help gettin' somewhere?" She asked Sharon then. "Ride home or somethin'?"
- Catseye has posed:
"Treasure!" Sharon exclaims when Rogue discards the empty cup she dropped to the floor, into its proper place, the trash can disguised as a treasure trove. At least if you ask Sharon, who immediately rushes to its side and courches down to study the colored rocks. She doesn't seem to even realize she was offered a napkin, plain paper is boring.
When Rogue gives her a little display of her ability, Sharon blinks, looks carefully at Rogue holding the trash can up, and then the moment she sets it down, Sharon is up on her legs reaching to try and duplicate the feat. She really does try, getting red in the face, and groaning in effort until she falls back. Only she somehow flips to fall on all four. Very cat-like. "Now she knows, Funny Hair strong!" She gets up and grins at Rogue with a teeth exposing grin. "Good to fight meanieheads! Sharon do this!" She points at herself, and that's apparently her demonstration of her own power. "Funny Hair impressed, yes?"
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed lightly at the cat when she tried to lift the trash can. "I wish that my strength was makin' me special... but. I've seen a lotta mutants with supe'ah strength, so I don't think it really does." She added with a small smile. "Course, I got othe'ah things that does make me special, but they're always awkward t'talk about."
Rogue would gently nod her head at her. "I figure you deal with a lotta crap from folks when you're out in public, so you must be an experienced fighter, or at least... run-away-er." She added then with a little grin. "But hey, if you do need a ride some place... I got my boyfriend's car outside, so just let me know and I can take ya whereve'ah ya gotta go." Marie didn't want to leave this cat girl alone, she was worried she'd get herself into legal trouble.
- Catseye has posed:
Sharon frowns when it doesn't look like Rogue was really impressed with her own power display, but then a ride back sounds like quite the boon. It's a long distance to walk all the way back to Manhattan from here. And Rogue did give her the ice cream cup, the least she can do is let Rogue give her a ride back. Yeah, she does tend to have a high opinion of herself. One could almost see the wheels turning in Sharon's mind as she was starting through Rogue while making her decision, eventually announcing, "yes! Funny Hair take Sharon back, Emmamother happy Sharon make friends, yes? Funny Hair happy friend Sharon?" She seeks the acknowledgement of friendship, if she had managed to make a friend on her own, she'll definitely be demanding a reward from Emma. "Funny Hair take to Frosty Tall place." Obviously the Frost Tower, she kinda sucks at directions. At least at explaining them to others.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue went back to the table she'd been sitting on and she grabbed her stuff off of it. "Yeah..." She said at the cat's words. "I don't think your mothe'ah likes me too much." She said then, pretty sure about that. "We've run inta each othe'ah a couple'a times now, she seems kinda... not too pleased with me." Rogue motioned at the Cat to follow after her. "How'd you get all the way up here anyhow?" She asked. "Frost Tower is like a fourty five minute drive from here."
Rogue looked Sharon over, but she looked to be in fine condition... not like dirty or nothing, suggesting she may have been outside for days on end. "I mean, I take it Emma... mothe'ah, doesn't like ya wanderin' around on your own?"