510/ESCAPE from the Savage Land

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ESCAPE from the Savage Land
Date of Scene: 19 May 2017
Location: Savage Land
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Superboy, Feral

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson flies a large cargo plane, complete with the helpful Superboy and Vanya, as well as some equipment to explore yet another of her whims and adventures for greater wealth. "Are you guys lookin at the map?" she shouts over the engine from the cockpit, "The jungle is just ahead!" she lets out. The plane is made of old-fashioned steel and may have been ripped off from a museum, although it has convenient bomb bay doors and room for equipment.

The "jungle" of the secret Savage Land can't be seen through the many windows at the moment, because the icy cliffs and some mysterious mist obscures the view around Antarctica for some reason. But Rose pilots the plane on anyway, heading right into the mist. However, the engine begins to sputter.

Superboy has posed:
Boooored. Could't Rose have found something faster? Conner could fly in circles around the ancient flying brick, and his smartphone run out of batteries an hour ago, he doesn't even have Candy Crush now.

Still, he had to come for important reasons. First, a jungle in the Antarctic! How cool is that? The other reason is currently piloting the crappy plane. Her ideas about getting rich are amusing. "Uh, turbulences?" He asks when the engine starts making odd noises.

Feral has posed:
"I don't see these cliffs on the map," Vanya says as her pale yellow eyes peer out the window at the ground below. It's a little cold in the plane's interior without commercial luxuries like space heaters so the were-woman's wearing a coat. A fur coat, of bear fur. She's still wearing her tanktop over it so the buffed up fabric and the thick poofs of brown fur that explode from her arms once they're no longer confined make for a slightly comical sight - but at least it's warm.

"That doesn't sound good," she helpfully opins as the engine's tone that had remained unbroken for hours begins to falter.

Ravager has posed:
The plane shakes a little and Rose Wilson frowns, "It's nothing--I've got it under control," she explains to them. As the plane emerges from the MIST, Rose veers around an icy outcropping and they're suddenly over a lush JUNGLE. Rose's smiles don't last long because the engine sputters and goes out, making the plane drop like a stone, and Rose can't seem to control it, "Ugh! All the scopes are dead!"

The plane rocks and turns around several large trees until it descends into one of the few open areas nearby. It hits the muddy dirt with a thud and crashes, skidding on its belly until it stops in front of a large lake. There is plenty of excited wildlife, like birds that flutter and bugs that buzz past. Rose swears a few times and smacks the controls frustratedly, "Are you guys okay?". The weather is really humid and hot, like the Amazon.

Superboy has posed:
Conner shows up at the cabin just as the plane engine dies off. "You said you have it under control?" He comments in mild disbelief. And apparently they were going to low already. "Hold on, I will try to pull it..." but even as his telekinesis spreads over the aircraft frame (which is too large anyway) the first tree top is scratching the belly. Way too late. Instead he switches to keep the pilots cabin whole during the crash landing.

"I'm okay, what happened to the engine?" He asks, sounding more annoyed than worried. Where is he going to recharge his smartphone now?

Feral has posed:
"Oh now this is much better scenery. That was starting to feel like home..." Vanya praises as the mists clear, until the engines cut out. "Uh-oh..." Sitting back in her seat, she braces against the frame around her and makes ready for impact.

The landing jolts and tosses her in her seat but the group's resident animal (mascot?) comes to a stop in one piece, albiet with a grumble as she checks herself then unfastens her buckle. "You know there are two things I don't like about flying. Crashing is one of them," she responds while getting up. With the sudden rush of moisture and warmth her bear fur is rapidly receding, turning Vanya back into her ostensibly human self.

Ravager has posed:
Strangely, Superboy's powers were of very little help in the Savage Land crash, which is complete with a mysterious magnetic field and other secrets waiting to frustrate everyone. Rose stands up from the pilot seat and puts her hands on her hips, "How do I know? We've got gas. Oil. It should still be running, right?" she wonders. She glances past Superboy and looks at Vanya, "Let's go outside and see how bad the damage is, Feral. Maybe Conner can fix it," she promises. She sheds her insolated, puffy jacket for her t-shirt and opens the door, dropping outside, plopping her military boots into the mud. She looks around at the trees, the lake in front of the plane and at the annoying mud.

Superboy has posed:
Conner peers outside. Swamp, check. Plenty of light, although the sun is very low in the horizon, weird. He likes his sunlight, but if feels weak here. "I should be able to lift the whole plane and haul it out, but I don't know if it will held together if I do that," he comments idly.

Feral has posed:
Vanya drops out of the plane with a dirty splash and scampers out from the plane's shadow as she looks at the forest around them. Her nostrils flare as bear fur gives way to faint orange and black stripes across her face and shoulders. The were-woman smiles with a little fang. "I'm not rushing to leave, I could get used to this place. Nice landing spot."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson mutters and smooths her hand along the plane's side, "It's the only landing spot, Feral," she says in a grumpy way, "It looks okay, Conner. It's not falling apart, at least. But there's no power," she reminds them again, then glances at the jungle nearby as some wildlife make a strange sound, "So what should we do? Have Conner try to lift us back home?" she asks Vanya.

Superboy has posed:
"Well, since we are here..." starts Conner, floating to sit down on the top of the plane. "You said something about a treasure, didn't you?" He might not have paid much attention to the details. "If we are close enough maybe we should go looking for it before leaving?"

Feral has posed:
The feral woman shrugs. "I can swim. What he said, let's worry about it when we're ready to leave," she suggests while walking away from the plane in search of dryer ground. Vanya pauses and she turns her head to the new noise, then smiles. "I don't think I've heard that before..."

Ravager has posed:
Frowning, Rose Wilson steps away from the plane, "Roxxon Oil used to have a refinery on the hill, Conner," she explains, "That's where they kept their stash," she explains. She squints at the dark jungle, "What do you think it was?" she asks. The magnetic field might make it more and more difficult for Superboy to fly and use his other powers. Plus the land is already shadowy and a little dark.

Superboy has posed:
Who? Conner is not up to date in evil megacorps. A refinery doesn't sound very interesting. At least when compared with medieval underwater treasure chests. "What did they stash there?"

Too little sunlight is bad for his Kryptonian powers, but he has a week worth of load, so Conner thinks he is pretty much set for anything. "Want to walk there or we can go flying?"

Feral has posed:
"I don't know, but it sounded natural," Vanya answers, sounding excited at the prospect as she sweeps the treeline. "I hope it tries to eat us."

"Let's walk. I want to meet some of the locals," she suggests.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson points over the lake up the hill, where a large oil refinery sits, and it looks aged and a little rusty, like its been there forever, "It's just over there, Conner," she suggests and smiles. Rose frowns at Vanya, "What?" she asks confusedly, then starts heading around the lake. Vanya can probably spot the giant Gila Lizards from the trees, because they are mutated and large. But it's really difficult to fly in the magnetic field for some reason.

Superboy has posed:
Conner also sees the giant lizards, but well, they are not a threat to him, are they? But maybe for the ladies, "Rose, you better grab a large gun," he comments. Unless her dad took them all away. The ones she had 'borrowed', that is. "You said there were dinos around, uh? Guess those are it."

Superboy has posed:
Conner can't differentiate a dinosaur from a mutated Gila lizard, obviously. He is no biologist!

Ravager has posed:
Rose has hiked quite a while, and pretty much has ended up in the same place, back at the abandoned Roxxon facility where they started, "I don't think there's anything to see around here," she says, "Maybe we should go through the drilling station, huh? Hey I'm not Superman, nobody's gonna know anyway," she says to Superboy.

The drilling station is abandoned and the simple consoles from the 80s are dead. It's really really hot though, especially inside, and that's why Rose has rolled up her sleeves and is taking off her boots as she talks to Superboy.

Superboy has posed:
Conner hiking involves a lot of hovering, and flying around to check things. And some complaining about the sunlight being wrong. But eventually they get to the facility and he also goes exploring. "Roxxon are creeps, aren't they? What would they be doing here?" Not that he remembers much about Roxxon.

But they built a factory in the middle of dinosaurland. That is probably illegal.

When Rose guides him to the drilling station, though, Conner looks rather pale. Frowning, he leans against a wall. "It is chilly here," he comments, "pretty weird."

Ravager has posed:
Rose has hiked quite a while, and pretty much has ended up in the same place, back at the abandoned Roxxon facility where they started, "I don't think there's anything to see around here," she says, "Maybe we should go through the drilling station, huh? Hey I'm not Superman, nobody's gonna know anyway," she says to Superboy.

The drilling station is abandoned and the simple consoles from the 80s are dead. It's really really hot though, especially inside, and that's why Rose has rolled up her sleeves and is taking off her boots as she talks to Superboy.

Superboy has posed:
Conner hiking involves a lot of hovering, and flying around to check things. And some complaining about the sunlight being wrong. But eventually they get to the facility and he also goes exploring. "Roxxon are creeps, aren't they? What would they be doing here?" Not that he remembers much about Roxxon.

But they built a factory in the middle of dinosaurland. That is probably illegal.

When Rose guides him to the drilling station, though, Conner looks rather pale. Frowning, he leans against a wall. "It is chilly here," he comments, "pretty weird."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson frowns a little and looks up at the light streaming in the broken skylight, "How do I know? Maybe it was an oil expedition," she suggests, "Chilly? Are you crazy? It's ****in hot in here," she explains.

Rose opens a few desk drawers and then approaches the console station, "Dang, I do not know how to operate this-- Conner, are you okay? You don't look very good," she comments.

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks surprised when Rose says it is hot. And he has not felt chilly since the first days in Metropolis. "I don't feel great," he admits, stumbling to a side. There are some smashes craters there, and greenish dust has spilled over the ground. Remnants of something inside the crate.

"Definitely not good," chokes Conner, stepping back and almost falling down, barely managing to limp out of the room.