5061/Dinner and Debriefing

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Dinner and Debriefing
Date of Scene: 30 July 2018
Location: Batcave, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
Bruce has missed Damian, all things being equal. His relationship with his son is complicated to say the least, but having an actual heir is...life changing in more than one. And given how fantastic his own parents were, so much of an influence on his life he knows he has a lot to make up for. Helping Damian be....human...undoing all that the League did in terms of damage will take years, so now he plans to fight it with Dinner. No Alfred tonight, he gave his friend the night off, and cooked it himself. Italian, and has invited Damian so they can just talk. He was just finished cleaning when he was notified by the Bat Computer of his arrival.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian spends most of his days in self-study. There were discussions of sending him to Gotham Academy if nothing else to learn interpersonal skills. But he's managed to dodge that bullet so far.

  After a quick sojourn to his room, he had dressed for dinner. As with other times, Damian was dressed quite well for a fifteen year old. A dress shirt, vest, slacks, and a pair of shined dress shoes. It wasn't so much of playing a part as it was Damian fitting into western culture. He felt his well kept style was reflective of himself.

  The clap of leather soles on the marble floors of Wayne Manor were not unheard of, but Damian's forced approach sounds were a conscious effort to announce he was coming. The boy walked through the archway, looking in. "Father." He said, approaching his elder, and gave a small smile.

Batman has posed:
Bruce is dressed down but only so much since Bruce Wayne dresses well and stylishly even when relaxed, and has a sweater,a t-Shirt and khaki slacks. "Damian," he smiles and nods, "It is good to see you. I gave Alfred the night off and tried some of my own cooking skills. Tell me about your trip...not just the mission details....the parts you liked and didn't like please." He serves some pasta. It is not Alfred level good, but it is Batman level good.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sat down, the diminutive teen began with a bit of discourse. "The Titans that went on the expedition to Knowhere performed well. The Nova Corps member we went with...was somewhat problematic. She underestimated the Terran ability to adapt. With our first encounter, she likened us with children who didn't know what we were doing. That was the beginning of her downfall."

  Damian's ghoulish green eyes looked at his plate. "Other than that, we accomplished our objective. Aside from meeting a psychic dog, it was as eventful as I had anticipated."

Batman has posed:
Batman nods, "I am familiar with the place. I read all the intel of significant outerspace entities that we collect. Nova Corps can be inflexible in their thinking. And that does sound....ostensibly stupid. I'll need details on her later. But I am curious what you mean when you say downfall. And...wait...psychic dog?" That's weird even for Batman,"Like an alien that looked like a dog or an actual factual dog?" He has some wine with his pasta. Needs more Paprika.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian takes a bite, chewing and swallowing before he speaks again. "I'll prepare a dossier for you. Wonder Woman was there in our first encounter."

  The smallest Wayne gave a small shrug. "Inconclusive. He appeared to be a man at first. Wearing a Cosmonaut uniform, he commented that he was a dog. He assisted in protecting the others during a small fight with bounty hunters that mistook us for other humans."

Batman has posed:
Batman says, "My she does get around," he smiles and shakes his head, "I wonder if that invisible jet of hers is space capable. Wait...the dog appeared to be a man? And a cosmonaught uniform is unlikely to be emulated by an alien, even a psychic one. It sounds worth investigating. What was the dog's name?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The former assassin keeps eating, stopping once he's asked a question. "He didn't say. But he did say he 'liked small human' and that I 'act threatenink, but smell like friend'." He says, mimicking the dog's voice. Or rather, the voice he perceived that he heard.

Batman has posed:
Batman says, "It sounds likely to be a trickster or an actual mutated cosmonaught. Fascinating. I'll need to research it. What is your current focus of martial training?" Switching to something that Damian knew well would help him relax and enjoy the meal."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's demeanor does indeed shift to being excited. "I was going to attempt to take training at the Themysciran Center. Unless Richard Dragon appears again, I have surpassed the other senseis I know of. The amazon style of swordplay is...unlike any other I've seen." He was indeed enjoying the meal, or enjoying the time Bruce had devoted to this meeting. Most likely both.

Batman has posed:
Batman says, "The amazons are skilled beyond imagining. If they would do you this honor, and it is indeed an honor,then I am proud of you. Be sure to represent us well son." There is authentic respect in his voice."

Batman has posed:
Batman says, "Your capacity is great. I think I would focus especially on their melee skills. They are masters of the spear, the sword and the shield. There are so many..." he pauses,"things...that cannot be dealt with but for a blade that I would focus on everything they can show you. Varia and Malkat are, based on my assesment," because of course he has an assesment, "likely to show things to you that others might not."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a hearty nod to Bruce. "I will honor us, Father." That was part of what drove Damian so much, honoring his family name. He took a great deal of everything to heart. Which was part of why he gets angered easily.

  "I also have been considering adding a co-leader to the Titans. They seem to think I lack 'humanity'." Which of course he did, but he also wasn't unaware of it. He was trying to make the Titans better with his actions, but everyone except one thought he was trying to rip them apart.

Batman has posed:
Batman nods,"Which one of your number was this? You are more human than you seem but a co leader isnt a bad idea. Depending on who it is." He is curious. "It doesnt sound like he is really inspiring them though.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Stardust mentioned it. If I'm honest, she is one of the two I trust the most on the team. She's recommending Vorpal for Co-leader. And I support it, if she wouldn't take the opportunity." Damian doesn't seem angered by this, he had his angry moment. He still certainly doesn't feel like he failed the team by testing them against himself. But that was another story.

  The young Master Wayne looks to Bruce, and continues eating, seemingly relishing the downtime with his father. It was a far cry from what he had in the League, and he liked it. Even if he had his more bullish moments.