50/A Second Chance...

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A Second Chance...
Date of Scene: 16 April 2017
Location: Somerset, Bristol Township
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Superman

Superwoman has posed:
    Evening has started to fall over Sommerset in Bristol Township. Its clear, and the weather is lovely for an early spring evening. Songbirds chirp-chirp in the trees and the sun crests the horizon casting lovely reds and purples. All in all, its a beautiful evening.

    But then there's the shift. The animals feel it- birds scattering from the trees as clouds begin to gather unnaturally in the sky above Sommerset. A shift in the air. A shift in the electrostatic normalcy of the Planet Earth. A slight hitch in the magnetosphere. Barely noticeable to most. Barely visible to most human instruments. But its there... something is happening.

Superman has posed:
    Kal of the House of El feels the shift in his bones. The hairs on the back of his arm stand up and he shivers. Currently, when the shift begins, he is sitting in his small apartment in Metropolis, peering into a mostly empty fridge. Jeans and a faded Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt hug his muscled body. He frowns and closes his eyes, trying to calm his suddenly racing heart before he closes his fridge and moves over to the window. He stares out at the sky for a moment.

    A few seconds later, and Superman is soaring through the skies. The window to his apartment was left open, of course, so he quietly hopes he is not robbed again. He doesn't live in the nicest neighborhood. His cape whips behind him as he tears through the atmosphere. He shifts vision until he picks up the magnetosphere, and he locks in on the weird area in the small town. A full two minutes after first sensing it, and the Man of Steel touches down.

Superwoman has posed:
    Time moves in a funny way in the Phantom Zone. It barely moves at all, and sometimes moves in spurts. That strange sideways physics. There's a deep sound- a boom. It starts quiet, muffled, like the clouds themselves were somehow stopping the sound. Superman could certainly see through those clouds though. A flash. A vision, almost, of a dark-haired woman in the middle of combat. She moves like a hunting cat- and the words. Kryptonian words. A battle cry: "By the light of Rao!" comes her voice clear, as she almost effortlessly disarms another Kryptonian. The man's rifle is suddenly used as a club- she's fighting for her life, it seems.

    The vision fades- and then another comes into vision. It must be later. Her rifle is being used as intended now, firing shots at another group of soldiers. Reaching down to her belt- a grenade of some sort thrown. She rushes along whatever corridor it is she's fighting up. She's bloodied. Injured by the looks of it. Clark can hear the beat of her heart- racing. She's fighting towards something- towards some goal. All the while that growing sound of a distant explosion, as if something is getting closer... and closer.

Superman has posed:
    His brow furrows and he watches the scene. He tries to figure out exactly what he is seeing once it becomes evident to him that he cannot intervene on the woman's behalf. He rises a few feet off of the ground and watches and waits.

    He can feel the tension of something approaching. Something growing closer, and his hands clench and unclench at his side as his cape flutters behind him at his ankles. "Justice League, this is Superman," he says softly into his earpiece. "Something is happening. Something odd. I will investigate and report in."

Superwoman has posed:
    Another flash- another vision. Faora's rifle is gone, and she's standing opposite of a man- a man in a Kryptonian Military uniform. Dru-Zod. He's got some kind of device he's standing near. A glowing device that's hum matches the shift in the magnetosphere, the device that is doubtlessly causing this weird planar instability that's only growing stronger by the moment. But there is Faora, bloodied. Hurt. And holding up one last grenade. She can barely throw it- rolling it to the base of the device.

    It explodes. The roar of that long muffled explosion *BOOMS* in the atmosphere as the veil between the Phantom Zone and standard reality is torn. An explosion in the sky- a jet of fire.

    And one, plummeting, broken body that's been thrown free of the Phantom Zone. For a moment it seems to float, before it begins to plummet, smoke clung to her form. Faora falls.... falls...falls.

Superman has posed:
    ...And she is caught.

    Superman moves through the air at impossible speed, and he catches the falling woman in strong arms. He looks down at her with concern in his eyes as he slowly floats back towards the ground. His vision shifts and he scans her for injuries of any kind, looking for broken bones or cuts or burns or the like. He felt something when the Zone opened, but he could not exactly put a finger on it. He would likely connect it with the Phantom Zone once he was back at the Fortress and consulting his crystals. He heard her say Rao...

    "Miss," he offers softly in Kryptonian. "Miss, everything will be okay."

Superwoman has posed:
    Injuries? They're obvious. Broken bones- several ribs. A dislocated shoulder. A hairline fracture through her femur. One side of her face is severely bruised- her eye swollen shut and her eyebrow split, blood on her features. Her other eye, blue and fierce stares up at Superman. In her dazed, concussed state she only sees one thing in Superman's face: his resemblance to his father. "Jor.." she manages, a croak- "Zod.. Madman." she mumbles, "Has Doomsday. Has Warworld...tried to stop him. Need to warn.. need to warn the council. Jor.. warn the council." she manages, broken by pained breaths. Its a wonder she's still conscious at all- she's fighting. Fighting with all her strength. "Jor-El.. must.. You must.."

Superman has posed:
    He blinks as he hears that name, and he decides not to settle to the floor. He was originally going to take her to a hospital but...if she IS a Kryptonian than they would not be able to do anything for her.

    "Ssh. Don't push yourself," the man offers gently in her own language. "I am going to take care of you. You're heavily injured. I am going to take you somewhere where you can recover, okay?" He waits for her to agree. If she does, he takes off.

    Superman craddles her to his chest as he tears through the lower atmosphere, his cape whipping behind him.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is only partially conscious, just nodding as she hears Kryptonian. "Yes..help.." she mumbles. "Have to stop Dru. He's mad...genocide. Slavery." she mumbles. "Tried to stop him. Have to... have to make sure." she manages. The world is a blur around her, and her Kryptonian words are certainly those of a native speaker. Her clothes are in tatters, and she's largely limp in Superman's arms as they're moving towards wherever it is he's bringing her. Before long she's passed out, at least for the moment. A small loss of consciousness that should have come long ago. She must be possessing of some kind of willpower to have stayed awake even this long.

Superman has posed:
    Since she is asleep she does not see where he takes her...which is good. Very few in the world know about his Fortress of Solitude, and he prefers it that way. Solitude, you know? He touches down outside of the fortress, and he holds her in one arm as he leans down to pick up the several million ton key with the other. He grunts as he lifts it, but manages it. He turns and puts it into the keyhole, and passes into the Fortress.

    "Kelex!," he calls out. A moment later a robot, roughly in the shape of a human, floats into view in the main chamber. The main chamber overlooks a large chasm, and crystals grow everywhere around statues of Superman's parents, holding hands and made of ice. It -is- cold here. "We have a guest. Prep the medical bay for Kryptonian physiology."

    "Kal'el, the advanced serums are currently out, so we cannot rush her healing."

    "I know. It will take some time. She needs time to come to grips with everything, anyways. She...thinks she is on Krypton..."

    "Oh boy."

    Superman carries her through the large series of chambers and hallways, and lays her out on the comfortable medical bed. He works very hard not to admire her form in the tattered clothing, and his Boyscout nature aids him there. Soon the robot has put her in the Kryptonian equivilant of a hospital gown, and Kal steps back to sit and wait as tunes are inserted in veins, and salves are applied to wounds. When she awakens she will not be healed yet...but will feel better. He sits and waits.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora, at least for a few hours, is out like a light. Luckily, even baseline Kryptonians are tough. All those generations of genetic engineering had led to a people very close to physical perfection. Medical scans would show she's had the standard genetic enhancements for military caste Kryptonians. Furthermore her name- Faora Hu-Ul would come up before too long, a match to facial recognition (Although, that did take a moment given her beat-up face).

    The history is what would show next- a sordid tale of a splinter cell within the Kryptonian military led by one Dru-Zod. Jor-El had notes on both Zod and Faora- Zod, once one of his closest friends, and Faora who had exposed the plot after a change of heart. Both were sent to the Phantom Zone, although Faora's sentence was publically declared as 'life' in the Phantom Zone, the quiet note was that she would be given a chance for release- unlike the others in the terrorist cell. All due to her change of heart. The Council decided not to publicize this particular aspect of the sentence for their own reasons.

    Warworld, when cross-referenced, doesn't show in the histories of Krypton, however, Doomsday does- a biological weapon created by Kryptonian science. A one being doomsday weapon designed to decimate a planet. Almost unstoppable- even by the appropriate control systems, which is why the weapon was mothballed in the Phantom Zone. The Phantom Zone itself is supposedly impossible to escape.. which leads to the obvious question: How did Faora manage to get blown free.

Superman has posed:
    Kal sits in silence as he pours over these records via a projection from one of the crystals. He had finally begun to turn his attention fully to Earth and away from the stars when Kara fell from the sky. And then, not long after, Power Girl came into his life. Now...this. She is the first Kryptonian to come back into his life who is not a relative, at least.

    He sighs softly to himself and slots the crystal before he leans back in his seat. He rubs his eyes and then rises to his feet. He walks the halls of the Fortress and pauses in the kitchen. He spends several moments prepping a standard and tradition Kryptonian tea of welcoming, which tends towards being used in warm and friendly greeting rituals. He is back in the Medical Bay when she finally stirs awake, sitting beside the bed. He gestures to the platter beside her...the smell of the tea familiar.

    "Faora Hu-Ul. Please. Drink with me. Be calm. I will explain everything...as best I can."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora's one good eye flutters open- the other still forced closed by her injuries. She looks over to Kal quietly as he speaks- nose twitching at something she hadn't smelled in years. "Jor?" she blinks, shaking her head. "No... You're not Jor-El. You look..." she shakes her head again, "How long...did.." suddenly it all comes rushing back. "We have to warn the council!" She says, suddenly. "Dru-Zod has weapons. Warworld- I think I've damaged- and hopefully destroyed- its Phantom Zone projector, but it might be repairable still. He plans to release Doomsday on Krypton, and then use Warworld to 'save us'." she suddenly says, leaning up and wincing visibly. "He must be stopped. He plans no less than genocide followed by slavery. I can't let it happen.. I can't let this happen." she says, before pausing.

    The weirdness of this place suddenly comes to stark realization. She's trained for awareness. "Where.... this isn't a hospital on Krypton." she notes, suddenly on edge. She looks to Kal, and his odd clothing- but she reserves judgement. She really can't do anything but- she's too injured to do more.

Superman has posed:
    "I am sorry, Faora," he offers softly. He brings his tea to his lips and sips before setting it aside. "Krypton is...it's gone. It has been gone for a long time now. This is the planet Earth. I am Kal'el...the Last Son of Krypton."

    He sits forward and offers her an apologetic smile. "Krypton was destroyed in a geological disaster. My father...Jor-el...and my mother...put me into an escape pod and launched me into space. I arrived here as a child and was raised by the indeginous species. Humans. They are good people." He sighs and sits back. "I understand what happened, Faora. With you coming to the Council and letting them know what Dru-Zod was planning. You saved many lives, and...I think you've served more then enough time for it. Consider your imprisonment ended. Now, however, we begin your reintegration into society...just like we would have back on Krypton.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora just stares at Kal. These words were in Kryptonian. She wasn't on Krypton. Her one good eye seems to go from place to place- almost wildly as she studies and memorizes everything in the room. She stares at Kal then again. "What?" she asks, stunned. Surely this is some sort of horrible joke. "No. Krypton? No..." she says softly. She lays back. "You survived? And.. "Last Son"?" she intones softly.

    Its a lot to go through in one's mind. A lot to handle. She just sort of sits there, staring at Kal for a long moment. More than anything else, at this very moment, she looks lost.

Superman has posed:
    "Well...I could possibly have children and continue the species, as could my cousin Kara, who is here, but...the direct line is gone. I am sorry." He shifts in his seat and frowns softly, considering how exactly to continue.

    "You can have a place here, if you want it. We can help you learn this world and make it your new home. You do not need to surrender to despair. We can look forward...not back."

Superwoman has posed:
    "So, that's all that's left? Three of us?" Faora asks quietly, "That's all of great Krypton that has survived? Why.. surely the Science Council.." she shakes her head, "No... what is this? Is this some kind of test?!" she asks, reacting with disbelief. "Our science was too great for that- surely the council did something to save our people. Jor-El would have said something. He *always* said something! Its one of his defining traits, he always speaks out." she notes, "It can't be. No.."

Superman has posed:
    "There could be more, but...not that I have found. Well, four...but one is technically a clone, so..." He trails off, not wanting to get into THAT right now. "Jor-el approached the Council about the danger and they ignored him. They thought they were the ravings of a paranoid. He...it is why he sent me away. He knew he could not save everyone..."

    He sighs softly. "I'm sorry, Faora. I really am."

Superwoman has posed:
    Shock. Denial. Its a fairly standard response to this kind of news. "No. I.. I don't believe you." she states, as she begins to breath a little more panicked. Her heart rate begins to soar. "Krypton *can't* be gone. Everyone *can't* be dead. No. What is this. Is this more punishment?! Am I.. is this Rao's punishment?" she asks, struggling to sit up. "Did I fail? Is that it? I failed, I didn't stop Zod- and now I'm to be punished for it for all eternity? I died, didn't I. I died in the Phantom Zone, and Zod won. That's it..."

Superman has posed:
    He stands and gently puts his hand on her shoulder to restrain her. She may be strong, but she has not soaked up near enough radiation to get her powers yet. He, on the other hand...

    He holds her gently, however. "Faora, I'm sorry. This is true. Zod did not destroy Krypton. Not as far as I know. He was locked away with you. It was a natural disaster..." He trails off. He is a master of the 'understanding and calming tone'. It is his real super power. "Take a breath. Sit back. I am going to try and help you..."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora reaches up and grabs Kal's arm- her fingers find purpose and she squeezes. Its a pressure point technique that would exceedingly useful on a Kryptonian. At least, one that wasn't filled with yellow sun energy. Still, he might feel it a bit more than he would from someone else at baseline strength. "Stop it! Let me go!" she says, "No!" she cries out, pain edging into her voice- emotional pain. "I have to get home. I have to get to Krypton. I.. I have to." she says, tears brimming in her eyes. "I have to make up for what I did. No! I can't... I have to..." she stares up at him.

Superman has posed:
    He winces in both pain and surprise, but it is not enough to make someone like him back down. "Faora...you cannot. I...I flew there. I looked. When I was younger. Please, there is nothing there but space debris."

    Kal'el frowns down at her. "You cannot go back. There is not a 'back' to go to. THIS planet lives, though. You can earn redemption -here-."

Superwoman has posed:
    "You don't understand!" Faora shouts, "I don't owe the people of *this* planet *anything*, I owe the people of Krypton *everything!* I didn't betray these people, I betrayed *our* people. If I am out of the Phantom Zone, then I need.." She lifts both hands- covering her face and laying back. Just hiding for the moment. "I can't even say goodbye." She whispers, "You said it yourself... you were raised here. You have a home here. What do I have."

Superman has posed:
    "Nothing yet," he states softly. "Yet." He furrows his brow and considers what to do here. The man sits back slowly and watches her. Seeing her in this kind of pain is heartbreaking for the man.

    "You can prove it to the Kryptonians here if...that is the kind of thing you need, Faora. Myself, Kal'El, and my cousin Kara Zor'el. We've dedicated ourselves to this world. You can join us. You don't owe these people anything, but...you can make this place your home. With us."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is just quiet a long moment. It seems like Kal's words fall on deaf ears- but she's heard every single word. She's quiet though. Hiding behind her hands. Just trying to hide from this. Hide from this terrible universe where Krypton was dead and gone and all that was left were two members of the House of El, and one member of the House of Ul. Three single Kryptonian souls. "This..." she just sighs- a defeated sound. Shaking her head.

    And then a single broken sob.

Superman has posed:
    He does not rush it. He sits in silence as she takes it in, and it hurts. It hurts to see her go through this, but there is only so much he can do. He waits for some time, until he finally speaks into the silence, his tone gentle.

    "The sun here is different. Our bodies absorb the radiation and...it enhances us. It makes us strong and fast and tough. We can fly and...so much more. You will need to learn how to use your new abilities. I...am happy to help you when you are ready. I'm sorry, Faora. I wish I could do something."

Superwoman has posed:
    Quietly, Faora weeps. Just sobbing in grief as the weight of all of this crashes down on her. That silence filled only with grief and despair. The pain of loss. A loss that so very few could ever comprehend- everyone experiences loss, true, but not everyone experiences the loss of everything. Truly everything.

    The tears die down, and her hands fall after a long while. Looking up to Kal as he speaks. She's staring at him again with that one good eye. Blue. Fierce. "No one can do anything." she states simply. "There is nothing anyone could do to make this right. No one can fix this. I.. I think I need a new heart."

Superman has posed:
    He lets her cry. He knows warriors enough to know trying to physically comfort her would do nothing for the situation. He sits silently as she is wracked with sobs, and it tears him apart inside. Superman is a person who is used to HELPING. He can fix things. He can fix almost everything. This is something he cannot fix.

    "I cannot give you a new heart," he offers softly. "We cannot make it right. Nothing can bring Krypton back. Your file makes you seem like a woman who does not surrender, though. I believe that is true. I could use someone like that. This world could...even if it is not your original home. It -can- be your new one. If you will let it."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is silent again. A long silence. Thinking. She can't be numb- not for long. Her nature wouldn't allow it. "This." she says quietly, "What are you to the people here?" she asks, "With the powers you have- we have?" she seems confused at that. "A defender? Do you rule them?" She wonders, "I've had enough of tyrants." she notes, "More than enough."

Superman has posed:
    "I am a servant," he offers simply. "I protect them, but I would never rule them. I...lead a group of similar defenders. We protect them from individuals or things beyond their scope to protect themselves against. People like Dru-Zod and...worse. Much worse."

    He shifts in his seat and watches her, his smile kind. "Each of us has a false identity. We pretend to be like them and live among them. We are close to them. We care for them. And then we done our other, protector identities, and we save the world. Falling meteors. Alien invasions. Super-powered terrorists. Hurricanes. Whatever it is...we stop it as best we can."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods quietly, "I don't think I killed Zod." she notes. "If he comes here, I would recommend it." she notes, with a certain soldier's look at Kal. "You lead the defenders? And.. you hide among them?" she asks, "Why do you hide among them?" she wonders next. "Worse than Dru-Zod is.. difficult." she notes, with a hint of bitterness. "Are you parts of the world's government?" She asks, next.

Superman has posed:
    "Humanity is...newish. They have barely begun to peek into the cosmos, unlike Krypton and many other species. Aliens and other things alarm them, sometimes. Besides, I was raised as a human, by human parents. Kara has new human 'parents' as well. Blending in helps us learn of them...understand them...care for them. It allows us to save the world...but keep our sanity in the process. To live, to love."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I'm a little old for new parents, Kal." Faora states softly, giving a quiet sigh. "I have no citizenship here." she remarks quietly, "How will I fit in, Kal? I am a soldier. I've never been anything but a soldier. I don't know anything about any of them." she sighs, again cradling her face in her hands. "Oh, gentle Rao, this is too much."

Superman has posed:
    "You have no citizenship -yet-, Faora. I can help you. We...can help you." He leans forward and offers that comforting smile of his that might as well be a super power. "We don't do castes here. People define their own future. You can be more here, Faora. You can be a defender -and- more. It is up to you. However...whatever you decide...as long as it is not to hurt these people...I will help you. It is the least I can do for a fellow Kryptonian."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods quietly, just leaning back. "Very well, Kal'El." she says softly. "We'll figure something out." She notes softly. "But, I'm still at a loss for what sort of life I can live here, hidden among these people. I know nothing about them. Nothing about their culture, about their lives. Their languages. Their technology. All of my skills are... fighting skills."

Superman has posed:
    "I get that. I do. However, while these crystal store the knowledge of a thousand cultures from a thousand systems..." He grins a hint. "...They also store information on Earth cultures. You can study, and I can help you. Learning to speak one of their languages can help, too. English is a start. I can get you a translator ear-piece until you learn it on your own. Know that they...have known and still do know violence. Struggle. Poverty. Despair. It is WHY they need our help. Because they are capable of the greatest warmth and kindness as well."

Superwoman has posed:
    There is a long quiet, nodding, "Very well." She says softly, "We should get started, then." she says, "I am sure you will do your best for me, and I for you. We will see if this farce works for long. I somehow doubt I will be able to fit into an alien species so easily, but not for lack of trying."

Superman has posed:
    He nods to that. "Even if you do not want to pretend to be one of them...living among them can be good. It...makes you understand what you are protecting. It helps you -not- feel like you are better, or more important. With our abilities it can be easy to feel...superior. Too easy."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I won't pretend to know what is the best way to survive on this planet, Kal." Faora states simply, "I've never lived anywhere but Krypton. I never wanted to live anywhere but Krypton." she says, voice soft. "And now I am a stranger in a strange land. There are only two of my people left, apart from myself. One who knows our people second hand, and the other.. well. You said she fell from the sky. I'll assume she knew Krypton." Faora offers quietly. "But you are both of the House of El. I am all that is left outside of the House of El. If you are the Last Son of Krypton, I am the Last Daughter of Ul."

Superman has posed:
    He nods slowly and sighs, sitting back in his chair. "All of that is true. I can refute none of it." He brushes his fingers through his dark hair. He really does look like a younger, more muscled Jor'el.

    "This place here...it's my Fortress of Solitude. Only you and Kara know of it. My parents sent the crystals and informaton here for me to find. I have cells for those who cannot be allowed to run free. A room filled with oddities from around the galaxy. A training room. Bedrooms. It is...you can stay here as long as you want."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I don't have much of a choice, Kal. I can't imagine it won't take time to create an identity, and before I move around the populous I need to study them. To learn their language." Faora says softly, "I have been trained in infiltration." she continues, "Its part of the sciences one learns in The Academy. Military Sciences are, indeed, my major and focus. I imagine they'll be helpful in this." she takes a slow and careful breath. Putting her mental energy towards her immediate future- keeping the loss of Krypton at arm's length. At least for the moment.

    "I have a lot of work to do, Kal. I don't know if I'm up to it, but I mean to try. I don't know what this world needs. I don't know the kind of hero it desires. All I can do is try to regain what I have lost. Try to find a home. A place to belong."

Superman has posed:
    "You are absolutely correct, Faora...and I will help you however I can. I can get Kara to help as well, if you wish it. Even Power Girl.." He pauses. "Super-powered people here often taken names...or are given them by the human media. I am...Superman." He chuckles. "Kara would be Supergirl. Another is Power Girl." He rolls his heavy shoulders.

    "You have the run of the place. I'll let the computers know you have access to the various files on Earth. All of the information I have is yours."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods slowly, "Thank you. I suppose I'll have to find a name to call myself as well." she says, "Since it seems to be how the natives do things." she notes quietly. "As well as an Earth name. I somehow doubt Faora Hu-Ul will seem normal here." she takes a slow, quiet breath. A lot on her plate all of a sudden. "Thank you, Kal. I appreciate all your help."

Superman has posed:
    "Yeah, an Earth name might not be a terrible idea, I guess. I am Clark Kent. I'll leave it up to Kara to tell you hers." He rises slowly and smiles, before holding out the crystal to her. "This will get you started. And...it's okay. Really. I'm just doing what's right. I'm here to help."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora takes the crystal quietly. She's familiar with the technology, obviously. "Thank you." she says again. "I can only thank you." She bows her head quietly.

Superman has posed:
    He hesitates and returns the bow. "You can get ahold of me through the communicator. It's by the bed. It'll catch me wherever I am..." He trails off. "Goodnight, Faora. Be well..." With that Superman turns and strides out.