4901/Strange Meetings

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Strange Meetings
Date of Scene: 12 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Nuala, Lois Lane and Kal-El discuss how to tell the world about the importance of helping the Asgardians.
Cast of Characters: Nuala Duvall, Superman, Lois Lane

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The crash of Frigga's Mercy left Nuala in a bad mood. The humans' politics had led to the disaster, something that should have been easily avoidable. The politics of Nova Corps were equally frustrating. The images of the frightened children as they escaped were the last straw. She needed to do something.
    So she went to the Justice League's Space Station to get an audience with Kal-El. He had seemed a decent man, and she needed some way to speak to these human politicians, some way to tell them what she needed to tell them.

Superman has posed:
Alarms had sounded as soon as the Sea Song came close enough to the station. Automated sensors triggered, scanning the vessel and in the Justice League's headquarters, Kal-El moved to a communications channel. He quickly looked over the information on the displays in the control room at the Justice Hall. He recognized the ship immediately and opened communications.

"Sea Song, this is Superman," he radios, relaying from the Justice Hall through the station to the approaching ship. "What can we do for you?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Superman," Nuala's voice answers. "This is Nuala Duvall. First, I'd like to thank you for your help during the recent incident with the Frigga's Mercy. I am distressed about the current status of the Asgardians, and I would like to talk with you about it if that is possible. I may be able to help, but it will require doing some things that are...a little unorthodox."

Superman has posed:
"Nuala," comes the reply greeting. "No need to thank me, you did as much anyone for the Asgardians."

There is a hiss and crackle of static.

"Is your ship damaged? I'm not on the station right now, but tell me what you need and I'll do what I can for you."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "No," Nuala says, "Thank you, the Sea Song was able to get clear safely. Quite frankly, the human governments seem to be stalled, unable to act on this situation in the obviously best interest of themselves and of the Asgardians. I have information that can help if I can present it to them. I have no way to get in front of them, though. I hoped perhaps with your influence I might find a way to do that."

Superman has posed:
"You want talk to the UN?" Kal asks to clarify. "That's not easy... This isn't something I can talk to them directly about. But I know someone who might help you. Meet me at Block Island National Wildlife Refuge in 30 minutes."

A moment later, Kal is flying to the Daily Planet building. He lands on the lunch room balcony on the news room floor and walks inside. This is not the first time he has done this, but it never fails to cause a stir. The newsroom staff come to a standstill and watch as Superman walks over to Perry White's desk. Cell phones come out and people snap pictures.

Perry comes out of his office and sees his guest. "Superman, what can we do for you?" he asks, one eyebrow raised.

"I need your best reporter with connections to the UN. Someone special wants to talk with them," Superman explains.

Perry looks back at the faces peering in their direction. "Lois? Lois!" he shouts. "Come over here!"

"Ms. Lane," Superman greets her with a nod. He looks serious. "If you aren't busy, I have someone I think you would like to meet."

Provided she agrees, he walks back across the newsroom to the balcony. He smiles reassuringly to Lois, puts an arm around her waist, and when she's ready, he flexes his knees just slightly and shoots off into the air. It isn't a long flight, but it takes them out over the Atlantic a short distance toward New Shoreham, off New York. They land in a large clearing in the middle of the Block Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Only then, without the rush of wind, does Kal explain. "One of the people who helped rescue the Asgardians needs help contacting the UN. She's... Well, you'll see."

Lois Lane has posed:
Perry stands just inside from the balcony and observes the whole lack of fanfare when a man takes off flying with his best reporter. "Y'know, we could save a MINT in travel expenses if we could just get one of those."

Once Superman has landed, and Lois gets her bearings, she lingers close, still holding on as she steadies. "Someone who helped..."Lois trails off thoughtfully, her mind following threads in a million directions. "Is she terrestrial?"

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles. "I don't know why I even bother giving you hints, you figure it out right away. No, she's not. Her name is Nuala Duvall, she was the pilot of the 'mystery ship'."

He looks around to make sure they are indeed alone and nods, satisfied. There is nothing but grass and a few boulders in the clearing, surrounded by trees. The nearest trail is some ways off and there is no sign anyone had been in the clearing in a while.

"She should be here any minute."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Lois nods, instinctively reaching for her voice recorder and pad. Then, with a resigned sigh, she replaces the recorder in her pocket. This isn't an exclusive interview. Yet.

"So it /was/ a friendly, after all. It still leaves a lot of questions, but at least it answers a few." Given Lois' reputation and achievements in the vehement reporting in metahuman and inter-terrestrial diplomacy, she has been called in (and even let herself in) more than a few times over the course of this ordeal to observe the treatment of refugees. Apparently, the world is eager for /this/ reporter to see that it is being handled appropriately, and with compassion.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The Sea Song makes no sound as it comes in, at least none that anyone other than Superman might hear, but the invisible ship lands in the clearing just next to them. The ramp opens, revealing the interior of the ship, and the occupant, who looks decidedly human, auburn hair pulled back in a braid. Her suit is mostly form fitting, but there are signs that it is also armor, not a simple skin tight uniform. She walks plainly, a military gait to her step, and gives a professional smile. "Superman," she says. "Thank you so much for meeting me." She turns to Lois. "Hi, I'm Nuala," she offers with a wave instead of an offered handshake, a certain air of nervousness that might be masked by the move, though likely not masked to an experienced reporter like Lois.

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles as Nuala comes out of the ship, turning to face her.

"Good to see you again," he says. "This is Lois Lane, a reporter with the Daily Planet. If anyone can help you, it'll be her."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Ms. Duvall," Lois makes a gesture which seems to be a respectful cross between a bow of her head and a nod. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I understand that you were hoping to get in touch with the United Nations. Is it in regard to your role in the Asgardian rescue effort?" Again, she reaches for that voice recorder, but doesn't quite get her hand into her pocket before catching herself and settling for fidgeting with a pencil that made the flight across the Atlantic tucked neatly behind her ear.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "A reporter?" Nuala echoes, a certain level of panic repressed in her voice. She seems to mentally assess her next statement before making it. "It is," she says hesitantly, glancing at Superman before looking back. She says something in an alien language, it might be best left untranslated. "I did," she says, nodding as if she is making her resolve. "I also should not be here. I mean on Earth. I am part of a government that is not found on Earth." She folds her hands. "I did not expect it would be a reporter that I would be talking to," she admits.

Superman has posed:
Kal's expression is sympathetic. "I know, but I can't go to the UN for you, or at all about the Asgardians. They need to make their own decisions without feeling like Superman is telling them what to do. I'm a guest here, too."

He glances to Lois, then back to Nuala and smiles. "Ms. Lane is extremely well connected, best in her field. If you can convince her it's important, she can make the right introductions. She can talk to people I can't."

Lois Lane has posed:
"You have nothing to fear from me, Ms. Duvall." Lois smiles warmly, her expression sincere. "The councils along Earth are often shortsighted in regard to the plight of those who don't live on our soil, or those who look and behave differently than they do." There is an intensity beneath her words that belies a certain passion for the cause when she speaks.

"I have no interest in violating your privacy, and everything said here is strictly off the record. I just need to know which Avenue to pursue, if I am going to approach my contacts at the UN. Specifically, which aspect you need to address."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods. "Thank you," she says. "I read the responses, and have followed the data feeds." She lowers her head a little, then looks back up, returning to the professional demeanor by force. "Many humans are afraid of what might happen if the Asgardians stay. Others claim that we don't owe them anything." She interestingly uses the first plural instead of second.
    "I know that both of these are wrong. The Asgardians did not just help Earth in the past, they have protected Earth constantly for centuries, even though Earth never knew it. Earth has been considered a protectorate of Asgard by the intergalactic community. There's rarely aggressive alien activity because they have to get past Asgard first, which was no easy feat. The leaders of the UN need to understand the danger is not in allowing the Asgardians to stay, the danger lies in /not/ allowing them to stay."
    She glances to Superman, "Kal-El is a remarkable protector," she says. "He is just a taste of what is out there in the galaxy, and not all of them are as kind as he is. The galaxy is a big place, and Earth is a small one."

Superman has posed:
Kal purses his lips as Nuala speaks. He can't help but wonder what more there is to know about greater galactic politics, and makes a note to spend some time with Nuala discussing it very soon. But for now he is quiet, letting Lois handle the protector from the Nova Corps.

Lois Lane has posed:
Furrowing her brow slightly in consideration of the 'we' used, instead of 'they,' Lois determines to believe it is true, if unintentional. "I understand your stance completely, Ms. Duvall. And I agree. I can get in touch with the appropriate contacts. Perhaps I can break a news story the day before that reinforces your stance."

"I would, however, like to know whether you know anything about the ship that was seen exiting the area of the Frigga's Mercy just prior to the tragedy. I need to know how to approach it, as it is inevitable this will be a focal point for the politicians and can affect diplomacy. I need to be prepared to provide compelling evidence that this was not an attack," Lois states pointedly, as if she suspects Nuala knows everything there is to know about it.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala considers the question, and in answer, she reaches out and taps a part of her suit that seems to have no button on it. The ship decloaks, a gold and blue crescent shaped craft, slightly wider than it is long. Sleek and strange, it sits completely silent before her. "I think you may mean this ship," she says, allowing a moment for her to witness what she is sure to find very unique by human standards.

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles a bit. "The Sea Song. SHIELD told me after the crash that you got out with a ship full of children. The Asgardian captain had a lot of good things to say about you. It was a brave thing you did."

He looks to Lois. "Ms. Duvall had been helping keep the Frigga's Mercy in orbit since it arrived, isn't that right?" he asks the last of Nuala.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois smiles, practically beaming. "You did an amazing thing, then, Ms. Duvall, and you have my admiration. I will do anything that I can to assist you in addressing the United Nations." She pauses for a moment, admiring the ship and nods toward it. "I would be very grateful if I could advise them of this ship and explain to them what you were doing. It would lend credibility to both my argument, and your plight."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala hesitates, looking back at the ship, and to Kal, and back to Lois, "I appreciate the flattery," she says, as if she would actually rather not have it. "But unfortunately what I am doing is actually breaking a very significant treaty regarding Earth. See, Nova does not have any authority here. There is a treaty of non-interference. I'm only supposed to enforce that treaty regarding alien parasitic forms, such as the Oomycetan which is being combatted presently." She takes in a deep breath. "Talking to you is worthy of a what might be considered by your country as a court martial."

Superman has posed:
Kal's eyebrows go up at that last. "Court martial? You're taking a huge risk then," he says. "Are you sure you want to do this? I think the UN needs to hear more about what is out there, but Earth can't afford to lose its protectors."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "Laws in most countries on Earth require humans, meta or no, to provide aid to those deemed I'm imminent danger or threat of death. Under the various treaties and conventions that govern Earth, you were abiding laws in the most extreme obeyance. But....I do understand that they are not the governing body to which you report. And I will keep this information to myself.

"I do hope you are prepared for the concequences of that decision. The ship was caught on video, and there are already debates on whether it was possibly an attack which resulted in the bringing down of the Frigga's Mercy. The video is grainy and very difficult to examine. But should government agencies employ technology to investigate further, it could possibly be identified," Lois explains. There is no hint of threat in her explanation, only an urgency in conveying the information that she has.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I am not a protector," Nuala answers, "I am more like...border patrol. I am able to be here only because of a technicality in the way the law was written. Other galactic empires might take issue with my very presence even if I was following the laws. I am prepared," she decides.
    "I fear the long reaching consequences more than the consequences to me. Earth is not ready for this," she points back to her ship. "I realize Earth has had encounters with aliens in the past. Indeed, they now have a floating treasure trove of technology which I need to find a way to destroy." Yep, she said destroy. "What I propose to do could and should be considered reckless. To share with Earth just exactly what is out there," she shakes her head. "It is like opening Carypathis' closet." Her distinctly unnatural accent seems to become more pronounced with the word. Whatever that is, perhaps it is a story not unlike Pandora's box.

Superman has posed:
Kal crosses his arms. "I'm worried about whether they're ready to hear what you have to say," he says. "There is already a lot of fear with the oomycetan and the Asgardians. The ground will have to laid pretty carefully. More carefully than it was for Thor's speech."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I feel that Kal can advise you much more efficiently than I, in regard to the actual address. I know how to introduce the concept and open up the avenue for your communication. I'm not as versed in the diplomacy of ...well, superheroes."

She smiles sheepishly and looks to Superman, then back to Nuala. "You realize that is how they will see you...for better or worse."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Superheroes?" Nuala purses her lips, eyes in a grimace. "I am just another Nova Corps agent," she says. "I have never even commanded another agent. I am not versed in the diplomacy of anything," she says. "I exterminate parasitic threats, this is as you say, another day at the office."
    She shakes her head, realizing that despite her protest, Lois is likely right. "I do not speak well in front of people," she admits. "I tend to ramble, I can see the way people gloss over as I speak."

Superman has posed:
Kal nods in agreement with Lois. "You feel like just another agent, but I doubt anyone outside SHIELD has heard of the Nova Corps," he points out. "To the world you will be as exotic as the Asgardians. And just as frightening when they start thinking about empires in space."

Kal looks into the distance for a moment. "They will see you as a hero AND ambassador."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I -can- help you with bringing the information together into a format that will keep their focus where it needs to be, if you'd like. THAT, I can do. The rest is up to you two."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nova shakes her head, "I am sorry, it is an overwhelming thought," she admits. "I was never trained to be an ambassador, certainly not at this level. To act as a first contact for humanity is a heavy weight." She laughs at the irony, given that she is actually human, but doesn't comment. "I am better at shooting parasites. After they hear what I have to tell them, they may not think I am a hero any longer."

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles empathetically. "Well, maybe there are other people you could talk to, share information with who could do the politics for you. I'm sure Ms. Lane could put you in touch with SHIELD or the Avengers."

Kal cocks his head slightly. "A plane is coming," he tells Nuala. "Maybe you should take some to think about your options, and we can meet again?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"If it is presented properly, they will understand what it is that you are doing. And they'll see it as the noble gesture that it is." Lois smiles warmly to Nuala. "Just...breathe. This is all going to be all right. Just take it a moment at a time."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks up into the sky, but also recognizes that she can't see as well as he can. She taps the arm of her suit again, and the ship cloaks. "Thank you," she offers, "Thank you both. Ms. Lane, Kal-El, you have been both a great help. Perhaps with your combined wisdom and that of others, I will not make such a mess of this." She smiles. "I have also my regular duties to attend to with the Oomycetan growths, I should see to that now. I will see you again soon."

Superman has posed:
Kal smiles. "You know how to find me," he says. "Be safe, Ms. Duvall. And thank you for what you do for us."