4776/Full Ride
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Full Ride | |
Date of Scene: | 30 June 2018 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Batman, Elixir
- Batman has posed:
Bruce has not visited upper state New York in some tike, but the damage done to several Wayne Agriculture properties there by the space mold was extensive. While he wad there, he had a small violet folder pulled from a list of projects he only kept in the Batcave. Josh would recieve a sealed invite at the mansion with an invitation to meet with Mr Wayne at one of the better Westchester hotels for breakfast.
- Elixir has posed:
When the mail had come to the mansion, Josh was more than surprised. He did not think anyone knew he was there. When he saw it was from /the/ Bruce Wayne, he had to do a double take. The morning of the breakfast he is dressed in his best, and only, suit, and is nervous as he takes a cab from the mansion to the hotel right on time. He climbs out of the cab, feeling self-conscious with his golden skin, and makes his way to the restauarant.
"Ah, I'm supposed to meet Mr. Wayne," he tells the woman who greets him, and he is shown to the table.
"Mr. Wayne, it's an honour to meet you," Josh says with a smile, a touch nervously. "I hope I'm not late."
- Batman has posed:
Bruce's handshake is firm but not not stupid. He beams as he meets Josh and nods,"You are right on time. Order anything you like. Alfred is a fantastic cook. I had forgotten how lovely this part of New York is, I should come more often
- Elixir has posed:
Josh smiles and glances at the menu, clearly a little overwhelmed. "It really is, I never used to come out here until I started at the school," he says. "I'm from Queens," he confides. "Your business doesn't bring you to New York very often?" he asks, and immediately feels a bit foolish. What do you say to someone like Bruce Wayne?
- Batman has posed:
Bruce shakes his head,"Wayne Enterprises has so many investments in so many different places that I could literally not visit them all in my lifetime. Fascinating idea isnt it? But that is what today is actually about Josh. You don't mind if I call you Josh do you?
- Elixir has posed:
Josh nods as Bruce speaks and sets the menu down, having picked something nearly at random. "Uh, no sir, please do," he says and shifts slightly in his chair.
- Batman has posed:
Bruce nods,"There is a book by Malcolm Gladwell called outliers. Some of the book is very controversial but the effect of early resources in the lives of someone like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs is clear. Give the righr person access to the right resources at the right time and you can make tremendous ripples. Tell me Josh, have you thought about what you will be," he grins wider,"when you grow up?
- Elixir has posed:
Josh blinks and opens his mouth, then closes it.
"Well, I have lately, a lot," he says finally. "I mean, a lot has changed for me lately, and I just started taking some college courses at the Xavier school; biology, chemistry, stuff like that," he explains. "And I want to be a doctor. I haven't actually told anyone that yet," he confides with a smile. "But I think I could be like, one of the best doctors ever."
- Batman has posed:
Bruce nods,"I have some very smart people working for me Josh. Time is the one thing we never get back. I have little doubt you would make a fibe doctor on your own with your own considwrable talent and skill. However," he keans forward,"If you want to accelerate that...accelerate your training, your discovery and insights, resources to take it to the next level could be provided.
- Elixir has posed:
"I, well, yeah, I mean if there is some way to get there faster, that would be.... like the most awesome thing. I mean, I keep thinking about all the people I'm not saving even right now," he says, opening up.
"I can do stuff, like heal crazy injuries just by touching people. I should be like, in a hospital or something," he says and flushes. "I mean, I'm not knocking the School, I /super/ grateful I got a spot there, and it's awesome, but I feel like I coudl be doing more than sitting in class. Does that make sense?"
- Batman has posed:
Bruce looks politely suprised but not overwhelmed,"Well, that is impressive. It does. I would like you to draw up a white paper of what you would like to do, and how I can help you do it. Send the details to Wayne Enterprises and within a week or two will make it back to me. Think about it. Impress me Josh." He smiles and has a bit of eggs and then hashbrowns as the food is delivered.
- Elixir has posed:
"I will," Mr. Wayne, Josh says brightly as he digs into his pancakes. "I promise, I will," he beams.