4729/Turning Over a New Leaf
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Turning Over a New Leaf | |
Date of Scene: | 23 June 2018 |
Location: | Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Poison Ivy, Batman
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley, wearing the typical gray uniform of an Arkham prisoner, is in processing to be released. She looks sad but happy at the same time, as she isn't talking much as she receives her belongings. Her clothing, and... half a dozen vines, still alive. She takes her stuff and heads to the bathroom to get changed, wanting to not leave the Asylum in prisoners' garb. She isn't sure if anything would happen... but she's being released - legitimately - so the warden seems convinced that she's tellign them the truth.
- Batman has posed:
The purpose of Arkham Asylum was to rehabilitate those who are deemed insane to be able to rejoin society. Dr. Pamela Isley was one of the inmates (or soon to be former inmates) that had an extreme potential to turn their lives around following their commital to the (in)famous mental hospital.
Given that he saw the potential for Pamela to be able to rejoin successfully, Batman had made sure to be waiting outside the gates for when she was released. He waited patiently, wanting to be the first to see her, as the newest member of society. Nearby was his iconic vehicle, The Batmobile, he was set to patrol directly after this encounter.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley walks out, in her usual leafy outfit, vines wrapped around arms, legs, and torso. She then stops as she sees the Batman there. It's an hour before sunset, and she just stops in the first sunbeam and mmmmmms. "Let me guess. You think I just charmed my way out again," she mutters softly, gazing into Batman's eyes as well as she can through his cowl. (And yes, this wasn't her first time in Arkham... several previous occasions she used chemical persuasion to get herself freed).
- Batman has posed:
There was a bit of a pause as Pamela emerged from the confines of the asylum. When she does make it out, Batman is standing by, cape draped around himself. He speaks plainly and clearly, his voice had a haunting gravel-like quality to it. "Not necessarily." He replies, walking up to Isley slowly and nearly silently.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley just nods slowly. "You win," she murmurs softly. "You always did see the best in me. Even when I did terrible things... hurt all those people... mindscrewed half the city... I always imagined... the way you glare at me... that you had this look of... disappointment... on your face." She just sighs, swaying slowly in the waning sunlight. "I can't help parts of me." She gazes at that tree. "I can hear that tree. If someone attacked it with an axe - I'd feel it. Like... a child screaming." She smiles faintly. "Many think I'm insane for attacking those who are hurting plantkind. But... imagine if they screamed like little children... that's how it is with me."
- Batman has posed:
Batman had scowled like that many times before, but today, there was something else there. No scowl, a mere congratulatory demeanor.
When she mentions that she hears the plants scream like children, his white eyelets soften just a touch. "I know, but I also know that you cannot force the change you want with violent means. Be an advocate for nature. Speak for her, as she cannot speak for herself."
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods slowly. "I know..." she whispers. "My techniques are flawed... but at this time of year... I'm so... mmmmm. Euphoric. Summer is my favorite season. I... wish to ask something of you. I need a place to live. A greenhouse. One to call my own. I'd rather not take one by force. Do you know of one I could use. To live in? To make my paradise? I could do so much good for everyone. I can create medicines that would revolutionize medicine... find ways to deal with the landfills... I just need a chance. And a home."
- Batman has posed:
Batman listens to Pamela's words carefully, noting the inflection and other factors to judge that she really is turning over a new leaf, so to speak. He raises an arm, leather creaking with the movements, searching for locations around Gotham that would fit her needs from his gauntlet computer. "There is a park, fallen into disrepair. It once held a community greenhouse. It's in a decent part of town." His gauntlet computer shows the location, not too far from Bristol. Batman would be able to keep an eye on her there, or at least check in every now and again.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods as she states, "Can you give me a lift? It's a bit of a hike there... and... a swim..." She smiles faintly. "I will transform it. Make it my sanctuary. Of course, I'll make it so I can have my privacy. But you will always be welcome. Just... call ahead please."
- Batman has posed:
The Batmobile's canopy opens, having room for two inside there. "If you'd like." He says, lowering his arm, and pulling back his cape to rest behind him. He walks to the car deliberately, jumping in once they get close, awaiting Pamela to get in.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods slowly. "Oh my..." she states softly as she daintily climbs in. "How intimate. This is really a nice ride. One would think that only a billionaire could afford to create a vehicle like this. But fighting crime doesn't pay that well, does it?" she asks softly as she buckles the seat belt and prepares for the ride of her life.
- Batman has posed:
The Batmobile whirs to a quick pace, it was an electric car for the most part, all toraue and on-demand as well. It was quite fast to say the least, and Batman has only one retort for Isley. "I get by."
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods slowly. "I bet." She then stays quiet for the trip, enjoying the ride, until they arrive at the park. "What was this place called?" she asks softly as she reaches out. She closes her eyes. "The plants outside are healthy here... the soil is fertile... but the greenhouse is damaged - they are not doing well. If you let me claim this park, Batman - I will never let it go. It will become my home. I will fortify it against all those who would wish me harm. I will do good works in here - but many of those require solitude - at least not being bothered by loud clamering people."
- Batman has posed:
Bats presses open the canopy, looking to Pamela, and giving a small smile. "As long as you don't attack someone if they come in." He responds, giving a small nod to Ivy. "There's something else...have you been keeping up with what has been happening lately?"
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley shakes her head. "I have not. And... I fully intend on making entry to my park difficult unless I want someone to come in." She ponders. "All I heard was something about some weird mushrooms..." She trails off. "But I was in that jail for a while. Barely allowed any sun. It really dampened my mood."
- Batman has posed:
"There has been some fungal organisms that have invaded, over the world, there are various fields that have sprouted, they seem to have some rudamentary intelligence, but they spread spores, that kill all organic life, taint the soil."
Batman presses a button on the console, a small black burner phone pops out, and is given to Ivy. "I may need your assistance, to help both animals and plantlife of the world from this...contagion. The phone can get in contact with me, and I'll be able to call on you as well."
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods as she steps out of the vehicle and leans down, and pulls a blade of grass out of the ground. Carefully. So the root is intact. She then kisses the root of the plant and it glows for a moment then fades. "If that fails..." She holds the blade of grass to you. "Touch this and say my name. I will hear you." She smiles faintly. "It doesn't matter what this place was called before. It is the Isley Greenhouse now. In the morning... I will begin. Oh, and do call first before you barge in." She then frowns. "Fungus..." she murmurs. "I must commune with the Green..." she whispers faintly, murmuring to herself, as if hearing voices nobody else can. "The Gray..." she murmurs. She looks up at one of the trees. "I thought there was peace between the Green and the Gray... what happened?" She closes her eyes, murmuring softly to the tree, as if trying to learn something from it. She then slips deeper into the woods, continuing to talk to her new friends about the Gray - as if it means something importnat to her.