4657/Hanging out. Let's entertain ourselves, New Mutants.

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Hanging out. Let's entertain ourselves, New Mutants.
Date of Scene: 15 June 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Bunch of young mutants got together to talk, get some downtime in. Andrea performs a song.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Erddrache, Rift, Speed, Kaydin LeGraize, Twitch

Rage has posed:
It's a warm evening outside, yet in the rec room it's a nice cool temperature that is comfortable. There's a number of kids playing games playing games of all types, watching TV or relaxing. Andrea is settled on a large love seat, strumming her guitar with a notebook in front of her as she lightly hums. She's had a few pictures taken of her by a couple of the students, still riding the high of being around a global icon and popstar that they watched grow up on TV together. She is wearing a sun dress that cuts off about the knees, a pair of workout shorts beneath and some boots that hit just below the knees. Her hair has been slightly tousled and curled to give that perfect Spring look to it.

Erddrache has posed:
With classes at the moment over, Boris himself has decided to at least spend some time playing about! And he has gotten quite comfortable in the mansion, treating it very much like his own home. At the moment Boris was in nothing more than a pair of jean overalls.
    For his part he was seated nearby listening to the strumming of instruments, while writing in his notebook whatever plans he may have had. A small poud of iron marbles layed next to him. "Hmmmm. Are sie goink ta sing Andrea?" he wonders curiousely

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua is in the room - but is a bit isolated. She's laying on the ceiling as if it was the floor, reading the least fashion magazine that has an orange-skinned womaon on the front that might be recognizable as Starfire. She hmmmmms softly, flipping a page, nodding slowly. She's just kinda zoning out, not paying much attention to anything except her magazine. A dull red glow might draw eyes up to her - for bright lines are visible insdie her arms, legs, head, and chest.

Speed has posed:
Desperately needing a study break, Tommy Shepherd heads to the rec room to raid the bar of itâs sadly, non-alcoholic fare. Heâs moving snai-speed because heâs not a total power spaz, grabbing a few sodas and calling to the others, "Anyone want something? B, you can totally have my can when I'm done," he says to the dwarf.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin runs into the rec room, or it appears that way, with his speeds. He moves to the bar and begins to make himself something to drink, some soda of some sort. "Anyone want anything? I am manning the bar." He says, sounding a little rushed like he always does.

Rage has posed:
As her fingers lightly play along the strings, Andrea gives a glance up to Boris. "Sing? I could I suppose. I'm just writing some thoughts down, looking to put a new song together if I can. I'm always writing." She gives a smile to Tommy, lifting a hand to wave in his direction. "Water for me if you're not too busy."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua glances at Kaydin and decides to get up and walk over towards the bar - she's still on the ceiling. She finally drops off and turns around to right-way-up as she stretches. "How about a Mountain Dew please?" she asks. "Oh - I was up on the ceilign." She giggles.

Erddrache has posed:
"Thankz Tommy - und fer vee record if yer need a study partner, ah kin yelp yer" Boris says with a laugh. "No vank yer Kaydin...me und soda do nit git along. Beer far better anyways" he grumbles in german about american laws. Boris jumps startled when Kitora drops from the cieling "Whoa! Give a dwarf a warnin!" he exclaims. But finally his attention turns towards Andrea "Well if yer do nit want ta...ah kin belch oot a few tunes. nit nearly as good as yerself vough" a pause "...do ah even know any songs?" he shrugs as he pops an iron marble into his jaw like it was a grape.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Yea well america hasnt let underaged kids drink in a few thousand years." Kaydin says as he mixes up a water, blurs over to andrea and sets it down next to her. He then blurs back to behind the bar and whips a mountain dew for kitora and offers it to her. "So I heard the new mutants rescued someone from a bridge and fought cyborgs. Seems Miss Frost is leading her lackies well."

Speed has posed:
Tommy grabs a water for Andrea and rounds the bar to let Kaydin take over with a bit of a shake of his head. "Here you go," Tommy says handing the bottle to the singer. He grins at Boris, "Like where your head is at," he says about the beer. "And dude," he ads to Kaydin. "America hasn't been a thing for thousands of years." He gives his head a shake.

Rage has posed:
Andrea finds herself with two bottles of water, blinking her eyes at the speed of which they travel. "Uh.. thanks guys." She says as she puts them to the side, popping the cap off one. Her eyes tilt towards the ceiling for a moment to the floating girl, then back to the others. "No, I can sing if you guys really want to hear a song." And prevent Boris from belching anything out.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris grunts "Haha, well, ah would certainly be game fer a song!" he exclaims. "Sides, will give me a chance ta practice. Infact..." he looks around to the group "yer folks mind if ah try sculptin yer in metal?" something to do while listening to the song.

Twitch has posed:
First, a head appears from around the side of the archway leading into the rec room. Those in the know will recognize Tyler as he checks out what's going on with the other kids in the activity center. Once he ascertained whatever he needs to the rest of him appears and he enters fully. Seeing a bunch of people he recognizes he lifts a hand in greeting and calls out, "Hey guys, how's it going?" He heads along a path towards the bar to get something to drink. "Anything going on?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua frowns. "I don't trust Ms. Frost. Something's fishy about her." She takes her Mountain Dew and reclines on a chair. "Sorry for being antisocial - there was an article in the Freaky Fashion magazine that I was reading." (Basically a fashion magazine that caters to mutants and other non-normal beings like aliens.) "And ceilings are surprisingly comfortable."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin shrugs as he sips his cola and waves to the kid. "What would you like to have, Slim?" He asks as he watches the teenager and then looks to Kitora. "I dont trust anyone is overly wealthy. So far xavier is the only wealthy people I trust."

Rage has posed:
"Yikes. Thanks dude." Andrea says as she gives an amused smile as her fingers strum along the guitar a few more times. It seems that she has picked out a tune she has decided upon.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris waves excitedly to Tyler "Heyo tyler" he says before looking to Kaydin and kitora "Yer donnea trust a person over...money? Thar be odd." he than looks to Kitora more specificly "why do yer nit trust her though?" he wonders. Though he was eyeing the cans of soda. Not the soda themselves, but the cans

Speed has posed:
Tommy shoots a smirk Kaydin and Kitora's way. "Wrong crowd to be shit talking Ms. Frost in," he warns popping his drink and taking a sip, before he lifts his chin to Tyler. "Hey Ty, not bad, I think Andrea is going to sing something," he answers. "And sure thing Boris, sculpt away."

Twitch has posed:
"Let me get a coke, please," Tyler tells Kaydin with a grin. Then he looks over at the dwarf and lifts his chin, "Hey Boris." He finds himself a spot to rest where he can look at Andrea getting ready to play her instrument. "You know, this is the first time I've actually heard you play in person." Tommy gets a nod, "I think most of us here are on pretty good terms with Ms Frost. I mean, she scares the hell out of me, but that doesn't mean I don't like the lady."

Rage has posed:
"I trust Miss Frost for the most part. She seems to be pretty dedicated to us." Andrea says as she gives a soft hum under her breath as she strums again to get the tone right. "Alright, song time. How about if I play something I have been working on for awhile now? Acoustic of course, but the finished version will be more high energy and club pop."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris looks to Tommy "Why ez et vee wrong crowd? vere opiones should be heard. Ah know little ta nothink of Ms. Proffesor Frost. Ah no reason ta distrust her...bit ah also have no reason ta trust her, sides from being an edcuator. Ah be willin ta give her a proper chance as well as hear concerns meself" he muses. "...also, how is she scary?"
    But once Andrea says she is about to sing, Boris quiets down, seeming interested "Sure! Let us be hearink et." and with that he gathers a ball of iron in his hands, which begins to act like clay.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin gets Tyler a coke and he shrugs. "The wealthy begin to treat normal people like crap. I mean seriously, try and research miss frost and you wont find anything bad. That is creepy." He says as he sips his own soda and he looks to the various people.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs. "I don't trust her. Just a bad feeling." She sighs softly, frowning. "But a song would be lovely. I don't know... what kind of music did you do? Music was never really my thing..."

Speed has posed:
"There's opinions and there's opinions, I mean, from the sound of it, all Kay and Kit have are a feeling and a lack of Google results," Tommy replies, "Not really enough in my book to shit talk someone who's doing all of us a solid.," he says shrugging and taking a swallow of his drink. "Anyway, what are you playing tonight, Andy?"

Rage has posed:
".. You do know I'm sitting right here?" Andrea asks with a clear of her throat. "I'm rich and I haven't hurt anyone or treated them different. I'd like to assume I'm pretty normal." Her fingers continue to strum along the guitar, head bobbing a bit as she blows out a low breath.

"I lit a fire with the love you left behind. And it burned wild and crept up the mountain side. I followed your ashes into outer space. I can't look out the window. I can't look at this place."

As she sings, her voice harnesses the crystal clear tone that she has come to be famous for, full of soul. The guitar is an easy strum of purpose as she taps her foot upon the ground to create a small beat.

"I can't look at the stars. They make me wonder where you are. Stars, up in the heaven's boulevard. And if I know you at all, I know you've gone too far. So I, I can't look at the stars. All those times we looked up at the sky, looking out so far, it felt like we could fly. Now I'm all alone in the night! And the moon is shining, but I can't see the light." She hums a few more bars, mulling over the lyrics as she glances down at the paper again.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris grunts "One should never discount vere feelinks...bit wan should git vee facts as well" he says in thought. Though upon hearing the clear voice Boris loses track of that conversation and listens in. Occasionly popping in a marble to eat
    His hands work the iron into vaguely human shape. They are diffenintly not the besat humans around. but it was for practice at the end of the day. he murmers "Stars be nice" quietly to himself.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly, as she just listens to the song for now. She is wondering what her priorities are. She just considers her choices, letting her glow fade so she looks relatively normal other than eye color. She sips the Dew, listening to the song.

Speed has posed:
Tommy shrugs, "Feelings are overrated," he replies to Boris. Then he sits back to listen to the song, in is speedster brain the music is distorted, like a stretched out audio tape (uf he knew what one sounded like) but there is a definite melody there that he can latch on to. "Sounds good," he opines kicking back stretching his legs out from the bean bag chair.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin goes about to say something before a beep comes from his pocket. He pulls out his phone and checks it out. "I need to go." Is all he says before he blurs out of the room and is gone.

Rage has posed:
After finishing the song, Andrea puts the guitar ot the side. "It's a work in progress, but I think it has some promise to it." She gives a glance to the clock and rises upwards. "I gotta call my mom, but I should be back later tonight." She says as she gives them a smile, heading for the door with her hands around the instrument.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris waves to Kaydin before commenting to Tommy "Thar be underrated if yer ask me" he tells Tommy "Wan should always trust vere gut...bit be prepared to accept wen et be wrong. Least thar whit pa says" he than looks to Andrea "Alright...thank yer very much fer the song! Twas purdy!"