4384/World Domination or Coffee

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World Domination or Coffee
Date of Scene: 03 May 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: In which Darcy and Daken have coffee, or this is how people get assigned to manure duty.
Cast of Characters: Daken, Darcy Lewis

Daken has posed:
New York City. Thursday. about 9:00pm.

It was certainly the party hour for New York City. Even into the late hours, it was still as alive as ever. Ladies wearing tight dresses made their way to the clubs forwardsa nd backwards, and men dressed to the absolute nines in tuxes and other stylish wear made their way from work to the clubs as well. People still crammed the streets inside their cars attempting to get from point a to point b, while others were simply driving to enjoy the night.

Thankfully, Daken is presently doing none of these things.

Instead, he has a weird craving for coffee, and so, he ends up at this lovely coffee house. Dressed in simply a jacket, a red shirt, blue jeans, and boots, Daken shrugs off his jacket to reveal incredibly muscular arms. he runs a hand through his hair and he moves up to the counter to order himself a black coffee.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
At said counter is one short, bespeckled woman with unruly brown waves that fall to her waist. She leans on the counter, weight held on her forearms. One foot is tucked behind the other. Torn charcoal leggings that expose an eyesearing bit of pink covered skin disappear into unlaced (as in there are no laces) scuffed up Army Surplus black jungle combat boots. The socks on one foot are visible at her ankle; a medium heather grey. A pair of black running shorts with a thin layer of padding on the hips and the tush cover her to the waist, where the tshirt that's been cut and tied into something that looks like a corset top rests. The picutre on the chest is stretched and a bit faded, but remains easy enough to read: Liberty Belles. The shirt is bright blue with white lettering and the silohuette of a girl on skates saluting stars and stripes. A huge bruise is visible on her upper arm.

"...I really think my schedule's gonna clear up," she's saying to the barista. The cafe's just slow enough that she's chatting up the worker who's making her drink.

"So, I'm totes excited. Espesh if you're comin' to watch me, maybe? Yes? You follow the Facebook, right?" she asks, glancing over a shoulder as Daken steps up. Darc ysmiles at him, her green eyes warm and bright. Straightening, Darcy steps to the side to let the new comer order.

"Right. You've got a live one, so I'll get outta yer hair. Give the girlfriend a dipkiss for me, kay Tris?" she adds as she steps aside more fully so Daken can get to teh counter and Tristan slips over her drink, ready to take Daken's order.

Daken has posed:
Daken sees Darcy as he walks up to the barista counter, and when she looks over at him and she gives him that warm smile, Daken gives her a little warm smile back at her. Once her eyes shift away from him? You can bet every dollar you have that he was checking out every inch of her.

What? She was beautiful!

He smiles to Tristan and he gives him a bit of a smile. "Hey. Just uh, a black coffee please. Simple and all. Anything you want to add, surprise me." he gives a little grin then and drops 20 dollars on the table for an easy payment.

His eyes shift back over to Darcy, looking her in the eyes as he decides to try and drop the charm. "Hey."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Almost every woman has an 'I'm being checked out' radar. Darcy is amoung them. Most of the women with their radar on typically get defensive when it's activated. Usually because the guys that trigger the radar are douchebags, and Darcy's met most of them. The thing is, Darcy doesn't really put up with the douchebags, so as long as they just look everything's fine.

It's when the douchebags get handsy when she's not wanting it that trobule starts.

Still, radar binging, Darcy takes her drink and brings it to her currently unpainted lips even as her eyes slip toward Daken. She meets his gaze without the slightest hint of concern or hesitation. Her lips stretch into a broad grin.

"Hey, yourself," she chirps back. She's already paid for her joe, and so as Tristan turns to make Daken his drink, she pushes off the counter.

"Have a good one, Trist!" she calls out over a shoulder as she turns from the counter, ready to depart.. either to find a place to sit or walk home. She's not sure yet. It was late enough on the eve of her day off that she could afford to stay out.

Daken has posed:
Daken wasn't necessarily a douchebag, he simply liked what he saw, and he was moe than willing to chat with Darcy to see where this could even go. With that in mind, When she turns to look at him the way she does, even the likes of Daken might swoon....but this also means his pheromones start to leak out of the scent of his cologne.

It could affect Darcy in any number of ways, even though he's really not trying to use it at all. It could make her ahte him, could make her lust after him, could make her feel quite sad, could make her feel incredibly happy, incredibly mad...etc. It's very...wild.

Though as she turns from the counter as if to say goodbye, he gets his coffee in short order, and he looks at her.

"Hey..hows about we sit and drink our coffee? just chat?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy catches the 'cologne', and it peaks her curiosity slightly. She sips at her coffee again, cleansing her olfatory pallette of it with the sweet smell of a fresh colombian ground. She's a step away when he turns and calls to her and so Darcy stops and looks back.

Coffee lowers from her nose.

"Sure. I don't mind," she agrees, tone amiable and welcoming. And then she's turning again, continuing away from teh cuonter, but this time more angled for a sit.

Table, near a window.

Daken has posed:
Daken smiles then brightly, clearly quite pleased with this development. He walks on over to that table by the window, and he slips into a seat, looking at Darcy in the eyes if she lets him. "Hey...my name's Daken. Daken Akihiro." he extends a hand to her for a shake.

"May I ask what yours is?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Not shying frmo his gaze, Darcy returns the hand shake.

"Darcy Lewis," she replies. Her tone is warm, her eyes are clear of judgements, and her grip is firm but... human. Absolutely nothing special about it. There's no extra power or firm invulnerability or ripple of magic or the like. Handshake done, Darcy sits back in her chair.

"Your cologne's nice," she comments. Because really, for as well as she can smell it over the coffee when he moves and draws near, the smell lacks the artificial something of all the other cologne's she's smelled. It's calming, truth be told, and Darcy's completely okay with that.

Daken has posed:
As they shake hands and Darcy reveals her name to him, he smiles. "Darcy." he repeats as if to commit it to memory. "Lovely name. It's a pleasure to meet you Darcy." and before her hand releases his? He lifts her knuckles to his lips for a not-so-chaste kiss. Then he releases her hand to go where she wishes it too.

"Thank you. I always figure I have extraordinarily bad luck when selecting colognes and the like, so it means alot." he grins at her. "So...what brings you to a coffee shop at this time of night?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Likewise, Daken," says Darcy, lips pulling in a smile as he kisses her hand. A few have kissed her hand. Fewer still as chasteless as he. His pheromones keep her calm and she chuckles lightly through it.

"You're welcome. Keep buying this brand, whatever it is. It really suits you," she adds. Her legs stretch out in front of her as she turns a bit in her chair so she doesn't kick him. She bounces her legs together in small jumpy movement, like shaking out sore muscles.

"No work tomorrow. Hell of a practice tonight. Coach kicked my ass in ways my SO could only dream of." A heartbeat's pause. "Don't tell her that. She'll end up coming to practice, taking notes, and then kicking my ass on off nights. That would suck."

Daken has posed:
Daken smiles then at her as she further compliments his apparent choice in whatever the hell he's wearing. Though what really gets his attention, is apparently that her coach kicked her ass. His eyes widen a little bit and apparently he discovers that Darcy may in fact very well might be in a romantic relationship.

"Oh I see, well maybe you could show me sometime so that I can take notes." okay, NOW he's really flirting, his leg actually moving forward to rub against her own.

What? He's -Daken-. He's swoonin' for her, no doubt about it, but he's also seeing how she responds to heavy flirting.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Not my pony show, Daken," Darcy quips with a smirk and a roll of her shoulder.

"Most Liberty Belle practices are closed, so unless you're looking to join in on Fresh Meat nights, you ain't getting in," she adds pulling her legs up to prop on the empty chair near him. Her expression doesn't shift from the calm relaxed friendly smile, then a brow does quirk and her lips kick up lopsidedly.

Was it just coincidental timing? Was that she wasn't wanting him touching her? Or was she just playing hard to get? The smirk makes it challenging to read right away.

Daken has posed:
Daken laughs a little bit then, though his smirk becomes a little bit more mischievous as she shifts her leg away from him. Though her little smirk leads Daken to believe that she was just attempting to be hard to get. His free hand was under the table...so what does he do? He actually attempts to reach out and give her thigh a little squeeze.

"ahh...I see. Roller derby, right? Skates and all that?" he asks with a curiosity to make this look like a more playful thing than what he means it to be, and she could read that in his eyes. He was being -quite- flirtatious.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"That's right. It means I've got a killer mule kick to go with the taser in my bag and the secuirty clearance in my pocket to leave you drooling under the table if that hand keeps having a mind of its own," Darcy says, tone pleasant, smile warm and friendly. Hell, the tilt of her lips is almost as flirtatious as he's trying to be. She brings her cup up to sip at, too calm (because of his cologne) to tense up and shove his hand off herself at the moment.

Daken has posed:
Daken removes his hand from her and leaves it by him. Man, she was a confusing one. One second her tone and voice and even her smile screamed 'I'm interested' then she threatens him with tazering and one hell of a mule kick, and body language screamed 'stay the hell away, creep'. She was interesting, that's for certain. "Oh ho ho, well then, feel free to remind me to stay hands off. Tazers and I have a very bad relationship." Namely because he slices the hands off of people who tazed him. Either way, it won't end well for either of them.

But Daken takes a moment to stretch and crack his neck. "So, badge and everything. I'm beginning to wonder if you have a handgun on you too. Makes me question my odds of running if you get mad at me."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Nah. My handgun skills freak my SO out. I'm sure she'd love if I spent more time at the range with her, but whatever. I know the basics," Darcy replies, sipping again and staying calm as Daken's hand leaves her thigh.

"Oh, the odds of you running if I get mad, fairly high. The odds of you getting away, that's the number you really should be worrying about. But, it's fine. I'm not easy to make mad. You just..." And here's a pause as Darcy snickers to herself. "...don't want to see me when I'm angry."

Daken has posed:
Daken looks at Darcy and he tilts his head "Freaks her out because you're incredibly good and freaks her out because you're not so good?" he asks curiously, questioning her ability with a gun pretty openly, sure, but eh. He sips his coffee as she speaks. Though the angry punchline -does- get a bit of a headtilt.

"Isn't that what every villain in every movie says?" he chuckles a bit. He's seen -tons- of angry people. If he can survive the juggernaut being pissed off, He figures he stands a chance against Darcy the Destroyer. "Though duly noted. I'll try to avoid turning you into the goddess of rage." he was just being fun and silly now.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
His question has Darcy grinning. It's the tightlipped and toothless grin of Woman. Some secrets are Woman's to keep. It would not be fun to attempt to dislodge said secrets. Darcy sips her coffee again.

"Most, yeah. And good man. Keeping me calm and happy keeps me from taking over the world," she retorts on a smirking grin.

Daken has posed:
Daken takes the silence as the only answer he realy needs. riiigghhhtt then. He's gonna go out on a limb and suggest she's got itchy trigger finger mixed with wild aim in an unholy union of bad. Though at her quip about conquering the world if she gets angry, he smiles. "I'd challenge that, but okay." he sips and the last of his coffee is gone!

"Bah, bummer." he notices his coffee is compltely empty.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Challenge it, and I make you in charge of manure piles," Darcy promises, eyeing his cup as he finishes his drink. Calm and relaxed, she just eyes it without much emotion, and sips her own quickly vanishing coffee. Her lips are smiling faintly, like it's her default.

"Bah, humbug. Go git yerself another cup."

Daken has posed:
Daken laughs a bit. "Heh, I'd like to see you try." and he stands up, setting his plastic cup in the trash can as he puts his jacket on, looking at her. "Bah humbug indeed. But no, I'm out of change and I need to run anyways." He turns heel and starts to walk casually for the door, lifting a hand to wave behind him.

"Until our paths cross again, Darcy. Stay safe!" and he flashes her a nerdy little smile as he ewalks through the door.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy salutes him with her coffee cup, more than happy to stay right where she is, pull out her phone, and play Word Cookies. Fuck you, 4-letter word starting with an S. I will find you!