406/It's a homecoming
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It's a homecoming | |
Date of Scene: | 13 May 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Deathstroke, Ravager
- Deathstroke has posed:
Being a bouncer at a club doesn't make for "normal" working hours. On top of that, depending on whether or not that bouncer say, goes and gets something to eat or hangs out with other people (or goes home with them) or whatever after she's done with her shift, and it may not be until the wee hours of the morning that she returns home. But it doesn't really matter, because Slade Wilson can be an exceptionally patient man when he wants to be, so there's no telling just how long he's been sitting at the tiny kitchen table, which presently has a high-caliber handgun disassembled and in the process of being thoroughly cleaned and properly oiled. Rose might recognize it as the handgun she normally keeps under her bed.
There's no sign of the door being forced, but let's be honest, a suburban New York apartment door isn't much of a challenge for someone like him to get into. The point being, she might not immediately realize he's there when she comes in the door. But regardless, he quietly works at making sure the handgun is in perfect working condition. It's almost meditative, in a way. Which is good because there's no telling how long Rose will be.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson worked late at the club on Saturday for obvious reasons, because it's usually the most popular day for people to out and party. This is a new job for her but she's worked at strip clubs, bars, and other seedy locations and it's been no secret. The Tunnel is a better class place, but it's still a dark dance club, let's be honest. Her apartment building is just a plain ole building, which looks strangely normal, which might be intentional, matching her craving for a normal life. Still, secrets around the apartment betray her lifestyle, like guns and equipment she uses for mercenary missions and backpacks she's used to travel to Greece with.
Rose comes home late and unlocks the door, the light from the hallway streaming into the dark room. But something sets her off and she pauses right at the door, looking into the dark for some sign. It's as if her inherited Deathstroke senses are warning her another evil man is in the room, "Who's here?" she wonders. She puts her back against the wall in order to shimmy toward the kitchen to find a meat cleaver or her rifle or a new position to defend herself. She peers into the kitchen...
- Deathstroke has posed:
Slade Wilson finishes assembling the handgun a half-second before Rose calls out, and she finds herself staring down that barrel when she peers into the kitchen. Slade's expression is emotionless as his single blue eye regards his daughter a few moments, before he twists the pistol in his hand to offer it towards her grip-first, thumbing the safety to "on" as he does. "You hadn't oiled your Smith and Wesson in a while. You also gave away your position. Do you think someone that intends you harm is going to answer when you ask who's there?"
He doesn't budge from his chair, instead looking around the room a moment, "Still. Looks like you're surviving for now." His eye turns back to Rose now, watching her intently.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson looks confused, because Slade has some good questions, "Dad..." she mutters, standing at the table looking at him. She seems stunned that he's suddenly materialized in her apartment, as if she hasn't seen him in a while. "What...what are you doin here?" she asks. She then frowns indignantly, as he's already discovered some of her secrets and snatches the gun from him, "Stop goin through my stuff Dad, it's perfectly fine--" she whines like a teenager, looking at the gun in her hand, "I'm fine," she adds with a mutter.
- Deathstroke has posed:
"You don't sound like you're too excited about being "fine."" Slade comments, rising from the chair, and inclining his head towards where a certain backpack sits nearby, "Enjoy your trip to Greece?" So much for not going through her stuff! He rolls his neck a bit, his face still stoic, "I thought I'd check in. Finished a few jobs overseas and had just enough time on my hands. Wintergreen sends his regards." He adds, "At least you're not working at a strip club anymore. "
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson looks at him wide-eyed, "Oh my gawd, stop---" she begins and grits her teeth, "You went through my whole apartment?!" she asks and pouts a little, as if maybe she wanted some privacy from her father.
She puts her hands on her hips as she critiques her trips and her job, glancing at the backpack she's thrown on the floor and then looks back at him, "I work at The Tunnel now and I have friends and--" she begins, telling him about her 'normal' life when it's pretty fake and a cover for more exciting ambitions. "Why didn't you send me a message?" she asks.
- Deathstroke has posed:
"You can lie to yourself Rose, but you can't lie to me. You want more excitement from life than tossing drunk fratboys into the streets." He pauses, and the first, ever-so-slight glimmer of a smile touches his lips when she asks why he didn't call her or send a message, "They weren't jobs you'd have learned anything from. And I wanted to see how you would do on your own for a while." He looks about the apartment once more, then grunts, "Suppose it could've been worse. At least you're getting by on your own." A bit of a smirk then, "I've seen messier apartments. Occasionally."
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson crosses her arms and pouts a little like a spurned teenager would, but it's pretty clear she's getting over it quickly, and it seems like she wants to prove herself to him when she says, "I'm not moving, Daddy. Not this time. I like New York," she tells him, "Excitement? Yeah well, I can find my own jobs and that's enough," she says cleverly and kinda looks proud at her ambitions, though it's unclear how far those ambitions go. Maybe she doesn't know. "And fight my own battles," she adds. Clearly, she wants both a secret identity and an ambitious mercenary life where she kicks ass and blows stuff up.
- Deathstroke has posed:
"I didn't say anything about moving. Eventually you'll have boltholes and safehouses all over the place, but that's after you've earned enough to build that network." Slade notes, moving over to the sink and plucking out a glass from the cupboard, before extracting some ice from the freezer and filling the remainder of the glass with tap water, which he examines up against the light in some bemusement before he sips from it, "Find your own jobs, eh? Why don't you tell me about all the jobs you've found while I've been away, then?" He sits back down at the kitchen table, and gestures for Rose to seat herself opposite. Like HE owns the place rather than her being the one that pays the rent here.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson gives a nod to his logic and says, "Yeah, I know," she says with a teenager's assurances. She seems a little embarrassed at all his questions and rubs her neck as she sits down, but doesn't hide anything from her father about the jobs she's been doing. She tells him about the trip to Greece with Superboy and Vanya, where they spelunked into a secret cave and recovered some gold coins from inside, "And I used this jackass archaeologist to find it, what an idiot," she says and smiles, laughing at the guy's innocence. She then tells him about a couple of demolition jobs, where she's blown up stuff in Libya and Turkey. But it's not as extensive a list as the greatest and most independent mercenary evah, but she's at least gotten paid for it. She smiles mischeviously.
- Deathstroke has posed:
"Hm. You could do better. And be careful not to get sucked in to working for governments. It never ends well, and half the time you won't even end up getting paid, so ask for cash up front if you really HAVE to take a government-sponsored contract." He sips the water once more, "Superboy I know from reputation. Who's this Vanya?
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms a bit but doesn't smirk at her father's advice, "Okay. I got the cash anyway, Daddy," she assures him, probably confident in her approach but it might not be up to Deathstroke standards. "They're my friends," she tells him, "Vanya fights in this underground fight club. That's where most of the fuckin badasses hang out, so it's good for contacts. For me anyway," she explains, since she doesn't have the extensive black book like Deathstroke.
- Deathstroke has posed:
Virtually no one has a black book that extensive, so Rose shouldn't feel alone in that. "Friends can be a weakness. Best to keep that list short." Says the guy that basically has all of ONE real friend. "You could probably make good money on the underground circuit. Might be decent practice." He turns his blue eye towards Rose more intently now, "And speaking of practice, now that I'm back, we'll start your training again."
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms and flicks her white hair back, "I didn't go there this week," she explains to him, maybe thinking it important that she isn't making an underground fight club a regular thing. She doesn't say anything to his advice to limit her friends, "You should have seen all the fuckin girls at the club yesterday," she explains, as if that was really annoying to her, the party chicks or dumb blonde girls trying to socialize with everybody. She then pauses and gives a nod to what he says about training, "Okay," she replies.
- Deathstroke has posed:
Slade Wilson says, "If you're annoyed that easily by a bunch of bottle-blonde airheads, you've got a long way to go." Slade opines, "Push emotion aside. Feel it later if you have to feel it at all." Given the way he usually looks and acts one might wonder if Slade does indeed feel anything at all. Regardless, he finishes off the glass of water, rising again to place the empty vessel in the sink, "We'll start at 1600 tomorrow. But for now, grab your keys and I'll buy you breakfast." More like dinner given Rose's likely schedule, but hey...free food!
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson rolls her eyes and sighs, but that's more at herself than at Slade's domineering comments, "Yeah, I know," she says, still plotting to kill the annoying girls in her head despite his warnings. She doesn't make anything of Slade's no-emotion because she might be used to it, but she makes up for it by smiling and letting out an exuberant, "Okay!" she says. She hops up and grabs her keys.