3868/LexCorp Foundation: Rising Tide Edition

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LexCorp Foundation: Rising Tide Edition
Date of Scene: 13 February 2018
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Professor X
Tinyplot: Rising Tide

Lex Luthor has posed:
Initially, LexCorp was too busy scrambling with contingencies to be able to handle the logistics of charity. Lex Luthor had protocols in place for a communications collapse... but no one but him expected the Corporate Giant to possibly have to /use/ those plans. So, it took a few days to get things moving.

Luckily, the Man of Tomorrow is nothing if not pro-active, so the CEO had LexCorp purring along (relatively speaking) within the week for handling emergencies.

With most major cities now host to LexCorp Foundation distribution with the current internet crisis going on, Lex Luthor has chosen Central Park as an obvious symbolic and strategic location for a Foundation Gathering for supplies and equipment for basic human and technological needs. It's both charity, and education in case something collapses the global networks again.

And Lex is doing it with a smile. Literally.

Lex Luthor has chosen New York as the place to make an appearance from, instead of Metropolis, due to his desire to be seen as a global presence, instead of being confined to Metropolis. There are dozens of people coming and going typically... which means Team Luthor is out in force as much as New York City allows for security. The situation isn't critical... but it's a good PR event, and there are people who do still need help.

Lex Luthor himself walks along the gathering, occasionally shaking hands, or giving a basic rundown of whats offering... always flanked by Mercy and Hope, who are more interested in keeping obvious troublemakers away from their employer.

Right now, Lex is helping a child with a simplistic radio, pointing out various knobs at his booth, "This is the power switch, and this will let you tune into frequencies still broadcasting." Lex then points to the antenna, "This is a short ranged radio though, so be sure to keep that in mind if you're looking for any chatter from Gotham or Metropolis."

Professor X has posed:
Arriving properly on time as any gentleman would Charles arives at he charity by himself this time. He had gotten offers from quite a few people to go with him, but for something like this he did doubt there would be any danger so wanted to attract as little overall atttention as possible. Usually Jean, or Logan would attract others though for different reasons so he figured a nice quiet visit would be in order. Curently he is sitting in his wheel chair to the side out of the way watching the meeting with a small, but warm smile.

He had heard about this LexCorp helping out people, as well as a few other things once he looked into it a bit. There was some dark moments in his past, but overall Lex himself seemed clean enough, and the purpose of this meeting was to help those in need so he was willing to help out how he could. He was there as a headmaster of one of the most fancy schools in New York, and also independently wealthy though he did give quite a bit to charity. Publicly not much more is known about Charles as he usually keeps to himself, or to his students not showing up even once in any real publications, almost like they forgot he was even there.

Finally as Luther is talking to a child he rolls over to that general area not interupting though as he quietly sits, and waits from his dress it would be obvious what he does as he looks like one might expect a headmaster of a school to look. He quietly sips his drink just listening to the words he chooses to use with the child, and where he picks as examples.. It was all important to come up with a brief psychological idea of where the mans head was at. If Mercer glances his way he would give her a warm smile, and a wink even if it is just to be ignored he did not wish to give off any threating appeareance as that wasn't why he was here. Sure it might annoy the body-guard, but it was better to be classified as annoying then dangerous... which if they knew who he really was they might not of even let him this close to Lex.