3825/X-Men Get Fat
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X-Men Get Fat | |
Date of Scene: | 07 January 2018 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Phoenix, Gambit, Jubilee
- Phoenix has posed:
The sun is going down outside, its been about 45 degrees during the daytime hours the past few days so its not too bad outside. Thankfully all the snow was melted away by now too... or most of it at least.
The donut shop was a pretty busy place as usual, all the truckers like to stop by here and fill up on coffee and carbs before they set back out in their fancy huge trucks to take all the stuff they haul around to whatever places they're going to (eloquent).
Jean pulls the front door open and she takes in a deep breath of thae scented air. "Oh god, donuts..." She mutters quietly. "Its like smelling the best, and worst thing... at the same time."
Her hands slip inside the pockets of her wool dark-red coat and she looks back over her shoulder with a slight grin at <insert whomever wants to arrive with her>.
- Gambit has posed:
"Not everyday it is a lady holding the door open for me." Remy grins sidelong at the redhead, his black-on-red eyes glittering in the limited lighting up until they're both indoors, the smell that has been guiding his steps since they got out of the sporty sedan they pulled up in.
Casual wear or as close as the man gets to it consists of a deep maroon sweater, black fatigue pants and boots. He looks like a catburgler that decided on a little bit of color, added to it those strange gloves of course.
"Why do you say the worst? It all smells good to me." The inserted handsome devil of a person who arrived drifts inward.
- Jubilee has posed:
Standing in front of the donut case is a young woman, clearly Asian in descent. Her eyes are wide, stormy blue-grey, and flecked with gold that seems to struggle to find daylight. Her long dark hair is piled in an array atop her head, with tendrils escaping the chopstick prison that is her updo.
Slowly, she takes a step, and then another, her fingertips leaving light trails on the glass as she moves along ogling the merchandise. Pink tanktop, covered by an oversized black sweatshirt, black cargo pants and pink Converse sneakers. She could start a bubble-gum revolution. Or...stare at donuts with the intensity of a cheetah leering at a gazelle.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean's hands reach up then to take the slim black scarf off from around her neck and she then starts to roll it up while she grins back at her companion for this donut adventure. "Because... They represent the worst form of Food Temptation. They're the gateway drug to losing one's physical fitness goals, and becoming... something quite scary."
Jean was now in the process of approaching the counter when she looked back to Remy. "Self loathing, thats what I mean. Its the--." She cuts herself off when she sees the pink and girl its attached too.
"Jubilation?" She asks her, knowing her quite well from when Jubilee was an active member of their team. "Wow. I haven't seen you in a while..." She looks from the Asian Beauty to the the donut case she was staring at longingly. "They've pulled you in, haven't they?" She asks with a slight grin.
- Gambit has posed:
"You afraid you gonna get fat?" Remy insists again, "Willpower, that a thing for you. I imagine this be just more tests. Jelly filled, that sounds amazing, non?" A near purr from the man, masculine sounding but intentional, hes trying to tease her whether its working or not. The smell is murder of course, maybe he should have eaten something. Anything.
"Well well, look it that." The Cajun remarks to Jubilee. "Petit." He adds with a coo of that whiskey on smoke voice of his, "You dun work here now do you?"
That grin ever present.
- Jubilee has posed:
"Nah, I'm still at Spatula City, at least till Guido comes back from his bender. Goin' on three months now..." Jubilee replies absently, still staring. "They always pull me in, Jean. Always. So light, and fluffy and sweet." She vacantly rummages in first one pocket, then another, and another in her pants, till she finds what she's looking for. Pulling out a pack of strawberry Bubblicious, she opens the white paper wrapper of a piece of decadent pink wonderfulness, and shoves it into her mouth, chewing it as if it's the last piece of gum on earth.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean looks back to Remy and she smirks at his words. "No, I'm not afraid of that because I have willpower... doesn't mean its not easy still." She gives a glance to that same donut case as Jubilee describes it, but she can't help but look back upon the slightly older one to nod softly at her. "You know I'm the Vice Principal at the school now. I can get you a better job than... turning spatulas." Did Jean Grey just make a joke?
"Seriously, that place is notoriously a front for the mob. They've got to be horrible to work for!" Jean knew all about Spatula City, they were all over the eastern sea-board up until about 10 years ago when all but the one here in Westchester caved-in on itself, literally and figuratively.
"I'm glad to see you though, let me buy you some of these horrible treats."
She glanced back at Gambit. "Actually, he's buying. Thats how we got here." She motions to Remy and gives him a sly grin.
- Gambit has posed:
"Don't worry none, lovely Jean, I'll watch your figure for you. Reeal close like." Remy handwaves in the air, a deliberate stare at the Vice Principal and then a drift off of his gaze to level them on Jubilee, "Spatula City? That is just right up there in the world of the prestigous."
"Hey, whats wrong with the mob? They're just more organized and honest than the cops or SHIELD." Remy intones, elbows finding a lean against one shelf, "I'm buying? I 'spose you did open the door. Fair is fair." That sly grin getting an uptilt from the thief, "I want to ask but it can wait a moment, because if you're serious about this job." The man frowns. Fingers tap to get attention of whatever clerk this place hired so he can order an assorted half-dozen and hurry to a table.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee cracks a half-smile at Jean. "You know I can't have 'em. But if I can't have one, the smell alone is worth the trip. Seriously, you should try havin' this nose for a day. You smell all SORTS of amazing things. Well...with a guy around, some of 'em aren't always amazing in the BEST way, but still, these donuts smell like heaven on a stick with whipped cream and a cherry." She trails behind Jean and Remy as the two take their haul to a table, and inhales nothing but delightful the whole way.
"And don't talk about Spatula City that way. We haven't had but two employees offed since I've been working there. Well...one. They haven't found Steve yet, but things don't look good. Last anyone saw of him, the Guthries were stuffing him into the back of a station wagon, costume and all. Flyers blowing everywhere. It was brutal. I almost walked across the parking lot to get a better look."
- Phoenix has posed:
A grin is given to Remy and she reaches out to shove him before he can get to the counter to order their death-rings. "I'm quite sure that you will." She comments back at him with a slight headshake before regarding Jubilation once more.
"I'll have to put in a request to borrow your nose sometime then." She says back to the other with a little grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "Come on, lets find a place to sit."
Once the trio HAVE seated themselves, Jean is pulling her wool coat off and leaying it back over her chair, just a simple black slim-fit sweater on beneath it and as she adjusts her red hair she settles into the chair and then puts her hands down onto pof her slacks-covered thighs.
"The Guthries? The ones who live down by Apple Park?" She asks. "Am I going to have to go down there and have a chat with them? I didn't think... 'murder' was their kind of antics!" If Jubilee had been joking, Jean had a thard time realizing it! Humro wasn't her best skill afterall.
- Jubilee has posed:
Even if Jubilee had been joking, Jean probably wouldn't have known it. Since her world changed, her psychic shields had been stronger than ever. And even before the change, even Chuck had a hard time getting through to her mentally. In her head, it sounded like a staticky CB Radio. Which explained the handle "Papa Bear" which she had lovingly bestowed upon him, and her overly-frequent use of "niners" and "Come onnnnnn backs," in telepathic communication with him. He looked a little like Patrick Stewart when he facepalmed.
"Well they take him every other week or so. I mean you'd think he'd learn his lesson. But once he started running from them when they pulled up, they found his weakness. Poor dumb bastard can't resist the siren call of 'Hey wanna come look at our new DnD miniatures?' I mean seriously, you'd think after a few times he'd get wise..."
- Gambit has posed:
"Never a doubt." The shove gets a lean against in resistance but no returned horseplay for now.
Seated, doughnuts acquired and the man is reclining back to drape one booted ankle over a knee, listening to the talk of antics, Guthries and Apple Park. "I am gonna smile, nod and chew off bits an' pieces of this bearclaw while you two do this thing you're doing." Fingers thrust back and forth in the air, "You're both talking but its coming out not entirely English me, maybe I'm jus' that hungry." Maybe.
Chewing commences, a tear out of the side of a sizable pastry.
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean can't help but just shake her head at what Jubilee tells her of the Guthries. "God damn them." She says quietly. She looks over to Remy who's lounging now and she feels the need to explain even though she also believes he doesn't really care. "They're a local family of school bullies. They drive about Salem Center... leaving property damage in their wake, and lots of bloodied noses." She tells him before noticing the donuts in the box that she just -has- to grab one of the pink ones.
"I know its not our usual 'mission' but I wouldn't mind landing the Blackbird in their backyard and maybe scare the beejezus out of them a bit."
"Papa Bear probably wouldn't go for that." Jean realized she'd accidently pulled that 'title' out of Jubilee's troubled mind and she frowns then, her eyes look from Remy to Jubilee then. "I mean... Professor Xavier." And her cheeks are blushing now.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins triumphantly at the mention of Papa Bear. "He would if it meant gettin' back a harmless nerd in a spatula suit, I bet." Jubilee is staring at the box of donuts, though. Blowing a huge bubble. Popping it.
"I figure they have him tied up, upside-down in a closet. A brown one. Brown clos--Well maybe it's not brown, I dunno. I guess I could pop by some night after work and take him back. Guido's gonna be PISSED if he realizes the suit's gone."
- Gambit has posed:
"Such language." Remy taunts, "Bullies harassing the X-Men's hideaway mutant school? The nerve."A laugh is trying to contain itself past the bearclaw, a part chewed, swallowed and seeing Jubilee's glance his fingers neatly flick the box closer to her, letting it slide to just under her chin. Waft it in. That bubble inhale will bring some taste, that scent.
"Papa Bear?" Thats a first, "The Prof? Charles?" Sharls. Always sounds like 'Sharls' with the Cajun.
"Starting to make some sense now. So, we assemble, prank them real good and make sure they never bother no one again, real easy."
"You know, this ain't again what we X-Men for. This whole school thing one big damn distraction." A hand card napkin produced, one that was on the other side of the table. It's used to wipe his jaw off.
- Phoenix has posed:
For her part, Jean was just eager to help those she cared about and Jubilation was one of those people... But she knew that the girl just kind of, well. "You just live in your own worlds, Jubilee." She teased the other woman with a grin. "I mean, I love it in a way. You seem to know precisely where you are and whats going on around you. Sometimes I'm not sure if I have any idea whats going on around me."
A headshake later and she was reaching for a glass of water on the table. "But seriously, if you need any help with any of this... Don't hesitate to call me." Her phone was produced and she went to turn it on. "No service. Thats, odd. As much as I pay for this damn thing you'd think it'd work."
She looks over to Remy then and smirks at him. "The Papa Bear thing was a mistake... I gleamed it off of." She glanced over to Jubilee then. "Its hard to explain." Her phone was sat down then, the water was sipped from and she shrugged her shoulders. "Its not a world-saving issue, to put bullies in their place... but its still a 'good deed'."
- Jubilee has posed:
The guy behind the register is beginning to bang on it unnecessarily and curse it under his breath. Lines of customers eager with sugar-fueled craving, are growing longer. To the vanity, and beyond!
"Probably some tower screwed up or somethin'," Jubilee muses, looking at Jean's phone. "Guy behind the counter can't get debit cards to go through either. He's gonna get mobbed by a buncha high school football players, if he doesn't pull out the manual shuh-shlack." She looks back up from Jean to Remy, and back again. "You know. Shugh-shlack." She pantomimes a manual card imprinter, making the noise.
- Gambit has posed:
The napkin is neatly folded and set aside, more interest put in to that entire action than is necessary. "It's weird, picturing now Charles in blue with a beard, that bald head. I'm not gonna forget this one and not sayin' I like it one bit." No falter in that forever grin.
"So, you out here workin', living up like this and not crashing with the rest of us, making for an X-Men life style? Need to knock some heads, soon, like." Remy says, insistantly at Jean. "I got a lead, gonna follow up on that. Spice things up a bit beyond Smurfs an' bullies who want to steal apples from trees." Yeah, hes not paying a whole lot of attention or he is and hes pretending otherwise.
- Jubilee has posed:
"Oooh smashin' some heads. Lemme know if you need 'ny help with that. I got a really REALLY good weapon for head-smashin'. He's just asleep right now..." Jubilee lifts another pink donut like Jean's to her lips and licks the icing. "Can't have it now, I licked it." Not even enough to get it on her tongue. But enough to taste it. "OMYGOD."
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean reached for a knife and fork from the napkin dispensere where they were all rolled up together. "Is it wrong to eat a donut with a knife and fork?" She asks. "I mean..." Her green eyes look up and from Jubilee, to Remy they sweep. "Is it socially abnormal? I'm not sure. But it seems so much easier to keep your fingers not-sticky." So she goes ahead to try it anyway, she's gotten to THAT level of being prissy, so it seems.
"I for one am happy to live our lives with our biggest problems to deal with being bullies and teenage misfits." She says while looking down at that pink donut on the napkin that she was surgically disecting. But she did stop to look over at the man behind the counter.
"Something's going on." She says, voice quieter. "Everyone's devices aren't working..." Jean has spaced out a little, reading the thoughts of everyone in the restaurant. And it was true, others were looking at the phones and such, they were talking about it also.
- Gambit has posed:
"It's wrong, I want to call you a savage but that don't fit. Somehow though, thats wrong." Remy replies to Jean, "Sticky fingers... you uh... " Mouth clamps shut, mind not so quiet though and the man's attentions shift quickly to Jubilee licking a donut, "Legit rule." Confirmed. "Got someone? What you name a baseball bat?"
"Thats because you're growing complacent, you say things like 'I'm a teacher' or I'm a vice principal too much, not enough I'm a mutant." A little temper flare in there, the man looks at the devices, "Who cares, maybe the elecricity on the fritz here." Curiously he does take out his cell phone and unlock it to check. It is like a habit. QUICKLY SWIPING away from new screensaver.
- Jubilee has posed:
"Tsk..." Jubilee utters to Remy playfully. There are upsides to reading minds. This moment is NOT ONE OF THEM.
- Phoenix has posed:
"Yeah... maybe." Jean says to Remy's summation of what 'might' be going on. "Could be something more though. I don't know, our personal comms should be fine either way." She sets her fork and knife down to reach into her coat pocket and pull out the little silvery metal device used for inter-team communicating. She looks the device over and nods her head softly. "Its still working."
Her eyes give a look to Jubilee, seeing their former team mate in quite an internal warfare over whether or not to dive into the donut delights. She smiles at her.
At Gambit she looks to her side toward though. "What would you have us do though?" She asked him. "Go out and just look for big fights to butt ourselves into?"
- Gambit has posed:
A grin across the table at Jubilee, the tsk apparently delighting him to no end. Jean gets a lean towards, an updown and then a huff sound, "I'm not as experienced as you, remember? Not at this hero thing. You're the Oh Gee, how you guys get this done in the past?" A tap of his fingers on that napkin, it muffles it but its still audible, "I got a lead though, just nothin' to be done about it tonight."
"Tonight, I suppose we suffer doughnuts an' talk of Smurfs and bullies."
Phone slid away hes wondering if this an actual thing they should be considering to worry about or like he said, a fluke. Never know in this day and age but technology, it controls everything.
- Jubilee has posed:
With a heavy sigh, Jubilee puts down the donut on a napkin. "I'm gonna legit just sit here and lick the icing off this thing." She crinkles her nose, then rubs it, looking around the room, and back to Remy. "His names's Nate. My baseball bat," she says. Then, with an almost imperceptible glance at Jean, and back to Remy, she adds, "Nate Grey."
- Phoenix has posed:
"The team is fragmented, Remy." Jeans saying back to the Cajun. "Hank is back and forth from the city working on his other affairs. Tatum has been all but absent, I believe she's gone back to pursuing her musical career. Rogue has left us for the city as well and is now a member of the Avengers." Jean felt more than a little slighted by that, but she understood why the kid left.
"Bobby has gone back to his parents house to help there since his mother has fallen ill." She softly shakes her head and looks back to Jubilee.
"Try the fork and knife. I think it helps make it easier to consume them without the guilt. I think 'finger foods' is the reason it feels bad to eat these things."
Jean just sighed then and shook her head. "And then there's Scott. He's... around sometimes, gone most of the rest of the time." She reached for her water and went to sip from it.
- Gambit has posed:
"So, then, " Remy stares, Jubilee gets a quizzical look, "Nate Grey. This makes you almost like family, thats cute." They are both taunted, no more doughnuts for him at least as he reclines back and listens to Jean update him, "Hardly a team at all. No wonder it's all just school daze, turtle necks, angsty Beasts and sexual repression. We need a Kevin Bacon movie to happen."
Remy lets out his own noise, "Well, you got me in oh so many ways." He smirks, "An from sounds, petit 'ere and her bat."
- Jubilee has posed:
"Oh I'll use my knife and fork. Cut it up nice and shove it right in your-" Then a clamor behind the register interrupts Jubilee's vague and empty threat. Some guy wants donuts really bad. The cashier is trying to explain, but he can't because a hand around his throat is cutting off his Air Supply, and that has nothing to do with the crappy music on his iPod.
In the blink of an eye, Jubilee is standing next to the man, with a hand around his left bicep, squeezing so tightly that the customer nearly hits his knees. Which would be cool, because then Jubilee would be able to look him right in the eyes, instead of the sternum.
"Put the geek down, and I won't break this off."
- Phoenix has posed:
"I would like to speak with Nate again sometime soon." Jean quietly says after smirking at Remy's words. "We live in a confusing world, a world where things happen that seem to make no sense... but actually do, if you spend the time to investigate them. But thats the hard part, the real fight is finding the time TOO investigate the wild things happening around us all the ti--."
And then Jubilee is off, like a bullet out of a gun. Jean sits up and back in her chair and looks over to the altercation unfolding at the register. She moves to stand up and look over to Remy as well...
- Gambit has posed:
"But a great world, ma cherie. Full of many delightful things." Remy says with a different tone, lower and meant for Jean alone. It is sudden, shockingly so and the thief is kicking up to his feet, hes fast, quicker than people should be but not at this flash-blinking swiftness that Jubilee just exhibited, "W-wh-qu'est ce que se passe?"
"Petit! Maybe you should not have had all that sugar and frosting... " A wary look is given, Remy is clutching a napkin dispenser in one hand. So very deadly that piece of shiny!
- Jubilee has posed:
"Dude can't help it, the lines are down. Put down the geek, and step away." The customer really has no choice, so he lowers the clerk to his feet, and the geek grasps at his own neck, making sure nothing's broken. Likely the first time he's ever had a bruise on his neck.
"Nothin', it's ok, Remy. This guy just got a little roided out and hangry."
- Phoenix has posed:
Jean's eyes look to Remy and his napkin dispenser... some part of her wants to comment on that, but she's looking to Jubilee again. "Might check his wallet." She says. "He's probably a Guthrie."
With that said, she moves to get her coat. "I'm going to go out to the car and place a call to Hank. I think something's going on and I want to make sure its nothing major."
She says these things while tossing her coat around her shoulders and slipping it back on. She'd barely had even one bite of the one pink donute on the table, she looks to Gambit. "Catch up with me when you're done here." She says to him with a light smile.
At Jubilee then she nods. "Bring Nate by some time to chat. I'm eager to get to know him better, okay?" Jean would start for the doorway, pulling out that silver communicator again to get it ready to buzz Hank.
- Gambit has posed:
"Hank, shes a real fan it seems." Remy comments as Jean departs, not Scott shes calling. Remy might have some of his own misgivings there though, "You uh, real freaky there bubble gum." The man adds, the dispenser pushed aside back on that table.
"Right, I'll be there with bells on is the sayin'."
A long look after the woman as she leaves him without a ride. He'll make due. Always does.
A hesitant moment then Remy going back to making sure everything between Jubilee and the roid monkey is just fine.
"What we learned today here is, you're not allowed donuts anymore."