3781/Fortress of Solitude - Admit One...plus guest.

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Fortress of Solitude - Admit One...plus guest.
Date of Scene: 31 January 2018
Location: Fortress of Solitude
Synopsis: Kal and Kara meet at the Fortress.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Supergirl

Superman has posed:
So it is that whater the two were doign before, Superman has decided to bring Kara on up to check out the Fortress. Not that it was in need of repair or anything but he's taken some time to upgrade a bit, to add in some adjustments to the technology...to basically do what he can to gain a better understanding of how it works and some of the things it can do. So he leads the way, though doesn't race so, if as they get close, Supergirl decides to swoop on down and take a closer look before he gets there, it won't be the end of the world. On a day like today it isn't too hard for someone with their sense of vision to find. He is grinning though, alway s one to enjoy flying and also hopeful his cousin will enjoy the visit.

Supergirl has posed:
Keeping a close eye on Kal, even after a few years on Earth it still startles her that the baby it feels like she held just days ago is a grown man of Earth and a hero. While she's a fast flyer, she doesn't push it, letting Kal lead her to the fortress. "So these upgrades, are you going to tell me, or are we waiting to see?" She asks after a bit of silence, talking to him in Kryptonian, just to make sure his and her own grasp of their people's language doesn't die.

Superman has posed:
He lands, laughing just a little bit as he looks at you, "Now if I told you what would the fun in that be?" But the changes are immediately obvious. First of all, the simple shell that used to be there before has turned into something far more unique in design with the crystals but also...the way they play the light, make it nearly impossible to see until you get close. Then of course, there's the upgraded lock with some sort of entry key required - it looks like something akin to what may have been in the movie only this one is more rounded in shape, like a prism similar to the design of the crystals that make up the building. To which he reaches into a pocket on his suit you would have never known were there without using enhanced vision and he points, "Shall we look inside?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes, yes. Now you're toying with me, cousin." Kara lands lightly, inspecting things. Her eyes wander all over the exterior of the building with a breath. "You've really been busy. No wonder you've been so scarce. It almost fits with home." She tells him and looks to her cousin with a small smile. "Alright, we're the brightest thing out here for miles. Let's not test how often the imaging satellites look this way." She gestures to the door with her hands, hurrying Kal along.

Superman has posed:
He laughs just a little bit, "Me?" He looks at you, "Toy with one of the most powerful women in the universe? How foolish would I be. We all know women don't like games." He is indeed teasing, playing on both the Human and Kryptonian upbringing now as he laughs, and he puts the little prism in and it's readily sucked into the slot and then a blue light seems to run from it through the door and then the dour opens, four sections parting and allowing room for one to enter as the peel back. And then, he gestures for you to walk in as he also looks inside. It's cool, yes, but you can feel the warmth compared to the environment outside of the Fortress. Inside it is warmer, noticably, to the poitn that if one were dressed for the arctic temperatures they would absolutely have to remove layers. There are spots where the snow seems to have melted a bit, more of a slush, and then there are other spots the light never hits that seem to remain completely frozen.

Supergirl has posed:
Entering, Kara looks about slowly and chuckles at your words. She takes a slow circle of the main space a little wordlessly, touching things here and there. "It feels more solid than most things on this planet do. I forgot how much I miss this." She leans against a wall with a smile at you before walking back over. "It's impressive so far, you've been scanning through the crystals lately?" She asks and gestures to the space. "Well, let's have the official tour, baby cousin." Teasing back a little with a crinkle to her eyes.

Superman has posed:
"Sure," he says, slightly amused as you call him baby cousin and he grins, walking through as he says, "Well we have places to sit. Places to rest. There's a small spring there that stays cool without freezing, but I can heat it up easily enough and use it to relax and tend to some aching muscles before it freezes over again either with my help or naturally," he explains. "Then there's the stacks, as I call them - the crystals as you referred to them. Plenty of laces to study and learn there. Still making my way through them but I've learned a bit more about here," heo ffers. "A chamber where I can block everything out when I truly need to heal or find some peace..." he offers. As he bends down he scoops up some of the softer snow and ice as he holds it up, before he puts his one hand over the other and you can see how when he pulls it away it's a perfectly round sphere. "And of course, there's this," he says, throwing the snowball at you.

Supergirl has posed:
Bringing up an arm to break the snowball on, Kara gasps. "The noble son of El throwing snow balls? Oh no. If you want to throw snow balls cousin you'll have to be faster than that!" She tells him and stoops, forming a ball and lobbing it in one smooth motion at you with a laugh. She ducks around the pedestal with the flower. "Very pretty, is that to make it feel more homey for your lady friend? That journalist?" She asks you with blue eyes bright, teasing good naturedly. "It's not a bad spot to stow some of the Kryptonian tech either, like the life support orbs from our pods. You know how to use those?"

Superman has posed:
As you go by the pedastal he doesn't pick up any more snowballs, isntead he just grins. "No...I think it would take an extraordinary circumstance for me to bring her by," he explains quietly. Looking over, he spied you eyeing the chamber and then nods about the pods. "Not...necessarily? But it is possible I could. That is to say I may have a way to use them, or learn about them, or repair them. Or I could break them in the process. But yes, there are ways for me to keep small bits of our tech working here....though it doesn't relaly work with anything else from this planet. Not that I've tried too much but yeah...you can't even pick up so much as a radio signal in here." And it's true. For all the noise of planet Earth, which still isn't fully drowned out...it -is- quieter in here than when you step back out.

Supergirl has posed:
"It is strickingly quiet. Not as quiet as space, but close." Kara notes and smiles crookedly. She runs her fingers through her hair. "You know Lar Gand? Files suggest he went by Mon-El here for a while. I was thinking of using the pod's life support system to try and repair his memory. I don't know. He needs help and he is looking to anyone no matter how shady." Kara tells her cousin and toys with the flower lightly. "I don't know that we can help him, but I think we should try. Our planet did nearly wipe out his."

Superman has posed:
Superman looks to the pods then back as he ponders. "I think I'd be more itnerested in reaching out within the league to see who may be able to help with that. When you start putting non-Kryptonians into Kryptonian things...well...it's not always the best outcome. And I think in your desire to help him you're also trying not to hurt him? We may want to see what we can do for him without going to that last resort," he offers. "We have the unique situation of being on a planet where while we may be amongst the strongest, there are certainly those with skills that I have no answer for that may be able to help his mind or his memory. And they would be doing it while practieced at their art versus us, me...doing so in a way that is far from being that skilled."

Supergirl has posed:
"I hadn't considered it hurting him." Kara admits. "Daxomites are so close to us genetically." She explains and looks at you. "But your right. Perhaps J'onn might have a better idea. I should talk to him and see what he thinks too. J'onn's always so supportive." She notes and walks about the fortress. "I finally talked to Power Girl. I think things are still going to be weird for a while, but I understand now sort of how we can both be here, in this time and place."

Superman has posed:
"I see," he says with a bit of a grin, looking to you. "Does this mean now that I can start having competitions over who is my favorite cousin?" Yes, he's teasing, but he's sure that it's probably a mix on whehter or not you find it as funny as he does. He gestures to the door, "Come on. Let's head back and maybe the younger cousin with the good job can take the older cousin who I have no idea what you do to earn a living out for a meal. You hungry for anything specific?" He seems to be having fun, himself, enjoying the banter and he doesn't do any more snowballs...mostly because he has to keep the gardenia safe and you used it as a shield last time!

Supergirl has posed:
"Only if I always win. I am your actual cousin you know. She's the one from another reality." Kara says with the briefest scowl as she follows you out. "I work with the Justice League and I do this human thing. You're the one who suggested I live with the Danvers when I landed here, as I recall. Though...if you're willing to back down on that, I could always get a job at the news paper." She threatens good naturedly and smiles at you before stepping out into the cold and punching skyward like a rocket.