3775/Rising Tide: Talking about Rising Tide

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Rising Tide: Talking about Rising Tide
Date of Scene: 29 January 2018
Location: Drake's Apartment
Synopsis: Drake, Lar and Kara talk about the government and hot girls and why both sometimes can't be trusted.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Slipstream, Supergirl
Tinyplot: Rising Tide

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has just received a call from Drake, informing him that something important has come up. It sounded fairly urgent, so he makes haste to come over to the gamer's apartment in Manhattan. And haste for him really is hasty! Within minutes, he's knocking on the door--no more window entries! Though he did peek inside through the roof from above just to make sure Drake is okay...he would never forgive himself is something happened to him--again. But--all -seems- to be well, neither Kara or Drake appear to be injured or otherwise in trouble.

    "Drake? Kara?" he calls out. "Is everything all right?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I'm saving it and I sent it to your email." Drake says as he rises up as he heads over to the door and opens it up as it was already unlocked from Kara's previous entrance. "Hey." He says with a quick smile. "So, hacker leaked government files and they're about you. They're collecting intel on you, want to sneak some of your DNA and then see about measuring your level of threat to decide whether or not they can utilize you in combat situations or something. It's on the computer. You can read it. Also, Kara has something to tell you." He says as he heads for the bathroom. "Be back in a few minutes."

Supergirl has posed:
"I have?" Kara blinks owlishly and links her fingers behind her back. "Oh umm, yeah. They tried this before with Kal and I. To make a weapon against Superman." She stammers. It's not what she had actually meant to say but this seems more important. She reaches out to drag Lar over to the computer to show him the leaked file.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar lets himself get dragged over to the computer to look at the file. Fortunately for Kara, her confused tone just now goes unnoticed in favor of the more important topic at hand. Upon seeing it, he nods. "Oh, yeah I saw that already." Then he frowns. "Do you think that's really what they're up to?" he asks, rubbing the back of his head. "I was rather thinking that...that maybe they could help me. They seem to have a lot of resources, a lot of information on various different unusual entities on this planet. Maybe they know someone trustworthy who could--well, who could restore my memories."

Supergirl has posed:
"Achilles is an Earth hero of folklore. He is famous for his weakness. So, project Achilles is probably a catalog of weaknesses in heroes of Earth, or specifically, discovering Kryptonian ones." Kara points out and looks at Lar. "Wait, you knew about this? You were going to work with these people? Lar-that's...if Braniac rolls up and says he has the answer, jump into this bottle-would you?" She wonders and crosses her arms under her chest. "You have to be careful, Lar. You could get hurt looking for your answers."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Of course I would, Brainiac is a trusted member of the Legion." Lar replies, fixing Kara with an incredulous stare. Well, the only Brainiac he knows, anyway! It's probably a different Brainiac than who she's thinking of. "Heh, as a matter of fact, if he weren't off on other business I'm sure he would've figured this out by now. He is one of the most brilliant beings in the galaxy, at least according to the Legion's records."

    He sighs at the revelation about Achilles. "I guess that does sound kind of suspicious, but they don't know me--I'm sure -I- seem suspicious to them. Especially since 'erratic' is a pretty accurate assessment of my activity as of late. Don't you think it's at least worth talking to them? If they're willing to help, I don't want to just shut them down based on some leaked file. I mean who knows, maybe these 'Rising Tide' people modified its contents? Maybe they're -trying- to make these SHIELD people look bad."

    "Wait, you said 'they' tried to do this with you and Kal before, who exactly are 'they'? SHIELD? Or was it a different group?" He glances momentarily in the direction that Drake took off in, having meant to ask him a question earlier...

Slipstream has posed:
The bathroom door is closed from where Drake went into it.

Supergirl has posed:
"Cadmus. Different group. They used cages and stuff. Containment cells, things that ring of bad guy." Kara answers and lifts a shoulder. "It didn't take. Even after burning out most of my power. Sleepy and invulnerable is still hard to test. I do think they got a sample of Kal though..." She murmurs and looks at Lar. "You really want to trust someone who wants your dna for "testing". Even if it's not to learn your weakness, what if they try to use what you are to make super soldiers? Lar, please, please, please be careful before you end up in a tube somewhere, hooked up to machines for evil scientists to test on."

Mon-El has posed:
    "So it wasn't the same group then." Lar confirms. "I dunno Kara, I'm just saying, maybe we shouldn't judge all humans based on the actions of a few. Maybe I should at least give them a chance. I can be careful. I mean as careful as possible. Look, you can come with me if you want. To make sure they don't try anything, yeah?" Another long exhale. "I'm just so tired of having no idea what I'm doing. If I weren't strong enough to throw someone to the moon from here, then it wouldn't matter. But that isn't the case. People have gotten -hurt-, even almost killed, because I can't get my act together."

Slipstream has posed:
There is a quick flush of the toilet and the sound of running water from the sink. The door opens to reveal Drake, wiping his hands off on his pants as he heads back over to his computer, then sinks down into the green and black bucket gaming seat. It creaks beneath his weight from all the wear and tear. His fingers slide along the keys, tapping away as the two talk.

Supergirl has posed:
"Lar, please. It makes my stomach do flip flops thinking about you giving anyone your dna. Call for your Braniac. He's probably not a world shrinking maniac, so that's something." Kara worries at her sleeves and draws a breath. "I care about you, and I'm trying so hard to find out if what Kal has will help you-but in the mean time just...let me help you. The power has always been there, you just need to relearn a few things in the meantime. Ok? Please? I care for you, care for you. It's killing me that you're willing to take these big risks when I like you as you." She gestures to Lar before seeing Drake come back and looking back up at Lar with a furrowed, nervous look.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well, Brainiac kind of -is- a world shrinking maniac, but Lar doesn't really remember that and also it's sort of beside the point. "We'll go to the Fortress with Kal, like we talked about before, okay? But if that doesn't work, I'm going to find these SHIELD people. And if they can't help me, then--"

    At this, Drake returns from the bathroom and sits back down, and Lar turns his attention to the gamer. "Drake, I've been meaning to ask you, what did you think of that Selene woman we met the other day? I mean, does she seem...trustworthy?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Smoking hot chick that barely wears clothes who just /happens/ to be a telepath and runs a Chinese restaurant who at first was talking like a giggly teenager, who then turned around and started talking like an elite business woman?" Drake says as he taps away at the keyboard a few times. "And now you're talking about literally going to the shadowy government who at one point initiated laws to round mutants up and experiment on them so they can get your DNA and probably clone an army of super powered up brain washed Lars so they can go attack China or Russia with them?" He furrows his brows a bit. "You have terrible street smarts and intuition. Anyone that hands you an easy gift such as 'help' without asking for anything in return usually has ulterior motives, and the government will /never/ have /your/ best interests. There are two things in life that I do not trust. Random hot chicks that walk up to you with the ability to magically produce a favorable result and the government. Both fuck you over one way or another."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara looks from Lar to Drake a moment. She said it, her feelings. She blinks and props her hands on her hips feeling very confused. "Did I do that wrong?" She asks Drake and huffs out her breath in a sigh. "I'm going to try again." She sucks in a breath. "I like you in a romantic fashion and I'm scared for you. Let's tap out the resources among your friends and mine before we go to strangers." She winces a bit, expecting the worst from the admission.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar stares at Drake as he pretty much agrees with Kara on all fronts. "But--" Maybe it's just that he used to be a huge part of the government himself back home. Not that -that- government -ever- had the best interests of people in mind, either. He knows that full well. He sighs. "I--I guess you're right. She seemed genuine, but I suppose she did seem a bit flaky." But he does a slight double take on the part about rounding up mutants. "Wa--they did -what-? I--I--when did -that- happen?"

    Then back to Kara. "Wait, what did you mean you like me as me, do you think they'll change me into s--" And then she finally says it. More obviously, anyway. So -that- was why the confrontation with Power Boy hadn't gone well, wasn't it. He just stares at her, completely speechless for a moment and looking completely dumbfounded.

Slipstream has posed:
"Dude, when is it /not/ happening. Do you watch the news? People /hate/ mutants. Even Dazzler lost her music contract when she came out as one. When a mutant acts up in public, or fucks up, they kinda take them away and you don't hear from them again. They don't got the same rights as we do, well, us as Americans. Wanna know why no one rounds up Superman and sticks him in jail if he fucks up? Because he can throw the moon at you." Drake says as he slumps down into the chair. "And I don't know about that girl. I just had some red flags. That's all. Maybe she's fine. I just .. would feel more comfortable with you trusting Kara." He glances over to the blonde and says, "No, you're doing it fine. He's just a forehead." He mutters as he rises up and heads for the door. "I'm gonna leave you two alone to work this out. Lar, she loves you. You love her. Get dinner with her. This is your shot. Don't pull a C-Nine."

Supergirl has posed:
Shifting her weight, Kara sighs and shakes her head. "Just-forget it. I knew that wouldn't go over well. It's your house Drake, stay. It's fine. Lar knew about the Shield thing and I'm a dummy." She breathes out, stepping around Lar to beat Drake to the door. "It's too soon I bet and-" She waves a hand as she stops to pick up her backpack near the door.

Mon-El has posed:
    Of course Kara knew it would be all awkward. Because Lar is just...a total idiot when it comes to this sort of thing. After all, he just isn't -used- to a life where it's not obvious that every girl he meets wants to get with him. A life where he doesn't just get everything he wants whenever he wants, however he wants.

    The Daxamite nods slowly at Drake's advice about who he should trust over strangers. He's probably right...regardless of what SHIELD's full intentions are, or Selene's for that matter, they are still strangers. "Y-you're right." he admits.

    As Kara starts to leave, he suddenly zips over to her, grabs her by the front of her shirt and kisses her much like he did the first time--although this time it lasts for a few more seconds before he pulls away and lets go. "Good night, Kara Zor-El." he says, beaming, before rushing off out the door.

Slipstream has posed:
"It's always winnable." Drake seems to be full of Overwatch metaphors today as he nods to Kara. "You don't have to go, I'm just going to snag a soda down the hall." He barely gets it out as Lar zips over and snatches her up for that kiss, then zips out the door. ".. yeah, good night to you too." He grunts out with a confused look on his face. "And you didn't ask her out! MonkaS dude!" His eyes roll upwards to the ceiling, then he looks back to Kara. "At least he kissed you. That's like second base or something."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara's dazed for a moment as she's kissed-if a little more slowly and then he's gone. She looks at Drake and then at the door. "I-but-ooh. That's like our first we like each other kiss." She blows out a frustrated breath and shakes her head. "We're clearly doomed." She decides and runs her fingers through her hair. Twisting it up she tucks her darker wig on and gets her glasses out. "I guess I should get back to my Earth family. Clearly that was never going to end in ice cream for two." She sighs and puts her glasses on. "See you later Drake."

Slipstream has posed:
"... We could get ice cream." Drake offers as he rubs the back of his neck as he rocks slightly on his shoes. "I'm off the computer now and if you leave, I'll just get back on it."

Supergirl has posed:
"You did get me to talk to Lar and I did get a kiss. I guess that warrants ice cream with Jimmy." Kara smiles once she's all glasses upped and blond locks covered. "There, normal girl?" She asks and turns a bit to show off her disguise.

Slipstream has posed:
"Sure. Hot girl in a wig. Totally fooled me." Drake teases her as he gives her a gentle shoulder bump before snagging his wallet and keys, sliding them into his pockets as he heads out into the hallway.