3767/Alien spacecraft

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Alien spacecraft
Date of Scene: 30 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nuala Duvall, Katherine

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The cold air drifts through the big apple this morning as the clouds overhead murk the sky. Here in the industrial part of town, an unassuming warehouse factory is just getting started for the morning. Workers pour in from the parking lot to the factory entrance where headgaskets are made for various cars. The building is mostly clean, and it seems low security. There is an unmanned security booth at the front, and it seems that nobody expects otherwise as they roll past in their assorted vehicles. The bus stop drops off still more, a load from the subway.
    Nuala, however, was already here. She walks out of...well, seemingly nothing, dressed in a dark business outfit, unsteady on her heels, she walks across the pebble coated roof top, making her way to the roof access door.

Katherine has posed:
A woman in business slacks and a far too deeply cut v-neck top walks up, barefoot, to the security booth. She peers inside, holding her hand up to block out any sun so she can see inside. She knocks a moment, "Excuse me, hello? Yes. Sorry to bother you, but, well, I shouldn't presume I'm bothering you really. So sorry, but I am, and this place, what is made here? I have a meeting." She mentions and pulls up a piece of paper, then laughs lightly, "I should have said that at the start. It's not exactly a meeting, but an inspection?"

The paper is a form that has come straight from the city's office. At least, it appears that way on the manifest and from the electronic verification system that is being done. The security guard yawns a bit and then nods his head, calling up first the city public works commission office and finds out that sure enough, the inspection was scheduled as a surprise inspection just today.

Unusually, then, the security booth is ringing up Nuala to let her know what's going on, and to expect someone from the city in just a few minutes. Katherine will only wait till she's gotten the approval from the security guy and she will give him a wave, and calling out through the little security slot that someone might slide a badge or something through she says, "Sorry again, didn't mean to disturb. Byebye." And she starts walking past the security checkpoint onto an industrial area with no shoes on.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The approval is given, the guard doesn't even seem to notice that she's barefoot. A few of the workers do, though, a couple giving nods at the interesting sight. Nuala, meanwhile, receives the info from the desk, and without question had given access. She isn't sure if this is normal, but then, she actually has no idea what is.
    She supposes it is her job to meet the inspector, and starts heading down to the factory floor. "Stay in the yellow lines," she says to herself, in the odd accent she is prone to. She doesn't get to the floor ahead of Katherine, who is met by a blue collar manager, a messy man with a short, scraggly gray beard.
    He stops Katherine as she waks inside. "Sorry miss," he says. He glances at her feet. "You have to have closed-toe shoes to come in here." His eyes drift to the deep cut v-neck, and he forcibly pries them off, trying to remain professional.

Katherine has posed:
Stopping in her tracks, she smiles at the manager and just keeps smiling. She doesn't seem to notice when people look at her almost inhuman cleavage and otherwise perfect skin, and all too perfectly symmetrical features. And then there's her feet. "Oh, uh, closed toe?" She furrows her brow a bit and thinks about this for a moment longer, "I, may have left them in my car." Bringing a hand up to her head she laughs a bit, "I would forget my head if it were forcibly adhered through the cohesive properties of cellular structures." She sighs and shakes her head a bit, then mentions, "Well, this one time, we can ignore that." She offers and holds up the piece of paper, "I will take full responsibility for my feet. I'll even sign a waiver, don't worry though, I've already filed an exception into your General Liability contract so your factory won't be responsible for me, nor any injuries." Stopping her words for a moment she quirks her mouth to the side, "Standard, procedure...?"

With that she starts to walk again, and starts looking around, inspecting the first thing she sees, "Just inspecting now." She grins and says, "You can go along, and work. You look like a good worker, all, workery and such. Don't want to get you in trouble by not having you work." A visible sideways glancing back and forth, like someone trying to get away with something in a cartoon. Then she beams, "Unless you had a pair of boots I could borrow?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala enters behind Katherine during the conversation. The floor manager gives a doubtful look at Katherine. "No, we don't have a waiver, you'll have to go get them, miss. That's the federal safety standard." His demeanor becomes flat. "What are you looking for, anyway?"
    Nuala speaks up from behind. "Hello," she says, her Xandarian accent clear as she speaks, though she is clearly human. "Are you the inspector?" she asks, "I am Ms. Duvall." She walks over, holding a hand out to shake.
    The floor manager eyes Nuala. "Ms. Duvall, remember, it's not allowed to have heels on the factory floor." He looks a little more annoyed at the ladies and their inability to adhere to the simple standard.
    "Oh, that's right," Nuala answers, and as she looks down at her feet, she notices Katherine's. "She doesn't have any shoes at all," she observes.
    The man is getting older by the second. "Yes, I know."

Katherine has posed:
Looking over the wall, "Welp, this wall is adhering to the inspection standards." She mentions and pulls up her piece of paper and checks off one of the multitude of points she has one there. Walking over to Ms Duvall she reaches out her hand and props it out for a handshake, and says, "Katherine. I am the inspector, at least that's what the paper says." She holds it up and taps it a bit. "If you'd like, you can inspect it." Offering the paper out Katherine starts to snicker, and then is chuckling full on.

"Oh, see, cause I am an inspector, oh, whew. Just a little inspector humor there." Grinning wider she wipes a tear from one of her eyes and looks back over to the factory worker, "Most importantly Ms. Duvall we at the Federal Inspection Agency, we like that your worker here has pointed out that shoes, and proper shoes are a requirement. He's done his job well." She looks on her list before hrming and shakes her head, "Though not one of the 317 points, I'll make sure to note it however in my report. I will have to look over this building pretty much top to bottom, and make sure that computers turn on and off." Adding to that she holds out the paper, "It's official, I mean, look at this paperwork. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. I am just doing my duty to insure the safety of all the universe, and particular America. And, I am present and accounted for." Reaching up she taps her lower lip a few times, in thought, "Hmmm, let's go upstairs, I've seen enough on this floor."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Is this some kind of joke?" the floor manager asks. "You can't walk around barefoot on the floor. If you are an inspector, you know that." He looks at Nuala, and back at Katherine, clearly frustrated.
    Nuala looks at their feet again, then shakes Katherine's hand. It takes a moment for Nuala to get the joke, but then she suddenly bursts into laughter alongside Katherine. "I understand! Inspect, inspector." She looks back to the manager to share the smile. He stays stonefaced. She loses the smile, and nervously back to Katherine, taking the paper more quietly.
    Nuala seems to latch onto the idea of going upstairs. "Yes, maybe we should go upstairs so that Mr. Sherman will be satisfied that we follow the proper standards." She starts to lead Katherine up the steps, back to the office area.
    "I didn't know that you have to check computers for inspections," she says. Mr. Sherman just watches, folding his hairy arms across his chest, shaking his head in disbelief.

Katherine has posed:
When Ms Duvall starts to laugh, Katherine laughs some more and doubles over, her hands on her knees as she's shaking raucously, "Yes! Yes! You get it!" She laughs harder still, shaking her entire frame, until standing up and smiling soon after you agree to go upstairs. "Oh, Mr Sherman, nice to meet you." She looks over the factory worker and tilts her head to the side some before she starts to move after Ms Duvall.

Walking up the stairs, Katherine doesn't seem to mind the industrial stairs on her barefeet, she just walks easily without shoes on at all. And looking around as she goes, she hmmms, "Yes good, a proper amount of stairs." She indicates, "Not too few, not too many. Like the godilocks version of a stair case." She continues to move and then wonders to Nuala, "Your accent. It is different than one I recognize, where is it from exactly?"

The stairs are going to be leading upwards and Katherine will want to go into whatever main office there is as she also notes about the inspection, "Well it is a very thorough surprise inspection. Computers, in a factory environment, could be causing disturbances by running machinery at odd speeds. Something that might not influence the prodcution value of the factory overall, nor the quantity in any humanly noticeable way, but at the FIA, we aren't human. We are inspectors. And so we notice things like this, and as such we have to even check computers. Don't worry though, no one but James Stopek need worry about their personal activities on the computers." She says and keeps looking around, touching things like the wall every few steps and saying, "Good good wall, good stair banister. Good catwalk." She appraises the place as she goes using whatever language she suspects an inspector might use.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods as Katherine addresses the stairs. "That is good. Is godilocks a good brand?" she asks. She seems to be unaware of children's story. "I am not knowing very much about stairs." She opens the door and they step into a hallway, walking past a few cubicles. There is an office with no one sitting at the desk nearby, and she hesitates when asked where she is from. "My accent?" she asks. "It is from... Europe?" Was that a question or a statement? "It is strange that these computers can change the machinery speeds. I will find James and let him know that he should worry." If only she knew who that was. "I must admit, I have not having been here for an inspection before. As you may know, I only recently became the owner of this company."

Katherine has posed:
"Godilocks is a children story about how a blonde girl steals porridge from three very intelligent bears. They are so intelligent, they are able to make a house, porridge, and they speak english." Katherine comments easily, and then continues, "There is a scene where the blonde girl is trying each of their porridges and finds one too cold, one too hot, and one just right. It is that one she consumes completely while contaminating the rest with her germs."

A slight shrug as Katherine continues up the stairs and she mentions, "It is often used in this era for a 'just right' scenario. Or another way of saying moderation." She informs, without thinking much of it, as she continues up the stairs she ohs and grins, "Stairs, I know a great deal about stairs. I am an engineer after all." She pauses and adds, "As well as an inspector." Then she shakes her head a little, seeming curious, "No, that's not it." In response to your question about the accent. In her future most alien races had already been long consumed by the nanites for her to identify it and she hmms, and taps her lower lip some more, "James should worry. He spends a great deal of his day looking at pornography. And not very good pornography. Elaine complains to Tom about it an average of 6.23 times per day."

There's a couple more nods as she gets into the office space area, and moves over to the nearest desk that has a computer, and she starts looking around it mostly at the hardware and hrms. Then looks around in a bit of a squint, "Does your factory make a strange humming sound? Or do you have any technology here that emits radiation beyond normal earth ranges?" A pause before she adds quickly, "Just a routine question>"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods, "Pornography: That is media used to sexually arouse humans, yes? It is highly addictive to the limbic system and can become a dependence much in the way of narcotic drugs if overused, affecting work performance and social skills. When I find him, I will let him know that he is damaging his brain and bothering his co-worker."
    The hardware inside the systems here seems very standard, if not substandard for office computers. As Katherine inquires regarding the radiation levels, she opens her mouth to answer, and then considers the response. "None of the systems here should emit a significant radiation signature... How is it that you have become aware of James Stopek's situation?"

Katherine has posed:
Looking at the computer again, and Katherine starts walking around like she's following some sort of bread crumbs but they are more in the air and along the ceiling. "Yes, exactly!" Katherine mentions with a smile, looking back to Nuala for a moment before nodding her head with a grin. "And that is wise. You must be a great manager, letting your employee know of his problems and attempting to help him with them." She keeps looking around, squinting a little. It is difficult to pick up on anything with even her advanced multitude of sensory equipment. Alien cloaking technologies aren't easy to read even in close proximity.

"Well, I was utilizing the satellites for... inspections... and I realized that there was some levels of computer systems and connectivity issues occuring in the vicinity of this factory. Naturally, I had to investigate. While I was investigating, from the satellite, I realized that there were fluctuations in the electrical speeds as well. Minute changes, that over time were still barely noticeable. It could have been extra dense materials being manufactured, or possibly a faster-than-light speed engine of some variety." Katherine keeps looking around, and hrms a bit, looking back to Nuala, "So, naturally I suspected that your factory was creating FTL drives..." She mentions, "Unsafely." Thrown in there.

"That's when I had this inspection drawn up. Well, I did not want to come in here without any research done, and the inspector's code - know thy enemy - I take very seriously. So, I created a trojan on a website with explicit material since I noticed a lot of pornographic pages were being pinged by an employee. And then from there it was just a matter of following the bread crumbs to James."

A detailed and honest description of her entire path to find this James. She hrms, looking back to Nuala, "Would you know if there was an alien or future technological presence here? Someone who was trying to infiltrate the current era earth, and possibly destroy all life on it? As an inspector, we take safety extremely seriously."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    As Katherine continues her explanation, Nuala's smile seems to freeze, and slowly fade. The happy banter seems to leave her mind. "Know thy enemy," she echoes, closing her stances slightly. "There are no FTL drives being developed here. I am confident I would know if there was an alien presence here, and the future hasn't happened yet."
    Nuala walks to her office, indicating for Katherine to follow and shutting the door behind them if she does. "Perhaps you could explain to me why you are really here."

Katherine has posed:
Following after Nuala, she seems a bit confused, "Well, depending on the current view of the Universe, the future has already happened. And the past is still happening, and also yet to happen yet." She scrunches up her brow, fully following the owner of the gasket making company, the door is shut. "Like I said, an inspection." She mentions before blinking a few times, "Ohhhhhhhhhh, you mean the actual reason. Right. Yes, so, as I said. I detected permeations in the local space and time dimensions at a subatomic level. Mostly through a very amazing algorithm I setup myself." She seems proud, "You see, most of the time a passive FTL drive, one that's off, would not be causing much in the way of disturbances. But if you look at electrons, they begin to condensate around those points, since well, the whole premise of FTL has to do with removing resistance and working on a quantum scale, using gauge symmetry breaking mechanics..." She pauses and sighs, slumping her shoulders, "My friend is always telling me I explain too much. So, uhhhh, I detected a weird anamoly here, using super keen math equations. Only really possible since I was able to hack into local internet providers rather easily."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala removes a silver hairband from her hair, which might actually help distinguish the location of a small piece of advanced technology. Nanotechnology. Something about it is decidely not a simple decoration. Nuala examines Katherine's expression, surprised that she can detect her but not any thoughts.
    "I am glad you explain things. I am aware of how it works. Earth does not have FTL technology. Earth also does not have the technology to track such technology." Nuala looks somewhat concerned. "You would not normally come to a gasket company to look for advanced developments in space craft. This place only makes headgaskets for gasoline powered automobiles."

Katherine has posed:
Watching as you remove the hairband, Katherine kind of tilts her head and then looks over to you. She keeps smiling, even though she's been 'caught' as it were, she's still smiling that same happy smile. "Not a problem. It is very difficult for me to lie. Especially to a biological life." She indicates with ease as she looks around the office, "Yes, normally someone would not come looking for that technology here. But, as I said, there were things that I detected that could only really be identified as such. I am uncertain of where this drive is located however. Unless, of course, it is below your factory or above it, though my detection methods are sound, they are not precise enough with this era's technology to really be able to be more precise." She states and then quirks her mouth to the side, "I thought the inspection letter would have been enough of a cover. It got me this far... so, was it just the conversation about the FTL? In my next ruse I will attempt to obfuscate that part of the conversation a bit more."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "You talked about technologies which Earth does not possess, that was sign- wait, why am I being helping you?" Nuala asks. "Why are you looking for FTL technology? What race do you serve? Earth is a non-interference planet. No alien races or represensasives, represenans - no aliens are aloud."
    "Are you here to infiltrate Earth?" comes the direct question. "You will need to be reported for this."

Katherine has posed:
Listening to you, Katherine wanders to one side of the office and looks over it, and then turns to look at Nuala. "I am from Earth." She indicates with ease, "I do not serve any particular race or species, but instead am here to help with all sentient life." And then she says, in answer to your first question, "Most people tend to help me. I am very happy about that. People seem to open up to me, I have been told I am a good listener. And I have been told I'm a chatterbox. Which are not mutually exclusive." She comes over to a seat and sits down, and then watching you from the chair, "I will wait for you to report me. Perhaps the people, or organization you will report me to, will know about the FTL disruptions in the area? They will likely help me discover it." She nods her head a few times and smiles at you, "You have great ideas."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala arches one eyebrow. "You are from earth, you are human? I cannot report you if you are human. Humans belong on earth. I am concerned because you are asking about things that most humans are either unaware of, or do not understand. You seem to understand a lot about FTL drives."
    Nuala takes a seat opposite Katherine, a slightly used seeming executive chair. "I did not expect this type of event today. I have trouble trusting people when I do not understand their motives."

Katherine has posed:
Turning to fully face you now that you are sitting down as well, Katherine ohs and smiles, "No, I am not human." She indicates, "But I am not alien either." She pauses and reaches up, tapping her lower lip for a moment and then hrms, "Annnnd, yes, I know of Faster than Light travel. I am actually surprised that it is not more abundant in this era." She shakes her head a little confused, "It is a rather easy technology to replicate, if only the manufacaturing and technological base of materials were already here." She shrugs a bit, and then says, "I already told you my motives. Protect all sentient life in the universe." She tilts her head a bit, "Do you not trust me? I am very trustworthy. You seem like you are having a hard day. Do you need me to get you anything? Food? Water? Aspirin?"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I have not the luxury," Nuala responds. "I must answer to many people, and I am not at liberty to discuss many things." She laughs at the comment about needing something. "A strong Daxamite Ale would be good." She suddenly realizes what she said, and quickly continues. "Your motives are vague, I appreciate that you want to help all sentient life, I think you are telling me you are synthetic?" She rubs her forehead, and places the headband back over her hair. "Hyperdrives, warp engines, gravity drives, quantum drives, they are all common in this era," she says. "Just, not on earth. If you are saying that you are from the future, which is what I think you are telling me, you must know about several other alien races which have these things."

Katherine has posed:
Pausing for a moment, Katherine thinks about your first series of words, "Daxamites. They are aliens..." She pauses for a moment, "From a planet nearby Krypton. Hmm. Interesting." She tilts her head to the side and then shakes her head a little bit, "My motives are not vague. They are specific. The apparatus by which my motives will take action is vague, but that is due to a lack of technology present on this Earth." Katherine offers, after you talk about different engines, "I am not from the future. I am from the exact time, in a near parallel universe. The events that arose in my Earth's timeline are nearly similar as to the ones here, but happened in a much more compressed amount of time. In the 9th century, we were at the level of technology, approximately as Earth is now. Mostly due to the compression of wars." When you say your last part she looks down some, and says, "Most sentient life had been eradicated by the time I was born. Alien races that were still within the Earth's database by that point, which would be approximately your 61st century, are known to me. Much of this Universe is unknown to me, but I believe the same threat is present and coming. But beyond our knowledge at this point." She waits and wondres, "Are you not from earth then? You seem to understand conceptually the technologies that aliens have already developed."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala stares deadpan at Katherine. "I feel this is too outlandish a tale to be a lie," she says. "I understand why most people trust you. From Earth...is a debatable term. I was born on earth, yes, and I am on Earth now. I have spent some time, abroad." She takes a deep breath, uncomfortable with going that direction. "How do FTL drives play into saving the universe? What is the nature of the threat? Disease? Invasion?"

Katherine has posed:
"Consumption." Katherine mentions as her answer, "It is not exactly a disease nor an invasion." There's a pause as she looks at you and then nods her head, "If you trust me, then you will understand my words. There is, somewhere in this Universe, either already started or soon to be initiated, a nanite of alien origin. It will be so small that it can manipulate photons, quarks, and almost control quantum forces, but it cannot quite break quantum rules. It does not travel quickly, but it expands, as it consumes. Converting all matter, and life, into itself. By the time we were able to detect it's growth it was so massive that it could be seen in all directions of the Universe. It had, surrounded the visible beginnings of our existence." She says and takes in a breath before more saying, "My friends, my creators, realized they needed something, some one, who could not be hacked could not be destroyed, could not be consumed. And many AI had utilized quantum computing by that point, but I was the first Quantum AI." She pauses a moment before adding on, "And, in many ways the last. Though FTL drives do not specifically play a role in ending this threat, they do allow for travel and the technologies necessary to create them were lost to me. By my time, many records were of technologies far in advance of what exist today and much of our older storage had been destroyed. It is though I have the key to our survival, but no lock." She then breaks into a rather large grin and says, "I worked on that metaphor six thousand and twenty seven times. I am very prooud of it. I think it is perfect."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "It is a good metaphor," Nuala acknolwedges first with a slight smile returning to her face, though she is clearly still very lost in thought. "Would communication with other races suffice to help you in your mission? I cannot promise anything, there are many legal standards to be navigated. Interstellar law is a very difficult thing, but if what you are saying is true, it could be important enough." Nuala stands up, crossing her arms over her chest, and pacing slightly. "This is not my job, I am not the best person to help."

Katherine has posed:
When you start talking about legality, Katherine mentions, "I will work with whatever it is that I have at my disposal to insure that this threat never develops to a point where it cannot be stopped." She looks at you as you mention that you are not the best person to help. "You are helping right now by thinking of ways to help. The universe is a giant computer, we are its transistors. If you are to survive, or your great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren are to survive, we each must do our part. Villainy and heroism play no role in what is to come."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I do not have any children," Nuala says, a slight shyness in her voice. "Still, many people do. I think it would have been easier if you had come to another planet when you jumped realities. Earth is very primitive. It will take time before this can come to fruition. Do you have a way to find this...Consumption?"

Katherine has posed:
"No." Katherine comments, and then says, "Because of the nature of travel that we were allowed. It could only go from on place of orgiin to the same. In reality, this was merely a virtual universe to us, as that universe is merely virtual to here. Neither one was real to the other until the portal was open." She comments before adding, "I have time, but I do not know how much time. So I must constantly be working on adapting and creating technologies. To prepare for the moment we do detect it."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala places a hand over her mouth, resting her face in it as she thinks. "I... this is not my area of expertise." She ponders. "I cannot say how I would report this information. We receive many threats on a regular basis across the galaxy. I... I need you not to give any hint to anyone that I am anything beyond an average business owner. It would compromise my ability to help you." She sighs. "I cannot just pass vague information like this to my superiors, the request for aid would be ignored. You will need to come up with some more substantial justification before I can do anything."

Katherine has posed:
Thinking for a moment, Katherine raises up a finger and taps her lower lip as she processes... literally. "Are you some kind of law enforcement?" She wonders as she looks you over and then nods her head, "I will not allow for any of this information to be attainable by anyone else. I will isolate it in a storage space that would be unhackable." And then she mentions, "If you were to allow me to investigate your technology that you already have, I could then begin to replicate pieces that I would need in order to better gather and generate the level of technology that will need to be before the threat arrives." She grins and adds, "Otherwise, you could take me in as a criminal. I can, start breaking things around here, or steal interstellar mail... or something, and tnen when we are on the inside of your intergalactic facility I can hack it and gain access to the next step."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "What?" Nuala's eyes go wide. "No! That would not be a good idea." Nuala moves her hand to her head. "You can not just take technology. I would be removed from my position and you would be hunted down and yes, taken into custody, and most likely deconstructed." She starts pacing. "You cannot just rush such things. You will need to find evidence that this threat is real before I can help you. Just because I believe your story, it does not mean that everyone will. You are asking the entire galaxy made of many different nations to join forces against an evil that may or may not exist in this reality which you cannot detect. That is a large thing to ask, you see?"

Katherine has posed:
With a few more taps to her lower lip, Katherine looks at you with squinty eyes as if trying to see what you are saying, or make sense of it. "I do not understand." She questions, "You will follow the law, instead of save the entirety of the universe?" She wonders, tilting her head to the side and sighing as you essentially ranting at her a bit. A small shrug she says, "I cannot be deconstructed." She indicates, "I am code, quantum code, at that. I literally cannot be destroyed. Not in any known way, I can become useless, but not destroyed. I do not understand the concern. An intergalactic counsel would likely have resources, such as ships, and other communication arrays. These could be utilized to better extend the detection methodology..." She pauses and her eyes get wide, "Ohhhhh, I get it. You are saying I should manufacture evidence, like I did with the inspection notice. Great idea. You are very good at this." She is smiling rather large at that, "And, they may not technically exist yet, but so long as technology continues to progress this threat is inevitable."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "That...is not what I am saying!" She puts her fingers on her temples, and paces more, one heel twisting. She mutters in Xandarian and kicks the heels off her feet. "You are missing the big problem here. The law will stop you from filling your goal. You cannot just, what is the word, make things up, bluff! You cannot bluff through the entire legal system. You cannot deceive the entire galaxy so easily. I suppose the only evidence you have is yourself, and you would have to talk to a far more advanced scientist than myself to know whether your existence could prove the inevitable threat. I am a field agent. I am not equipped to assess these types of things."

Katherine has posed:
There's some listening, and nodding of her head as though she's agreeing with you. "Ahhhhh, so don't bluff." Katherine says while grinning, "Just make them see the threat and lead them to the end result. That is even better! You saw through my plan, and as you say, I cannot bluff the whole galaxy I only managed to get this far with you. Instead, it must be completely more elaborate than that... something bigger. A full on made-up war that is coming. Then they will seek ME out. Genius." She nods her head, wheels turning, as she offers, "Then the law will not get in my way, they will instead enlist me." She stands up and mentions, "Thank you so much for your help." Getting ready to head out.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I... very well," Nuala says, defeated. She has no idea how to progress this conversation. She better warn someone this is coming. "I am glad I could help." What happened to just vaporizing parasitic threats? "Thank you for coming in and helping with our compliance inspection," she offers. "Try not to get yourself into trouble."