3716/Chance encounter

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Chance encounter
Date of Scene: 22 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nico Minoru, Daken

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru might as well not even be here, for as much as she's avoiding the atmosphere. She's not even seated, instead she's leaning against the wall, blended into the wood panel, by the door to the pool room. Too young to drink, and yet she's holding a nondescript bottle - either the bartender took pity on the gothic teen, or she's having something of a virgin variety. Either way, she's hidden in plain sight, for the time comfortable to be ignored.

Daken has posed:
Daken would enter the bar with a crack of his neck. Long raven hair that comes down to his shoulders, a light, beautifully trimmed beard. Striking brown eyes looking around the place. His form is covered by a black trench coat with a fur neckline and on the trim, a red T-shirt underneath, black jeans, and combat boots. fingerless gloves cover his hands as he moves to a chair, before Nico catches his eye.


is all that goes through his head...he can smell her strong emotions even where he is..though he tried to mask his pheromones with cologne, they were starting to break through...leaving those around him to experience perhaps certain emotions for daken...could be sad, happy, madly in love, completely angry, scared...any number of effects. He gives a small smile to Nico when he realizes he was staring. Perhaps a silent invitation to join him?

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru is only human, and a pretty obtuse one at that. But she's a teenager, and whether it's pheremone related or not, can't help but watch the man in all black cross the room. She seems a bit caught when his eyes lock hers, but she doesn't blanch. It's like she can't. She instead sees his response in a smile, and tries to relax.

No sense staring at him from against the wall, zero point in pretending they're not already communicating. Plus, there's something oddly familiar about him. It's enough to muster the courage to push away from the wall, and take the seat next to him. Of course, now she feels obligated to start talking. Fumbling for something to say, she stares straight ahead at nothing, and sets down her bottle.

"I'm not a call girl or anything." she finally spurts. "I just thought I recognized you."

Daken has posed:
Daken orders a vodka before Nico shows up and smiles to him. Turning his head, he notices her stalling before she can actually speak her words, thoug hthe words he says causes him to laugh a bit. "Don't worry, I wasn't thinking of you as a call girl. You just caught my eye and I thought you were beautiful." he teases softly with a flirtateous smile. He was blunt and didn't mince his words.

His drink finally arrives and he takes a sip.. "So, what's your name?" he smiles to her. He looked all of 22...but he was -much older- than that thanks to his healing factor.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru needs to stop being caught so sideways with the smooth talk. She calms herself and stares into her bottle. "Um, it's Nico." she says in a confessional tone. "And I probably shouldn't be in here, but I'm getting kinda sick of those coffee shop guys trying their worst to pick me up."

She slides the empty bottle aside. Sure enough, it's cream soda. She fiddles with the coaster idly.

Daken has posed:
Daken sips his drink then a little bit as he nods at the revelation of her name. "Nice to meet you Nico. My name's Daken." he grins at her then. "Hey, I can see why they'd try. Though you seem like the kind of gal who wants someone to stick around." he inquires. "Though I could be wrong." he smiles to her softly.

He sees her fiddle with her coaster and he smiles. "So then, How about I keep you company? Unless I'm secretly a coffee house neckbeard." he jests.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru twists her look over his direction and makes the kind of face only a droll teenager can. "Time will tell, I guess." she responds. When the bartender ambles past, she wiggles her empty bottle without word, and the man seems not amused, but also not interested in causing a stink over a sale.

"So, Daken, you from here?" Nico inquires with a poorly veiled quizzical glance. "I'm not, not really. More just here for the time being."

Daken has posed:
Daken smiles softly to her as he ust kinda shrugs a little bit, his glare at the bartender probably helping said tender make his decision about refilling her drink. Once it is refilled, he puts down a solid tip to keep the drinks coming. A look then to Nico. "No. From Japan, actually. You?" he asks curiously as he looks her right in the eyes, scooting just -barely- towards her.

He had to admit, he was attracted to her...he could tell, that for some reason, the two were very similar.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru probably should have caught it, the familiarity, but it's just something you don't actively look for. Especially not where she's from. "Um, Malibu... actually." she confesses. "My folks are from Japan though." is the final answer he was probably edging to hear.

She takes the new drink when it's placed, inspects it out of idle paranoia, and takes a sip. "But you know how it goes, time comes... you break out on your own. They'd probably wish I was in college, but nothing really goes as planned."

Daken has posed:
Daken smiles warmly then to Nico, though he has no idea who she is. "ah...well, that would explain the certain beauty you have about you." he loved Japan, and the people in it...even if he was an evil bastard back then. But alas, times have changed and he's with the good guys now.

"I know the feeling..." a silence for a moment. "Drink however much you want. It's on me." and he can't get drunk sooo...but he did enjoy Nico's company...almost as mucha s he enjoyed flirting with the beauty.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico Minoru seems a bit taken back by the offer, and takes a step back and looks at her situation. "Actually, it's been a nice chat, um, Daken..." she slides off the chair and picks up the bottle. It's not alcoholic, so she's taking it along. "I have a bus to catch. But maybe I'll see you around."

It's not his fault, she assures herself. He's charming, he has that handsomeness, a touch of her father's face in his maybe, but that just reminds her of too much in the past. She doesn't look back as she scuffles towards the door. Did she... pay? Hard to remember.