3662/Sam's Fang Emporium!
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Sam's Fang Emporium! | |
Date of Scene: | 15 January 2018 |
Location: | Sunnydale |
Synopsis: | Loki, in his guise as a private investigator, leads Velvet Ant and Buffy on the search for a missing girl--which takes them into a nest of vampires. |
Cast of Characters: | Loki, Sarah Osborn, Buffy Summers
- Loki has posed:
There are thousands of places just like the Bronze all over the country. Converted storage buildings with some cheap furniture and curious architecture thrown into place with metal rods and curtains seemingly willy nilly. Put together to create some sort of sound studio vibe with a focal point being the stage where 'live' music plays with all the enthusiasm that unearned arrogance and a decided lack of talent can muster. Right now a singer is swaying back and forth curled with both hands around the microphone while his band plays in the background, the sound levels all askew so his lyrics are barely heard over the heavy bass line.
And yet it serves the ambiance here.
Late at night, not quite midnight, and the place is still hopping. The holiday coming up has the intended crowd heavier than normal, but not like a Friday night. it's somewhat sombre, conversations can actually be overheard compared to the normal times when one has to yell back and forth. The crowd is young, very young. Teenagers and twenty-somethings...
And Sam. A tall man who steps past the doorman after handing the fellow a crumpled bill. Hands deep in the pockets of his great coat, the man in the olive green looks around the room with a certain measure of curiousity to him. His green eyes sweep the place, lighting from point to point to point. It's only when he espies one person in particular that his lip curls.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah is working, she does lighting tech for the Bronze and some local bands. It is how she has made a living for the past half year or so. She also does it for some museums and studios. It is a decent job. It barely voverd her expenses before she turned 18 though, she is not sure what to do about geting her own place. She is thinking of having something to do with her father's company...but is not sure she wants to.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Things were slow out on the streets. It made Buffy nervous when there weren't enough bad things out there. Usually it meant there was something worse coming down the line. That had been her experience too many times. Thirst drove her inside to the Bronze and she heads through, giving a glance around to see if any of the Gang are present. No such luck.
She moves to the bar and waves, the tender bringing her a bottle of water as she drops a few bills on the counter before heading for a quieter spot to sit. Which is when she spots that familiar tall figure. What's he doing there?
- Loki has posed:
Familiar might be overstating it, passing recall perhaps? But then again he has been around a touch and might have been seen by others. He does get some strange looks as he passes through the few dancers doing their bit to cut a rug in the way of the bar. But Sam presses on towards where the short blonde is trying to get her drink.
Turning his shoulders as he moves, he slips around two people, another set, ten he reaches the bar and leans against it as he looks to the side towards her, and perhaps espies Sarah as well. A moment, a second glance, something curious. But then he looks back towards Buffy.
"So. Quick update. Vampires are real. That's interesting, isn't it?" Of course she would know. He leans there against the bar and waves a hand towards the tender, "Brandy?" He asks, but then turns back to the girl before he gets an answer either way.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah spots Buffy, but can not go say hello right away. Work is like that, you can take a break sometimes, but often when you want to you can not. She will get over and see what is up when the set ends. She has to let Buffy know what happened at the graveyard last night...
- Buffy Summers has posed:
As she leans back against the bar with her bottle of water, Buffy spots Sarah over in the corner doing her thing. She tosses a brief wave that direction but isn't sure the woman will see. She's busy with work but hopefully the noise will stop soon. Because really, that's all that's coming from the stage. They sometimes have good artists. This is not one of those times.
As the private investigator works his way toward her, she plays it cool like she didn't notice. Until he speak. Glancing over and up, her brows are lifted in obvious surprise. "You're back to that again, huh? You going hunting Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster next?" she asks in a teasing tone.
- Loki has posed:
"Disbelief," The tall man points at Buffy, recognizing her evidenced opinion. He snaps his fingers and points at her slightly for a moment, then looks across the room. "I went through that phase as well. But, suggest we get over that quickly."
That having been said he reaches a hand into the pocket of his coat and produces a printed out picture, setting it on the bartop and sliding it towards the girl of such doubt. He says, "Anna Ferguson, seventeen. Her progenitors hired me to find her and I came across one of the coterie that took her before. An acquaintance helped me in speaking with one of the creatures and I was able to learn where his 'master' was." He waves a hand as if dismissing the whole idea as nonsense.
"Unfortunately," The PI chews the inside of his cheek, then looks back. "Unfortunately," He repeats, "I would need to engage some outside help if I'm going to pursue the matter. I am not the best suited to such matters of conflict."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah sees Buffy wave and, when the band leaves the stage for a beakm heads over to join her, hanging back a bit when she sees the other girl is involved in a conversation. If Buffy wants her to join in, she will indicate it. Sarah is not a people person, for all she can tell this is a date and she would not want to intrude.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Seeing Sarah, Buffy waves her over to join them at the bar just as Sam is going wrapping up his comment. Question? It wasn't really phrased like a question. It was more a statement. Although in truth, she realizes there is one problem here. She got 'master' which combined with vampire equals Bad Stuff. She got that he was hired to find a girl. So girl to vampires to master vampire. Bad Stuff indeed. Things like 'progenitors' and 'coterie' she just lets fly right past her and manages to not embarass herself by asking what they meant. The important parts were in the words she knew, right?
"So you want someone to go hunting vampires?" she asks in a tone that says he sounds crazy.
- Loki has posed:
As the other young woman makes her approach but hovers for a moment, Sam gives her a glance and a rather open smile, easy-going and amused for some particular reason. But then he's looking back towards Buffy and giving her a nod, once, as he accepts the premise she advances. "Indeed," He is given his drink by the bartender and nods is thanks, then looks back towards the young women.
"Well, it's a careful balancing act. I think I might be able to handle matters sufficiently, and perhaps my initial thought of what has passed is untrue. But better to cover all the bases, yes?" He takes a sip of brandy, then looks across the way. "And not as if I'm presuming someone will aid me out of the good of their heart."
His lip twists and he looks back at her, "No matter how noble the goal. Reuniting a young girl with her family, helping at the very least give them some sense of closure. Who but a heartless cad could ignore the call to duty for such a noble goal?"
A beat, then he adds, "Also it pays a hundred and forty dollars and all the coffee you can drink."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah chuckles as she walks up, "Never offer me or Buffy all of anything we can eat or drink. We are too likely to put you in the poorhouse by eating you out of house and home. Now, what KIND of Vampires are we talking, I have 237 varieties in my records, and might have missed a few."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
He's good. He's really good. Playing on the emotions, trying to guilt them into finding someone who can help. Buffy is about to start the slow clap when Sarah opens her mouth and all that playing like she doesn't know vampires exist just gets shot out of the water in one sentence. She opens her mouth. Closes it. Opens it again. Then shakes her head and takes a big swig of her water as she tries to recover.
There is no recovery. The cat is out of the bag. Or the vampire. "Uhm...what she said." She can't even look at Sam now as she mutters that.
- Loki has posed:
His hands flare slightly as he waves off their words and the question, though he does answer it in part. "I just encountered the one, a terribly rude fellow who had claws and fangs, looked very upset. He claimed they were going to wash the city in blood, extremely melodramatic." Sam pushes the photo towards Buffy, but then twists it to the side and aims it at Sarah who has slipped into the conversation so easily.
"I questioned him as to the where and the who and the why. The first being in a rather recently developed manor home on the outskirts of New York. I believe the term is, McMansion." He then takes up the photo and pockets it in one of the large pockets in his coat. "The who was simply the master, perhaps the fellow has an affectation for mononyms. The why, however, is that he apparently has a thing for blondes."
Looking between them, "Does that suffice? If you know of anyone or can point me in a suitable direction perhaps there's a donut in it for you. Perhaps two."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah glances in the mirror, "Well, being of the blond persuadion myself, I suppose I might want to do something about him, just to keep from being kidnapped at an inconvenient moment." She yawns dramaticly, "Getting kidnapped gets old fast." She glances at buffy and says, "Do you suppose this is a funny way to invite us to a costume party?"
- Buffy Summers has posed:
"Two donuts. Each. Plus the money and all the coffee we can drink. For a year," Buffy adds. Since a master vampire is nothing to play with. "Then we will both help you." She's not aware of Sarah's specialness but she isn't going to turn down the help of a friend. "Sarah has the database so she can research, figure out the details. Then we can use me for bait instead." Since, after all, she might live through the encounter, in her mind.
She did take a long look a that picture before he tucked it away, frowning a little bit as she does so. If she can go in, she hopefully will make it back out but she'll put in some calls to the other Scoobies as well. Wouldn't do to go against a master without some sort of backup plan. Although some of them would try to go with so they are quickly marked off the list. Which is when she realizes she has no list now. Great.
- Loki has posed:
Looking to the side, Sam taps the side of his glass with a fingertip, then looks back towards her. "A year? Madness. I am an individual of limited means." He downs the very last bit of brandy then uncurls a bill onto the bar top and pushes it towards the tender. Looking back towards them, "But the rest is fine, though you split the one forty."
He tilts his head to the side and quirks an eyebrow at Buffy, "You have my card?" He gets a slight smirk and then adds, "Unless you threw it away already." He reaches a hand into his inner pocket now, separately drawing forth a small white card he sets on the bar with a small /fnap/ of paper, even as the band starts to get ready for their next set and climbing back on the stage.
"I'll come by here tomorrow, or give me a call soon. Time is a bit of the essence."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah stops sam, "Before you go, a more complete description of the vampire you encountered mat help. You said claws...were those actual claws, elongated fingernails, or skeletal fingers? What was his complexion like? Could he pass for human?" Sarah needs as much data as she can get to feed into her database and eliminate types of vampire that do not fit.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
NEW YORK, The Next Day
The Mansion looks like something out of a fancy magazine about landscaping and interior design. It didn't scream 'vampires live here'. Because that was just too easy for people like Buffy to go find them. She wasn't sure about this friend of Sarah's but she trusted the other woman. Thus she was going to have to trust the person she was sending along instead. This was both good and bad.
Buffy wouldn't have to watch out for Sarah. She wouldn't have to protect her from whatever might be hiding inside that building. But teh bad was she didn't know this Velvet Ant. She didn't have an opinion on the costumed crowd. They were doing the same thing she did, just in tights. Which was...weird. No help for it. She needed back up and that was Velvet Ant. They met up outside the grounds and prepared for their infiltration.
- Loki has posed:
The vehicle that had arrived to make the rendezvous was an old brown sedan that clearly had seen better days. But it spoke well as to the truth of the man's statement that he wasn't exactly made out of money. But his cash had spent and the donuts were tasty, even when they had made their meet at the mansion itself. And there is where they were, just down the driveway of the McMansion.
It was there that Sam Gwydion found himself leaning against the hood of the car while the sun shone high above them, seemingly offering no heat against the chill of the winter as the steam can be seen at times with each exhale, though at times interspersed with a puff of smoke as he takes a drag on the cigarette in his hand.
"So, as your employer, here is how I wish this to go down." He begins as he looks towards them, one and then the other. An eyebrow quirks and he frowns distantly towards the house and the thin sheet of snow that covers everything. "I intend to go inside and have words with the fellow. If he becomes violent then you are to protect me. Good? Good."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah shows up in her newly remodeled armor, Yellow ceramic armor over a black flexible armored jump suit. A Helmet that looks much like an insect head, complete with reflective bug eyes. She is riding on a motorcycle with a customized with an ant fetish with glowing areas on the carapace. She has a utility belt and bandoleers with some kind of device on her left wrist. Her voice is disguised as well, as she says to buffy, "Sarah loaned me her tablet, with the research based on the description."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
That's different. Buffy's sure she has never seen an ant that size. She shakes her head and focuses back on Sam as he gives instructions.
"You're paying the bills," she says, agreeing to his terms with those words. Does she expect things to go the way he seems to? Not at all. She expect it to go to hell in a handbasket pretty soon. She's dressed for business in leather pants and a tank top underneath a leather jacket. Her messenger bag is cross slung over her torso, her right hand already inside it and gripping a stake. There are a few other surprises on her person if they are needed because one never knows when going into a master vampire's house just what they might need. "So you want us flanking you or we wait for the screaming to begin? Y'know, if you have time to scream. They're fast and you might not get a chance before your throat is ripped out. We should go in with you. Or I should. Not sure about the bug," she says eyeing Velvet Ant. "Doesn't really blend in well with normal person clothes."
- Loki has posed:
Pushing off the car, Sam ashes his cigarette but then seems to decide to just drop it and steps on it with one foot. He looks up, scrunching one eye closed as he eyeballs the mansion down that long and winding carefully cultivated and landscaped driveway. He frowns and digs around in his pockets again but seems unable to find something. So he straightens up and says, "Just stand beside me."
He starts to walk forwards, placing a hand on the gate and pushing it further open with a metallic creak then starts his stroll along. "Try to look," A glance over his shoulder is given, "I don't know. Fierce?"
That having been said, he walks ahead. On this side of the tall six foot fence, the enclosure seems rather well tended to. They must have a service, and must be doing well considering the four black SUVs that are pulled up and around the circular driveway, bracketing the large double front doors. Nobody seems outside, however. Nor even inside, what with the lack of movement or activity. But that doesn't stop him, he steps up to the door, knocks on it.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah flips over to Auric scan mode for a moment, if the walls are normal materials, she should be able to spot vampires (or most other living or supernatural creatures) inside the building. She can not alway tell WHAT she is seeing, especially if she hs not seen it before, but can generally tell living from whatever else. She stands to the left behind Sam and slots a magazine from her bandoleer into the arm weapon.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy falls into step to the right of Sam. For her part, she's quiet. Not that it'll last. She tends to babble a lot when she's in these situations but for the approach, she holds her tongue as she scans the windows of the building as they approach. Nothing stands out, nothing drawing her attention. She lets her instincts take over instead, to pick up on those warning pains she gets when she is near something supernatural. Usually it's when something is evil but it is known to trigger other things.
That it doesn't trigger from Sam is a testament to his magics and powers. He just reads as a normal human being to her.
As they knock on the door, there is silence for a moment. An echoing sound of footsteps comes from inside a moment later, getting louder as whoever it is approaches the door. There is the noise of several locks being disengaged then the door opens a bit to let a man peek out. He's probably in his mid twenties with enough piercings to put him in danger if he goes out while it's lightning. "What?" comes the gruff question.
- Loki has posed:
"Table for Gwydion, party of three." Sam says as he leans forwards, looking inside at what he can see from his point of view, then casually /boots/ the door open and into the face of the young man with all of the piercings. That's the problem with putting metal in your face, any hard object hitting it suddenly becomes a board with nails in it.
As the doorman reels, he moves in and says lightly, "Mind getting your boss? I have a few questions to ask." As he says this he moves into the foyer. And it's empty in there, so empty. Not a place coming close to a home, it's just a hideout. Nothing on the walls of that McMansion, very few pieces of furniture and what's there is utilitarian. A few chairs are back to back creating something like a fort where some sleeping bags are thrown, and towards the back the windows are covered with black out plastic and shades.
For Sarah's senses she can get a handle on the population in the place, a good number of bodies in the basement, a handful upstairs, only two on the ground floor and one being the fellow who was just sent reeling with the kick of the door.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Velvet Ant comments, "I do not detect any other living people about, odds are the girl you are looking for is either dead or worse already." She could destroy this pierced dude, but you can not get answers from dust.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
The vampire goes back, reaching up his hands to grab his face as he lets out a strangled cry of pain. Then he is trying to focus on the trio who just came inside the door. "Fuck you!"
"That's pretty rude," Buffy says as she draws the stake out of the bag and spins it in her hand. "Do what the man says or they'll need to call a maid to sweep up what's left of you. The man just wants to talk. Nothing else. The fact you are still walking and not clogging up the ventilation system is proof."
The vampire looks from one of them to the other. In some weird way, that makes sense to his probably metal poisoned brain. He nods and is gone a moment later, rushing further back into the mansion and leaving them alone in the nest. The figures in the basement begin stirring and it isn't very long before the very creature they wanted to meet is walking down the hallway toward them.
- Loki has posed:
As for Sam, he seems content to wait there in the foyer, hands still in his coat as he steps around and looks over the place. One hand slides free of its pocket to lift up and lightly drag a fingertip over the door jam and the small mantle above, lightly checking the the end of his finger for dust and finding it. He crinkles his nose with distaste and then dusts his hands off before returning them to his pockets.
It's only after a handful of moments when a group of people emerge from the basement door some ways back towards where most likely is the kitchen. It's a tall man, long black hair, brilliant radiant blue eyes wearing tight black jeans and a white blousey dress. He's bare of foot, along with the two women at his side each who are in some filmy negligee outfits. They all seem rather pretty in their own way, save for their toe nails might be mistaken for talons and their fangs are evident even when unagitated.
"Hey... that wasn't cool what you did with Donny." The 'Master' gestures over his shoulder with a thumb towards metal-face who is still frowning and rearranging the studs in his features as his flesh heals over some of them, forcing him to tear a bit and adjust.
"Yes, I know. Needs must and all." Sam says as he looks sidelong towards the Ant and then Buffy. He spreads his hands as if asking if they're cool with this, but then goes back to the vampire. "Anna Ferguson, of Gloucester. Name ring a bell?" He figs into a pocket for the photo, flashes it.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah scans the area, keeping an eye open for anything trying to flank them. The Slayer may have better instincts for fighting Vampires, but the Velvet Ant can hold her own. Still, she can be overwelmed by numbers, een if none of the lesser vampires is much of a threat individually.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
There aren't too many of them at least. Good to know. Master is still a bad thing though and Buffy keeps a close eye on the guy who is obviously in charge. Only, he doesn't have that whole creepy monster vibe a lot of them do. Heck, he seems almost normal. Other than the whole pinhead guy trying to adjust piercings back before things heal over and making a mess while he's at it. Then there are the half naked girls. Why are they always half naked? Nevermind, it was rhetorical. She did not want an answer to that one.
As the picture is presented, she watches him carefully to see how he reacts. Keeping in mind they are just here to talk, to ask questions. Not to try and wipe out the entire hive. Nest. Whatever.
- Loki has posed:
"Oh yeah, fuck." The Master in the poet's blouse frowns to himself. "You remember her, Cyn?" The lead vampire shows the photo to one of the blonde women beside him. She leans forwards and gives a small nod vacuously, but then looks up and smiles over at Sarah with a hint of fangs even as she twirls a finger in her blonde hair.
"She was choice, man. Real party girl. Sad." He seems actually a little down about it, "We brought her in and were doing the whole, army of the night thing and getting her tweaked to the lifestyle. Got her some absinthe and she tripped super hard. The whole blood thing tweaking her a little."
Sam, for his part, is sort of looking at each of them curiously. He tilts his head to the side, "Hnh." He takes the photo back from them and pockets it. "So what happened?"
"Oh just, things got out of hand. She flipped out, thought we were going to kill her. Which, I suppose was sort of keeping to type and all. But we didn't really /plan/ to you know. Didn't set out with malice. Just she got all wigged and," He lifts his taloned hands, palms upwards helplessly. "She burned Donny's face and then she got a cellphone and yeah."
A moment, then he gestures over his shoulder towards the backyard. "We buried her out there, hadn't decided what to do and all. Long weekend, right?" He grins, even though the girl went missing a few months ago.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah would probably start killing...or dusting...vampires, about then, but it is not her call. She does keep up the scanning...things are likely to pop soon."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy's hand tightens around the stake, knuckles going white as she looks from one vampire to the next. Then her eyes go back to the master who is running this whole circus. In the end, it really doesn't matter which of them made the kill. They were all involved. They all were complicit in the murder. They were all just as guilty as the next. Yet, she had opened her big mouth. She'd said they were just her to talk. So that's what she is sticking with, even though it goes against everything in her body which is aching just being in this place.
She wants to stake them all.
She holds her position and lets their 'boss' make the decision.
- Loki has posed:
Sam stands there looking at the Master and his minions, frowning as he eyes them each in turn with this shrewd cast to his features. Something so irritating about the man and his people just rubbed hi wrong. Beyond the admitted murder and being a creature of the night thing. But then Sam scritches his chin for a moment in reflection and shake his head, "Alright, here's the thing."
Sam looks over towards Ant and Buffy, shrugging to them. He looks back, "The parents are going to want her body, you people I don't really care too much about. My colleagues might but myself, not as much." He tilts his head to the side. "Take the night to get clear and packed up." He waves a hand slightly.
He seems inclined to turn away, but pauses and looks back at the lead vampire. "You realize you, and your flunkies, are just plain... just terrible. Just terrible."
"Well," The master frowns, seeming a little hurt. "That's just like, your opinion, man."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah does not really like leaving the vampires...well Alive is not the term, but still functional. She will hold her peace though, she does not expect they will agree to the terms anyway,
- Buffy Summers has posed:
"No, it's a fact. You bring her to your place and then freak out cause she freaks out when you are playing all Masters of the Night? You are stupid and terrible. And while he's willing to let it go, I am not." Buffy glances to Sam. "However, he's calling the shots at the moment and that's the only reason you are going to be able to try and follow his instructions. Cause once he's gone and we are no longer on the payroll, I'm coming back here." She flips that stake in her hand as she looks from one of them to the other.
Suddenly she seems a lot taller as she lets all the menace she can come out in her voice. "And I will kill every last one of you." Her eyes go to the Master. "Especially you, since you think it's okay to kill young girls and bury them in the backyard."
- Loki has posed:
The Master looks at them with such grumbly annoyance that he rests his hands on his hips, "Hey, it was an accident. We couldn't be all, 'Hey guys who do medicine at the hospital, this girl flipped out. What up?'" But he gets interrupted b Donny who leans forwards and whispers into the ear of the guy in the poet blouse.
Looking over his shoulder, the Master grimaces and nods a little. "Alright, alright. We'll get out of here. Sheez."
Sam looks at the two of them, then Buffy, then the vampires. He gives another shrug and waves them off. "Do what you like, move the body and I'll be displeased." Turning around he moves towards the door and pushes it open with his shoulder.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah reluctantly follows Sam, in this case, unless the Vamps stat something, she will not act. She does keep checking all sides as she withdraws...just in case.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
As they slip out the door, Buffy walks along with them. She even turns her back on the vampires, daring them to take a shot at her. It would be all the impetus she needs to wipe them off the face of the Earth. She will later though. They won't have their night to get away. She's coming back tonight and she's going to finish this job. For Anna.
They don't attack. Maybe they realize just how much she is hoping they will.
Once the trio are outside, the door will slam shut and all the locks are quickly put back into place to keep them out.
- Loki has posed:
Once they're outside and strolling along the perfectly immaculate lawn that leads to the front wrought-iron gate, Sam looks over his shoulder at one and then the other person, brow quirking curiously as he asks them with an entirely ease of manner. "So, shall we burn the place down?" He asks of them, even as he reaches the gate and swings along the gate with one hand upon the farther bar and the toe of his shoe supporting him, dug in between the bars until he hops off once it's fully open.
Walking backwards and towards his car he jerks a thumb to the side. "I have a gas can in the trunk of the vehicle, matches, the wherewithal. No?" He looks to them as if for guidance.
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Velvet Ant cocks her head, "Why do it the hard way?" She tosses a White Phosphorus grenade in through a window. She came prepared to fight Vampires, and fire is one weapon that works.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
"Burning is too good for the--" Buffy's words are cut off as Velvet Ant throws that grenade, keeping her from being able to say that such a thing is too fast, too easy. They needed to suffer and feel the terror the girl did before she was killed. That was her plan for tonight. But instead, there seems to be a grenade going in the building.
- Loki has posed:
Outside that building, Sam looks off in the direction of the hurled grenade. A small smirk flickers over his features as he gives them each a nod, "Sounds good." He reaches into his back pocket, withdrawing an old worn leather brown billfold that he opens and starts to pull out some twenties. He gives three of them to Buffy, licking his finger in between each unfurling of the bills. Then he gives four to Ant, keeping to his words as to the amount. "I figure Ant gets the extra since it's her grenade."
Meanwhile, across that lawn, the flames kick up with a hiss and a snap as likely those sheets that had been spread around and the sleeping bags catch fire. Inside there's a shriek that might come from Donny and then a voice from inside that hollars out, "You jerks!"
Slapping his hand on the hood of the car, Sam nods to them. "That's that, let's wander off now."
- Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah sighs, "A few of them might escape through the sewers of an escape tunnel I suppose, but the majority will hopefully be trapped." Buffy may want to make the vampires suffer, but Sarah just wants them exterminated.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
"Let's go. The authorities will show up when the fire spreads." And with that, she slips into the backseat of the car, her eyes on the building itself as the flames begin to spread.