3651/The Most Polite Shakedown in Bat History

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The Most Polite Shakedown in Bat History
Date of Scene: 14 January 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shatterpoint, Batman

Shatterpoint has posed:
    It has frankly been quite a while since Batman has needed, or really wanted, to speak to Caroline. You can't really blame him, after all, because speaking with Caroline is just so -pleasant.-

    She's been doing her due dilligence- he'd asked her to help invent a new ID, seeing as the name Caroline Ramsey belongs to a dead woman, and she'd done so. She's been softer on the people she stops. In general, she's been listening- which means that Batman has no real need to... Well, interact with the cold case that is Caroline Ramsey.

    However, some information does eventually make its way across Batman's metaphorical desk. Likely from Zatanna rather than anyone else: Caroline hasn't just been nebulously missing for the past half-century. She's been on Apokolips. Diana can verify- though asking would probably be a little insensitive. Caroline was last seen working with Diana, after all.

    Right now, she's on a rooftop in the Narrows- her favorite section of Gotham. It's always been the center for the worst sorts of people, and the most aggressively crime-ridden. Hence, it's the place she chooses to be the most.

Batman has posed:
    Not seeing the Bat, especially when one is taking up the task of fighting crime in Gotham... can actually be looked upon as a blessing. It means he has not added her to a list of people to take down, who are more of a negative than a positive to the war that is embarked upon each night by the Dark Knight and his partners.
    But then when that piece of intelligence reached him, that Caroline's absence could be explained by a presence on Apokolips for some reason, then she suddenly became not just an operative but an intelligence asset.
    "Oracle, I need a location on Ramsey." His voice was buffeted by the wind of the cold Gotham night, standing there atop the edge of the Wayne Industries Tower, his silhouette blending almost perfectly with the architecture at a glance. Once she responds with the intel he gives a nod to himself and then steps off the side of the building, cape flaring as the glider catches the wind and he becomes little more than just shadow against the night sky.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    The validity of the information wasn't necessarily hard to test, as some investigation would turn out- once you knew what to look for- that the gang she was busting alongside Diana was a form of Proto-Intergang.

    Caroline is dressed in the usual- this long sleeved, sweaterlike thing that leaves most of her hands open. She isn't aware that she doesn't need as much full-contact as she believes she does, so she's been leaving fingerprints basically everywhere. Admittedly, it's fine, as Caroline Ramsey has been missing for a very, very long time.

    When he finds her, it's an unusual sort of situation. Batman arrives, and quite instantly, Caroline's attention is upon him, before he has a chance to speak, or really reveal himself. She's silent, but it's clear that she has been waiting for him to arrive- he's never left her alone this long, before. She isn't quite certain how he operates.

Batman has posed:
    His arrival was quiet, near silent but she was able to pick him up as he descended and then landed with a faint crunch of gravel under bent knee. Then he roses to his feet and stood tall as he gave her a single nod. "Ramsey."
    Stepping forwards he does not bandy words, does not hesitate to begin the conversation with the meat of the thing. "You have information that could be important."
    The tall man gestures with a small nod towards her, "I want your permission to bring you in and try to create a memory profile of what passed when you were taken. Right now our information is low, and anything you may be able to remember could save lives."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    It's a little difficult to sneak up on Caroline, really. Not that Batman couldn't do it- in fact, far from it- but it takes a bit more effort than the passive sneakiness that he employs on acquaintances. In silence, Caroline regards him, her luminescent eyes seemingly appraising the Bat for a scant few moments after he spoke.

    "You want a vision of Apokolips." she finally says, after this horrid moment of quiet. "Or, you think you do. I'll give you what you're asking for, but I don't think you understand what you will receive." Truth be told, Batman doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't be asking- but while it's likely to be more intense than he is expecting... It's still the Bat. If anyone can watch, or listen, or whatever will come of it- it's him.

Batman has posed:
    The white eyelets narrow somewhat as he folds his arms over his chest. He does not grant her words any lightness and accepts them in the severity that they're offered. "If there is even one moment of insight that could give us information we don't have, into the psyche or the culture or any aspect of their existence, then it is information we can't let pass."
    That having been said he then tells her, "You'll be gone for some time. A little over a day, depending on how you acclimate to the equipment. Or how it acclimates to you." He turns his head to the side, his eyes sweeping over her surroundings, what may have passed for her nearby.
    "If you're busy, I can take you in once it's completed. But I don't want to wait long."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    She doesn't make... Any sort of noise. She isn't breathing, and the Bat's HUD, if there is one, probably reports her as, well, dead. She has no heartbeat, and the cold of her body is playing with all the detection systems involved in keeping her visible, with the exception of actual, normal sight.

    With another quiet nod, she presents this short shrug. "Fine." she responds, "I am not in the middle of anything. My investigation just finished. The police will be along shortly. Now is... As good a time as any."

Batman has posed:
    A nod is given in response as he turns and starts to step away, cloak flaring around his feet for a moment as he moves. One wrist is lifted to turn over and a few dimly lit displays come to life that he touches a fingertip towards. Distantly down below them there's a rumble of a car engine roaring to life. That roar growing louder and then down-shifting into a quieter thrum. The headlights will be seen when it makes the turn around the corner as he turns back to face her.
    "When we get in the vehicle put this on." He extends a black mask in his hand towards her, loose to the touch with a curious membrane. It'll serve to block off one's senses to what passes before them better than any blindfold.
    But then he turns away, dropping off the side of the building towards the Batmobile as it skids to a halt, the canopy hissing open and the seat extending upwards to catch the man's fall even as his cape billows to slow his descent.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline looks at the mask for a few moments, before looking back at Batman. She's curious, even a mild bit confused, but after a spare moment, she simply follows along in the same way that Batman does. Walking off of the roof, she falls somewhat gracefully down into the side seat of the Batmobile- a thing she's had no time to practice, but she does it with a level of precision that belies the fact that she is more nimble than a normal person- by a rather intense degree.

    Without a word, she slips the mask over her face, securing it on however it, well, fits.

Batman has posed:
    Once they're in the car the vehicle's wheels churn against the cement as it rumbles to the side and then roars forwards, jumping forth like a panther from its cage. It begins to rush forwards, the path likely unknown to her though she can feel the jolts and turns in her guy as the Batmobile roars throug Gotham.
    For a moment Batman glances at her sidelong, perhaps making sure the mask is secure and applied correctly... or perhaps gauging something else.
    After a moment he flips a switch and there is a jet of gas towards her from the ceiling, a slightly heavier dose than is used for someone of her normal height and weight. Perhaps it doesn't affect her at all. Perhaps he doesn't need to do it with the mask, but data is data.