360/A Special Shipment...

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A Special Shipment...
Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: Gotham Docks
Synopsis: Harry is on a case to retrieve something for some monks, and gets more than he bargained for.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The job SHOULD be easy. Apparently, a shipment in from Asia had been jacked while in harbor in Gotham. Some sort of Tibetan artifacts, probably China-town knock offs, but someone thought they were real enough to call up a wizard to get them back instead of just going to the cops. So he was given with nothing but a single tassle from the box they were originally shipped in, something that might have been attached to a ritual rug or bell or something, and the ship they needed to be delivered back to before midnight.

Harry Dresden has posed:
It is just as well this job landed in his lap, this way Harry doesn't have to sit at home and brood over the night before. After taking an ice cold shower and getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, the wizard in question made his way back down to his basement and performed a simple tracking spell using the tassle. He collects his equipment; Blasting rod tied to the inside of his duster, shield bracelet on his left hand, ring on his right, staff in hand and sword cane through his belt..and then he is out the door to the Blue Beetle making his way down towards the harbor to track the shipment using the tassle in hand.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Of course, the unique challenge of this being the harbor is the fact it's *in the damn harbor*. Running water. Not as bad if it was the open river, but the water is still decently moving here, the large cargo ships bobbing up and down on it, and his tracking spell takes him up to a certain dock which has about four different, over sized cargo vessels down it's ports, and dies there. The magic is too diffused by the water all around. One of the ships has polish markings on it, one American, and two Asian characters, so chances are it might be one of those two, but who knows. It seems he may have to actually do old fashioned detective work on this one. And, of course, the sound of workers coming down the planks from the shore can be heard. They aren't on that dock yet, but they would be soon.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Damnit." curses Harry as the spell fizzles as he makes his way to the docks. He looks at the four ships that make up the choices as to which the lost items could be on and mutters to himself, "Well Harry, looks like you have a 25% chance to pick the right ship. Lets see if we can't narrow down the odds a bit."

He walks down the dock, shaking out his shield bracelet and putting a bit of will towards it 'just in case' and just starts to look at the ships, trying to get a read on the ships. Two Asian, count those out for now because if I was looking for stolen Asian artifacts, that would be the first place I would look. Polish? Perhaps. American...more likely. The after market value would likely be best on the underground US market. He slowly walks towards the American ship, watching the deck and listening.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The men coming down the dock, for the moment, seem to be going to the Polish ship. He's lucky. It's not bound to last, especially as the light goes down and night comes on, the time for doing more illegal things under the less than watchful eye of the normal day time business being gone. The American ship seems mostly empty. There's a single guard walking a lazy patrol over the top deck. He's got a gun a little too large for this being a regular goods and services vessel -- hell, the gun alone is probably illegal and Karrin would be making a face -- but it's clear the man doesn't really expect trouble. He looks bored.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Illegal guns? That is a good sign he is on the right track. Harry lets a small little grin form on his face as he takes a look at the guard patrolling. It's not his forte, and he wishes Molly was here as this is more her specialty, but he is a wizard damnit, and he should be able to do these things. He takes in a breath, utters a couple of faux Latin words and uses his staff to make a circle around his body in an attempt at a veil to cover him from sight. The problem with a veil is that you never know if they work, or how well, until they are tested... But there is no time. Slowly, Harry starts to creep up the gangplank leading to the deck of the ship.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The iron, metal, weight and rust of the ship is, fortunately, enough to help Harry's magic stay steady despite the water beneath. While Harry can feel the pulling, the slight grounding out of his powers, which means he's not going to have near the OOMPH that he normally would, he does manage to wrap himself up in a weak sort of veil. Enough that a bored guard who isn't expecting any trouble totally doesn't notice him. There's two different entrances to the inside of the ship, a door that seems to go to a metal staircase down, and another that leads to a long hall on that level. It probably eventually winds up, as there are upper levels. But, for the moment, Harry is managing through unscathed.

Harry Dresden has posed:
'If I were stolen Asian artifacts, where would I be...' thinks Harry as he creeps along the deck of the vessel. 'Likely as far away from prying eyes as I could possibly get...which means down.'

Harry creeps his way towards the door that leads to the staircase headed down, testing the handle to see if it is locked. He keeps an eye on the guard, watching him for any obvious pattern to his movements and to make sure he can move out of the line of sight if needed.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The problem with veils is that they hide from sight. Not other senses. Not smell. Not hearing. Not all the sharpened senses of things like dogs who are way better at sniffing out threats than humans. Especially dogs who are guarding something immensely important. So, practically the moment that Harry sets foot on the lowest deck, a low growl begins. It's a sort of growl that could cause earthquakes elsewhere. The boat actually seems to tremble just a bit around them. And then comes a bark. Loud. Vicious. Protective. Almost deafening.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "Ohshitohshitohshit." Harry says as he hears...no /feels/ the low growl rumble through the lower deck of the ship. The bark really causes him to jump slightly and look at the door he came from. Harry lets out a sigh, "In for a penny.." and latches the door behind him so even if someone did hear the bark, they would at least be slowed by the bolted door. Once the door is closed and bolted, he turns ever so slowly to face the lower deck. He drops the veil, letting it shatter as he readies his staff in front of him, "Nice doggie.." he says quietly, "I'm not looking for any trouble.""

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The large cargo room is about half full of random boxes, crates, nothing all that interesting. Except for a single open crate. It's more stylized than the rest, in red and gold with familiar golden tassles on the edges. One of which is missing. It's still a fancy-ass dog crate, though, and is carrying not just the immensely LARGE and incredibly ANGRY momma dog, but the reason she's so angry -- a half a dozen pups.

There isn't much more dangerous in this world than a caged animal. One of those things, though? A mother defending her young. And right now, Harry Dresden is an intruder to the safe, dark, quiet place she's been nursing her young. The growl that she emits is enough to say she'd very much like to murder the thing that is threatening her children and, with the size of her mouth? She could probably fit most of his head in her jaw in a single go.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry turns, taking a moment to look at the situation. There is the crate, complete with missing hassle...so score one for field work. Right boat. Then there is what is /in/ the crate.

Blinking at the sight of the dog in front of him, Harry lets out a little whistle. "I'm sorry. I thought I heard a dog, not a bear. Forgive me."

Harry slowly lowers the staff down, and starts to kneel to present a smaller, less imposing or intimidating profile to the mama dog. He speaks in a low voice, "Easy, girl. I'm not here to hurt you, or your pups. Just the opposite, I was sent to take you home."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There is another one of those low, almost sonic-toned growls. The sort of growl that shakes the entire room around him. Even as he's speaking, the hulking mother dog doesn't seem to believe it. Or, more likely, she doesn't understanding. She bears a vicious set of teeth that could make a SHARK jealous, the growl rolling up into another snapping bark or two, especially as he kneels closer.

The pups in the cage are all awake now. Probably a few weeks old, their eyes are open and they are fat enough to roly, polly toddle around. A few yelps and whimpers come echoing, scared and confused at their mother's distress. Another growl comes from her and the CEILING ABOVE HIM starts to actually crumble. A few pieces of metal shake loose and rust rains everywhere. It's like her growl might actually be able to damage the structure around them. Which would suck, considering it's a boat. Her barking has also summoned others, the sound of feet double timing it down the hallway.

Harry Dresden has posed:
'This is going great, Harry. Just great.' he wizard thinks to himself as he tries to make himself a lesser threat. He pushes a bit of will into his words, but still speaks gently to the mother-dog monster in front of him. Slowly, he pulls out the tassle from his pocket, reaching his hand out slowly and palm up with the tassle laying in his palm, "See. Your friends sent me to find you. They gave me this to help track you down."

'You're talking to a dog, Harry. Why couldn't the client tell you it was a blasted dog. Hell's bells, you could have brought a steak...no a whole cow.'

Karrin Murphy has posed:
And then, there are the others. Two men, both with guns, both QUITE unhappy as they see Harry bent in front of the precious cargo. But it also means they can't actually SHOOT their guns, lest they risk hitting dumb animals and losing their payday. So, they are charging fast in his direction, the butts of guns coming up to try and slam them into Harry's temple and take the threat out without actually having to open fire on anything. Everything is moving very fast now, as it always does in a fight, and that growling is just growing louder. The sound of ceiling buckling off to the side can be heard and more dust rains down on all of them.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Shit!" exclaims the wizard as he catches the two armed men in his peripheral vision just before they cave his temples in. In a desperate move to dodge, he curls his head into his chest and somersaults forward...closer to the mother dog an her pups.

As he rolls, he starts to focus will into his shield bracelet to will a shield around behind him in a half dome to protect him, and the dogs, from any gunfire.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Whether it was the tassle, or the fact the mother dog actually sees him fighting the others, or maybe even his words, Harry might suddenly get the feeling that the growling isn't being directed at HIM, but at the others attacking him. It's still present and the ceiling is still unhappy about it, but she stops a moment to give a little howl and paw at the stylized door of the cage. There is a large golden and red lock there, directly where she is swatting her massive paw. The bars on the cage are SLIGHTLY bending at each swat, but not much, and the lock stays firm. More puppies yip and yelp behind her eagerly.

The two men curse rather violently, one of the butts of the shot gun coming violently down on Harry's back, but it's better than his shoulder or temple, right? Then the man is trying to shove the gun in his face but suddenly bounces back off of the shield charm. That's enough to confuse and scare him, so protecting the cargo quickly becomes secondary as he swings his gun around to open fire. Now a few bullets start richocheting inside the buckling ship. Somewhere behind them a whole section of the ceiling caves and two containers tumble through to the bottom floor.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Stifling a grunt of pain behind clenched teeth as the shotgun comes down on his back, Harry manages to not drop the shield as the gunfire erupts. "Stay behind me..." he says to the dog, as if the dog can understand a word he is saying.

He risks a glance at the lock for a brief second before turning his attentions back to the two gunmen, "I promise I will get your pups out as soon as I can. Little busy now!". Shoving his staff in front of him, the wizard focuses his will in short horizontal wall about knee height and with a shout of "Fozare!" pushes the face wall in front of him.

The sound of the crashing containers causes a wavier of his concentration, the shield dropping for the moment as the noise draws his attention, "Stars and sky...if you are doing that dog, stop. You will kill us all!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The moment Harry says to stay behind him, he gets a short, clipped bark of acknowledgment, like she actually DID understand. But then she goes back to whimpering, more fiercely clawing at the inside of her cage, trying so hard to weaken the bars around the lock if she cannot get through the lock herself. If she could just get free. Another growl of anger comes and the whole ceiling above them begins to buckle inwards. His request for her to stop, however, clamps off her growling almost immediately.

Did she really understand him? Maybe...

THe men, meanwhile, are really not happy about having to fight this tall idiot for some dogs. This was beneath their mercenary dignity and everything about the situation just felt wrong. Off. Which meant they were more dangerous because they were scared and trigger happy. The second one has now got his gun up and is shooting in Harry's direction once more, but neither of them are expecting that wave of force. Grunts of pain come down and the snapping of at least one knee can be heard as they both go down, only making them shoot at Harry MORE. His shield is taking a lot of battering. It's beginning to waver as much as the ceiling.

Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a thud as one of the slugs from the shotgun manage to get through the wavering shield and impacts with brutal force on the upper shoulder of Harry's duster. Thankfully the magical symbols carefully tooled into the leather prevent the slug from actually penetrating the cloth, but the impact itself is enough to cause some serious pain, if not damage.

Harry cries out in pain, but pain brings power. He channels the pain and the rising fear of the situation into his shield hoping it holds out long enough for the pair to run out of bullets while he lifts his blasting rod to point at the lock on the cage. Splitting his concentration like this usually isn't a good idea, but time is not on his side here. Giving one last burst of focus to his shield to keep it sustained for a second longer, he refocuses on the blasting rod and channels a bolt of energy and force towards the lock with a shout of "FUEGO!"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Yes, he does manage to JUST hold out long enough for the pair to run out of bullets *in their guns*. But they've got heavy jackets on, and other clips. They just need to reload and he's in trouble again. However, that few seconds of reloading time gives Harry enough space to actually force the lock. Between him and the mother dog, the lock finally gives and the ornate door to the cage swings open. Suddenly, at least two hundred pounds of very shaggy what LOOKS like Mastiff pours out of the cage and RAGES in the direction of the two mercenaries. The one that has finished reloading first has just brough his gun up in time for his arm to be exposed and the mother dog clamps HARD down on it. The sound of crunching bone can be heard.

Behind, a wave of puppies comes free with excited, happy barking. It's complete chaos. However, while the mother has thought to control her bark, the puppies have not. They aren't quite the sonic boom her growl is, but each yelp seems to crackle a bit more of the ceiling. A tiny buckle here, a groan of metal there. The second mercenary is whipping his gun around, shooting in Harry's direction once more just before he's going to be over run by a whole bunch of tiny fur balls with teeth and claws. But maybe he can at least get some revenge before he goes.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Dogs free, Harry can now deal with getting them the hell out of this place. Since mother dog seems to have her jaws full of goon 1, Harry lifts his right hand and points it towards goon 2, triggering the face ring on his finger and discharging the stored up kinetic energy that is stored back each time Harry moves his arm.

Before Harry even sees what the effect the ring has on the goon, he is moving forward to follow up with a staff to the underside of the goon's chin if the ring doesn't have enough juice in it to do anything more than give the goon a gentle shove.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
It's like being in a flood of fur and teeth. The tiny pups aren't near so capable as their mother, so they certainly need the back up that Dresden provides them, but damned if they aren't determined to HELP put the guy down. Harry gets another jab or two to the gut, a lucky one which may just crack a rib, but that's all they wrote for goon 2. His last, lucky swat sends a single black puppy sailing across the room, the poor thing smacking against a buckling wall, but then the room is silence around them.

Well, silence, canine panting breaths, the shouting of panicked voices *above* them as more crew members realize half the ship is buckling, and the groaning of metal as it gives around them. Who knows how much longer they have for any of this room to be in tact, but it's not long. Mama dog is trying to grab as many of her pups by the scruff as possible. She gives another, quietly encouraging little 'Woooof!' but that's enough to make another section of ceiling totally collapse. SHe even whimpers after that.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh hell's bells..." cries the wizard as he pants along side the dogs. He rushes over to grab the fallen pup form the floor, being as careful as he can with the 'little' thing as he gently places the wounded puppy into one of this duster's pockets. He rushes back over to the rest of the dogs and picks up as many as he can possible contain in the pockets of his coat...and when they are filled he takes another in his arm.

He looks to the momma, and sighs. "Well, I'm not sure what we are looking at out of this door, but it seems we don't have much time to stop and assess things. We have two choices...open the door and sprint for the top or blow a hole in the side of the ship and try and swim out. I'm not sure either is a better choice."

He curses as the ceiling gives another groan and a beam gives way, causing another container to fall from the roof. "Right. Sprinting it is. I'll try to keep up." And with that, the wizard yanks open the door and waits a tick for the canine to rush out first.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
    The pups are... Squirmy. They want their mother and, while not as fast as her in a panic, are actually pretty able to keep up. A few manage to stay in his pocket and arm, especially that tiny black one which definitely whimpered in pain when he touched it. It's hurt, just who knows how badly. But now Harry is loaded down with puppies and the momma dog gives him another, quieter bark of acknowledgment before she begins leading the charge.

And goodness, CHARGH it is. She's like some glorious war hound, viciously galloping forward. There *was* a door at the top of the stairs, but she doesn't open it. She flattens it. There are a few crew members rushing around on the deck, one pausing when he sees the big beast coming out, but only to say: "Oh SHIT!" And try to bring his own gun around, but it's not even out of a holster. The man is as flat as the door. But the crew has now been alerted to the fact there is escaped cargo on top of a buckling cargo hold of the ship. Not all of them seem to care about the cargo, but three others are dashing down from the upper levels. Two have a choke chain and one actually seems to know how to use it, almost lassoing it up as he tries to wrap that over the mother dog's throat. She snaps in the right direction, but a second too late...

Harry Dresden has posed:
Rushing after the mother, Harry does his best to keep up. He can't move as fast as her, and definitely not with squirmy puppies he is trying to wrangle and keep safe on top of it all. The ones he can keep a hold of, he does, and he does his best to keep an eye on the ones that manage to squirm out of his grasp, hoping that they keep up and stay between him and mom.

When the make it to the top, he continues to follow momma as best he can until the three new foes that seem to care make their presence known with the choke chains. "You know how I said not to bark?" he yells over the noises of the deck in chaos, "Ignore me. Give em hell, mom!" He shoves out his right hand, pointing his staff straight behind him and down and screams out a "Forzare!" as he sends a bolt of force down through the bowels of the ship in an attempt to punch a hole in the hull,

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The choke chain is a BIT unfortunate, as it does slightly serve it's purpose, not completely cutting off air as the momma has enough fur to help protect her neck, but straining whatever power is behind those vocal chords. She barks, but it's not as world trembling as it was before. It's not until Harry sends that bolt of force through the ship and LOUD, violent metal groaning can be heard that the men realize that momma dog is probably the least of their problems. They curse loudly, but still try to drag her away, towards the gang plank side of the ship. If they are going to abandon vessel, at least they were getting some of the goods.

Puppies are nearly impossible. There's some tell-tale dripping in his pocket as someone has wet themselves, if not something worse, but they are still squirming excitedly, trying to get in on the fight. Others whimper, following along at their fighting mother's heels towards the side of the ship. They weren't leaving their mom. Harry's going to find it challenging to walk, as the dozenish pups of the litter are flooding around his legs in a panic, not sure of what to do.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Seriously, someone hates me. I don't have time for this." exclaims Harry as he rushes forward, trying not to step on any of the puppies as he moves forward trying to get at mom and captives. It's last resort time, as he reaches for the .357 in the holster under his coat and flicks back the hammer, taking aim at the goon with the choke chain around momma's neck. "Let her go and have a chance at getting off this boat and living..."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Fortunately, Mom actually saves him from having to shoot an actual gun. The yelps of her puppies are enough to drive her on and, suddenly, the arm that was holding that choke chain? Well, it's not really there any more. I mean, it's nominally attached to the guy's body, just sorta hanging loose from the socket as she SEIZED forward enough to pull the whole thing COMPLETELY out of place. The man howls in pain, going down, and the chain is released. Momma gives two loud, summoning barks and the sea of puppies seize forward to her side.

It's really quite glorious to watch, a sea of fluff and fur as the wave of puppies swarm around her and she dashes forward, across the gangplank. The few left in Harry's pocket leap out, though one leaves a number two surprise for him also, and join their brothers and sisters. The mother knows exactly where she is going, pausing just a moment to help the smallest pup over the lip of the ship with her teeth, and then they are all running in the direction of one of the Asian ships. Mom knows home.

Of course, Harry might not realize that not all the pups got out. His pockets are evenly weighted right now, after all. One full of doodoo and some other things puppies leave behind. The other? Well, there is still a single, tiny, black, wounded puppy...

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry doesn't know what is going on in his pockets, as he has more important problems on his mind right now. The ship he is on is sinking under his feet, and he needs to get off the boat. He winces as the goon's arm is rendered useless by the momma dog, "That's going to leave a mark." he says as he lowers the hammer on the gun and starts to run and follow the mom dog off of the ship.

Once off the ship, Harry follows the mom dog over towards the Asian ship, coving their backs until the dogs get aboard in one piece. "I don't know if this was worth $50 an hour plus expenses..." he mumbles to himself as he shoves the gun back into its holster, wincing as the movement aggravates the massive bruce that is now covering the entirety of his shoulder.

He looks back to the sinking American ship. The authorities will likely be here soon. How in hell is he going to explain this to Karin. He looks back to the Asian ship and sighs quietly, "Ah well, time to go call the client."

He wanders own the dock, left arm hanging limply at his side from the gunshot bruise, right hand clutching his staff as he wanders down the dock. He sniffs the air, and wrinkles his nose, checking the bottom of his shoe as he goes.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The mother dog bounds onto their home ship, propping herself up on the edge and grabbing her pups two at a time, by the scruff, as she gently pulls them onto the safer deck. Some happy whimpers and yelps can be heard, little paws scampering back to where they belong. When she gets all of them she pauses just a moment, a small, confused whimper escaping her throat. But considering what happened, the loss of one is expected. She looks back in Dresden's direction and gives him one last, respectful bark. It's like she understood, or something.

Now the whole dock has erupted into chaos, other dock officials coming, the buckling ship causing troubles for more than just the ship owners. Other mercenaries are beginning to flee -- chances are it wasn't just puppies that were illegally aboard that ship. No one is really bothering Dresden. He should be able to get away scot free if he goes noe.

Meanwhile, in his pocket, there is safety and warmth. The little pup has found home, curled in on its injured paw, but content to be surrounded by such a tucked away, warm place. It felt like home, so this was home now. Not a single bark or hint to remind the man he is there.

Harry Dresden has posed:
The job done, Harry makes his way back to the Beetle and removes the duster, placing it in the backseat without checking the pockets. One again he checks the bottom of his shoe as the odor from the 'gift' inside one of the pockets reaches his nose. He glances back at the duster and sighs, "Great. I'm going to have to get that dry cleaned, aren't I."

He winces as he closes the car door, the effort causing his left arm and shoulder to ache terribly. Turning the key to start the car, he pulls out and heads for home.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The pup is blissfully asleep. Harry's pocket is deep and warm, smells like a well loved jacket, and sometimes things are just right in the world. The pup sleeps the whole way back to the house, like a baby lulled by the motion of a car. It's not until he stops in front of his building and the movement of the car STOPS is the puppy jerked back awake.

Now, it realizes something is wrong. No other puppies there. The pain in its leg. Unfamiliar, if warm surroundings. It begins to nose around and a small, quiet whimper escapes before being followed up by a louder, little attempt at an almost-howl. Its good paw begins to claw forward, trying to help it out of that pocket to explore exactly where its found itself.

Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a blink from Harry as he hears that soft whimper, then the little howl. "OH no..." he exclaims as he slowly turns his head to look in the back seat, where the duster is. As if turning his head slowly would change what is actually there.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
And there it is, snuffling out from the welt of Harry's deep pocket, a little black nose. A moment later there is a fuzzy head ducking out and drowsy, blinking eyes stare up in his direction. He's got one paw still tucked back, half underneath him, but the other massive paw (almost as big as one of his ears) is helping pull him forward. The tired pup looks up, locking eyes with Harry and then his jaw opens in a panting, doggie sort of grin and he gives a little yelp of greeting. Despite injured paw, Harry can see the THUMPTHUMPTHUMP of tail going inside his pocket.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Hell's bells." says Harry, but not without a slight grin of amusement on his face. "What are you doing in there little guy? You've been as quiet as a mouse back there."$R$RSlipping out of the driver's seat, Harry reaches into the back seat and carefuly removes the puppy from the confines of the pocket. "You hurt? You must be the one that got smacked into the wall, huh." He ruffles the top of the dogs head gently and holds him next to his chest, "Let's get you into the house where it is warm, and I'll call the Tibetans to come pick you up. Until then, i'll see if I can't get find a vet for your leg."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The little pup licks at his hand as he comes to scoop him up, giving another little yelp which sounds small enough to almost be a mouse squeak indeed. The fuzz ball eagerly allows himself to be scooped up in Harry's hand, though there is an unhappy whimper as that left leg is slightly moved. Definitely twisted, probably broken, but the pup is remarkably calm about it. Putting on a brave puppy face, it seems.

Still, the creature is all too happy to nestle in against Harry's chest, giving a happy sort of sigh and turning his head up to lap at the sweat on Harry's neck and chin. Delicious. If the puppy is too sad to be away from his littermates or mother, he certainly isn't showing it. In fact, he seems to quite happily fit in Harry's hand as they head inside.

The call to the Tibetans, on the other hand, doesn't go nearly so smoothly. That whole dock? It's been evacuated. They had to pull out early. They're already leaving New York harbor and the money is in Harry's account. They don't dare turn around, not after nearly losing the entire litter. The monk on the line ends the conversation on some mysterious words that sound oddly happy, almost light, from him, "...Besides, Mr. Dresden, sometimes the universe has plans even we could not predict. Generally, it all turns out the way it is supposed to be. The mother thanks you... She knows you will take good care of her son." And then the line is hung up.

Harry Dresden has posed:
He sets the receiver down into the cradle of his old school style phone, rubbing the puppy's head gently as his gives an exasperated sigh, "Well..." he says as he glances down at the small dog, "Looks like you're stuck with me. I just hope Mister doesn't think you are dinner. Let's see what we can do to get that leg fixed up. At least get it braced until I can get you to a vet."

He picks up the phone again and dials Murphy.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
How could Harry say no to those eyes anyway? Big, soulful, looking up at Harry as if the man was very much his entire world, the puppy tilts his little head as Harry discusses Mister and then gives a little huff of dismissive breath. He is NOT dinner. He then gently mouths at Harry's fingertips, happily playing with mouth when paw is out of comission right now. He had some energy to spare after that little nap.

The phone takes a few moments to ring, but then Muprhy's quite alert voice comes over the line. "Lieutenant Murphy." She answers in a clipped, flat tone that says she's probably somewhere in the vicinity of work, not her bed, despite the time of night. And despite the fact that she's SUPPOSED to be on strike right now. But that's the problem with being a cop -- when the city needs you, you go, striking or not.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Heya, Murph." says Harry in his normal relaxed conversational tone. "You don't happen to know how to brace a broken leg, do you?"

Great conversation starter...that's Harry.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Oh god, Harry. Did you break your leg? Why aren't you in a HOSPITAL? Please... please don't tell me you were at the docks." Karrin pauses, looking over the scene that she's not supposed to be at either. The scene she can technically do nothing to help, but is still here because she feels some weird need to TRY and help. "...of course you were at the docks. How bad are you hurt and should I call Butters?" Karrin asks flatly. She can be heard walking in the background now, then the sound of a car door slamming.

The pup in his hand, apparently, feels like its not getting enough attention as it now gives a little yelp up towards the tall man holding him. Karrin's voice pauses, "...is that a dog?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"No..no, I'm fine." says Harry, "I didn't break my leg." He pauses, and says in his best deadpan, "and I wasn't at the docks." Obvious lie is obvious. "I'm a little banged up, but nothing a few weeks of bedrest won't cure. But there.." Another yip from the dog, "...Yes, there is a puppy here who might have a broken foreleg. My vet doesn't open till the morning, so I was hoping it could get braced."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Several moments of silence echo from the phone, Karrin's car pulling out of where ever she stowed it near the docks. She just sighs, breaking at least two laws still being on her cell phone as she drives in his direction. "You were at the docks." She finally double confirms. She's not even asking it any more. "And you have a puppy." She sounds about as tired as she is vaguely amused and incredulous. "I'll be there in ten. Just... take it out to piddle before it goes on your lap." Another long suffering sign, and Karrin hangs up the phone.

Sadly, her advice has come about .5 seconds too late, except it's not his lap. Its his hand. And the puppy feels MUCH better for it, that lolling, doggy grin coming wide.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "Stars and stones.." grumbles Harry as he looks around for something to clean up the piddle puddle in his hand. He carefully sets the puppy onto his desk before finally grabbing an old polishing cloth and wiping his hand off with it. "If you are going to stay here, you are going to have to learn where that is appropriate to do."

He stands up from the desk, moving over to the kitchenette to grab a pair of bowls, which are most assuredly NOT Misters, and fills one with water and the other with some cold cuts. He sets them down on the desk, in front of the puppy."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The commentary about learning where that is appropriate to do gets a tilt of little doggie head and perk of an ear. It's almost like the dog is actually listening and, stranger yet, understands. Surely not, but the little fur face certainly knows how to act like it. A moment later his jaw is hanging open again, tongue lulling out, half panting and following Harry with his eyes curiously. He gives a little, lonely bark again as Harry goes too far to the kitchen. This desk is LONELY!

Fortunately, Harry is back a moment later and with the goods. The little ball of black fur wastes no time in burying himself head first into the cold cuts bowl, that far more interesting than the water bowl to the side. He hogs down that meat in greedy, hungry, growing boy gulps. If there was any doubt this pup would be huge...He's done in about four bites before he moves onto lapping up the water then looks at Harry for more.

A knock follows about two minutes after. At least Harry wasn't going to be fielding this alone.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden picking up the puppy in his hand, Harry makes his way to the door and opens the door a crack, checking to make sure it is Karrin, before he opens the door fully.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The woman was ready to be mad at him. She SHOULD be mad at him. An entire pier of the Gotham Docks has been shut down probably because of something he's done! And 90 percent of the force has gone on strike! Karrin's pissed! Until the moment she sees that little fuzzy face in his hand with the slightly floppy paw and an inside out ear. Harry can practically see the switch flip on her face as she goes from raging to half melted in 1.5 seconds.

"...You are so lucky I don't yell in front of children." Karrin mutters softly, shouldering her emergency kit duffle bag (because she needs it in a duffle bag) across her shoulder so she can gingerly reach out for the ball of fur from his hands and scoop him free, "...well, hullo there, little one... How'd you end up with this scamp?" She may be in love. There's no going back.

Meanwhile, it's like Mister can sense the threat to his cute-throne, because he follows her inside, shoulder tackling Harry's ankles and winding extra hard around the tall man's legs, practically begging for attention. A few murring purrs come from the big gray beast. He will not be out done!

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yes, yes... I know, Murph." sighs Harry as he lets the Lieutenant in before shutting the door behind her and reactivating his wards. "He along with his mother and siblings were on that ship. They had been stolen from one of the other ships there at the dock, and I was sent to 'retrieve' the cargo. I didn't go in there expecting...well, what happened. It wasn't my fault! If it makes you feel any better, it was after the goons kicked this little guy and were shooting at us that I...", said in a lower whisper, "sunk the boat."

He looks to the puppy in Karrin's arms and says, "Anyway, this little guy stowed away in my jacket. The Tibetans have already sailed off, so they told me to keep him."

As Mister comes up and starts to body check Harry, the large man chuckles and reaches down to scratch at the big cat's head. "Don't worry, Mister. I know who still runs the house."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The feline looks up at Harry, leaning into the touch on his head and giving a few firm murrrrs, making certain that Harry really does know. Because he's in charge and nothing's changing that. He's lingering suspiciously close, making certain Murphy and puppy know it too, but also trying to get a look at the little furball in the blonde's arms now.

Speaking of furball, as Harry gives the retelling of the story and says in that lower whisper about sinking the boat, the squirming pup gives him a little, protesting bark. Harry so didn't sink that boat ALONE. But then he's twisting around, trying to lick at Karrin's fingertips as well, his little tail still going. He might be in pain, but he wears it well. Karrin's trying to be angry and failing horribly with the little bundle in her arms.

"...You sunk the boat over ...Tibetan dogs? I mean, he's... cute and all." She looks back down, scratching at his ears, "...Really... really cute..." She's in love. It's all over. She sighs and sinks down onto the couch, shifting to set the duffle bag near her feet so she can lay the puppy out in her lap. Her hand smooths across his back, "ALright, little guy... you gotta hold still for me so I can see your leg, okay? Can you be good?" And as she asks him to hold still, even the tail stops going. He sits up stiff and straight, hurt paw straight out. Karrin's head tilts a bit in surprise.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Did I neglect to mention I don't think they are just 'dogs'? I think they understand us...isn't that right little guy?" Harry says, continuing to scratch at Mister's head. "At least, that is the impression I got when the mom and I were fighting our way out of the ships hull."

He shrugs, heading for the kitchenette to grab a couple of beers from the icebox, "And I sunk the boat because they were trying to kill the dogs...and me. Once you are done with the puppy, maybe you could look at my shoulder as well. Got hit by a shotgun slug." She may have noticed Harry hasn't moved his left arm much at all, if she wasn't so enamored by the fuzzball.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You just want my hands all over your naked chest, Harry Dresden." Karrin mutters flatly, though a slight smile cracks over her lips a moment later, "Yeah. I figured I wasn't here just for a puppy. You can't get through a single fight without cracking at least ONE rib." She knows him too well. The thought of the dog understanding, though, that draws a wary look from her. Blue eyes stare down at the too-stiff puppy. A dog that young shouldn't be able to keep that still, yet...

Maybe there is a reason these dogs were being smuggled?

Karrin shakes her head, trying to dismiss it, "Okay, little guy, you can relax a bit. Just... gentle with the paw." She reassures the pup, as her fingertips reach down and ever so gently begin to probe along his leg. The puppy whimpers in pain, definitely not liking that, but he doesn't bark or even nip at Karrin. He lets her do what she needs. "I don't think it's *broken*. Cracked, probably... I'm going to splinter it, but definitely a vet in the morning. Probably some shots too." That gets a little, unhappy growl from the pup and Karrin gives him the closest thing to mom-eye possible as she begins to set up a make shift splint with two tongue depressors and a whole lot of bandaging. "...you got a name for your new son, Harry?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry opens his mouth then closes it, even going as far as to clamp his teeth over his lower lip to keep from spouting off whatever comeback first came to mind at Murphy's quip about his naked chest. Instead of speaking, he just takes in a slow breath and exhales just as slowly, "I can too." he finally says, "Sometimes I just get a gunshot wound to the hip. No cracked ribs there!" HA! Showed her.

He looks to the puppy and shrugs, "Not really. I mean I only found out he was going to be mine about 20 minutes ago." the wizard remarks with a grin, "Little guy was as quiet as a mouse when he was hiding in my coat on the way home. I didn't even know he was there. Hrm, Mouse." He mulls that name over for a bit.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Mouse." Murphy echoes, approvingly in a way, a somewhat wider grin stretching over her lips. She finishes securing that gauze around his paw, the bandage stark white in compare to the thick black fur. "I...somehow doubt you are going to be the size of a mouse for long." Karrin mutters, resting his good paw in the palm of her hand. It nearly fills her entire palm. Her brow arches as she looks around, "...you're gonna need a bigger apartment, Harry." Because there is no way this dog was going anywhere else. Karrin wouldn't allow it.

"...Alright, tall, dark, brooding and complete push over, come here. Your turn. You gonna whimper too when I poke your hurt bones? Mouse here was pretty good." She ruffles the pup's ears again, only getting a HUGE yawn in return. Perhaps this all had been exhausting. She gently shifts the dog to the side, so he rests between her hip and the side of the couch. He happily curls up, nestling in to Murphy hip. Mister, meanwhile, stares HARD at the dog from the floor.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Wandering over to stand in front of Karrin, Harry slowly starts to unbutton his shirt with his right hand, "I don't know, do I get a treat if I behave?" the dark haired wizard comments with a smirk as he continues to slowly undo the buttons.

Once he manages to get them all undone he slide out of his shirt. His entire left shoulder is nothing but one large purple and blue bruise radiating from a point by the socket. At the very least, it is dislocated as the arm hangs limply to his side.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
If Karrin had any inch of angry left in her, it's gone now. Seeing him like this makes her ache, it always does. She breathes out slowly and shifts away from the puppy, standing up so she can fully examine his arm. "You should be in a hospital. This is dislocated..." She mutters, her tender fingertips beginning to run along the socket which the shoulder has pulled entirely free from. "I can't believe you *drove home* like this." She still knows he's not going to a hospital. Her fingertips reach up, cupping fully around the ball of his shoulder as her other hand guides his palm to rest over her own collar bone.

"Hold on tight, alright? This is going to hurt. Just... trust me." She knew he did. She waits until he's fully braced against her and then she pulls in a violent, smooth jerk backwards, popping that arm back on track and the shoulder's joint back into place with a snap that almost echoes through the room. She winces at the sound in sympathy. She knows how that feels and it's AWFUL. She keeps him leaning against her, giving him time to catch his breath, "I got you... that's the worst, I promise... it's over."

Harry Dresden has posed:
To his credit, he doesn't scream. There is a sharp intake of breath as she gives him the warning she is about to reset it and then that breath is held until it is over. The pain of the relocation causes a guttural utterance that might have been a scream had it been given full permission to bloom and a staggering step, which is mostly prevented by Karrin bracing him against her.

The worst of it over, he exhales slowly and then takes another deep breath before speaking, "No hospitals..." he says in a quiet utterance, "You know I can't go to a hospital. To much risk that something could go wrong." Once the pain subsides enough to stand on his own he takes a step back from Murph, giving her a smile, "Besides, I've drove home with worse, we both know it."

He reaches over to set his hand on the edge of the couch, using it as a bit of support as he moves to sit. "So, I hear you are on strike..." he says with a smirk, "That explains why you were working."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"That explains why I could come here and patch your ass back together when I SHOULD be working..." Karrin mutters quietly, a trace of guilt behind her voice, but it's mostly buried under the genuine concern behind her tone. SHe helps him over to the couch, gently lowering him there. The dog is half asleep, but sensing another body near, the little thing squirms over and tucks himself against Harry's leg now. Much better. He's falling back to sleep within a few moments.

Karrin's now running her fingertips down his full arm, palpitating to ensure nothing is actually broken, before she moves to doing the same across his chest. She suspects she's going to find a cracked rib or two. This close, she smells faintly of her own shampoo, but also at least half a shift worked in high stress circumstances. "You really want to see this city with utterly NO police on duty? I know I don't. I'll be a scab. The people who are rabble rousing...it's... I think there is something else going on. I just can't figure what." Karrin sounds unhappy and uncomfortable about it all. Something in her back yard and she's not figured it out yet.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"No, Karrin, of course not." Harry says as he sits on the couch. He idly reaches down with his right hand and scratches at Mister's head to give the cat some reassurance, even as the puppy cuddles up next to his thigh. "I knew you would be a scab, and I wouldn't see it any other way. I just hope it doesn't come to bite you on the ass."

There is a wince of pain as she hits a few tender spots on his body. One rib is cracked for sure, a second one is likely cracked as well but it is hard to tell. "At least your friend with the pointy ears is likely to be out in force with his 'friends'. They should at least help keep the worst of it at bay until the GCPD gets their affairs in order. I just hope that it will be soon, because the retainer for tonights job is only going to go so far, and apparently I now have another mouth to feed. I'll need all the consults I can get."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Mister leaps up onto the couch, definitely being the most consistently loving he's been in a while. Yes, he often expresses his affection, but it's in brief shoulder tackles and momentary belly presents before disappearing off to goodness knows what. Now he's claiming the other side of the lap from the puppy, ensuring his love and dominion is complete, especially as he gives a meaty, happy purr at the attention of Harry's fingers. He's content now as well. Murphy looks down on the trio for a moment and, exhausted or not, she cannot help but smile. "This... is going to be so much trouble." She murmurs to him.

Then there is a slight hiss of disapproval as she feels that crack in his ribs. No good. She so tenderly palpitates the one above it, "I suspect both of these are broken. I don't think it's so bad I need to reset it, but... we'll need to keep them wrapped. For a few days at least. And laying down is going to be awful. You need a few days off. Let me worry about the strike and pick up some dog food. You just worry about keeping yourself and fur faces in one piece, alright?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
He winces as the ribs are poked at, even in the gentle manner Karrin is treating them. "Someone is going to have to take the pup outside to do his thing." Harry says as he glances down at the sleeping puppy, "It's not like I can install a doggie door. I'll just take some ibuprofen and I'll be fine, Murph. If anything you need me out there right now as much as anyone. With the mortal police on strike, the supernatural element is going to be even more bold than they have been becoming lately. I guarantee missing persons causes will rise this week."

He continues to scratch at Mister's ears absentmindedly, "Which reminds me...I am going to have to burn my duster and get a new one. I don't know which of the fur balls did it, but I am pretty sure at least one of them left me a gift in a pocket."

He leans his head back against the back of the couch, as best as he can anyway being as tall as he is. "

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Nono. Not yet. Sit up straight. No going to sleep until I have you wrapped up. And I'll take the dog out..." Karrin mutters, implying that she might be staying over a bit more full time for a little while. Not that she wouldn't be working 18 hours a day now, with so many cops on strike. She sighs and leans down, grabbing the heavy ace bandaging from her bag. She then presses closer to him, starting the very careful and tight dance of wrapping up his ribs. She's done this before, it's basically putting him into a corset. It doesn't make it any easier. But this time, being this close to his body? It had strangely new temptations...

"Now, are you actually going to leave this on other than showers and maybe actually listen to me about recovering? Because you are right, I am going to need you out there. In one piece. When you are up for it. Because if you are only in half fighting condition, I'm going to just be worried about you as much as I am everyone else." ANd that would split her attention, make things even worst. She leans closer again, to wrap the last stretch around his back before securing the edges. Her breath is there on the side of his neck, hair brushing against his cheek. "...I like that duster. We'll get it cleaned. Seriously, Harry... dog doo is NOT the worst thing that has been on that duster."

Harry Dresden has posed:
At her request, Harry sits up and lets himself be wrapped up in the bandages. He doesn't even complain to much as she hits the places with the cracked ribs. When she is doing the last stretch, with her face there close to his and he feels her breath and her hair on his neck, he lets out a little sigh. Getting hurt shouldn't be a good thing, but things are different now and her touch, even something as methodical as wrapping a bandage, sends new thoughts into his brain and other places.

She mentions a shower. "Yes, cold shower." he mutters before his registers what she actually said. "I mean, yeah. I'll only take off the bandages when I take a shower, but they are going to be a bitch to put back on after. I'll just have to forgo a shower for a while. I'll see what I can do about the duster, but a pocket is going to be a bitch to clean out. Maybe I can do a cleaning spell. I'll ask Bob, when I am talking to him again."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A single brow arches at the cold shower comment and Karrin cannot totally stop the chuckle that escapes her lips. "Hmm, Harry?" She asks, pulling back just enough she can look down into his eyes. Rare she sees him from this angle. And yes, she is smirking. Hands now free of bandaging, one comes up to gently comb back through his messy black hair. She just sighs quietly, "...What am I going to do with you?" She asks the air, certainly not really asking him, but it's the first thing that's come to her mind and out her mouth it went.

"...you could take some help, you know? I... could stay a few days. Get those ribs wrapped up when you needed. Drag the dog food in -- we should just get the economy sized bag." There is that pesky we again. "But... your damn pride. You'll kick and scream every turn at taking help, won't you?" She asks, a bittersweet smile tugging at her small mouth. "I won't be around much. I really should pull every shift I can at work. It's... going to be such a mess." Not to mention the amount of cops that are going to hate Karrin for still doing her job.

Harry Dresden has posed:
The fingers combing through his hair brings another little sound of pleasure from the back of his throat, almost like a moan that was cut short and ended up a squeak. What is she going to do with him. So many responses he could utter, and if he was doped up one of them might slip out giving Freud a nice laugh.

"You can stay." Harry almost blurts out, "I mean, you can have the bed, i'll sleep out here. According to you laying down isn't going to be much of an option anyway, so i'll like have to prop myself up. I promise, i'll kick my pride down for a few days."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Harry..." Karrin breathes out softly, letting the man lean a bit closer. She keeps her fingertips slowly combing back through those locks, almost soothing, but also not really wanting to let go. She's been doing this far longer than is necessary to convince him of the wisdom of staying. She's not stopping. "You *can* lay down. You just need to be gentle... And you'll be miserable on this couch." Or, perhaps she's just trying to let her fingertips do some extra convincing of him.

"I can take the couch. I fit there. Not that I'll be sleeping much anyway. And then Mister can... have the option of two bodies to love, so he doesn't feel put out about the new baby in the house." Karrin states with a drowsy little laugh behind her voice. Her hand finally stays still, though it's lingering on the back of his neck instead of in his hair. She's not really pulled back yet. There's a quiet mrowl from between them, as Mister now begins to wind through her ankles. Apparently, she has some agreement in this matter.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"We can share the bed." Harry says, "It's big enough. I mean I need a king size just for my height, so there is more than enough room. I am sure Mister and Mouse will find spots up there anyway. Mister tends to end up sleeping on my ankles." He pauses for a moment, "I mean, if your worried about...you know...even if it was an option it's not like I am in the shape for anything like that anyway."

The last sentence causes Harry to flush, under her fingers the skin on the back of his neck rises in temperature. "I mean, it's not like we haven't slept together before anyway. Slept..ypu know. Sleep."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Well, this was almost romantic. It's very quickly turned into a comedy of errors, but isn't that par for course with them? Karrin laughs softly, and then a bit harder, especially as she feels the flush of his neck. "God, Harry, you have never ACTUALLY seduced a woman, have you? At this rate, I'm going to wonder if you and Susan ever even got beyond second base. You dope..." Karrin mutters, completely fondly. She leans over to kiss his temple and then ruffles his hair, definitely in that more sisterly than lover way, before standing straight.

"...I'm not worried. Hell. I'm worried that we'll start at opposite ends of the bed and end up... well, how do you feel about being little spoon?" SHe asks with a half cocked brow, but she's not entirely joking about that. Even if she was the little spoon last time. "Friends. We... we're friends. Best friends. I'd... god, Harry... I'd fight the world for you, you know that? I don't want to fuck that up. I... really don't. As much as I might want..." She falls quiet, still not the courage to say it. The same dance they were doing the other morning.

She sighs and leans down, scooping up the little, drowsy ball of fur, "...come on. You should go before we all actually sleep... Mouse." She tries the name again. Seems it's going to stick.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden grumbles. "I've seduced a woman before, Murph. More than one...and Susan and I....well that is just none of your business!" He huffs, giving Murphy a hard but obviously fake look. "So..." he sticks his tongue out at her.

He sighs, using his right hand to brace himself on the edge of the couch to push himself to a standing position. "You want to spoon me, that's fine. Just make sure it is my right side...unless you want me waking up screaming in pain because you squeezed my broken ribs" The tall wizard gives her a quick wink and a grin, which falters slowly into a more somber smile. "Yeah..yeah. I know, Karrin."

He is quiet for a moment, then sighs "But think about this, at what point do we start to avoid each other and loose that friendship because we are too afraid of facing reality. A month, a year? I'd like to deal with this...whatever this has become...before we reach that point. One way or another."

He lifts his right hand and points to a necklace hanging on a peg by the door. "Take that, it will get you through the wards, and there is a key in the basket. Keep them, they are yours now." He gives her another gentle smile, then heads into the bedroom to get changed for bed.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That somber smile gets a long look from her. He had a good point as well, Karrin just didn't have a good answer for it. Not tonight. "...I guess. But not while you're hurt and I'm on strike. Let's... figure out how you're fitting a dog in your life first." The was ALWAYS going to be something else. Something to put them off, distract, but tonight Karrin was taking that excuse. She scritches fingertips under the puppy's throat, looking down to the little one. "Come on. Business time... If you come house broken, you're already better than every husband I've had..." She mutters to the dog as she heads for the door.

"Necklace. Through the wards. Key in basket. Got it, Dresden. You get some beauty sleep, you need it. I'll see you in the morning." Karrin calls back to him. And with that, she disappears up into the darkness. Tonight, he is actually going to sleep alone. Karrin gets Mouse to do his business and tucks both of them into bed, Mister following soon after to take his place at Harry's *hip* tonight. But Karrin mutters something about a few emergency calls and needing to go back to work. So the couch isn't even an option. Maybe she'd be back in the morning but, for tonight, he has to settle for furry company and still a lot of emotional things up in the air.