3560/Where's your boss!

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Where's your boss!
Date of Scene: 04 January 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Batman

Star Shimmer has posed:
It was time. Time for her to return home. Autumn felt horrible about vanishing. It was all a bit difficult to explain. She's been back on Earth for over a week, she was trying her hardest to figure out how to justify herself. Sure she could just blame her ring because it technically did pretty much force her to go. Still, She had to take responsibility, right?

Finally though, she made her way into Gotham. The streak of violet that tears across the sky stops on the outskirts of the city. The very revealing Star Sapphire uniform is promptly replaced by something a bit more fitting of this city. An armored uniform in black and violet. The ring is hidden from sight. The only sign she is anything more then one of the gotham vigilantes is the star sapphire logo on her utility belt. Gone is Star Shimmer. The Nightingale is back in Gotham.

Across the roof tops using what could pass for normal tech. A violet line launches from the belt helping her move between the rooftops without drawing too much attention. Step one, Find Bat Woman and apologize. Step two... Deal with anyone causing trouble on the way!

Batman has posed:
    The snowstorm was just getting underway, the grand sweep of the city's skyline was obscured by the steady haze of white as the blizzard began in earnest. Snow and freezing rain fell sideways, buffeted by the wind and turning the whorl of winter weather into a grim sleet that caked whatever it fell upon. Across the city the rooftops were turned white and grey, with the snow clinging to the Eastern side of all of the chimneys, the HVACs, the antennas, as if a great frost giant had bellowed.
    On a night like this most of the city is tucked away, hunkering down trying to endure the cold and the weather. The homeless shelters are working beyond their normal capacity, and every chimney and iron grate in the city seems to be spewing smoke or steam as the people of the city try to keep warm. Very few people would venture out during a night like tonight. The Batman... was one of them.
    Garbed in white and grey, a faint light blinking on his arm display, the vigilante scowled against the onslaught of the wind and the ice, his own uniform partially caked in the slush that was tormenting the city. He had been perched upon an old gargoyle completely hidden under the coat of snow. But then, in that moment as he had been readying to move he saw distantly that faint violet light in the distance. A frown touched his features as the suit's heating system kicked into action just before he dropped from the side of the building, cape flaring like the wing of a bat, letting him glide across the distance towards where the woman lands.
    It's just a moment before she'll hear that rustle of leather and fabric, then the crunch of his boots hitting the snow and gravel of the rooftop. He rises to his feet, cowl curling around his silhouette that in the dark still seemed grim and ominous despite the lighter color. For a time the on board systems flicker through records, attempting to identify the woman's features. But no match is made before he murmurs, "What are you doing here?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale continues moving. Its clear she has had some training and is moving like someone who has done some parkour. When she hears the sound of someone stepping down behind her, her masked eyes narrow. Quickly she turns around Her attention locking onto the familiar figure. a small smile forms on her painted lips. "Batman. Lovely night for a rooftop stroll isn't it?"

She takes a non-aggressive stance, letting her body language show that she has no intent to cause trouble. "I was just coming home." She takes a deep breath and then removes her mask to reveal that she's Autumn. Though her eyes still look violet. Of course, she's still using her ring, technically. "I was hoping to track down Bat Woman. I owe her an apology."

Batman has posed:
    The tall man's brow furrows slightly, only discernible by the way his mask shifts slightly. His gaze meets hers then he looks to the side, eyes distancing for a moment. Then he looks back and he lifts his chin. "I was looking for her as well. With the storm communications are suffering." He starts to walk towards her, then steps past, boots crunching in the gravel and the snow as he moves towards the lip of that rooftop, some of the icicles crackling from the shift in pressure above them.
    The cowl turns slightly as he looks to her askance. That rumbling voice lifts as he murmurs, "Do you have any idea where she is?" He lowers himself to a knee there, touching a fingertip to his temple as twin lenses descend from the mask to shift his vision to a thermographic representation of the streets below.
    A severe scowl mars his features but only for a moment as he rises and then turns back to her, looming even as the snow continues to fall behind him. "I need someone to take Cobble Hill and keep watch."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale frowns, "Thats not good." She frowns and looks out across the snowy city. "I know you don't approve of such things but I can try using my ring. I haven't a clue where she might be. I was called to Zameron for the past six months. Sadly Queen Aga'po doesn't exactly grasp the concept of politely asking and just summoned my ring." She sighs. "Anyway I might be able to do a quick scan with it. Beyond that. No idea."

She listens to Batman and frowns. "If you need assistance tonight, I'm here. I've had plenty of time to get good and rested up. Even if I did a lot of training." She snickers softly. "I was hoping to get back home and maybe start actually living life again."

Batman has posed:
    Those eyes narrow even as the lenses slide back up into their place in the cowl. There's silence between them for a time, just the steady howl of the wind and the storm spending its fury upon the city. Snow continues to settle on them as he stands there, level gaze seeming timeless. Then she'll see him give a single nod. "She and I have not always seen eye to eye." Those words hang there, then he's stepping past her again.
    "But needs must..." He doesn't finish the rest of that idiom but then turns to her and an armored gauntlet appears from the depths of his cloak. Seemingly from nowhere he tosses a small black rectangle towards her, something akin to a burner phone.
    "Take up position on the McClintock building. I'll need hourly updates. The Ukrainians might make a move using the storm as cover." He's already turned away, starting to walk towards the other side of the rooftop, as if assuming she's going to do what she's told... which he is.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale takes a moment. Her ring is very much hidden from sight but the effects of it aren't. Her body is coated in the familiar violet shine as she does a scan for her trainer. She has a connection to her so she could find her if she's in the city. She keeps at it for a few moments before the light fades. "I don't think she's in the city, Batman. I'm not getting any signs of her."

Then the order is given. "On it." With that its back to doing things the way others do here. Not the Star Sapphire way. The way she was taught by Bat Woman." Within moments she is over on the McClintock building. Its times like this she is thrilled that her armor is insulated. Otherwise she'd be freezing. Part of her is. Quietly she crouches down. A quick alteration to her suit closes her window and returns her domino mask to her face.

Quietly she gazes down into the street. Its mostly quiet right now. Not many people want to be out here. Most just want to stay warm. Still occasionally a few people will pass. She uses the burner phone, -All quiet on this front.- Thats all she says.

Batman has posed:
    The only response she gets on her burner phone is a short click of acknowledgement, no voice currently. But it's enough to let her know that there is another person on the other end of the line listening, gauging.
    As for Batman he stays for now on that rooftop, folding his arms over his chest as he watches her go. His brow furrows again behind that cowl as she makes her way. But then he touches a hand to his ear as he turns to the side.
    "Oracle," There's a momentary pause then he continues, "I need everything you have on Batwoman's partner."
    Another pause as he walks further, one hand dropping to the grapple gun at his waist. It clicks open as he brings it up, the hook snapping into place. There's a short snap-hiss of compressed air firing as the grappling line fires upwards, the wire trailing. "Feed it to my display."
    And with that he steps off the side of the building and disappears into the night.