3389/Presents and Bows
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Presents and Bows | |
Date of Scene: | 14 December 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Clint takes Skye bow shopping. Skye secretly returns the favour. |
Cast of Characters: | Hawkeye (Barton), Quake
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Morning at the Triskelion, Clint makes his way out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, hair slick and sticking to his head. His phone is buzzing on the living room coffee table, text incoming, he checks it and grins. Firing a quick text back and then taking the phone with him as he searched for something to wear. "Hey Keyboard, what do you have on deck for today?" he calls out not sure where Skye was, but then the apartment wasn't that big that his voice didn't carry. "'Cause if you're free, I think I have a field trip for us, if you're game."
The place is rightly small enough that his voice does, indeed, carry.
- Quake has posed:
As it happens, Skye has just folded herself into the unbroken end of the couch, with her laptop and a cup of fresh coffee. Surprisingly, she's not so buried in her work that she didn't hear him. It's a Festivus miracle! "Mmm? Me? Just puttering, really. Was going to check on some things, but they'll keep. Whatcha got in mind?"
She sets the laptop over on the coffee table. "Fresh kettle. I can make you a cup of coffee if you want?"
Really, someone should introduce Skye to the joys of a little thing commonly known as a coffee maker.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's only due to the fact Clint has been busy with moving in that he hasn't introduced her to the wonders of the coffeemaker. He had one at his old place, indeed he was known to drink right from the pot when nobody was looking. Still, for now the cup would do. "Sure, thanks," he calls out as he pulls on his boxers then his jeans over top. He peeks out from the doorway of the bedroom, still shirtless. "And I can't tell you what I've got in mind. It's one of those top secret type field trips," he grins before ducking back into the bedroom for a shirt and some socks.
- Quake has posed:
Skye crinkles her nose at Clint down the hallway. Well, more rightly, in his general direction down the hallway. Still, she goes get up and make her way into the kitchen, flipping the switch on the kettle to bring it back to a boil while she got Clint a cup and tossed a spoonful of the instant crystals into the bottom of it.
Yes, Clint really should have introduced her before now. Hell, he could bring the one from his old place. Mind, he'd been a little incapacitated. And his bows were here. Progress.
Skye wasn't complaining.
"Top secret, huh? Riiiight. And I have a bridge in Brooklyn for you." She pours from the kettle into the cup and stirs, leaving the spoon in the cup as she takes it out to the living room and sets it down beside her own on the coffee table. "I thought you were off today?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's only due to the fact Clint has been busy with moving in that he hasn't introduced her to the wonders of the coffeemaker. He had one at his old place, indeed he was known to drink right from the pot when nobody was looking. Still, for now the cup would do. "Sure, thanks," he calls out as he pulls on his boxers then his jeans over top. He peeks out from the doorway of the bedroom, still shirtless. "And I can't tell you what I've got in mind. It's one of those top secret type field trips," he grins before ducking back into the bedroom for a shirt and some socks.
- Quake has posed:
"Not the cab thing, huh?" Though Skye really hadn't thought it would be that. Especially as daytime hours took a risque thing and would make it infinitely worse.
"So. Not the cab thing. And still something to do on your day off." Skye's really got no clue. "Walk in the park? And sorry, you snooze, you lose, you get the broken end of the couch." Though, if they're heading out, he won't be bothered by it too long.
And yes, he had brought clothes over. It wasn't like he didn't already have a number here. But the coffee maker might make both their lives infinitely more enjoyable. Then again, working Skye didn't seem to notice much of anything, as many cups of cold coffee in her past could attest to.
"I'm not wearing a blindfold," she informs with a grin. "But okay, I'm game. This could be fun."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I know, a shame right?" Yes, the cab thing in daylight would be kinda horifying, he'd definitely been joking.
He sits down and wiggles the broken arm of the couch, snorting a laugh. "Wow," he says before looking over at Skye. "No, not a walk in the park," he answers but offers no further details.
"No blindfold? One of those black bags then?" he teases with a grin of his own. "And cool. We we'll coffee up and then we'll go."
- Quake has posed:
Skye pretends to contemplate, "Blindfold or black bag, huh? Blindfold it is."
Her lips twist around an amused smirk as he tests the broken end of their couch. Though it could just as well be for the choice of headgear.
"Terrible shame," she agrees. "So. Not a walk in the park. Do I get any clues?"
You know, like twenty questions. Only she's pretty sure he's not going to play by the rules. He's looking entirely too smug about something.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins, "Or, if I can trust you, you could just close your eyes."
He trusted her on the big things, but when it came to these moments of banter and games, the whole point was to one up each other. It was what made it fun.
"I can trust you, right?" he asks her grinning before taking a sip of his coffee.
He wrinkles his nose. It wasn't great. But then it was instant.
"Hints? We're picking up something, actually, two things now," he was definitely getting the coffeemaker from his own place on the way now. "And it's bigger than a breadbox."
He makes a face. "I think. I don't think I've ever seen a breadbox before. I mean, who has a box for bread?"
- Quake has posed:
Skye snerks. "Do I even have bread?" Quickly amending it to, "Do we? Speaking of, uh.. do you cook?"
They were still settling those domestic routines. Who took a shower when (several late days to work had instituted the one-body-per-shower rule on workdays). Who picked up what. Who put the toilet paper roll on the spindle. That sort of thing. Food was this kind of grey area for Skye. She ate, but her idea of 'making dinner' involved walking down to the cafeteria or sticking her swipe card into the vending machines. It was a wonder she wasn't malnourished. Though it might explain her height..
"Trust me?" Skye makes a face of mock-indignation. "Of course you can trust me! I'd never peek."
Except when she would. Like now. She so would peek now. Unless he really sounded like she shouldn't. But so far they were still in teasing territory. The game hadn't gotten that serious yet.
"So bigger than a breadbox, huh? Loaf of bread isn't very big." Skye had no idea how large a breadbox was.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"No," Clint says about the bread. "We don't. I do cook though. To a certain value of cook. So I am getting the sense we should make it, three things now, with one of them being groceries."
Yes, they were still figuring out the routines. He suspected he'd have to do the lion's share of the cooking, but that was fine by him. It was sort of fun. The shower rule though? Totally unfair.
"Uh-huh," he says about peeking, confirming with his tone they were firmly in teasing territory here. "I'll believe it when I see it. Or when you don't, I guess?"
The bread thing gets a nod. "Bigger than a loaf of bread," he confirms more usefully. He downs his coffee and looks over at Skye. "So, shall we go see this thing that is larger than bread?"
- Quake has posed:
"Three?" Now Skye is curious, but he's right about groceries. With the added bonus of she might learn. Or, more to the point, get to watch Clint cook. That was something of a turn on. Man in the kitchen. Mmmm.
The shower rule? Totally unfair, but likely to have them both keeping their jobs. Skye had a lot of leeway, but still, she and Clint had yet to come up for air on the wanting one another side of things. It was crazy strange, she thought to herself, how every time she thought they'd hit that plateau, things got bigger. More expansive. Another layer of want and need opening up.
"And if you really don't want me to peek, I won't." Skye pouts just a little. "Spoilsport. But bigger than a breadbox is a lot of things. Our couch is bigger than a breadbox."
A final sip off coffee and her mug is set down. "Right. This thing. Let's do it."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods. "Yep, the bigger than bread thing, the coffeemaker from my place, and groceries," he explains giving away two of the three items they'd be after today. But those were the lame ones.
It wasn't like Clint didn't have leeway of his own, he was one half of Barton and Romanoff. Names uttered in the same awed breath as the Cavalry, the people sent in when nobody else could get it done. And while Clint was more than happy to leverage that for his own benefit, throwing his relationship with Skye in everyone's face while breaking the rules seemed like a higher grade of assholery than he wanted to dabble in. So, yeah, despite how intense their relationship continued to be, the shower rule was likely here to stay.
He sighs.
The pout? It's cute and he kisses her cheek. "I really do," he confirms with a smile before saying. "It's not a couch." Though damn it they were going to need to look for one of those too.
"And good by me," he says as he gets up.
A short time later the two of them are in a car borrowed from the motorpool, heading into Queens, the part around the old Stark Expo grounds. "Still not peeking?" Clint asks as they come to a stop at a light.
- Quake has posed:
"You know we're going to have to replace this couch," Skye says dryly when he confirms it's not a couch. The kiss was nice, though, the gentle thing drawing a smile from her - one of her half-crooked, lopsided ones. "Be a lot easier if we did it without requisitioning one and having to explain anything. And.. if we could break more of it on the way out making it look like a moving accident rather than.. you know." Of course he knew. He was there when it happened. It was totally his fault, even. Damned monkey limbs and needing leverage!
Speaking of leverage and leeway, yeah. Skye might not be considered the most orthodox of Agents, and given her specialty, she really did get away with a lot more than many, but she was still a Jr. Agent, and one that would get her wrists slapped for putting on airs she had no rights to. That, and it wouldn't do well to flaunt her relationship with Clint in anyone's face. The last thing Skye needed was another lecture from Agent May.
Or a fast march to Fury's door.
"Groceries. Coffeemaker?" Skye doesn't even list the mystery item, moving to grab up her coat.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Yes, Clint was there. He smirks at the memory of it, even as he scratches the back of his head about how to work out all the couch details. "Yeah, buying would be good. You know how Darcy's little ad-minions like to gossip. Not like Darcy ran the whole of admin but the stereotype was applicable across the board. "Man, we're going to be broke if we keep up this spending. I guess we have to decide if we still want to go away for Christmas too." That hadn't really been discussed since they came to an agreement on moving in.
"And yeah, and then the thing that's bigger than bread," he confirms of their errands. He grabs his coat as well, slipping it on. Then when Skye's ready they head down to the car.
- Quake has posed:
Skye pauses at the doorway. "Uh.. Do we want to go away?"
She mentally calculates her bank balance. It wasn't like she was paid a whole lot, but she'd not spent much of it at all since working for SHIELD. Everything pretty much came with the job but for cursory things, and food. Other than her stereo system, two Stark Boxes, and a laptop build or three, there hadn't been much of anything she'd had to buy. She wasn't flush, but she probably had enough to foot a few more things. Besides, how much could a couch cost?
And, no, they hadn't discussed the going away thing since their fight. Or since his moving in.
"It might still be nice to? Maybe see what it would cost and decide if we have to make it somewhere closer?"
She follows him to the car.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I'd like to," Clint says.
Not like they hadn't holed up quite effectively in their apartment, but going away together meant a change of scenery, and a departure from the distractions of their day-to-day.
The costs definitely were mounting though, and despite his salary from SHIELD and the stipend and assorted likeness rights fees that came with being an Avenger (go merchandising!) he wasn't rich by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
"And yeah, maybe we can look at costs tonight. See what's going to work. If nothing else there's the zeta tube to Starling. I hear it's nice up around there." And travel by zeta beam was supposed to be reasonable.
The car in this case is another SHIELD special, a conspicuously, inconspicuous black sedan. A Lexus at least, so it was nice. He hops in the driver's side and gets her started. "So, we're agreed," he asks checking mirrors and what not. "No peeking? Because if you're not sure you can make it the whole way, I can put you in the trunk." there is a moment where he almost finishes with 'you'd definitely fit' but he stops himself. Short jokes were getting played out, he'd find other ways to torment her. Of course, the aborted joke still shows as a gleam in his eyes as he chuckles and puts the car into gear.
- Quake has posed:
"You are not putting me in the trunk!" Skye laughs in protest. "Fine. I'll promise not to peek." She mutters to herself, shaking her head. The word 'Asshole' is clearly heard. He might not have finished the short-joke thought, but she totally got there on her own.
"Yeah, that's about what I was thinking. And the coast is supposed to be pretty. We could maybe ski or something?" She figured BC /had/ to be cheaper than Italy. After all, once they paid for the trip, her bank account wasn't going to be so healthy. She kind of liked the idea of money in the bank for emergencies. Emergencies like.. And here she frowned at herself. Running away used to be her answer to why she didn't spend anything. That and there was little she needed past a deck to log in with. Just what emergencies did normal people plan for anyway?
And how'd he read her mind anyway? She'd been thinking the very same thing about Starling.
"We could buy a second-hand couch? It's just a place to park our asses anyway. Maybe find one of those old ones that can stand up to a hurricane and throw it in our place? Probably more to our style of living anyway. Worry about replacing the SHIELD one when we move out."
It seemed an elegant solution..
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smirks broadly when she calls him an asshole. And hey he didn't actually /say/ the joke, progress right?
"And fine, no peeking," he holds up a hand in front of her eyes as he steers them out of the garage. "No trunk."
"I've heard that," he says about the scenery. "And do you ski?" he asks, sounding surprised. Though the trip to the pool hall had taught him not to assume where Skye's skillset was concerned. "I mean, I know I'm supposed to be this big international man of mystery, but I don't ski. Willing to give it a shot though."
Yeah, the synchronicity was starting to get spooky. But a good sort of spooky.
The couch thing, gets a snap of Clint's fingers. "Ha," he says. "Where do we know that has a couch that's not being used?" he says. "Hint. We're stealing the coffeemaker from there in about five minutes." His place, obviously.
- Quake has posed:
Skye smirks. "Get out of my head! I was thinking that same thing - your couch, not that we were stealing your coffee maker. We're stealing your coffee maker?" She distracts herself momentarily. "Anyway, I was just thinking that, only what if we want to run away some weekend?" At least until his lease ran out.
It was a little scary, at times, how much they meshed that way.
"Nah, I don't ski," Skye informs. "Where the hell would a system kid like me have had the opportunity? I stole the van I lived in. And the only reason I knew pool was because a girl can't always live off of hacking. A bit of sharking now and then kept me in gas and food." She shrugs. It wasn't just a lifetime ago, it wasn't something she generally talked about. Not with anyone, not that she minded talking to him about it. It just was one of those things they didn't deliberately seek to bring up with one another. Though generally when they did, it was between the sheets and with heads on their pillows, where it was safe.
In response to his arm flinging in front of her face, she puts her hands up and covers her eyes. "Good enough? Sheesh, you're bossy."
Yeah, he was making progress. But he always knew he'd scored points when she reverted to calling him an asshole.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Never!" Clint laughs as he kisses Skye on the cheek. "And nah, we're just moving them, not stealing," he says realizing his slip. He takes a moment to consider what to do if they want to hide out in a couchless coffeeless apartment. "Go to Gino's for coffee and move the TV into the bedroom?" he suggests, with a glance in Skye's direction. It sounded like a good plan to him.
"Still no foster homes in Aspen, huh?" Clint smirks. "They should get on that. And yeah, I've hustled a bit of pool and darts back when I was rolling with Trick Shot. Annd truthfully, sometimes when I get bored. It's a decent way to make a little extra cash, and you're good at it, didn't see you coming." He smiles proudly at how she played him. One pro to another.
Even without their usual trappings of safety it was good to talk.
"Better," he says when she covers her eyes and he lowers his hand. "Probably should have said you don't need to do that yet, though. Going to my place first," he smiles as he drives them into the city. Expecting a swatting.
They made their first stop, Clint's place, in good time, and he returns to the car with the coffeemaker and a pair of coffee's from Gino's. The coffee maker goes into the trunk and the coffees into the cup holders. "He still says you're too good for me, by the way," Clint remarks as he gets going. "And now you can cover your eyes."
- Quake has posed:
"TV in the bedroom works," Skye admits after a thoughtful nod. "And Gino won't kick us out."
Well, he might, but she figured they could at least park their butts there if need be. And the floor worked. You couldn't fall off of or break the floor. There was always that advantage to it. They could just steal blankets and pillows off of his bed.. almost like a sleepover. The thought of which made her smirk softly as she dropped her hands.
- Quake has posed:
Skye Johnson says, "Now you tell me I didn't need to do that then. What was with the hand in front of my eyes, then, huh? And we're going to need to get someone to help us move the couch."
She doesn't swat him, but the look dancing in her eyes reiterates she thinks he's an asshole.
Skye takes her coffee when he returns, laughing. "Gino likes me. More than you," she teases. "And he's right. I am too good for you."
She doesn't cover her eyes, though, instead closing them and showing him they're closed. "Can't drink my coffee with my hands on my eyes." Her tongue is stuck out at him. "I promise. No peeking until you tell me I can."
Her fingers aren't even crossed.
"It was a way to survive," Skye admits, taking a cautious sip of her coffee, eyes still closed. "The look on your face, though. Priceless." Yeah, she's smug. He'd been floored when she'd stopped pretending to be a loser at the game and cleaned up. His praise was just icing on that cake."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods about TV in the bedroom, and as for Gino he shrugs. "Eventually, but yeah, we can hang there for a bit too."
The sleepover idea doesn't occur to him but he'd be onboard with it if it had.
"Because it was funny?" Clint explains about the hand with a smug little grin. "And yeah, probably. I'll hit up the Avengers, all that super strength has to be good for something. Or maybe Pym could shrink it. That's how I got it up there in the first place."
He smiles at that look and blows her a kiss.
"Yeah, yeah, can you blame him? Look at you," he says waving in her direction after putting the car into gear.
Ooh, that too good for you line stings just a little, but he tries not to let it show, despite the murmuring of his battered self-esteem telling him joking or not she was right.
"And so you say, but I dunno, we've both got shady pasts and hustle pool. Sounds like a perfect match to me."
He's quiet until she brings up the look on his face and he smiles. "Should have taken a picture," he says with a laugh. "Actually, no, that'd be all over SHIELD by now." He gives her another grin, to show her he was okay, despite letting his darker thoughts get the better of him for a moment or two.
- Quake has posed:
Skye makes a mouth of her free hand and flaps it Clint's way. She might have her eyes closed, but she knows where the driver's seat is relative to herself. "Yeah yeah. It was funny." Her tones are acidic, but she's almost smirking as she shakes her head.
"I'll leave the couch up to you, then."
Sadly, with her eyes closed, she misses the look on his face. All she has is that hiccup in time where he's quieter
"You okay over there, Hotshot? I'm joking, right? You're like the other half of me. It's not about deserving anything. You know that, right?" And despite her promise she opens her eyes to peek. Okay, not peek, to turn her head and give him a full out look. "If anyone doesn't deserve someone, it's me."
Her lips form a concerned little moue, brows furrowing. "Talk to me."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right?" Clint says about it being funny, just poking fun a little more.
He nods, "Sure," about the couch.
The rest though, gets him turning to glance her briefly, driving and all that. "I'm fine, it's fine, I just had a little twinge of the old me." Though that other half comment, it melts his heart.
"Thanks," he says, and when they stop at a light he looks over. "Not to get too deep into it, but you know that's bullshit right? You totally deserve someone."
- Quake has posed:
"You are /such/ an asshole," Skye tells him, still not back to covering her eyes again. "Why do I love you again?"
Of course, the look in her eyes says it all. It's not a matter of why, it's a matter of does. She unequivocally loves him. No holds barred. No barriers or hidden things in her eyes.
"I know I deserve someone. Just probably not you." Then she laughs softly and sighs, shoulders doing a great heave as she turns away and sips from her coffee to hide the rising embarrassment of being all soft and mushy like people she and he would normally make fun of. "I guess we deserve each other."
"Closing eyes now," Skye tells him rather brightly.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs when she makes that face and does his best to amuse her, while they drive. Dicking around with the radio, singing along, badly, and all the rest.
When they get there though he finds himself laughing again, "We totally have room," Clint says getting out of the car before peeking back in the car again. "Also, bigger than bread as promised. But we'll have to label it somehow, so we can tell it apart from all of mine," he says before straightening and stretching. He pats the roof of the car and says, "C'mon," before hip checking his door closed.
- Quake has posed:
The singing she just chuckles at. "You are terrible! Remind me to show you what I'm talking about when we get home."
She lets him sing as much as he wants, though. Really, it's all just too silly and fun and normal. Skye' never really had normal before. It's actually kind of nice from where she sits.
As she gets out of the car, Skye rolls her eyes at him. "I said we have enough room. As long as they don't spill over into the other rooms you can pack them to the rafters for all I care. Though if we ever have company, moving them is your job."
Catching the bit that she doesn't quite get, Skye carefully closes her door, falling into step along with him. "What do you mean to tell it apart from the rest of yours? Thought you knew each one like it was a past girlfriend." Or a current lover. Skye wasn't sure which.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"What? Can't hear you," Clint says as he drives before belting out "Iiiiiiiii willll alwaaays loooove youuuuuu!" Yep. He is just as terrible as she says. "And noted," he says about reminding her, before he turns it off the oldies station, to torture her with newer stuff.
Clint chuckles, "Fair enough," he says about bow wrangling duties, it was fair.
He waits.
Annnd there it is.
"You're totally right, I know each member of my bow harem very well. Can definitely tell them apart by sight. Probably touch at this point, but, this one isn't mine. It's yours," he says opening the door for her and grinning nearly ear to ear.
- Quake has posed:
"Whitney? You're flapping Whitney at me?"
You just know she's rolling those eyes in the back of her head and behind those closed lids.
Skye slips her hand into Clint's as they walk, still not following his lead. Until he walks her up the garden path and opens the door, both to the shop, and to his little surprise. Arriving into the shop with a semi-stunned expression on her face. "Wait, what? For me?"
She stops in place, blinking up at his shit-eating grin. "You're buying me a bow?" Her features wavering over disbelief and a sudden urge to turn tail and run. He should recognize that one. It's the system kid look. Can't trust a gift. They not only came with strings, but they always got taken away. "You're buying me a bow?" This last time much softer as she bites her lower lip.
Nope. She didn't see that one coming.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Damn right I am," Clint says as he fiddles with the dial. "I know, maybe we should do a road trip at Christmas, I can serenade you for miles and miles." That unfortunately gives him ideas and despite that not being the song on the radio he goes into the Proclaimer's 'Gonna Be', complete with bad scottish accent. "But I woulde walhk 500 miles and I woulde walhk 500 moah!"
He cackles a laugh and grins at Skye, even though her eyes are closed.
Yep. This was normal. To the degree anything the two of them did was normal. "I should do that one for Fitz, don't you think?" he asks, grinning.
Though when he sees that look in the doorway of the store
He recognized that look and the urge to run that comes with it and he knows then he didn't come at things properly.
"Look, I know we don't do well with these sorts of things. Giving stuff and getting stuff. I should have told you up front, saw if that was maybe what you wanted first. My bad. But when I saw you'd been practicing and getting good, I thought you'd like your own bow rather than one of my spares. Something built for you so you can get the best out of. If you don't want it, that's cool, but just know I don't expect anything out of you if you take it. As far as I am concerned you earned it by practicing. So, yeah, it's yours free and clear."
- Quake has posed:
"Fitz would shit bricks at you or love it. Either or." Skye is most definitely laughing now. She can't help herself.
The look, though, in the store, Skye sees the 'oh shit' flit through his brain. It's like a little ticker tape over his head. And then the 'I need to run' moment of her own is gone, replaced with a crooked, broken little smile for him, tiptoeing up to offer him her lips for a kiss. "Wasn't what.. Just wow. I mean.. I guess this is my Stark Box moment. You kind of surprised me." Understatement. "I don't want you to not think it's okay to do this. Dammit, Hotshot."
The crooked, broken look remains, but it tells him 'thank-you'.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snickers. "My bet is on shit bricks."
In the store though, he takes those offered lips giving her a quick, kiss but one full of his relief, he'd read that thank you in her look.
He nods. "I'm glad it's alright. Just didn't wanted to be clear on what this meant. I know how things were before for the both of us."
He chuckles, lightly, "Anyhow, wanna go find your bow?" he asks, glancing into the store.
- Quake has posed:
Skye nods, turning from Clint to look about the store. "Sure, what am I looking at here?"
She pauses to remark, "It smells like our spare room." Which is to say like his bows.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles. "And my old place."
Ah, the scent of wood glue.
The store has the bows lined up on racks along the wall, while other things, arrows, fletching jigs, quivers, bracers can be found elsewhere along with other sporting gear. Beyond that, was a door for the shooting lanes, marked with a sign tacked to the wall above it. "Well, we're looking for something you like," he looks her up and down. "Probably in a draw length of 26 inches and a draw weight at the lower end of things, like my old practice bow. As for style," he waves a hand at the staggering selection. "That's up to you, these guys are pretty great, so their probably going to have whatever you like in whatever handed grip you want. C'mon, I'll show you a few favourites and we can go from there."
- Quake has posed:
*That's* where she'd first encountered the smell. Things just snapped into place. "Your old place. Right. I knew it was familiar. Skye allows a chuckle now. "And now our place is going to smell like that."
Now that she's inside and knows what's going to happen, she looks excited, eyes wide and wondering upon the place. "Uh.. I have no clue what I'd like. I'm not the expert." Still, she approaches the nearest wall and begins fingering a few things, looking at them appraisingly. "26 inches, is that a short joke?" The smirk downplays things quite a bit.
"What is it you like in a bow, Hotshot?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The selection is pretty vast and varying in style from longbow, to recurve to compound and wide variety of materials and colours.
About the draw length, Clint snorts, "Sort of, it's your arm span, essentially your height, divided by 2.5," he explains. "But due to my monkey arms, I clock in at around 31 inches." 31.6 actually, but who's counting.
"What do I like? It's changed, when I started out I was all about the longbows and recurves, old school wooden ones mostly, but working with Trick Shot I started doing compounds, more draw weight, less pull, let me get away with some shots close quarters the others wouldn't handle. Really comes down to feel, so let's go through a few and see which one speaks to you.
- Quake has posed:
Skye runs her fingers along several of the selections, stopping to peruse and pick up several, one at a time, and consider them. "You like compound bows, huh? What did you start out with?"
Of course she's seen at least one of his old bows, but she's not sure when that came into his life. Nor is she sure what she wants. She has to laugh, though. "We really are a pair, huh? Monkey arms and Stumpy."
Of course her arms are pretty much standard length. He's the one with the long, long limbs. It's still amusing, though, how they fit as a pair.
"I think I like the old school ones maybe? I don't know. There's something about the wood.." Which might seem odd, given she's a high tech kinda girl. But there you have it.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Huh?" Clint asks, as he looks up from a bow he was handling, a matte black compound bow with vaguely bat shaped riser and limbs ending in irregular shaped cams and a crisscross of strings between them. He may just be in love. "Oh, I started with a longbow," he says nodding to a rack of similarly shaped bows.
The one in his hand though, he turns over once more, before, reluctantly putting it on the rack and heading over.
He snickers, "There's no safe way for me to comment on that stumpy remark is there?" he asks, eyes dancing with amusement.
Nodding to the sales guy on the floor who'd been heading over to the couple handling the merchandise, Clint waves him off. Hey, there's an autographed picture of him in his Avenger's gear on the wall, that's got to earn him a little leeway. The sales guy, nods and stands off a bit to let them talk.
"Old school huh?" Clint would have bet on her going compound. See? Never pays to assume with Skye. He joins her by the longbows, checking tags and shapes until he pulls one off the shelf that might suit. A sleak longbow, smooth with finish, and alive with that 'Clint's place' smell of a wooden bow. Turning it in his hands he offers it to her. "Give it a feel, see how you like it." It wasn't all that different from the bow he'd first loaned her. Just a touch more comfortable to use, being suited for her arm span and not the gangly monkey arms of a fourteen year old circus kid.
- Quake has posed:
Skye shakes her head at him. Nope, there was no way to comment on that Stumpy without there being risk of retaliation. Even if she does allow for some amusement. She's paying attention, though, and notes what's got his attention so divided.
"Yeah, I think old school. Unless you think differently?" She can't lie, the compounds are pretty, but there was something about the wood that just makes her fingertips happy. Which was odd. Skye would never have put those two things together in a thought before stepping in the shop, but there you have it: her fingertips were happy. Sure, the compound had a nicer draw weight, and probably would up her game a little, but it also wouldn't give her the feel for what a longbow could teach her while she was still learning.
Maybe it was a bit of stubborn stepping up to the plate on this one. She wasn't sure.
The longbow was held and hefted for weight and feel. Really, though, she didn't have to think much about it. It fit her hand. Really, the love affair beginning with the sweet little thing and Skye could be seen written all over her face, that peculiar little twist of lips she had saying all sorts of things as she looks up from it to Clint.
"Guess they know you here, huh?"
Yeah. She noticed the picture. Avenger suit and all.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins when she confirms his assumption. "Then that's a big no comment," he says before moving on to the bows.
The compound he'd been looking at: totally for him. Even though he suspected Skye would have favoured something along those lines herself, being the technical girl that she was.
The longbow though was a surprise but he knew well the draw of happy fingers and it was why he'd opted to take her here rather than just buy her a bow and hope it was what she wanted. He loved that she was enjoying archery and he wanted that to continue.
"So is this what it's like for you when you see me with my bows?" Clint asks with a smile. "Kinda getting jealous the way you're looking at that thing." He's teasing of course, in fact if his grin was any indication he was pleased as punch.
"Oh yeah, I'm here all the time, it's the best shop in the city. Even drop in sometimes to help out with the junior archery they run out in the back lanes." He gives her a shrug. "Some of those kids are pretty good."
- Quake has posed:
Skye lifts a brow at his 'no comment' making it clear she knows at least several of the comebacks he was likely to use, but she doesn't say anything.
But the longbow... Sure, the compound was tech laden. But Skye had never loved her gear merely because it was tech. That was just a by-product of the fact of what it did. There was a coder's maxim that simpler was better. And in most things in her life, Skye lived by that. Even her stereo system, for all it had cost, and for all it did several extra things she'd paid for, was still rather elegant in its simplicity for what it did. Each and every function performed without being complicated.
Bigger wasn't always better. And even if it was, she couldn't explain it. Her hand wanted this bow. She really had to resist carrying it about and petting it. It was terribly ridiculous and she knew it. Getting caught out being that ridiculous, Skye didn't know what to do, standing there, bow in hand, torn between scowling at Clint and handing him the bow, or pretending she didn't know what he was talking about.
She opted for a goofy grin and a helpless shrug of shoulders. "I guess?" His own grin back caught as she shakes her head. "You have no idea how stupid I feel right now. And yeah. You kinda get this way all the time. Shut up."
"I didn't know you came and helped out here. That's pretty awesome. Don't really have anything like that in my life."
The bow is regarded and she looks back to Clint. "So now what?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
True holding on the stumpy thing, Clint enjoys Skye's little love affair with her new bow before he leans in to give her a quick kiss and hopefully make her feel less stupid by it.
"It's all good and it's fine to like things. Like you said. I get like this all the time."
He nods, "Yeah, I haven't been around in a bit, busy with work, but it's nice to help out. And if you want to get involved with something similar, all it takes a bit of looking and the courage to step up."
He makes a face then, rubbing the back of his head. 'God, how much like Cap did I just sound just now?" he asks feeling a bit ridiculous himself. "Don't tell him."
"What now? Well, since I'm guessing this is your bow, I'll go pay for it, then if you don't mind I'll drop in on the trainers in the back, and say hi. Gives you and your new bow a chance to get to know each other," he smiles. "That work?"
- Quake has posed:
Despite his reassurances, Skye makes a face at Clint. "You still look goofy."
Translation: it might be okay, but she still feels weird.
He gets a small smile, then. "Yeah, I hear some girl has been keeping you busy. You should have said something."
She knows once he goes out back, he's as good as gone for the afternoon. Something like her when she's absorbed in work. Though it does leave her some time alone with the staff, and she has an idea...
"Go on," Skye waves him off. "I'll come drag you off when I'm done."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yes I do," Clint confirms with a grin.
He doesn't push the subject further letting her come at these things at her own pace.
"Yeah, she's pretty great though, so, I figure it's understandable why I didn't." He enjoyed this part of being a hero, helping kids, it was more rewarding than punching bad guys but still he didn't mind admitting right now it still came a distant second to Skye.
When she gives him a chance to go back, he grins and kisses her. "I won't be long," he totally intends to keep that promise, just like Skye intends to be done work in time to make supper. "I'll go pay for the bow and slip right on back."
He does just that, giving his card to the guy running the counter, exchanging jokes as he does, then with the bow bought and paid for he waves to Skye and heads into the back.
The counter guy comes over. "Hey, um he paid for some arrows as well, do you need any help picking some out?" he asks when he arrives.
- Quake has posed:
Skye rolls her eyes. "Fine, I look goofy too. I get it. Pot. Kettle. Shut up." By that point she's laughing at herself too.
When he kisses her, she's still amused, only now she's amused with him. She has a fine appreciation for how he must have felt those couple of times. Though, he's still at the 'promised' stage, not the 'do I have to start breaking bowstrings?' stage and moving on up from there. "Go on. Have fun. Though it would have been nice if *someone* had let me bring my laptop."
She watches him pay, still holding onto her bow - her bow. Holy crap. It just hit her, the bow in her hand was hers. Not someone else's. Not his. Not the store's, but hers. No more crappy SHIELD ones to practice with. "I'm going to call you Merida," she whispers to the thing. "But we won't tell Hotshot, he might laugh. It'll be just our little secret."
She doesn't see the counter guy until he's almost upon her, and mentioning the arrows. "Uh.. sure? Got anything with custom fletching? And say, that bow over there?" Skye nods with her chin towards the pretty Clint was coveting. "Can we look at that?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint goes from chucking to an outright laugh. "Fine, fine," he says holding up his hands.
Clint smirks, as he breaks away from the kiss. "Now who would that someone be?" he asks, then glances down at his bare wrist. "Oh, look at the time, got to go pay for this before they close...'" he makes his way to the counter glancing back with amusement in his eyes.
When he's gone through the door at arrow land, Jack the store guy steps up. "Conspiring with your bow already, that's a good sign," he grins before nodding. "We do have custom fletching, let me guess, purple?" he asks. Clearly that's a common one with Clint around. Then looking over at the bow Skye points out he says, "Oh yeah, the Bowtech 12, he's been by a couple of times to look at it since we got it in. Not sure if it's in your size, but I can look in the back."
- Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't even bother giving a snarky retort to Clint, just waves him on. "Go. Shoo. I have a bow to love now." Totally teasing him.
The counter guy, Jack, gets a lift of brow from Skye. All five feet four inches of her. "Purple. Just what about me screams purple?" Still looking at him in disbelieving amusement, she counters, "Is that a because I have a vagina thing, or is that because I'm with him?" She'd almost left it at the vagina thing when she remembered the boxers. Clint did have a little thing with purple going on.. What was it she'd joked? Orange and purple decorations at that wedding they weren't ever going to have?
"No, I was wondering what you had in black with accent colours." She seems less concerned with the arrows than the Bowtech 12, though. "He has, has he? This thing built for his size?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs, "So jealous," he grins and then he's gone.
Jack turns bright red when she calls him on his assumptions, especially when she brings up the V-word. "B-because of him?" he says not quite looking at her. "Sorry, he likes purple. I just assumed."
"Oh sure, we have a bunch of black with other coloured accents, we can go have a look if you'd like," Jack says, but he too is distracted by the bow. 'Yes, ma'am, he has. And I know they make it in his size, might need to check the back or order it in for you. If we order in we can do other customization too."
He looks at Skye waiting to see what she wants to do.
- Quake has posed:
Skye's glance flicks over at Jack. "You just assumed.. what? That I was fangirling and would want purple because he likes it?" Yeah, she notices the stammer and the blush and shows no remorse, still clearly amused.
"I was thinking black with silver? White if not. Actually, depends on what you have in blues. But silver most definitely."
She'd been amused until he ma'ams her, that drawing a full stop and a blink. "Woah. You did not just ma'am me." Skye looks around, and back at him. "Wow. Wow. I've just been ma'am'd. Did you hear that Merida, I've just been ma'am'd."
Skye really has no words for that. "Look.. uh.. sorry, didn't catch your name, but since we might just be starting a long and profitable relationship together, how about you drop the ma'am and call me Skye. I presume you have Cl--actually, I'm not sure what he goes by here? But I presume you have his preferences on file? I'd like to order a customized bow if you do. And whatever you think should go with it."
"Ma'am. He called me ma'am."
A total first.
Then again, she'd not been out much in a professional capacity with her badge yet. Skye might be in for a rude awakening.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Yeah, if Jack could just melt into the floor ooze away he'd do it. No question. "N-no, I just um..."
He stammers and manages to turn an even darker shade of read about the ma'am thing. "I'm Jack," he says looking down at his name tag. Then nods, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to assume. I mean, um, we have black and silver, definitely. And I can get the 12 on custom, for Hawkeye, we call him Hawkeye here. Though we know what his real name is if this a secret identity thing, y'know, billing."
He looks at Skye, as if he's trying to place her, like she could be one of Clint's Avenger teammates in civilian guise and just complete his mortification.
"Annnyhow, i can show you the black and silver arrows for your bow..."
- Quake has posed:
"You just um ma'am'd me, that's what you did, Jack." Skye is back to being amused, because, wow. She's pretty sure Jack might be older than she is. Though as she thinks on it, Miss isn't all that much better.
"Skye," she reiterates. "I'm Hawkeye's girlfriend." What? Clint kissed her in front of the guy. Jack already though she was some fangirl Clint had picked up and dragged over. His girlfriend was infinitely more respectable to both of them.
"Uh. Sure," Skye nods about the arrows, "But can we do the custom bow first? In case he actually remembers I exist and wanders back in here?" There's a chuckle from the young woman. "It's okay. I know how he is about the damn things. I'm a little bit hyper-focused in my own area. It all evens out. But on the off-chance he's not out there about to lose hours to geeking I'd like to make my order. You ship, right?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack was older than her by the look of him, but then he wasn't used to snarking the world's most powerful spy, or remaining confident in the face of one of May's Vulcan like stares, so it was hardly a fair fight. "I realize that and I apologize, Skye."
"And sure, we can do the bow right now before he comes back," Jack says happy to lead the way to the counter and maybe pull his foot out of his mouth on the way. "Are you an Avenger? Boss says we give out a 10% discount to Avengers." Well, really one Avenger because who the hell else uses bows and arrows on that team?
"And so you want the bow in his size with any add-ons I think he might like?" he asks when he gets to the counter and pulls up the order form on his computer.
- Quake has posed:
"Apology accepted Jack." Skye grins full out now, as though she's just won a battle of wills of some sort. Seems she's an equal opportunity no holds barred throw em down kinda girl. Even if Jack didn't get the full brunt of her snark. She was being kind, even if he did just ma'am her.
Skye felt suddenly old. And like she'd somehow stepped into the realm of 'The Man'.
"Am I an Avenger? Sure am." Skye lies through her teeth. 10% discount isn't' anything to sneeze at, especially when Jack goes on to mention add-ons. She has no illusions this was going to be cheap, and was suddenly glad they'd decided to look up Starling for their vacation instead. "Bet your sweet ass. I'd like the full package. Pretend I'm Hawkeye waltzing in here with a blank bonus cheque and deck me out in a way that's going to make his girlfriend cry out of loneliness."
Skye watches Jack, waiting for his reaction. The poor man really isn't prepared for her kind.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack nods slowly, when the apology is accepted, not sure if that's a good thing or not at this point. "Thank you," he says.
"Oh, which one?" Jack asks, Skye being all curious before he stops and says. "I mean, if you can tell me that is." Secret identifies and all of that. He makes a face at that comment, and says. "I'm sure he wouldn't..." then he thinks better of it. "I'm just going to stop talking and fill out this form now. " He begins checking boxes on the form. Lots of boxes.
- Quake has posed:
"Which one?"
That gave her some pause. Which one was she.
Skye grins. "Oh, come on. Is there another short, cute and sassy Avenger? You know what one."
She watches as the boxes are ticked. Lots of boxes. More boxes than she ever thought a single bow might have boxes for. A low whistle escapes her. "Wow. He really does like his toys, doesn't he?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
That red in Jack's face just drains away.
"Oh," he says, blinking. "Right, well, /Skye/. Um, So, yeah, the order for the bow is ready." He gives her the price, trying not to make eye contact or make it seem like he recognizes her.
He doesn't, but short, sassy, and brunette only leads to one Avenger: Wasp. And /everyone/ knows she's married to Ant-Man.
- Quake has posed:
Whoever she was, Skye thought, she must be impressive, because wow, Jack just looked like he was afraid someone was going to kill him.
"I have a delivery address for you." Skye neatly supplies her Triskelion address. "You can put his name on it. I want him to stumble across it. It's sort of a welcome present." She smiles to herself as she thinks on that. "And toss some arrows on the bill. I'll pick some out. May as well keep the paying simple, though."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack nods, taking down the address. Thankfully the Triskelion's personal mail gets delivered to a plain old PO box or Jack might just faint. "Sure, under his name, got it. And sure. Need any help with the arrows?" he asks as he types in the last details of the order.
- Quake has posed:
Skye shakes her head. "No. I'm good. Black with silver markings. Actually.. No. Let me change that up a bit. You do custom orders on the fletching too? I'll take a quarrel of what you have, but I'd like to have some made specially for me."
After all, two colours works for binary. She shows Jack what she's thinking. (OOC Note, what Skye asks for is this fletching pattern: 01000100 (D) and 01010011 (S) - where the 1's are the silver lines in the black. ie: binary code not that she tells him this.)
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack nods, "Sure, we can do custom orders." When Skye presents the design he nods. "Oh, that's um, nice," he says, stopping short of saying pretty or something similar and risk another tirade. "Cool. Yeah, our guys can get those done for you," he turns back to the computer and then takes a picture of the note with his phone. The custom work does add a bit to the price but it's not breaking the bank.
"Well, anything else I can get you? Need any gloves, or quivers or anything like that?"
- Quake has posed:
Skye shrugs. "Gloves. Quiver. May as well get the full kit." She was already emptying her bank account at an alarming rate, what was a little more?
When Jack says what she wants is 'nice', she smirks. "Yeah. Well, it's a personal code." In more ways than one. Few will catch on to what she's handed the man. "If you can, any way to keep that particular to me? You know.. for reasons." That's right. Skye just implied it was some Avenger thing she was getting done. She went there.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack quickly runs her through getting all the kit she needs all to her specifications. The nervousness of before replaced by the joy of getting a big commission for the day.
"Sure thing," he says. "I'll kill the photo off my phone after I've confirmed the shop has the design. Would that work?" he asks, almost slipping in a ma'am but catching himself just in time. She was an Avenger after all.
- Quake has posed:
"Sure. It'll do." She'd have preferred he not have a picture at all, but that was just the paranoia speaking. Mostly she just didn't want anyone else to have her particular fletching. After all, there were the archery equivalent of her online call sign. A pretty ballsy move on her part, but she was happy with it.
"Yeah, add it all up and give me the damage." Skye sighs. "Should have made him pay for the rest of my gear." Then again, she wasn't sure her bank account wasn't in better straights than his.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Jack nods, punches things up on the till. The bill is pretty high, even with that 10% Avengers discount. Not that it should be a problem for Wasp, she's right, right? As for Skye? It's probably a good thing they're thinking Starling instead of Tuscany.
"I would but he pretty much keeps the lights on around here with all the stuff he buys, so..." he says even though he's pretty sure she's joking.
- Quake has posed:
Skye pulls out her debit card, and waits for Jack to hand over the machine with her total punched in. "That bad, huh? I mean, I knew he had a habit, but that's pretty impressive."
Inwardly, she's laughing. How many bows could one man need? Though she could see how it happened. If her life had gone differently, she might have been one to acquire more computer hardware. All the latest geek tech. In fact, the biggest reason she hadn't so far was the fact that up until recently, she'd not been sure she was staying. Of course leaving wasn't really an option, but in her brain this was just a stop along the road. SHIELD wasn't going to be where she settled herself down and lay her loyalties.
She hadn't even given them to Rising Tide on this level.
"You've been a great help, Jack. Uh.. if you notice him fawning over anything else like that, think you could send me an email?" He had a generic one for her on her receipt.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but he puts a dent in the bills for sure when he comes in," Jack explains.
He's quiet while the machine does its work then nods when the charges all go through. He tears off Skye's copy of the receipt and hands it over. "You're welcome," he says before nodding. "You bet. I will definitely let you know," he promises soundly.
- Quake has posed:
Great, Skye says with a nod and a grin. Ill pick my stuff up on the way out, but for now, I think Im going to go out back and see whats happening.
Shes not worried about leaving right yet, but shed like to see what hes up to. What he does when hes relaxed and happy and with people who arent her.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Sure thing," Jack says moving Skye's stuff behind the counter.
When Skye's goes out back, she finds Clint doing an impromptu demonstration for the coaches and a couple of the local kids. He's grinning as he does, it firing arrow after arrow into tight little groups and for the kids, the odd little design, a happy face on one target, then a more complicated Avengers style A on another. He looks relaxed as he speaks with them seeking suggestions for what he should do next. He's already got everyone's name down, and is joking with them like he's known them for ages. With the consensus being a star, like on Cap's shield, Clint sets to work, firing off arrow after arrow, sometimes, purposely, turning to look and talk to his audience as he takes the shot.
- Quake has posed:
Skye takes a seat off where shes not interfering and totally able to watch with the possibility of not being noticed, leaving Clint to do his thing. Its terribly cute, really, him with the kids. Seeing him so animated. So casual and relaxed.
Really quite different from SHIELD Clint.
It was nice to see.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Much like Skye when she's working, Clint is focused on the job at hand, so he puts the final touches on his Cap star and then lets himself be convinced to do his stylized arrow next. Shot after shot he takes and makes. He felt at peace and it showed on his face. There was nobody on the other end of those shots, no questions of right or wrong, there was just the calm that came over him when he shot and the adulation of the crowd, small though it was.
When his final bit of arrow art is done, he tosses the bow back to one of the coaches and spreads his hands, urging the younger members of the audience to practice instead of 'sitting around on their butts watching him' then as the kids break up to work with the coaches he finally spots Skye.
He checks the clock on the wall and shakes his head.
"Hey," he says kissing her briefly on the lips. "Was I really that long or did you mess with the clock when I wasn't looking?"
- Quake has posed:
Skye shrugs, smirking at him. I thought about pushing it a couple hours ahead and making you feel really guilty. That help any?
Shes not upset, though, even if it were a long while. Truthfully, it had been more than a pleasure to watch him. To not only see him at his best and relaxed, but to enjoy the way his body worked. Not to mention, now that she was getting a little better at the bow, she could understand a lot more about what he was doing and compare herself. Shed already picked up a couple of things she was going to try to see if she could push a little more improvement into her own practice.
That kiss mean youre done, or are you going back for round two and its my apology?
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Might get you a home cooked meal if you did, you know, as an apology." Not that he wasn't planning on it anyhow.
He seems to sense that she didn't mind but even so he says, "Means I'm done. Thanks for being patient with me."
"So, you and your bow still getting on okay?" he asks with a smile noting its absence.
- Quake has posed:
Skye grins, getting up off her perch of a seat. Oh, me and Merida have a date night planned. I dont know what youre doing. I hear there are couches, plural, at our house. One even big enough for your monkey limbs. Oh, and the other one is purple.
Totally making fun of him, him breaking their couch, his taste in colour, and the very obvious fact that they had a spare room with a bed.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs, borrowing her line, "Why do I love you again?" he asks her as he offers her his arm. There is a pause, and then a laugh. "Merida? Like from that cartoon?" he can't help but chuckle. It's not a bad sort of chuckle though.
"Yeah? Purple. Who's idea was that?" he shakes his head. "And so you're saying you're running off with Merida and leaving me with two couches to raise." a beat and a slight tilt to his smile. "Though that one couch, totally not big enough. It's got the broken arm to prove it."
- Quake has posed:
Skye snorts. Well, now that youve broken the arm theres room enough! Besides, Im sure old purple is feeling neglected.
And you love me because Im awesome, she retorts. And cute. And sassy. And bossy. She didnt even give him the full litany, throwing in extra things instead.
His arm is taken and she walks along with him to retrieve her things and for them to leave. Yes, that Merida. She was pretty kick ass. When she won the archery contest to prove being worthy of her? Come on. How can you not like that?
Who knew Skye had watched any Disney, let alone liked it.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"True, but he's new, that happens," Clint says of old purple. "I guess we'll have to give him his due though."
He smiles at that last though then before laughing as she mangles his list. "Awesome huh? I don't remember mentioning that one," he looks at her considering for a moment like this took some great deal of internal debate. "It fits though," he says, before a slow grin spread across his lips as he opens the door for her. "I'm always in awe of how annoying you are."
The tease is given with a laugh before he adds, "Annnnd those other things too."
"And yeah, that was pretty cool," of course Clint saw the movie, probably just because the main character had a bow on the box art. "So, does this mean you're going to have to kick my ass at archery to prove your worth or something? Is that how it went?"
He makes the way to the car, hitting the remote to unlock the doors as he does.
- Quake has posed:
You didnt mention awesome because you are a loooooooser, Skye intones, totally snarking back at him. And clearly not annoying enough.
In awe of. Skye laughed.
I bought a lot of gear. Its a good thing we decided on Starling. This new hobby of mine is expensive. And.. I have my own fletching. Well, I will, once they make them for me.
I could kick your ass in an archery contest. It is the traditional method to settle bets, after all. Why, are you wanting something?
She gets into the vehicle once her gear is stored safely away.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Clearly not," Clint smiles leaning on the car roof while she stows her gear then getting inside to get the car started.
Though before he does start the car he does lean over to kiss her again. "Your hobby huh?" he asks then when he's finally getting them moving. "I like the sound of that, and Starling's good? We can even try skiing if you want. Should be good for a laugh if nothing else," being as they'd established none of them knew what they were doing.
The question about what he might want, gets him laughing. "Nothing more than the usual," he admits. "You? I mean, our last bet was sort of rough out the gate, but I think it worked out pretty well."
- Quake has posed:
You cheated, Skye points out, but she doesnt sound bitter. It works, though. And you did move in. So Ill let it slide.
Her return kiss is light, so as not to distract from the necessary ride home. I was thinking it better be my hobby after what we both spent. I started because of you, but Im really liking it, actually. Its a lot different than what I do daily. My mind relaxes when Im shooting. I feel all connected. Does that make sense? Or is that just stupid. Oh god, Im talking like a stupid person.
She can feel the gallery popcorn hitting her.
Starling is perfect. And if we try skiing, theres a pact of silence. What happens in Starling stays in Starling. We good with that?
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Oh good," he says about letting it slide.
He listens to her talk about archery, and he says "You're not talking like a stupid person," he says when she's done. "That's exactly what I feel when I shoot. Connected, relaxed, like everything makes sense. It's pretty great, right?" he asks looking over briefly before putting his eyes back on the road.
"Done. No word of our skiing misadventures, and if it goes really bad and we're all banged up, it was Hydra," Clint says. "Deal?"
- Quake has posed:
Skye nods, relieved suddenly that shed made some sense. So many times when she talked to others about her code, their eyes glossed over and rolled back into their heads and she knew they just didnt get it. Shed worried this was much the same.
I feel it when I work, too. Just not the same. Shooting, my whole body is involved. When Im coding its all just my mind. Ive not really found something I like like this. I feel kind of powerful doing it.
She shrugs, trying to brush her sudden embarrassment off. Skiing misadventure pact. Im up for that.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
No glossing over or rolling here, he nods along to her words, and seems to get every last one of them. "I do too, I think it's how my whole body is working together for the shot, nothing's in the way it's just the purest form of me and the target."
The embarrassment is noted and he puts a hand on her arm to sooth it. "Don't worry everything you said makes perfect sense."
A pause, as she mentions the pact. "Done deal then."
- Quake has posed:
Skye turns her hand to capture his. Lets go home, Clint.