3350/Cell Phone Shopping Network
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Cell Phone Shopping Network | |
Date of Scene: | 10 December 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Livewire, Rift, Kaydin LeGraize, Mon-El
- Livewire has posed:
It's an everyday shopping experience at the local Cells R Us, where people go to buy the latest lPhone or sPhone, or whatever Luthor and Stark call their technological milk cows. Some shoppers are in a rush to get the latest and greatest, others just browse, and Leslie? Leslie just likes to have fun.
Electricity starts crackling about the store, shattering some displays, frying some of the devices (looks like they'll need refurbishing again), and before long, Livewire appears out of a surge of electricity that makes one of the monitors in the store shatter. "Hello darlings! Welcome to today's episode of Live On The Wire, where we'll be reviewing...cell phones!" She gestures theatrically at the main counter, as some of the people starts to freak out.
- Rift has posed:
Ever since she healed up from getting shot a few weeks ago in the riots after the president's assassination, Kitora had stayed away from Mutant Town. But... now she returns. It takes a few minutes to travel from Westchester - chain-portals. She wishes she had more than a 5-mile range on making a portal but... such is life. Maybe with time and experience. She hesitates two miles out of Mutant Town, leaning against a tree, bracing herself for the final portal that she will aim to the roof of a church. She finally opens the portal... and quickly hears screams and explosions. "Crap," she mutters as she zips through the portal at high speed, letting it naturally close behind her as she homes in on those explosions... an... electronics store?
- Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
Kaydin was in mutant town, eating a hotdog at a nearby vendor. He ordered two, one for each hand and in a moment one was gone. With his free hand free he picks his phone up when it starts broadcasting a signal from youtube, here in mutant town! He eats the other dog and begins to head to the store, appearing as a blur of motion and lightning. Seeing Livewire he gives an inward flinch. "Great." He says softly.
- Mon-El has posed:
Lar has been meaning to start trying to actually get a regular life in this strange new world that he's recently woken up in, but his life has been a veritable roller coaster of late. That, and the fact that he has no memory of his prior time on Earth doesn't really help matters.
Someone had mentioned something called 'cell phones' and how they were the primary mode of remote communication around here, so he'd made it a point to go try getting one at some point. He'd walked into 'Cells R Us' aiming to do just that, and was pondering trying one of the demo phones but weary of touching it for fear it would shatter in his hand when Liverwire suddenly fries it along with a number of others for that matter.
He looks up as she starts making her presence -very- obvious. Reviewing cell phones, hm. He's not sure what that is supposed to mean exactly, but he intends to find out. In a flash and a blur of movement, he's standing in front of her. "Ma'am, I'm not sure what you want, but you're putting these people in danger. So I suggest you stop doing that before I have to start hurting you."
- Livewire has posed:
Livewire seems to have taken control of the store's security cameras, using them to broadcast an episode of her show, zooming in on StarkPhone she just blasts with a powerful zap. That is before Mon-El interrupts her, and she turns to look at him with a big winning smile, "oh! Look everyone! We have a guest," she walks up to Mon-El and shoves a microphone in his face, "please tell the audience who you are and what's your expertise in cell phone review? Or at least on beating women up, you did say you were going to hurt me, right?"
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua bursts into the cellphone store... she would look even weirder than Livewire. Glowing dully red, even her clothes washed out by that aura, with bright red lines visible in arms, legs, head, and heart. She stares between Livewire and Mon-El, floating a few inches in the air. "What's going on here?" she asks, not wanting to rush to judgment, a few broken cellphones being pulled into orbit around her.
- Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
"Dont you know? We are on leslie's live show about being nuts with electricity." Kaydin says as he slows down enough to be seen and watches the people. Seeing Mon-el causes him to smile a little but when the woman does what she does he just stands and watches. He waits to see if she will blast him back or something else to get attention.
- Mon-El has posed:
Lar just looks kind of...flabberghasted when Livewire shoves a microphone in his face and accuses him of beating up women. It certainly wasn't the reaction he was expecting. But when was anything around here ever like anything he was expecting?
"I-I...uh....um...er...I--no! I don't just beat up on women! I -said- I would hurt you if you kept endangering the innocent patrons of this small business." he glances around at the damaged displays before continuing. "And destroying their property. Which I hope is illegal on this planet. But if you would just stop doing those things, then I promise I will not hurt you." He pauses and glances around again.
"That is unless you resist when we send you to face justice for your actions according to the laws of this planet." Whatever those laws may be.
- Livewire has posed:
When Kitora bursts into the store with her question, Livewire looks at her with a maniacal grin, "glad you asked! This man," she points at Mon-El with the mic, "was about to tell us how he enjoys beating women." As of now Kaydin playing the role of observer, he doesn't draw any ire from Livewire (hey! A rhyme!) Plus he knew about her show, that gives him some credit.
"Uh huh," Livewire mocks as she lets Lar stutter incoherently at the mic, "I see, tell us more," and then he finally answers, "oh? You don't beat up women, but you'll hurt me? So are you saying I'm not a woman? Or are you saying you're racist against whites? Or is it my hair color you don't like? It's awfully shallow hating on someone for your own biases." She's a master at hosting shows, being one of the most famous internet celebrities around, so she knows when to pull the mic from Mon-El and talk over him, and then thrust it back at him, "so what do you say? Are you a misogynist or a racist? Which applies more?"
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua frowns. "Terrorists are worthy of being attacked," she states softly. "Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you are not liable for your actions. Fine. To stop Mon-El from this..." Suddenly the half-dozen cellphones lazily orbiting Rift like a satellite system glow faintly, then fire at Livewire at high speed, aiming for her head. "And... sir, don't let this lunatic bother you. She is a terrorist and needs to be stopped." She glances at Kaydin, nodding.
- Mon-El has posed:
Nope, Lar is definitely the -worst- at this. He is terribly unfamiliar with Earth culture, and without his memories of being a United Planets diplomat, he just doesn't know how to counter her tactics. Instead, he just ends up stammering more. "I--h-hey! I..." Then she is going on about biases, and hair color, and racism and misogyny. "I...have no idea what you're talking about!" So many English words. Come on he's only been around here for a few weeks as well as he can remember.
Finally, he loses patience. According to the others, she is a known terrorist. So he stops trying to talk to her and lets fly with a punch. He isn't sure how tough she is, so he -tries- to pull it...though with his current lack of control the force ends up being enough to send a normal human flying through the wall of the store and beyond.
- Livewire has posed:
"Oooooh! Shocking! As you can see ladies and gents, he doesn't even acknowledge that misogyny and racism exists! What a truly despicable man!" Livewire comments to her audience, before reacting quickly to Kitora's attack, grabbing Mon-El who is still inches away from her, and using him as a daxamite shield, letting Kitora's cellphone barrage hit Mon-El instead, "as you can see shocked customers are now throwing phones at this hateful man in their outrage!" This is working out even better than Livewire planned.
Then comes the rude fist from Mon-El, but Livewire isn't there, the microphone falls to the ground and she seems to have disappeared into a nearby cellphone, static still crackles in the air, but seems like Livewire isn't there anymore.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua growls as she glances at Kaydin. "Shut up, you stupid cow!" she calls. "He's not from around here and you're confusing him!" She decides to do something unorthodox, as she zips around the perimeter of the store... she lands with a heavy thud, on the ground, having increased her weight to amplify her kicks... but... she's gone. "Oh great." She ponders. She goes to the clerk. "You might wanna consider throwing the circuit breaker. An electircal entity might be trapped..."
- Mon-El has posed:
"What...what the hell is 'misogyny'?" Lar is indeed, -very- confused. The phones are thrown against him though he barely flinches at the blows.
He frowns when he tries to punch Livewire, but she's already gone. She's some kind of electrical being it seems...and when Kitora mentions a circuit breaker that gives him in idea. Scanning the building quickly with X-ray vision he finds the breaker box. As unfamiliar as he is with Earth technology, this is a fairly simple one to figure out. In a flash he finds it and flips all switches to the open position, cutting power to the building.
- Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
Kaydin watches the attack go and he moves into motion as Livewire blasts away from everything he looks around and shakes his head. "She is probably already gone." He says and when the power gets cut he nods and looks around. "Yeah she is gone. You okay?" He asks Lar as he watches the man.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua takes a breath as her darker aura fades and she is her usual glow. "Good thing I forgot my phone in my dorm room," she muttres. She looks at Mon-El. "You alright? I'm Rift. Sounds like that terrorist was really messing with your head..." She glances at Kaydin, winking, then returns her eerie glowing gaze to Mon-El.
- Mon-El has posed:
"There, that should've trapped her in here." Lar says once the power is out. "Hopefully the authorities can deal with her later." He nods at Kaydin and Kitora. "Yeah, I'm fine."
He sighs, glancing around the wrecked store. "So much for getting a cell phone here, though. I guess I'll have to try a different shop."
- Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
Kaydin nods as he hears Mon is fine, He then looks outside to see if the hotdog vendor fled with the rest of the people. "So anyone else hungry? When I fight crime I get an appetite." He says as he looks around to the various people.
- Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "I'll take six, all the fixings but relish and sauerkraut," she muses. She ponders. "Sadly, I think that she must be gone by now - might as well turn the juice back on..." She shrugs. "Electricity can move at the speed of light after all..."
- Mon-El has posed:
"That's true." Lar shrugs. "Well, at least she didn't manage to actually hurt anyone this time."