3319/Office Visit
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Office Visit | |
Date of Scene: | 06 December 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Harry Dresden, Hawkeye (Barton), Quake
- Harry Dresden has posed:
It's later in the evening at the office of one Harry Dresden, Wizard. Trying to catch up on paperwork and other mundane and monotonous chores from an extended stint away from town, one rather grizzled and unkempt Harry sits at his desk surrounded by candles, scribbling away with a pen as he grumbles under his breath paying overdue bills.
It looks like he hasn't seen a bed, or a barber, in weeks. His hair is on the longish side, and there is a good growth of facial hair that is in need of either a good trim or a shave. Or maybe he is just trying to grow it out for that whole 'Wizard' persona of his?
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint Barton was a little bit skeptical when one of the guys from WAND had told him that there was a wizard in the phone book, and that he was pretty good. However, uncertain about what had happened between him and Castiel and unable to raise any of his Avengers contacts who dabbled in the mystic arts, so he bit the bullet, and invited Skye to come along with him to go to see the wizard, so to speak.
The pair of them arrive at the fairly mundane office door, Clint knocks, unsure if there was a trick to it, or if he had to say 'friend' in Elvish or something. However, for now he sticks his hands in the pockets of his black and purple leather coat and waits. Casting a look to Skye as if to say, 'what are we doing?'.
- Quake has posed:
Skye has no actual faith in magic or wizardry whatsoever. Then again, up to just over a week ago, her boyfriend had been deaf. No matter how you looked at it, one self-proclaimed "Angel of the Lord", Castiel, had healed Clint. Along with declaring he'd 'left his mark' upon Clint.
Skye wasn't impressed. Even if Castiel had healed Clint.
So she'd gone along with Clint, because.. well, it saved him having to go over everything he found out once he got home to her. (that, too, was new, Clint coming 'home' to her - the pair having moved in together since Clint's escapade with Castiel).
Skye shrugs back at Clint's look. "Your call. But if the guys at WAND pointed you here?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
At the knock, Harry glances up from his paperwork and stares at the door. He peers through the glass at the pair, waiting for them to enter into the office before he sighs quietly to himself with the shake of his head, reaching up to scratch at his beard growth. He mutters under his breath to himself, "Your going to have to invite them in and break the threshold if you want to get a paycheck. Not that the office has much of one anyway. Stop being so paranoid, idiot."
The wizard quietly lays a hand on a slender two foot long 'stick' of rune carved wood, focusing a bit of will into it causing the runes on the stick to glow a faint burnt orange. Harry clears his throat once and then says in a slightly louder voice "Come in, the door is open."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint lifts a shoulder. Okay, one guy recommended him, but they were here now, so they'd might as well see what the guy had to say. "It's fine," he says to Skye just before Harry tells them to come in.
And in they, go, they make an odd pair, Clint tall and fair, while Skye is all shorter and darker. Clint pulls off his knit hat with the purple H on it as he steps in, tucking it in a pocket. "Hi, sorry to drop in on you, but we hear you're the man to see about magic," there's a bit of skepticism in that last word, like he couldn't quite believe he was saying. "We came to the right place, right?"
- Quake has posed:
Skye just shakes her head. "We end up banished to some pocket dimension, I'm blaming you."
Unlike Clint, Skye's head isn't covered, though she does wear a jacket, and she's got a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. She looks about Harry's office like she's not convinced they haven't just walked in on some Vegas magician, and not an actual practitioner of the arcane arts.
Her gaze lights upon Harry. "Nice beard," she observes.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Last time I checked it still says 'Harry Dresden: Wizard' on the door." says Harry with a bit of snark to his voice. He pauses for a moment then sighs, shaking his head "Sorry, it's been a long...week? What day is it, anyway? I need some coffee. Do you want coffee?"
Harry stands from the desk, rising to his towering 6'9 height as he makes his way over to the fireplace, grabbing a kettle that has been resting over a the fire on a hook in a gloved hand. He pours water from the kettle into an old French press as he goes about making his coffee.
"He glances at Skye, reaching up again to his face subconsciously and scratching at the beard. "It's not a normal feature. I haven't been...home to shave in a few weeks." He pauses for a beat, "I assure you, getting banished or lost in a pocket dimension isn't something to joke about. Time moves differently in places like the Never Never, and what may seem like years can end up only being days here. Or vice versa."
He shakes his head again, pouring the now pressed coffee into a mug and taking a sip. "Anyway, what can I do for you?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint was a tall man, 6'3", he wasn't used to looking up at people, so he's taken aback when Harry stands up, but not for long. "Huh," he says then coming back to things, "Coffee? That'd be great. Skye?" he asks looking in her direction while he takes in the office and the wizard in it. "Long week for me too," he says, well maybe not as long as Harry's, he's just got his usual day's worth of stubble on his cheeks and chin right now and he knew what day it was.
There is a smirk that's thrown Skye's way though, and just enough humour in his eyes, he's comparing Harry's habits to hers.
"It's Tuesday," he offers helpfully, "And yeah, pocket dimensions are no fun, actually, really any dimension other than ours from my experience."
Then when asked about his business, Clint says, "Do you know anything about angels? I ran into one not too long ago and he said he put a mark on me. Figured you might know something to help me make sense of that."
- Quake has posed:
Skye's a little spitfire. What she lacks in height, she makes up for in attitude. And that look of Clint's gets an indignant, "Watch it Hotshot, or I will find a way to grow a beard."
She nods to the wizard, though, "Coffee sounds great. Mind if we sit?" She might be a spitfire, but all this towering over her.. she'd rather put things on a more even footing so to speak.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Grabbing a couple of more mugs from the rack near the fireplace, Harry pours coffee into both and brings them over to set upon the desk. "There is milk in the icebox over there..." he says as he points to a small old fashioned ice box, the kind that uses real ice to keep cold. "Help yourself. Sugar is on top in the little bowl."
He moves back over to retrieve his coffee, then returns to his seat at his desk as he motions to Skye and Clint to take a seat as he takes another sip form his mug. "Angels? I'm afraid the only angels I know are the fallen kind. I had a run in with a few of them not to long ago, and lets just say we didn't get along very well." He rubs idly at the back of his neck, "They tried to recruit me, I told them to fuck off, they tried to kill me. It was fun times."
Harry shrugs a shoulder and takes another sip of his coffee, glancing over at Clint. "So, where is the sigil? Let me take a look at it, and I can at least try to tell you which of the coins you picked up, if they haven't been talking in your head already. Though, I should warn you that from my experience if they have marked you, sooner or later you will give in to them and they will take you over. I haven't heard of anyone who has been able to resist and give up one of the blackened denarius. I have a friend that might be able to help you get rid of the coin, but it has to be offered over willingly."
He looks to Skye, "IF you really want to grow a beard, I am sure I can find something to help with that, though I can't for the life of me imagine why you would want to."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint takes his mug and goes for the milk, checking out the icebox as he does. "Digging the whole retro thing here," he says, as digs out the milk and puts it into his coffee. He looks to Skye to see if she wants any.
Once his coffee is prepared he sits, down and takes a sip. "Heh, I tried to punch the regular angel I met, it didn't go well, so I can imagine taking on a fallen one must be a real treat. Mine did heal me though. Like, everything, I used to be deaf."
He takes another sip of his coffee before he moves on to the sigil. "Coins? No, nothing like that, he just said he'd put a mark on me, like a tag, to say to other people in his world I'm under his protection. Supposed to only be visible to them, and it lets me call on him," he makes a face. "Not too keen on that part. Makes me wonder what else he can hear. Anyhow, I was wondering if you knew anything about this stuff and if you can check to see if anything has been done to me beyond the healing and the mark. Stuff I should know about."
- Quake has posed:
Skye nods. "Milk," she tells Clint. Milk. Cream. Something to make it less black. Then again, she usually had her coffee cold. She might not even appreciate this. "Retro?" Skye's features are those of disbelief, "In what world is this retro. He pulled a kettle off of a fireplace. That's like.. like a 1200 baud modem on dialup."
Leave it to Skye to put things firmly into her own field.
She does, however, confirm for Harry, that Clint used to be deaf. "And I haven't seen anything on his skin. Unless it's like some ultraviolet thing?" That she could believe. Some other wavelength.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Reaching up again to scratch at the over a weeks worth of growth on his face, Harry hrms to himself as he looks at Clint. "So, you're talking about an angel that isn't one of the Denarians? Well, that is good news, for you at least. Though I am surprised you got away with punching one. From what Michael has told me, not the Archangel Michael least their be any confusion, they tend to not involve themselves openly in the affairs of us mere mortals. So, if one is just showing up and allowing you to deck him in the jaw, that is something unique to me."
He glances between Clint and Skye and takes another sip of his coffee. "What you call retro, I call normal. I'm a wizard. Technology and I don't mix. In fact, if you have anything electronic on you, I would suggest possibly turning it off before it sparks and fizzles out on you. I can't be held to blame if something shorts...what's a modem? Is that one of those internet things?"
He turns back to Clint and shrugs a shoulder, "Most the time, the sigil's aren't visble unless the Denarian has taken its fallen form. Then they get to be four eyed and have the sigil glowing on their forehead. I /might/ be able to see a mark with a soulgaze, but damned if I am going to go and do that for no good reason. Neither of us want that to happen."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Well this one definitely seems different from the ones your friend Michael told you about. He seems to be involved in the lives of at least one of my colleagues. And is concerned about the magical protections put around our work, or, well the lack of them," Clint says before taking a slow sip of his coffee. "And he didn't exactly, let, me hit him. He sort of blocked then threw me into a wall." He glances back at his coffee for a moment.
The tech stuff, gets a raised eyebrow. "Really?" he says as he pulls out his phone and turns it off. "Thanks for the tip." The phone's battered enough that maybe a little exploding would be an improvement.
"No extra eyes or forehead sigils, so yeah, definitely think this is some other kind of angel than what you dealt with. If they're an angel at all. Anyhow, so any other ways to check this out besides that soulgaze thing? That sounds less than fun," Clint says.
- Quake has posed:
Skye looks about to say something until Harry speaks about breaking technology. And given what's in her messenger bag, she's more than a little perturbed. Both men are given an accusing sort of look, as though they're both equally at fault for the fact of the danger to her equipment, or worse, in the case of Clint, as though he'd somehow known this before hand and failed to inform her.
"I'm just going to take myself and my things out and over to the coffeeshop across the road" - she was certain there must be one nearby, wasn't there always a coffeeshop nearby? the things were ubiquitous - "And wait for you to be done, Clint."
A nod for Harry, along with a semi-insincere "Nice meeting you." (He did just say he could have erased her hard drive after all).
Clint gets a kiss to the cheek - they aren't on official duty after all - and Skye excuses herself.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Watching as Skye gets up and leaves, Harry shrugs again and sips at his coffee. "I should really put up a sign in the door that says something about leaving your electronics at the door, but most people don't read that stuff anyway. At least I could claim it was there as a disclaimer and absolve me of any liability or something. Not that it is likely to stop anyone. Hell, Karrin and I have known each other for years, and she still forgets to take her phone out half the time." He shakes his head, combing his fingers through his hair and sighing as he is lost in thought for a moment before he turns his attention back to Clint.
"Sorry. Back to your angel. Yeah, this angel doesn't sound as secretive as the ones Michael has talked about. Sounds about as powerful though, if he clocked you into a wall. Nice of him to heal your hearing. I know the Denarians can heal their hosts, I've seen it, but I don't usually hear about any of them on either side healing others. Something about not being able to interfere or something. I always chalked it up to something like the Prime Directive. I'd call that at least a point in his favor if he is willing to skirt that."
Harry leans back in his chair and takes another sip of his coffee, using the mug to warm his hands. "As far as seeing any sigil, I'm afraid those are the only ways I know of to see one of the marks. There might be others, but I will have to do some call on my research assistant to find out. It could take some time. I'm going to ask the obvious question though...did you ask this angel to remove it?"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods, "Well it would have kept Skye at the door, she loves that laptop of hers," he pauses to add, "That's a computer," before continuing, on, "Well, if Karrin, is anything like Skye, I am sure she just loves you for that," he chuckles.
Then it's down to business, "Yeah, having been on the receiving end of that clocking, I'd say he's pretty powerful. He had power in other ways too, you could just feel it off him. That said, I dunno, didn't get the sense he was a bad guy, just didn't understand people all that well," he taps the rim of his mug with a finger. "Well, maybe he's a rebel angel or something. You know, like Captain Kirk, breaking the prime directive every other week," he chuckles.
He lets out a breath, mulling over his next words before he just comes out and says them, "The thing is, I'm not sure I didn't royally screw up when I let this guy do what he did, and now I am stuck with no answers and no way to really check them out. I mean, sure I know where the guy lives, but, if he's pulling something, it's not like he's going to admit it? So, yeah, if you've got some people you can call who might know what's going on, I'd appreciate it, and I'm pretty sure my employer would be happy to cover your fees."
The obvious question, though wasn't so obvious to Clint. He flinches a little at himself, then says, "No, but at the time it seemed the wrong move, he'd just finished kicking my ass, I wasn't looking for another round."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Well, if this guy is one of the 'good ones', then I would think that he would respect those wishes." says Harry as he takes another sip of his coffee. "At least he should, if you explain to him that you don't want it. Even the Denarians don't force themselves on you. Sure, they tempt you, and give you power and all the swag until you give enough of yourselves to them that they can then seize control..but they don't just wrench control away from you. I'd be highly suspect if the 'good' guy angels don't have to abide by that same set of standards, or even a higher standard. Maybe that might be your first course of action?" Harry says with a shrug.
"If that doesn't work, we can always go about trying to remove it ourselves. I will talk to Bob later and see if he has any ideas on how one might even go about doing that, but I can't promise he is going to have any answers. If anyone will, he will. Of course, if he does he will probably extort me for some new romance novels." Harry smirks.
"Oh, and I know what a laptop and a computer is. Just because I can't use them, that doesn't mean I have never seen one before."
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yeah?" Clint says, "Even the bad guys just don't force you to join the dark side?" he makes a thoughtful little noise at that. It did make him feel a bit more hopeful. "Yeah, maybe asking him might not be the stupidest idea," he says with a nod. "But, just to be safe, definitely talk to, Bob, was it? And see if he knows anything, always good to get a second opinion. Heck, I'll even chip in for the romance novels," though he does have to ask. "And your researcher gets paid in romance novels?"
"I figured, but you asked about modems so better safe than sorry."
Clint finishes the rest of his coffee. "I should probably let you get about your evening here, but," he produces a business card and lays it on the desk, just a plain card with the name Clint Barton on it and a number. "That's my number, give me a call if you find anything, and I can give you a call if the whole, asking the guy thing works out. Sound good?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods, reaching over to pick up the card and taking a look at it. "Hrm, seen a card like this before. You work with some Asian woman and a redhead? He glances up at Clint and grins, "If so, tell her I'm sorry I wasn't much help on her issue. Also say I'm sorry about whatever it was that decided to squak and go belly up on her. That whole anti technology thing can be a curse."
Harry opens his desk drawer and puts the card inside and obtaining one of his own before closing it again. "Bob is unique. He is lucky he gets paid at all with the grief he puts me through, so a few romance novels are the least of my worries. Though, he is also invaluable...but I can't ever let him hear me say that. It would go right to his head. In any case, I will let you know if I find out anything." He slides his own card over the desk towards Clint. "Yes, I actually do have a phone. It's a landline and tends to work most of the time, so feel free to give me a call whenever."