2982/Does he make you feel horny, baby

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Does he make you feel horny, baby
Date of Scene: 27 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Witchfire

Green Arrow has posed:
    The motorcycle is hardly the most efficient way to get around, but it is all he has in New York at the moment. Green Crotch Rocket. Getting pretty darn cold for it at night though, and Westchester isn't as close as everyone likes to think it is. Oh, Geographically it is not bad, but the traffic can be a pain. At least it gets dark early. Frowning to himself as he puts his helmet on the bike and cuts the light, Ollie stares at the castle. "Living in a castle. She's probably got this Avenger staff nerd kid tied up in the dungeon." He mutters to himself. Pulling his hood up over his head, ollie pushes out a breath. He regards the bow on the side of the bike. He has another attached on a release in his combat quiver. he isn't expecting her to be too bad. At least , he hopes not.
    His left hand slides up to push his golden hair away from his mask. A few quick steps and he walks up the door to push the wifi doorbell.The bell chimes 'The Hall of the Mountain King' by Edvard grieg. His eyes widen under his domino mask. "Thaaaat's ominous."

Witchfire has posed:
Ana had been tinkering in the kitchen, wresting with the fine art of pie. It takes her a moment to get that it's the doorbell. She laughs once she places the song. Walking to the door, she licks cherry filling off her fingers as she goes. Pulling the door open, Ana looks out, sweet red heels, nylons, a short black skirt tucked into a long sleeve red blouse with frills at the collar in a semi romantic, victorian style. Her hair is loose, horns showing. They'd grown a little around Dane-but ultimately stopped once he bound her. She blinks, popping a reddish goo covered finger between her lips and slides it free with a pop, smiling. "Green Arrow! I wasn't expecting you. Come in!" She steps back, gesturing.

Green Arrow has posed:
    He just stands there for a moment. his mouth agape as sexy demon Betty crocker comes to the door. "Witchfire." he says uncertainly, just looking at her for a moment. "You didn't have to put this on just to answer the door for me!" He decides as he walks in. His right hand pushes back his hood. His eyes linger on the horns, and he sort of stares. "You look really good." he says, maybe a little too surprised as he says it. "I mean. No offense!' he hastily adds.
    looking around, Ollie's brow lifts. "Medieval Mansion. Dating some Avenger's support staffer?" he regards her. "Looking like a million bucks." He shrugs. "I was expecting worse." That's said a little bluntly. He looks about more. "This is almost healthy, in a creepy sort of way."

Witchfire has posed:
"I didn't." Ana says flatly and gestures. "I have pies going. So. Alpha Flight getting leery I've been out from supervision so long?" She asks and shuts the door before leading Oliver on. "And how is this creepy? I haven't even told you the fun part." She drawls, kitchen bound. "He's not like, Avengers' I.T. guy. It's Black Knight, and it's not exactly dating, it's umm, complicated."

Green Arrow has posed:
5r    "I was envisioning this little scruffy looking computer guy locked up in the basement." Ollie quips. "Black Knight, huh? Isn't he the guy with all the swords and horses?" he makes a face. "I could take'em." he adds as a second quip.
    "Actually. I came down here myself. -I- am checking on you." Ollie finally tells her. "I heard you were doing okay. I heard you were not doing poorly. I wanted to see if you were succeeding on my own." He bites his bottom lip. "I hate to say it. This looks a little 1950s ish." he admits. "But you barely have more horn than before. You are smiling, and you look healthy. I might owe this Whitman jerk a beer."
    His head tilts to the side. "You doing okay? Is it healthy for you?"

Witchfire has posed:
Steering him to the kitchen, it smells like pie, one in the oven, and filling for another cooling. She looks down at herself and brushes her chocker lightly. "It's part of the pact." Ana grumbles and looks a little uncomfortable. "I told Black Knight if I went full demon, or close-to put me down. He ummm, found a solution-the mad man." She frowns a bit and leans into the counter, studying Oliver. "But yeah, I'm swell. It's healthier than going goat woman-though, it's annoying-it's meant to be, part of the spell." She goes to the fridge and pulls out the rolling pin and gets back to her pie making. "You? What's new with the Arrow?"

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Woah. Pact? Spell?" Ollie leans on the counter. he pauses. "This.. is a surprisingly modern kitchen." He admits. His frown is deep, even as he says that. "Just what did this asshole do to you, Ana?" He swings his gaze back to her. "Is this quartz?" he runs a gloved hand over it. "For an Avengers idiot he has nice things."
    Putting the distractions of the curious quality of housing, a chin goes in a hand and an elbow on the nice counter top. "Dish, or I go showing up at Maria Stark asking what sort of perverts they let into the Avengers these days?"
    It's funny. She's tried to kill him, but he's on her side.

Witchfire has posed:
"Nose out, Oliver. I don't want to get into it." Ana says and rolls out the crust. "It's a waste. He has no idea how much magic you could channel through it and he uses to for food." She snorts and looks at Oliver again, white eyes narrowing while she weighs how serious his threat is. "I thought you were clever. Aren't you keeping up?" She asks him and leans on the counter, staring him down. "He's not an idiot. Well, he is. But he's my idiot. You can't call him that."

Green Arrow has posed:
    His eyes blink behind his mask a couple of times. "Oh crap. You mean, you are sleeping with the Black Knight? An Avenger?" He shakes his head. "I try not to judge, but with an America's second best hero team? What, is he really that good with his sword?" Ollie holds out his left hand. "Nope. Nope. Nope! I did not ask that, and I don't want to know."
    It takes his a moment to regard her seriously. "I'll stop with the monkeyshines and shennigans if and only if you can tell me, looking me in the eye, that you are sincerely, honestly happy with this arrangement?" He pulls in a breath and exhales it. She knows the Avenger's hate is part of a joke. But he genuinely cares about this young lady. His green eyes are hidden, but his hand strokes his facial hair as he considers her and the question.
    All kidding aside. All jokes gone. He is deadly serious and his eyes, though hidden by the mask, are intent on her.

Witchfire has posed:
"I-" Ana squints, sorting through what impulses are spell, and what is her, it's hazy the more she adjust s to the pact. "Yes?" She finally answers. "I love him, Oliver." She tells the Green Arrow quietly and glances toward the hallway to make sure the nosy ass isn't listening. "Deep down, in my own twisted way. But he's doing all this-" she gestures to herself "-to keep me locked down-the bad me, anyway. The I Dream of Genie routine is just supposed to annoy me-fuel for the pact." She gets back to pie making, careful to avoid her other spell fueled urges so Oliver's eyes don't pop out of his head.

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Well. Ain't that a kick in the nuts." Ollie answers. "You went South looking for clarity and you found yourself playing house with a guy who lives in a castle and tries to save demon girls from themselves." Ollie pauses. "He treat you okay/" His voice is softer now. "Does he love you?"
    He is asking a lot of questions. Ollie makes a face. "We both know I'm not exactly the best guy in the world. I made mistakes. i still do. I got a kid a little younger than you that is proof of how precocious and casual I was with my affections when i was younger. I didn't get to meet him, and I barely know the little vegan, sprout-eater now." he says that with such affection though. That's his -son-, the little tofu-eating surfer. "So I am not here to judge you. We all get the cards we're dealt. If you got dealt a less than ideal hand but this makes you happy, and he treats you right? Well? You have my blessing, not that you need any such thing."

Witchfire has posed:
"Bleeding heart." Ana ribs and rolls the dough over the pin to lay out in the tin. "He says he does. Given tethering himself to a demon, or just running me through-he'd rather risk living with me." She glances to Oliver, well aware how difficult she can be. "He's a clever ass, I can't turn my magic on him-not that I need to-yet. Gives me run of the place-it's not a bad deal, as pacts go. The skirts run a little short-but I do enjoy an avenger drooling like a big, dumb puppy." She murmurs and leaves off that pie as a timer dings and she goes to pull out the other-apple. "He's got some crazy, but-lets be real, I am so much worse. So, I'll take it."

Green Arrow has posed:
    Okay. Visit so far, like a shotgun to the face. Ollie simply, dumbly, stupidly says, "Huh." His lips shift to a little frown as he considers this. Its a long frown, but it slowly turns into a small, lop-sided little smile. "You're a little demon-girl house-wife." He snerks at that. "And you kind of like it!" He shakes his head, not able to hide his smile. "Hey! This makes you happy, who am I to judge?" he waves his hands in the air. "heck, I won't even tell the others that you make really delicious-smelling pies while wearing tiny skirts and making moon eyes at knights in shining armor--." Oh crap. "If you cut me in on that pie action?" His smile is soft. "And gimme a hug, kid." He says more genuinely, quietly, and paternally. "'Cause I'm happy for you."

Witchfire has posed:
Pointing at Oliver, Ana leans over the counter. "I'm not touching you-but I'll feed you." She tells him and tosses a cherry at him. "Barbarian. There is a woman under the horns and hell magic." She tells him tartly and picks up the cherry filling to fill the next pie so it can go in the oven with a generous crumble over the top like a cobbler. "I'd prefer if you kept this under your hat while I figure it out. I think my magic isn't hindered by him-but I'm not one hundred percent on what happens if you know-it gets worse while he has me bound like this." She admits and glances back at Oliver. "There is nothing binding me from setting your ass on fire." She adds tartly. He knows better, probably. Half of her spells are geared to helping people.

Green Arrow has posed:
    Sure. It's the half that aren't that is always the worry. "Well." He picks the cherry off his uniform. "That is less than ideal but I'll take." meaning the no hugs. He makes a little thoughtful face. "But. I'll keep your secret. Honestly? The projections they ran?" He indicates her horns. "They are about half the expected size." He admits this quietly and lets it sink in. No wonder he's been all staring and everything. She is doing way better than they expected.
    After a couple of moments to let her digest that information. "He might actually be good for you. Seeing what I have, when you want to come back full time?I will be on board." He pauses. "We probably should help get you a teleporter or something from here to there though, huh?" He purses his lips. "Being as this is where you seem to belong?"

Witchfire has posed:
"The umm, magic makes it...difficult to work out something long distance. I'd feel compelled to be here-I don't imagine it occurred to him time apart." She watches the apple pie cool. "You all really thought I'd lose control again that fast huh? I did follow the meditations and you know-happy thoughts regimen." She admits and walks over to the coffee pot, getting a small pot going. "Things good back home? He gave me a flying horse-I don't know that it'll work for getting there and back-something else perhaps."

Green Arrow has posed:
    "We can still put one in. I mean, you don't want to be a happy housewife. Do you? I mean if this is it, that's fine. Hell, I'll buy you an expensive wedding gift and all the baby stuff you want. Someone needs to do it." He leans forwards again. He has this ingrained thinking about people being able to do what they want. He never took her for old-fashioned. "Look? If it's play happy homemaker or go into world-ender mode. I know which -I- prefer for you, kiddo." Ollie assures her as his brows narrow. "But if you want a little more out of life, maybe you can renegotiate the arrangements of your your... arrangement." he frowns at his word choice there. "Regardless. You are Alpha Flight, even if you retire to be Suzy Homemaker." There is no judgment in his voice. "Make some sort of deal so we can get here in a hurry, and you can get to headquarters in a hurry? Okay?" His finger taps the curiously high quality kitchen idly as he says it.

Witchfire has posed:
Ana props her hands on her hips, but she nods. "Who got up your ass to play big brother? That slow at A Flight?" She asks and touches the apple pie tin and deems it cool enough to cut into. "Cups and creamer is by the coffee pot." She gets two plates and a knife to cut into her pie. "Black Knight'll work with me-on the Canada, New York commute. Be it laying out a ritual portal or like-something sciencey-he's one of those types. Science freaks." She huffs, of the opinion magic is clearly better.

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Well maybe it is?" his chest puffs out. Ollie regards her through narrowed eyes for a moment.He bites his bottom lip. "No cream. I have a little stomach showing up that dairy aggravates." Read as the stress sometimes makes him sick. His frown is a little deep in his beard. "But okay. Whatever you need. he says it just like that.

Witchfire has posed:
"Aren't we defensive." Ana smiles and slides some pie his way. She goes to pour them coffee since he's busy frowning. "Look, we're figuring it out. It's not a...typical pact, binding me the way we did. Wedged some spells together-there's always some odd quirks to it. I'll be back on full duty-once I make sure I know the ins and outs of this binding. Don't frown at me, you'll get wrinkles."

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Please tell me you were an open participant in this? Or else I'm going to have to kick his ass. Magic swords or no." Ollie has a bit of pie. He pauses. "How is it you haven't packed on weight since you started cooking like this?" he pauses, and he looks her over. "Okay. More weight." He relents.
    He accepts the coffee happily. "Gets cold on the motorcycle. Going to need to get something a bit more substantial here for the winter. Think your new man would mind if I parked some gear here if you are going to have a teleporter and all that?"

Witchfire has posed:
"Did I have an old man?" Ana asks, blinking at Oliver. She props her hand on her hip and shrugs. "I don't think he'll care-but I'll ask." She offers and looks at the green clad man, taking a bite of pie. "Used my own magic to fuel it." She murmurs. "Sorta happened fast, he showed me the spell, the anchors, then you know, said the L word and did the ritual so he won't have to kill me-hopefully one day. I get the impression Belasco'll kill us both if he ever claws his way outta Limbo." She goes back to pie, hungry.

Green Arrow has posed:
    "No. So guess it's just your man now." Ollie wrinkles his nose. "Get his sizes. We'll need to get him some holiday wear for the Christmas party." Ollie chews the pie thoughtfully. He doesn't talk about her situation. Spoilers. He considers her as he thoughtfully chews. She looks great. She's talking straight. She is doing well spiritually. "I am happy for you."

Witchfire has posed:
"Thanks. Probably not what Alpha Flight-or I intended, but he's a good sort. Old fashioned, but he signed on for a life of driving me crazy to keep me alive." Ana chuckles low. "The madman." She looks to the oven and checks the timer before sipping her coffee.

Green Arrow has posed:
He finishes his pie in silence, watching her. He brushes the crumbs out of his facial hair, and his green eyes linger on her as he takes a swallow of his coffee. "Sounds like marriage." he decides as he quips. He brushes the crumbs onto his plate. He awkwadly adjusts his uniform. "What can i do to help? Anything? I will do my best."

Witchfire has posed:
"It's not a marriage." Ana says quickly. "That's a church concocted train wreck I'd prefer to avoid thank you, I am a demon." She reminds Oliver and looks at her coffee. "Sorry. He asked, it's just-a nice guy like him and a demon? It'd be a spectacle." She mutters into the mug and drinks. "Just-I'm glad you came by. Nothing comes to mind, but I'll reach out-if anything does."