2883/Coffee for all!

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Coffee for all!
Date of Scene: 17 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaydin LeGraize, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin entered the shop and begins to approach the coffee shop of the store. He moves to the counter and orders a chocolate coffee in a large cup. He then looks around. When his coffee comes he sips it happily and begins to look at the various books.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Behind the counter, the young woman dressed like a classical witch nods to Kaydin and after serving his drink to him, smiles happily as a small catsized well dragon, though this creature doesn't look quite well natural even considering the species. While moving very lifelike and acting like such, it seems to litterally have smooth glowing amethysts for eyes and if one were to look closely runes made up of teeny tiny patterened scales on either side of its spine. Still the creature chirrups happily as the young witch idly scritches under its chin...

After a short while of that, a tall redhead comes out of the back looking a little frazzled and a bit preturbed... "I think Fan slipped...." She notices the dragon and sighs "Well I know he slipped back out here again.... " She then notes Kaydin and smiles "Oh hallo.... Ummm don't mind the dragon he's a shop pet..."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "So its a real dragon?" Kaydin asks as he offers to lean in and touch it but pulls his hand back just in time to avoid not touching it. "We have a dragon at our school, named Lockheed." He says as he sips his coffee and looks to the redhead and offers a hand. "Name's Kaydin." He says calmly.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms "Well he thinks he's real enough.. I kinda accidently made em while making some constructs... He ended up a bit more than a simple construct, and well he's kind of the shop mascot and pet.. He's also a mischievious goof. "Kae adds with a slight smile. "Names Kaelyn by the way..."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I see." Kaydin says as he looks to the dragon and this time moves in to reach and touch the dragon. "So you created him from making constructs." He says as he pets the dragon and he turns back to Kaelyn. "So you own this shop?" He asks curiously.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
"Well technically he is a construct, though now has his own life force, but yah... And yup I own this shop.." She motions to Wendy "That's Wendy..." she then motions to the twins Tina and Tanya are there..." She says and smiles a bit.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Interesting place." Kaydin says as he looks around. "So I would be interested in learning about some magic, what books would you recoomend someone like me get?" He asks as he sips is coffee.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms.... She then tilts her head and motions to a section on 'magic' and above the shelf is a sign that says "Beginners..." Kae grins "There might work for you?" She says and tilts her head curiously "Lots of different types of magics there, so you might just start with a book on the basics and all, basic charms, rituals, etcetera..."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Thank you." He says as he gets the basic book and he begins to fish his wallet out. "How much for the book and coffeee?" HE asksas he begins to pulls payment out for both of them. He then sips his coffee some more and something about the kid seems to be hyper, like he cant stand still for too long.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms... She shrugs "Book's marked, coffee is 3.50..." She says and rubs the back of her neck again... "Tina at the counter can take your money when yer ready..." she adds then grins.. "Soo this your first time in this part of Sunnyvale?

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Yeah." Kaydin says as he goes to the counter and pays for everything in cash. He then turns back to Kae and watches her. "So what kind of magic do to you do?" He asks curiously as he begins to skim through his new book.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms "Just about every kind.. I'm an artificer by trade, which means I have to have an extremely wide area of practice." Kae says simply... Wendy then pipes in "She's like the ultimate Geek of the magic world... She also invents nifty artifacts!" Kae blinks and looks to Wendy and sighs... Then she adds "Yup I'm a geek I guess?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Not a problem." Kaydin says with a grin. "I am an artist." Kaydin says as he reaches to put his new book into his pack and pulls out a note book filled with doodling of people and places. He seems to have a decent eye. "So we all have our skills."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit "Ayup, this is true." she responds.. Kae then occupies a lounge chair where she puts her feet up and leans back while stretching some. "So you say there's a dragon living where you reside? A full sized one eh?" she asks curiously.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Not really full sized. About the size of yours. One of the former students got it from a mission and it stays at the school." Kaydin says as he moves to follow the woman and when she sits he moves to sit nearby.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae oooh's and nods. "Well they do come in all shapes and sizes.... Fan's well umm, honestly I don't know completely how to approximate Fan, He's a dragon in shape I guess?" She adds and grins a bit.. "So which school is it you're at? You said Mansion I think once before, so maybe the Xavier institute?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods. "Yea I go to Xavier's. Folks enrolled me there to finish my schooling since I am in high school. When my abilities surfaced they decided it was best for me to go there." He demonstrates by throwing his coffee in the air. He then catches the coffee and scoops it back into the cup, not spilling a drop by the time he was done. His speed was beyond super human and he moved in a blur.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae oooh's and nods "Speedster then?" She asks curiously then rubs at the nape of her neck... "Just don't get going too fast ya miss stuff and all." She says with a slight grin.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I make sure of everything I see. Just everything moves at such a snail's speed it would be hard for me to notice things. I think My connection to the speedforce is magical. I was struck by a lightning bolt and then everything happened." He says calmly.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummmms and shrugs slowly "Mebbe?" she says and rubs the back of her neck "I don't know much about speedforce and whatnot... Just magic, theory and laws behind magic and all and how to make it do things and imbue it into specially prepared items and magnify it and such." she says with a grin... "Just a mage, it's all I am."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he listens. He was about to say somethihng when something chirps in his pocket. He pulls his phone out and begins to stand up. "Yeah I need to head back to the school. Nice to meetcha." He says before bluring out.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit and waves but belatedly as she watches Kaydin up and foop.... "Wonder if It would freak him out if I were to show up at the Mansion before him." she mutters to her self, then shrugs and waves Fanhuil over. As the little dragon flops into her lap she begins feeding him little gold fish crackers.