2771/All Your BASIC are Ours
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All Your BASIC are Ours | |
Date of Scene: | 09 October 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Quake, Nick Fury
- Quake has posed:
Cleanup was underway. The place was still a mess. The first wave of the attack was over.. but if they'd gotten in this far, it was an almost foregone conclusion that Hydra would be at it again. If not on principle, then most certainly for the equipment that SHIELD had stashed away - the seeming target of this particular invasion mission. After a quick debriefing with Agent May, Agent in Training Daisy Johnson had been given two directives: 1) deal with this however you have to (with all the illicetness that implied), and 2) report to Fury.
And while she wasn't always dutiful to the T, in this case, Skye needed to talk to the man. What she had couldn't just be run through the mainframe. Especially not while it was still possibly compromised. That, there, cleaning the systems, was going to be something of a full time job for a bit. Fury would want to know what she'd done, and after he'd yelled at her a bit, she supected he'd listen.. She'd knocked and waited for the invitation to enter.
- Nick Fury has posed:
Nick Fury is currently in his office when he hears the knock at the door. "Enter!" His voice was obviously strained, and slightly angry. Although, it wasn't far from his normal voice, actually. Fury is pouring over the mounds of reports on his desk, ones that were mostly from the latest attempt at Hudra to destroy SHIELD.
"Damn it!" Fury says, as he tosses the latest report towards his garbage can at the left side of his desk. The "CLANG!" of the metal report hitting the often emptied can resounds throughout the room, even through the door. As the door opens with a "swoosh", Fury looks up to see who would dare interrupt him when he told his EA, that pesky Agent Chartrand, to keep everyone out of his way. At least until 2035.
- Quake has posed:
For Daisy, she's subdued. Less snark. A surprising lack of attitude. The trademark twist of a grin missing from her lips.. It's just not like her. As for Chartrand and why she let the junior Agent through? Skye hasn't an aswer. Yet, here she is, waiting for the door to close behind her before addressing the Man Himself.
"I'd say if you're busy I could come back later, but I think you probably want to talk to me." The mounds of reports were given a glance both wincing and approving. Someone was smart enough to spread it down the line to keep everything off system until further notice. It was going to muck up the works in the interim, but it should keep the data compromises to a minimum.
- Nick Fury has posed:
Fury regards Daisy with a slightly perturbed, but mostly appraising look before standing and acknowledging her presence with a nod and a..."Agent Johnson. I see you have found your way to Ops and my office." Fury moves around the desk, so they are face to face without anything between them.
Looking out the door at the Agent in question before the doors close, Fury notes that the woman shrugs, smiles, and points at Daisy emphatically. "Hurumph. It seems my Aide think I need to talk to you and it is more important than getting SHIELD back up to 100 percent. After this mess. And massacre." The emotion in his voice was obvious. Fury truly cared about all those Agents he had lost.
"So..." Fury says, with a slight pause, "...I'm looking for someone to do the next o' kin notifications for all our downed comrades. Are you volunteering? I am sure your SOs will approve." Fury regards her with a question in his eye."The hardest thing besides burying our friends, is telling their families they were dead." It was obvious he had done it too many times, and it had taken its toll on him.
- Quake has posed:
Daisy begins to answer the Director, a light smattering of her usual spunk rising to the challenge of having found her way to Ops, "It's not like we reloc-" And then she just stops. It all hits her. Not just the mess outside, but everything she'd witnessed while running eyes and interference. The way he was looking at her. The waver of his voice.
That last request.
"I.. Me?" She didn't have an actual reason why /not/ her, but there was a flutter of 'run away little girl' ramping up in her veins. This was the reality of what she'd signed on for - been signed on for, she reminded herself, even if the distinction didn't matter so much anymore these days. "I came to deliver some messages that weren't for all ears. Agent May knows. And me. Then you." But she can't ignore the other, even if she wants to, exhaling on a long, shaky breath. "How bad is it?"
- Nick Fury has posed:
"I understand Agent Johnson." Fury nods, and looks at her one last time, and adds, "I would never do that to you. It is my responsibility. I will do it for every one of them. I always do." His eyes find Daisy's, and passes to her a ton of emotion. "Remember that if you are ever the Director. Or a Commanding Officer. With great power comes great responsibility..." His voice trails off for a moment.
"I heard that once from a wise man. Always do your duty, no matter how hard it is. We owe them that much." He says, almost as a whisper. There. He said his lesson for the day.
"Anyway, welcome to my office." Fury makes his way around the desk once more and sits down. Waving at the chair in front of his desk, he says, "Sit down. Let's talk. I would love to hear your messages. Hopefully there is some good news." A pause. "It is bad, Agent. Bad..." Fury trails off.
- Quake has posed:
Surprisingly, there isn't the amount of relief one might expect when it's made clear that the job is his, and his alone. It might be her recent decision that she likes it here, voiced to Agent May in an offhand enough manner that it could have been passed over. Or maybe it's just that she got to see the reality of many of those deaths go down. Eyes on all systems, video feeds - it all ran through her at one point, and while she hadn't time then to process it, she'd had a few moments to breathe since then and it was catching up.
The seat was taken without comment, Skye nodding to the observation that it was bad. If he were admitting that to her, it was probably worse than what she could conjure. She was fairly certain what she had to say would be welcome news - but it would probably be bad news first. Like that shock of cold water when you first dove into the lake at the cottage. The first moments so chill they took your breath away, and then, the body finding itself, a sudden infusion of warmth that left a person reluctant to leave.
"Our systems are likely dirty. But you knew that." He must. There was a enough paper on his desk to suggest that. "Not really what I came to say, but glad the message got around. I figure you'll want me to help with that?" She doesn't wait for an answer though, moving quickly along to her next point. "I recognized the signature of whoever got into our systems. Uh.. well, kind of. I can't put my finger on it right this second, but I've seen them before. Couple names floating in my head. Could be one of them. Might be someone else, but this isn't the first time I've run into them."
- Nick Fury has posed:
Fury sighs, leans back, and opens a hidden drawer that had not been there before. He pulls out a crisp cigar, in very impressive wrapper, and opens it. Gingerly, he takes the cigar out of the wrapper, cuts off the end, and lights it with a equally impressive platinum lighter with a "Howling Commandos" insignia.
Fury puts it in his mouth, takes a puff, and emits a big sigh. Dropping the lighter back in the drawer, he regards Skye thoughtfully. The smell was sweet, almost like a summer day in a cherry orchard. The most amazing cigar smell that Skye had probably ever smelt in her life.
Taking the cigar out of his mouth, Fury sighs, and says, "Would you like a cigar Agent Johnson? Unfortunately I cannot offer another of these to you. This is...unique. A guft from a certain...Canadian friend from a long time ago...but I can offer you the next best thing?"
Fury nods, and says, "I know." Fury says that, as though that explains everything. She was right. He knew. "I will admit, I didn't expect some punk to lock me in my office and my...alternate route." Was that a trust? Fury told her he had an alternate route? It didn't appear on any plans. Of course it didn't.
"As for helping with that, of course. I am sure you have it all in hand. Get this done, and maybe I can talk Agents May and Ward into promoting you from your training status."
- Quake has posed:
There's a crinkle of nose from Skye as the offer of a cigar is made. "Thanks, but I prefer to kill my braincells other ways." She's not looking offended by his smoking one. Though, it is his office, so even if she were offended, the likelihood of it mattering was small.
"I don't think anyone was expecting what wennt down to go down. If they got this far in, not just through the computers, then they've been setting up shop for awhile." Which might be how they'd discovered his alternate route, the young woman tilting her head to one side, features narrowing down in thought. "That does kind of smack of, well, nobody notices things like cleaners. Or the folks who check out the pipes and physical electronics. You know? If they're crawling in the woodword, literally" An oblique reference to his alternate route "then that might be a place to start. But I'll see what I can do about pinning down the other."
There's a slight shake of head, the woman reaching up to tuck a wayward strand of hair back into place. "The bit that's not going onto any report, though, that's really what I came here to talk to you about. Explain what I did."
There's a pause at the mention of a promotion. "Like full agent, get's to carry around a gun without a babysitter?" Of course she can't help the small twist of amusement to her lips with that last. She's more lethal with a computer than a gun, for some value of lethal.
- Nick Fury has posed:
"Oh well. I thought as much." Fury nods, and inhales deeply, his eye betraying the pleasure he gets from the cigar. The scent of the cigar permeates the room, and the smoke curls about his head in a twisted macabre dance. Placing the cigar in the routinely cleaned ash tray, Fury leans forward.
"Agent Johnson. I prefer you to remain with ALL your braincells. Its up to you to figure out a large part of this mess." Fury says, with a neutral, non-emotional voice. "Yeah." Fury agrees. "This has been in motion for a while. For them to do this now?"
Fury doesn't mention anything about the cleaners, et al. Fury moves forward, as though those details were obvious, and that Skye should check them out.
"Something in that lab was important. Important enough to blow their load on this misdaventure." Fury leans back again, the chair squeaking slightly.
Fury's eye returns to Skye. "Yes. Full Agent. Gun and all." Fury sighs, and says, "Okay. Well done Agent Johnson. This is a good start." A pause. "I need you, and a senior Agent, either May or Ward, to speak to Agents Fitz and Simmons, and find out what the hell Hydra took from us. Something stinks, and it isn't a cheap cigar. It was Zemo. That...rankles."
- Quake has posed:
Something there.. yes. "I saw someone there. They figured out they were being watched in the end, and shut my feed dow. That's when I shut our systems down. I don't know what they were after or took.." But he's already on about finding that out. Who she's to talk to to make that happen. Mentioning a name. Zemo. So Fury knew who that individual was.
She smirks slightly at the 'Full Agent. Gun and all.' but it's a shortlived thing when it sounds like he's dismissing her. "Sir? That's the stuff you know. None of that is what I needed to talk to you and keep off the grid completely." He might have missed that in her initial greeting? She wasn't sure. He had a lot on his mind, and he might be thinking Skye thought what she'd already said was important ennough to bring to him personally - it had been, just not as important as the real meat of the meal. The part he wasn't going to be happy about before he saw the value of it.
- Nick Fury has posed:
"I see. Fury nods, listening to her report. "Well. What do you have to add? Stuff I need to know that needs to be kept off the grid completely? What is it. Spit it out." Fury looks at her, and picks up his cigar for another puff. "WHat is it you r are so worried about, Agent Johnson? Something is bothering you."
Fury watches her, while inhaling the smoke from the cigar. His eye looks down at the reports on his desk, then back up at Agent Johnson. "Some alacrity would be vital to the next few minutes, as I need to dig into the hundreds of reports right htere." Fury nods to his desk. "It must be something important."
- Quake has posed:
Skye's all a scrunch of near-irritable. This part? This part is where her hacker past reared its ugly head and roared. You didn't /just/ lay all your cards out on the table. You played them slowly, and carefully, always with some held back against the inevitable. It was hard unlearning the instints to play that way, and she'd stepped in it with Fury. A bristle of irritation at him, but more at herself. Maybe she should have played this card first.. but then the others would have been overshadowed?
"I got into their system. I had to bribe them by shuffling some files you maybe didn't want them to have access to - but there's a record of which ones. Tried to be as innocuous as I could, but you know how things were then. Last minute - before the feed on the R&D lab went dead, I got in. It's a dormant routine right now, but once activated, it should show us everything they're doing. At least till they figure out it's there." Thus the why it's dormant still. The thing just waiting to worm it's way through their network at her command. "I had to think fast. I'm sorry they got what I baited them with. I just thought the other would be more important."
- Nick Fury has posed:
"I see." Fury's eye narrows slightly, and he takes the cigar out of his mouth and puts it in the ashtray once more. "I can live with the juggling of files. Fair." Fury frowns. Or was that his default state of being?
"No. You did good." Fury nods, and thinks about that for several seconds. "Okay. Something we can use. Keep on it, and monitor the situation. I like it."
Standing up, Fury nods. "Excellent work Agent Johnson. Continue with your investigations. I will be monitoring your progress, and trying to get to the bottom of this mess through other means. In the meantime, I will get down to reading these reports, and we will meet again later."
Fury waves to the stack on his desk, "And trying to get out from under this mess while Agent Hill is in the med bay."
- Quake has posed:
Relief for tension she didn't even know she'd been holding flooded through Skye. It hit her that despite all she knew, all she'd done - the fact of the value of getting into their system - she'd expected to be dressed down for this, or worse. The loss of the file information had been a gamble. And now that she knew it had not only paid off, but she wasn't going to be turned out on her ear, she could relax.
That, and now things were in her ballpark. What remained were tasks she was uniquely suited for. There weren't many hackers of her level floating around anywhere, let alone SHIELD.
"I'll need some clean and secure systems for what I'm going to do. Nothing that runs through ours. I can spoof through another, but I don't want to give up my identity, or let them know I'm with you." Unless Zemo already knew. That bothered her. He knew he was watched. But if they hadn't noticed the back door entry, then they might have missed her signature while things were going down. It all depended on what sort of keystroke capture they had in place - what they'd collected (if anything) and were now analyzing. It was an edge they could lose if she weren't able to reach her dormant program in short order. In the game of cat and mouse, she was going to fast go from cat to mouse.
That was always the game she'd played. At least it was a familiar one.
- Nick Fury has posed:
"Play it as you see it Agent Johnson. The resources of SHIELD are at your disposal. Discrete systems won't cut it, use our covert operations teams to get you what you need." Fury nods, and crosses his arms across his chest.
"I want these guys. All of them." His eye blazed in barely concealed anger. "And you are going to get them for me." Fury pauses and stands up straight. "I would appreciate an update when you know more."
Fury sat back down, and grabs the nearest report. Tapping it, he notes that Skye was still there. "Don't you have bad guys to catch Agent Johnson?" Fury says, slightly amused.
- Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't need another invitation, rising from her seat. "I'll try to carve a few initials in their hides while I'm at it. That's if it's okay with you, Sir." The twist of a grin is back, but it's a darker thing in this moment. A memory of what had her going down the path she had in her past; the road that had led her right into the arms of SHIELD and faced with choices she wasn't prepared to adequately make then. Choices that felt lighter today, for some reason.
"You'll know what I know when I know it. This won't be in offical records till you put it there." The almost-agent giving a nod by way of leaving, turning heel and heading out the door.