2714/Read For Me

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Read For Me
Date of Scene: 06 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Voodoo

Rainmaker has posed:
    Someone has to do the chores. Roxy tends to skip out on them (unless you literally hand her a trash bag to take out while she's leaving) and Caitlin actually has a job to do. Sarah does not. And she's needed some time to think, and cleaning and organizing helps her organize her thoughts, in a way. She's finished mopping up the bathroom and kitchen so far and really scrubbed the grout, and vaccumn, and got laundry done. In general, she's feeling pretty accomplished.

    Which is why she's moved to the couch to lie down for a bit, sort of dozing a little with the window open, a cool breeze that smells faintly of rain drifting in from outside, causing the curtains to sway and fluff out from time to time.

Voodoo has posed:
About an hour after Sarah lays down, a soft knock comes from the door, knuckles rapping lightly against the hollow-core metallic door. A few moments later, whomever is on the other side of the door jiggles the handle, and then steps through as the lock has been picked. She sets the door closed and then Priscilla pads over the apartment's newly cleaned floor, settling down in front of the sofa, watching Sarah as she sleeps.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The Apache girl is a picture of a pretty girl in respose. Her long dark hair spreads out against the arm of the couch and down under her body, halo'ing her head in ravel black. She's dressed down for the day, exercise clothes, just a sports bra and thin tank top with lycra shorts, barefoot other than that. Her chest rises and falls as she sleeps, quietly as you watch her, her face peaceful, looking younger like this.

    After a few minutes however, she starts to stir, something alerting her to a change in the room, before her dark eyes open, blinking as she focuses on you, then her lips curve up in a faint smile. "...hi there..." she says in a voice made husky by sleep.

Voodoo has posed:
The mocha-skinned woman on the floor waggles her fingers impishly at the newly awakening Apache. "Hi, honey." she murmurs, softly, as she just watches. Priscilla's features are her usual friendly, even ebulient norm. But something is going on behind those purple eyes, swirling around with a lot more intense thought than Priss usually bothers with.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah shifts, sliding an arm up to prop on the couch so she can lift her head to rest on it, her other forearm shifting to rest on her hip as she turns more towards Priss, a sort of questioning look on her face. "How long have you been there watching me?" she says softly, smiling a bit. It's not like she minds, of course. She's done the same herself, her sleepy emotions expanding into a sort of warm, welcoming swirl of deeper feelings aimed at Priss.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla lets one hand snake forward, twining her fingers with the one resting on Sarah's hip as they watch one another. "Mmm?" she murmurs, consideringly. "Not too long. Maybe a few minutes. Good as I am at sneaking, it's not enough. You started to flutter up towards waking up almost as soon as I got inside." Priss doesn't usually strike one as exceptionally sneaky. But she really is. It's like those Rules of Ninjitsu. The fewer ninja there are, the more bad-ass the one or two might be. And a ninja is always exponentially more badass if he or she purposefully wears bright, non-standard ninja colors.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles a bit. "Air currents maybe..." she murmurs. "Dunno...wasn't sleeping that deeply, then again. Just dozing." Her hand gently squeezes yours as you take it, her thumb brushing back the back of your hand. "I think you can still get your sneak on just fine...' She tilts her head. "Am I your practice for ninjaing around now?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla lifts their clasped hands up and brushes her lips over the back of Sarah's hand. "Well, I realized you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. But I didn't really want to just go back to my place either. So I decided to sneak in and settle down to watch you." Priss admits, winking at the Apache princess. "It's fun, watching you sleep."

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's a little brush of happy contentment at the kiss against her hand, as she slits her eyes playfully. "I'm that fascinating when I'm snoozing?" There's no embarrassment in that...she trusts you completely, and she's never been shy about people watching her when she knows them. "Pity I wasn't on the bed, you could see if you could get me to snuggle you without waking up. Like a curvy cuddly teddy bear." she teases.

Voodoo has posed:
The dancer grins playfully at that idea. "I rather like that." she admits. That perfectly suits her playful sensibilities. "And yes. You are that fascinating when you're sleeping. Relaxed. Unarmed. At ease. Open. It's the most true to your core." she admits. "The closest to what I can always see you, feel you." Because Sarah's insides are as real to Priss as her outsides.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles gently at that. "You tend to bring that out in me anyway..." she notes, honestly. "I feel like I can always relax with you. And not have to worry about you judging me or...well, making me feel uncomfortable." she admits. "Because I know you can feel me, so...I don't feel like I can somehow be misunderstood." She squirms, then slides off the couch gracefulyl, kneeling across from you as she leans in to gentlg brush her lips against yours, nuzzling softly. "Mmm..."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla slips her arms around Sarah, her hands resting on the back of her hips as their curves press lightly against one another. "I'm glad you always feel comfortable with me." She kisses back tenderly.

"I owe you an apology." Priscilla offers, after a bit. "You have every right to expect to be understood. But I took your trying to help rather badly. I didn't mean to do that."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tilts her head into the kiss, as she arches into her slightly, enjoying the warm softness of the other woman, her hands sliding up to rest along the top of Priss's thighs, then leans back as she's offered the apology. Her brow furrows for a moment before her expression clears, turning more serious as she realizes Priss is talking about the night before...when she not particularly smoothly tried to prove that Priss had reasons why she had difficulty with reading. "No...I did it clumsily." she murmurs softly. "I didn't mean to make you feel like I somehow thought you weren't good enough being who you are." she says quietly. "I shouldn't have ambushed you with it like that."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla leans her cheek against Sarah's as she exhales, visibly rolling her shoulders. Clearly this is still something that brings up a lot of emotions for her, a deep bubbling well. "Do you think you can ... show it to me? Slowly? Explain it to me, show me how to read it myself, as long as it takes? Some way to help me understand it. Is it some kind of ... is my brain screwed up? My eyes? The nerve thingies? Does it explain any of that?" She wants to know why she is this way. How convenient would it be to know that the same thing in her unique brain that makes her an empath and a telepath also makes her dyslexic?

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other woman gently rubs her cheek against the mulatto woman's lightly, a bit comfortingly, then reaches up to brush her fingers through her hair, stroking. There's a little flicker of suprise in her mind, before she pulls back, her hand sliding up to cup Priss's cheek lightly. "Of course I will." she says, without hesistation. "And no. Your brain is perfectly healthy. It's just a matter of how you make connections; your brain takes a little longer to form connections, like chaining letters together to make out a word, or to read a paragraph.""

    She flushes. "...I'm not an expert, but I've been reading a lot on it. But my understanding is, it's...like your brain uses different parts of it to compensate for having difficulties. So it's not impossible to learn around it, it just takes patience and someone who understands what's happening."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla frowns, pursing her lips as she considers what Sarah is saying. "So ... my brain is different than other brains, and the way I process things I see does funky stuff, allows for everything to shimmy all over the place instead of lining up like it does for normal people?" Not exactly a textbook way of describing things, but Priss isn't exactly Ms. Textbook 2025, either.

"But somehow these weird letters trick my brain into not jumbling up so much?" Priss asks, as she continues trying to parse through all of this. She has't quite figured how she's going to transform the world around her from whatever fonts they normally use to these non-squirmy letters. But she is at least open to the possibilities.

"I don't love being uneducated." the dancer explains. "But I'm not exactly jumping for joy at the idea of going back to school." She holds up a hand, a finger pressing across Sarah's lips. "I know that studying this new way would be easier than it used to be. I get that. But still ... can't help how I feel. I know I could learn a lot. But I'm not honestly sure if I need that." Nor is she sure she doesn't. She's just trying to puzzle all of this out.

Rainmaker has posed:
"That's right! It's written in a way that makes it easier for your brain to make those connections, so it doesn't take as long to figure out what you're seeing and makes it easier for you to combine the letters together into sounds and meaning in your head." Sarah confirms. "It's a matter of how your brain functions, not that there's anything wrong with your brain itself." She reaches out to take Priss's both hands, squeezing supportively. "I understand." she says simply. "I didn't think you had to go back to school right away. I was thinking more...we could tutor you a bit. Then you can do things at your own speed." She tilts her head. "There are also people, teachers, who are trained specifically to help you learn how to adapt to read faster and deal with dyslexia. We could find you one of those. Caitlin's doing well with her business right now, so I can spare some to help pay for it too." She purses her lips. "And that's a gift, so don't you dare feel guilty if I provide some to help?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla listens, fingers twining with Sarah's as the Amerindian girl explains her thinking and lays out some options for the mulatto woman. Priss ponders all of that for a bit, and then asks a fateful question. "OK. So, that explains how we maybe change my phone, or get a terminal at the station that I can read better. Maybe some of the paperwork, too, if it hits paper. But what do I do when I'm out and about? Signs? Newspapers? Books?" It's worth asking. The fancy font can't fix that situation, can it? Or is there something she hasn't thought of? Probably, she's no genius.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah nods, then says soberly. "It won't be a miracle cure, hon. There will still be things that it's harder for you to do. These are more tools. With electronic things, like books or newspapers or magazines, you'll be able to set it to this text time to help. Signs, I don't know." She looks thoughful. "There might be apps that will help with that, if you take a picture of it or something? Phones are pretty advanced these days. I'll have to research that."

    She tilts her head. "But it will be better, because you'll have help spelling things out, so you can better guess even if it's still not easy to read?" It's a bit questioning; Sarah doesn't want to promise miracles, just help.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla listens. Her phone can do that? Weird! She has never been a tech head, in no small part because understanding and manipulating most tech requires reading. But she's open to at least the possibility; smartphones are less about the reading than other tech, and that has helped. "Well, we can try to figure something out, I guess. And I can talk to Abby about whether or not we can make the fancy font thing something available on the SWORD tech." IT gal? NOT!

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks thoughful. "Okay. I can show you how to use it if I can find something like that...you memorize things super well, so I think once I show you some stuff you won't need me to remember how to do it again. Mmm...' She looks thoughful. "It's possibly Abby has something more advanced, like an augmented reality glasses thing that could help too. Um, that's where it overlays letters and explanations on things, or translates what you're seeing. It's not perfect, and I've never tried it, but I've heard there are things that can do that sorta thing."

Voodoo has posed:
The non-techie daner's eyes widen a bit as Sarah dips her verbal toes into the waters of even more advanced technology. "I've seen stuff like that. HALO did stuff like it." Which is, honestly, probably the first time Priss has ever mentioned that company, despite them being a multi-national conglomerate on the order of a Stark or a Wayne, if not quite a LexCorp. "Never used it myself, but I saw others using it."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah admits. "Me neither. I mean, I know they do a lotta stuff with that, and what I found online suggested they've got some fancy tricks they can use to help for teaching it these days. But I don't know the details yet." She smiles and squeezes Priss's hand gently. "But we can figure it out, and I'll help as much as I can. Abby may have tech that's beyond what most people can get too.' She cocks her head. "But even if we can't get somethin like that, this will help...and at the least, you'll be able to read better for stuff that's on your phone or a book reader or whatever, which is an improvement?"

Voodoo has posed:
"Of course it is." Priscilla assures Sarah, giving their joined hands a squeeze. "It's all pretty impressive, honestly." Jeremy or others like him would want to know all of the how it works and why it works; Priss just wants to know it does work, and how to use it. The rest is the bridge too far for her. "So. What about you?" Priss inquires, curiously. "You have the ID. Caitlin is working on school, or at least finding ways for financing to get into school. What about you?" Because Priss knows Sarah is smart, and should nurture that intelligence. Not like the dancer.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks slightly like a deer caught in headlights at the abrupt change in focus. "Uh...well...um..." she says, , then looks down. "I...I don't know." she admits after a moment. "I mean...an ID doesn't get me a school record or anything necessarily. I'd have to have Caitlin make something up for me...and I hate having her do that. I mean, hacking stuff." she admits, her hand squeezing Priss's gently.

Voodoo has posed:
"Well then, you should just ask me." Priscilla opines brightly, as she hooks a finger under Sarah's chin and draws her face up to meet eye to eye. "The same folks who gave me the IDs can put together a properly backstopped school record, too. But I didn't know your prior schooling, to tell them what to set up."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah flushes a bit. "...I...I don't have any. Really. I mean...not since, like...elementary school." she admits. "I'm mostly self taught with what my mom showed me and what I could learn from books and stuff." She tilts her head. "...um, after the first time I was nearly kidnapped we were kinda hiding out in the desert, so...couldn't go back to school. Besides, we were supposed to be dead."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla nods. "Sure. So we have to test your skills and knowledge, and figure out what school records would then accurately reflect you." It's that simple, right? No issues! Of course it won't work that way. But Priss is being upbeat and positive about this. Why not?

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hesistates a bit. Because...it's a bit intimidating, and she's aware she's got holes in what she knows. "W-well...the easiest thing would be if I took a GED. If I did well on that, I could sign up for a SAT test for college, so I could legitimately have those. And I don't mind, necessarily, because...I haven't really studied in a while. And there's probably stuff I don't know that you need to know to get in."

Voodoo has posed:
"Good plan!" Priss chirrups brightly, grinning. "And it'll give that big brain of yours something to noodle on, and a chance to learn more and expand your mind." Because that's a thing, see?

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's lips twitch as she realizes she's been outmanuvered here. "...alright." she says with a little sigh, smiling at Priss softly. "I'll go check into what I have to do, and pick pu a study guide or something...they probably have stuff like that online these days...." She tilts her head. "...and maybe when you're ready, you can use it too and get your own. If you want." she hastens to add. She doesn't want Priss thinking she thinks she -has- to improve herself to measure up or something again! "It's more...an accomplishment if you want. To say you did."

Voodoo has posed:
"I do have a high school diploma, you know. It's not worth the paper it was printed on, given I could barely read. But I did graduate." Priscilla offers, and then kisses Sarah's forehead. "But you're right. If this whole reading thing gets better, I should consider getting an actual GED. If you're right, and I'm as good at memorizing as you think I am, and I can read, I'm guessing that'll work out a lot better than school did." She glances up, considering. "You ready for something to eat?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    SArah smiles softly. "Sounds lovely...your place then?" she says, pausing to lean forward to gently brush her lips against yours. She's...excited. Mostly for Priss. A little intimidated by her own stuff, but..if Priss is willing to try this, she'd be a poor girlfriend if she wasn't willing to deal with her own issues too. "C'mon..." she says, straightening up to offer her hand to pull Priss up, not seeing to mind that she's still very dressed down. After all....Priss skips down the hall in less. She doesn't seem inclined to let go of Priss's hand, of course....just enjoying the contact as they head out of the apartment and on...to dinner. And learning! The more you know.