2659/She Followed Me Home Can I Keep Her

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She Followed Me Home Can I Keep Her
Date of Scene: 30 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Moonstar, Fairchild, Vampirella, Voodoo

Rainmaker has posed:
    It's a relatively peaceful day at Gen13 HQ, such as it is. And with Roxy gone for the moment, Sarah has decided to spend that peaceful day finishing some chores that she hasn't gotten to, as well as cooking actual food for her roomie and Dani, whom she's invited over, since Caitlin's schedule has meant she hasn't had a chance to meet the Cherokee girl yet. The window to the balcony is open, partly because of this invitation, with a nice cool breeze airing out the apartment while Sarah finish putting away the last of the groceries, eyes the bags of junk, old pizza boxes and junk food wrappers she's cleared out of Roxy's area, then wipes the back of her hand against her forehead, because, whew. She's been at this a bit.

Moonstar has posed:
    And Dani is running a bit early, as she tends to do. She knocks a bit before poking her head in, "Hey, I'm not too early, am I?" She looks none the worse for wear for a trip to Apokolips, especially with all the craziness that was the invasion. Stepping in, she looks around and whistles a bit, "Wow, need any help with things hon?" She grins and seems suitably impressed with how things have cleaned up.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild returns from the laundromat with a few massive laundry bags balance on her shoulders, her arms lifted up over her head and trying to keep it all contained into a singular clean clothes meteorite. She's wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and black leggings, a pair of Adidas on her feet with one of them having come untied in the process.

"Wide load, coming through, beep beep beep!" she calls out good naturedly, making her way down the hallway and grinning as she comes across Sarah and the other woman, "Good thing I saved up all those quarters. Told you they'd come in handy."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah perks as Dani enters, reaching up to remove the bandana she had covering her coiled up hair, then shakes it out, letting it fall loose down her back. "Hey, you're early..." she says with a smile, walking over to give the shorter girl a gentle kiss. "Welcome...and here's Cait too.." she says amusedly, tugging Dani out of the way as Caitlin easily carries the two bags in. "Caitlin, this is Dani Moonstar. Dani, this is my mysterious roommate who always manages to be out when you stop by, Caitlin Fairchild."

    As if in comment to the meeting, there's an ominous rumble of thunder from outside through the open window.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins at the kiss, returning it to Sarah cheerfully, then smiles over towards the tall redhead, "Oh hey, yeah, just call me Dani. It's nice to finally meet you." She blinks a little at the thunder, then gives Sarah a wry look, "That's not your doing outside, is it?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild smiles pleasantly, going over to her room quickly to deposit her things, the lavender scent of her fabric softener, still warm, coming out of the bags as she squeezes them. "And you can call me Cait," she says with a smile. "I'm glad to finally meet you. Yeah, between some projects I've been working on and trying to get back in school, my schedule can be a bit hectic," the Amazonian redhead says, brushing a lock of that hair behind her ear. She smiles, "I don't think all weather is Sarah's responsibility yet. At least, I hope not. Because we'd be in big trouble."

Vampirella has posed:
    The railing on the balcony rattles. You could be forgiven for mistaking it for the wind shaking the cheap metal on cheap screws on the cheap plywood and missing Vampirella's entrance as she drops onto the painted black bar from above, toes of her boots barely catching but her body pitching forward into a crouching hunker that corrects her balance with thoughtless, feline ease. From that position, she hops lightly down onto the deck and enters the motel room, gaze casting about with an odd mixture of curiosity and disinterest; a tourist's expression. Despite her boots, her walk is silent, and her presence (at least if you weren't looking at her) is best announced by her shutting the balcony door firmly behind her. New York rain is a dirty, slimy affair best avoided.
    She shut the door one-handed. Her other hand is pressed to her left forearm. Blood is trickling from between her fingers, but sluggishly.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah pouts. "What's -that- supposed to mean?" she says, folding her arms as she eyes Caitlin. "Are you suggesting I'd become some sort of weather goddess or something, all punishing people I don't like with downpours and lightning bolts?" That line of questioning (and whether or not she really WOULD do that, given the chance) is cut off, however, by the dark haired woman's arrival on the balcony as she smoothly lands, then steps inside, closing the door behind her as Sarah's eyes widen, her hands dropping to her sides. "Vampirella?" she says, slowly, curiosity in her eyes. "I wasn't expecting you today...um...welcome?" She smiles a bit, then looks slightly sheepish. "So, that reminds me, I was going to tell you both about me being kidnapped last week...Vampirella helped save me..."

    Her dark eyes widen slightly in alarm as she sees the blood trickling out between Vampirella's fingers, before she snags one of her (clean) cleaning rags and moves over to her, offering it as she frowns. "What happened? You're hurt...."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "Weather goddess? Well, one of those teaches at the school..." She blinks a bit in surprise at the sudden appearance of Vampirella, "Yeah, hurt pretty bad, it looks like. Come on, let's take a look here." She glances at Sarah, "I'd say something about you getting kidnapped all the time, but that happened to me thanks to those Apokolips jerks, so I can't really judge." She mutters something about X-Parademons under her breath...

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild raises an eyebrow, "Vampirella, huh? Well, I don't have to bother asking what your powers are like, then," she says. She heads over towards the bathroom and returns in a moment with a first aid kid, "Maybe you heal like movie vampires and maybe you don't, but, just in case, I have some iodine and gauze here for that cut," she says. Is Caitlin at all panicked by having a bleeding vampire lady in really sweet boots show up suddenly on their balcony? OH YAH. But is she showing it? Okay, probably, but mostly just by being fussy and practical.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella smiles at Sarah and shakes her head. "Not badly. I wouldn't even waste the effort to cradle the wound if I weren't worried about dripping." Then, as if there's nothing in the world unusual about a woman in Victoria's Secret silk and patent leather boots literally dropping into your motel room, Vampirella turns her crimson smile on Caitlin and Dani, nodding at them pleasantly. "Good afternoon to you. Forgive the intrusion. Sarah has named me: I am Vampirella. You must be her friends." She removes her hand carefully from the wound, a straight cut across most of the width of the back of her forearm but not deep; the blood is mostly tacky, and creates a brief web of red-black fluid as she pulls her hand away to graciously offer her arm to Caitlin for binding. "How may I call you?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah shoots a look at Dani's mention of being kidnapped, opening her mouth to start to ask, before Vampirella speaks first. "Ah, this is my girlfriend, Dani Moonster, and this is my roommate, Caitlin Fairchild..." She frowns a bit at the cut. "Were you fighting some sort of monsters again? Look sa bit deep for a 'whoops' sort of cut, really..."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani huhs, "Vampirella? I'm guessing we should go light on the garlic with dinner then?" She grins a little, "But yeah, call me Dani. Just your typically Cheyenne mutant and Valkyrie, so us 'V' types should probably stick together, huh?" With that, she stays out of the way so Caitlin can do the first aid thing.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild smiles, "Cait will do just fine," she says, placing the gauze carefully and wrapping a quick bit of bandaging around, securing it with a couple of clips. She raises an eyebrow at the valkyrie bit, but just decides to let it go. Her life is far from normal now and that's just the way it's going to be.

"Take two vampire aspirin and call me in the morning, I guess," she says. "And yes, if you're fighting monsters or things like that, it might be better not to do it alone. I, for one, am very good at fighting, even if I'm not particularly fond of violence as a problem-solver."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella nods along at the introductions, green eyes flicking from Sarah as she speaks to the women being named and back again to Sarah, paying close attention. Her smile is pleasant. "Dani. Caitlin." Her strange, precise accent makes the vowels of the names tilt upward; you can almost imagine little accent marks above the Is. "It is very nice to meet you both... and thank you for the bandages, Caitlin. You have no need to fight anyone today, though. I merely discovered a small nest of trolls in below-grounds. They will not bother you, nor will garlic bother me."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah grins faintly at Cait's reference to vampire aspirins, then hmms. "Ah, well...if there are no monsters -immediately- threatening us, would you like to stay for dinner? It should be ready shortly, and there's enough for you too?" She smiles a bit, then frowns thoughfully. "Hmm...for that matter, do you need a change of clothes? Not that you aren't rockin' that outfit, but it might stand out a bit too..." She motions to the battered couch and chairs in the main room. "Have a seat, let me go check and see how the cooking is going?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani chuckles a little, catching the look Caitlin gives her, "It's true, I have a winged stallion and everything, though there aren't too many places for him in the city." She winks, "Long story, I should tell you sometime. Though, what's the difference between vampire aspirin and normal aspirin?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild smiles, "Vampire aspirin works best at night," she says. She puts away the medkit and takes off her sweatshirt, revealing a sleeveless t-shirt with a picture of Einstein sticking his tongue out, her massive frame filling out even the large size of the shirt rather bodaciously.

"I figured we were ordering pizza, but if you've actually cooked, I'm not sure if I should be glad or scared," she grins, "And, again, nice to meet you both," she says to Dani and Vampirella, "Er, do you have another name, Vampirella, or were your parents ahead of the curve?"

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella takes one of the chairs, finding it stiff enough to not be a hindrance if she needs to rise rapidly. Very good. She crosses her legs primly and smiles at Sarah. "Thank you for both offers, but I need neither. It would be pleasant to remain in your company, though, if you would permit it," she asks. To Caitlin, she smiles and spreads her hands. "Vampirella is the only name I have ever had. Do you have more names than Caitlin?" she asks, her green eyes locked on Caitlin's slightly lighter green ones, head cocked in open curiosity.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Oddly enough, Fairchild kinda works for Cait..." She peers at Dani. "I'm not sure how Moony Dani is though..." she teases, opening the oven as she leans down. "And what's wrong with my cooking! I've gotten better! I can't have you and Roxy eating nothing but ramen and peanut butter sandwiches again...." she grumbles, tugging out the pan inside. Smells like...chicken enchiladas? Spicy ones too...which, given Sarah coming from a reservation in New Mexico, prooooobably means green chili. "Hmm, think it's ready, just needs to cool down a bit and should be ready to go..." she says, setting them on a pot holder on the counter as she starts closing up the oven and shutting it off. "Anyone want something to drink?" she says, wiping off her hands absently with a towel.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani gives Sarah a wry look at that, "You behave or else you're gonna get a mooning like you wouldn't believe." She sniffs a bit, "Oh, now that smells great, and I can testify on your behalf Sarah." She gives Caitlin a wry look, then glances back to Sarah, "Whatever's in the fridge and bubbly works for me."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild nods, "Drinks would be good," she says. "And of course, Vampirella, you're welcome to stay. I don't know, I'm not a child, although I'm definitely fair, as my last round of sunburn would attest. I blame you for getting us to go to the beach," she says. "And I remember when we were first on the run, trying to cook at convenience store microwaves with the little cash we could scrape together," she says. They were hard times, yes, but she's almost fond of them in retrospect. Rough as they were, they had all bonded or, at least, so it seemed. At least she and Sarah were still close, with new friends in the bargain.

"Probably should have some milk at the ready, if it's spicy," she says. Cait has a classic case of white girl tongue, in regards to spicy foods.

Vampirella has posed:
    "Fair child? Well, it is suiting," Vampirella muses. "You are fair, Caitlin. I can see why Sarah would give you this name." This is offered as a simple matter of fact, with none of the leering Caitlin might be used to. She glances at Dani, but keeps her mouth shut. Best not to test it for now. Instead, she changes the subject. "The weather is unfortunate, is it not?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah gapes at Vampirella's assumption, then snaps her mouth shut and studiously busies herself with getting out plates. Rather than looking at Cait to see how she took that. "I've, ah, got milk, no worries!" she says, keeping her face carefully hidden inside the fridge as she tries not to crack up. It would just be rude. "Um, and don't think I won't take you up on that, Dani..." she adds, in a low purr."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "Why do you think I said it, Sarah?" She chuckles, "Actually, milk for me will be fine too, I know how you like those green chilis." She then looks curiously at Vampirella, "So, well, I have a zillion questions, but I don't want to be rude about it either." Her head tilts, as now that the initial excitement of Vampirella's arrival is over, now she's wanting to know more about the savior of Sarah's latest kidnapping.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella raises her eyebrows at the flirtation she doesn't quite understand, but lets it pass. When Dani addresses her, she smiles and lifts her hands from the arms of the chair, palms toward the ceiling in a gesture less a shrug than of beneficence. "Ask me your questions, then, and I shall answer them or not as I choose to," she suggests.

Voodoo has posed:
A soft knock sounds on the door to the hallway. Through the peephole, if used, can be seen a tallish woman with a mane of curly night-black ringlets, caramel-hued skin and twinkling purple eyes, dressed in a pair of jeans and a gold-trimmed purple mesh croptop, over a dusky golden lace bra - clearly visible through the mesh top.

It seems Priscilla caught a whiff of those nummy-smelling enchiladas.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Since she's in the kitchen already, it's easy enough to step out through the door to the main door and pop it open. "Hi hon!" she says, leaning in to give Priss a gentle kiss and a snuggle, flicking her eyes down over the outfit with appreciation. "Did you get dressed up just for us? Come on in, I just took dinner out to cool...and we've got an extra dinner guest too." she says, glancing over at Vampirella. "Want something to drink?" she adds.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "Hey Priss!" She smiles and leans in on the other side of Priss, giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek as well, "How are you doing, hon?" The younger woman tilts her head a bit, looking after Sarah, "Did you need a hand with any of that in there?"

Vampirella has posed:
    When the door opens, Vampirella's feet are on the ground too fast to even see her legs uncross, and her hands are gripping the arms of the seat to propel herself up before Priss enters, and Vampirella relaxes, crossing her legs again, left over right this time, as if she was just changing legs. As if nothing happened, she answers Sarah, "No, thank you. I should be well for the rest of the day." It's anyone's guess as to whether that's a vampire reference or a hint as to how she stays so thin.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla comes in, holding a full gallon of milk in her left hand and a bottle of white wine in the right, hugging Sarah as she is greeted so warmly. "Nope. This is just what I put on to go out today and I haven't changed." She holds up the containers of drinks she's carrying, and heads for the kitchen to put them down. "I wouldn't mind some of this wine." she offers, kissing Dani on the cheek and hugging her as well. She pauses upon catching sight of Vampirella here, and nods to the woman, going a tad tense herself; she somehow didn't catch her presence in her habitual empathic sweep, and that makes her nervous. "Hi. It has been a little while. I hope you're not here because you found more of those ... things near here?" If they are hunting down Sarah again, Priss is going to get very pissed off in a hurry.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hmmms. "She was hunting trolls, apparently..." she say, then grins at Dani and makes a shooing motion. "Thanks, but I got it." She moves to the fridge, popping it open to hand Dani a diet cola. "Go ahead and chat, I can finish getting set up. I've got wine glasses her somewhere..." she says, musing to herself as she tries to remember where they put them. From some free wine festival...complimentary ones! But they'll work, she figures, as she moves over to start rummaging through a cupboard. "I'll bring your glass out in a minute..." She peers at Vampirella. "I'm assuming that you don't drink....wine?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani takes the cola, then can't help but snicker at Sarah's comment about wine to Vampirella, "You are the /worst/ sometimes, you know that?" She shakes her head, and looks at Vampirella, "Well, questions! Does sunlight bother you? Religious icons? Do you actually have to drink blood or is that overblown? Do you have a reflection?" She pauses, then grins, "Sorry, I've never actually met someone quite like you before."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella, dressed in the same costume Priss last saw her in but with the addition of some red-stained gauze on one forearm, smiles a greeting at the newest entry. "Hello, Priss. No, I found nothing terribly near here. At least, I should not judge this to be within their hunting grounds," she explains, matter of fact. "Trolls prefer young children when not in times of famine." She declines wine with a raised palm, then blinks at Dani's questions. "Those are questions best for vampires, I think. I am not one; my name is merely a coincidence. I do find the sun of this world upsettingly bright and hot, but it does not burn me as it would a vampire." She pauses, and adds, "Incidentally, there are many strains of vampire, not all of them injured by sun or garlic or unable to appear in a silvered mirror. I do not know enough about them to say which is true of a given bloodline, but it is worth your effort to remember, if you ever find yourself faced with one."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla glances at Vampirelle curiously, catching those answers though she wasn't trying to insinuate herself in the conversation. She is rather curious, but does not intrude. "Thank you, honey." Priss offers to Sarah, and gets her hips out of the kitchen before there's more less than incidental contact, giving Dani another hug before climbing onto another of the stools. "Anything that hunts innocent children ... I hope you got them all." she offers to the raven-haired woman in fighting lingerie; she can respect that fashion choice, definitely.

Rainmaker has posed:
    After a bit of rummaging, Sarah ah-HAHS and returns with a pair of wine glasses, popping the bottle open then filling each glass halfway, befores he carries them over to join everyone in the living room, handing one glass to Priss. "So...if you're not a vampire, and you're obvious not entirely human...what would you prefer we refer to you as?" she says politely. "We wouldn't want to insult you accidentally."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani blushes a little at Vampirella's correction, "Sorry, I mean, I guess that's just a bad assumption by me." She smiles, "That's a pretty wild coincidence though, but you say 'this world'... where are you from then?" She takes a seat on the stool next to Priss, giving Vampirella a curious look, "But vampires have different bloodlines? I never knew that... I mean, I figured they existed, seen enough weird stuff to know that they probably were real and all."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella nods at Priss. "I believe I did," she says, matter of fact still about wiping out some unknown number of monsters. "It seemed to be a small nest. There may have been more--trolls have a uniform stench, making them hard to track individually--but I believe I found them all."
    Then more questions from Sarah. Vampirella is a bit surprised by that, but rolls with it. "I do not think there is a word for it. What we call ourselves simply means 'people.' I recently met a being that calls itself an angel of the god of lambs, and he named me a demon, though I am not inclined to listen to him: he was irksome and judgmental."
    To Dani's question, she explains, "I am from a world far from here but similar to this one. It is very like yours, but then, all lotuses look alike because that is the nature of a lotus. So too are worlds alike, I think."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss offers a nod of affirmation to Vampirella in appreciation, and accepts the glass of wine from Sarah when it is offered, listening nonetheless. She's not thrilled with the idea of a demoness, but Vampirella isn't acting like a demoness. She has only hunted monsters as far as she can tell, and has shown no tendency to threaten innocents. That's most undemonlike in Priscilla's limited experience. "Hunh." She doesn't have questions of her own right now, so she sips wine and listens. She remembers Jeremy once saying something about it being better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and prove it.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The Apache girl consider that, frowning to herself, then sets down her glass on the counter as she moves over to start rummaging and taking out plates...good sturdy plastic ones over ceramic, and forks and napkins, before she starts carefully putting a pair of enchiladas on each plate. And fills Cait's glass with milk, as she's going to need it. "Are there more from your world here too?" she says curiously.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani hrms, "Well, that's pretty rude I think. Just assuming you're a demon seems rather uncalled for. Then again, he'd probably think I was one too just because I'm a Valkyrie." She smiles wryly, "As opposed to most people who think it just because I'm a mutant."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella lifts her hands in a shrug at Sarah's question. "I cannot know. Great magic was required to conjure me here, magic my people would never try to learn, but could someone else have been sent or called here? Could many? It is not for me to say it is impossible."
    At Dani's monologue, Vampirella nods. "Such as he holds very few opinions of women, I should guess. That we are demons to his mind means little to me."

Voodoo has posed:
"Those who know often consider me 'part demon'." Priscilla admits. She is part Daemonite, after all, and many consider the legends and mythology of demons to be sprinkled liberally with things derived from Daemonite activity across human history. She's not sure about angels and their opinions of women, so she doesn't say anything. That certainly wouldn't make her happy, mind.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "The more I hear about things like this, the more I wonder if there is such a thing as a 'angel' or 'demon' or if it's all a matter of perspective." Sarah admits, brings over the plates to set on the coffee table in front of everyone. It's not like they have a kitchen table, after all, so it's coffee table or kitchen counter pretty much. "I didn't even think spirits actually existed until I pissed one off accidentally....' she admits, plopping down on the couch by Dani and Priss. Between them of there's room.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani slips over a bit to make sure Sarah has space, then shakes her head, "Well, I think I'll stick with the Norse mythology... not that it's really mythology to me anymore. More like my career when I'm not interning." She winks over at Priss at that.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella doesn't know Daemonites or Priss's thoughts, but she does nod. "I know by your scent you are not human, but neither are you any demon I have learned of, and I've learned of many." She doesn't ask Priss for elaboration, though. Maybe she's too rude to ask, or maybe she thinks it's none of her business to demand access to Priss's geneology. Instead, Sarah's trailing thought seems to want an invitation, so she offers one: "How did that come to happen, Sarah?"

Voodoo has posed:
"Pissed off spirits are a pain." Priss offers. She is human; she's just not all human. Hooray for hybrids! But she leans into Sarah when the Apache woman joins them, and sips more of her wine, waiting for the enchilads to cool off a bit more before she partakes.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah sighs a bit. "...well, there was a storm coming and there was a charity picnic happening so I just sort of...nudged it a bit. To pass over without raining and drop it a bit further inland." She picks up her plate, poking at her enchiladas with a fork, before starting to munch on them. "Mmm...well, I guess there was an actual storm spirit who had been creating that storm who got all upset because I messed it up. Started trying to throw lightning bolts and whatever it could pick up with wind to toss it at me." She mmms. "Luckily I'd been going out to a mechanic shop at the time, and the woman who worked there happened to be Blackfoot and also recognized it and got it to talk to her." She tilts her head. "I had to make a really good storm out over the ocean to make up for it before it would be satisifed...though I let it build slowly enough that peole had plenty of time to get out of the way before it really got going. And I didn't let it come inland.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani then chuckles, "But hey, on the bright side, if it hadn't made you practice and such in the park that day, I'd probably have gone splat without you there to catch me." She smiles and winks at Sarah, "And then how could you have gotten rides on Brightwind?" She pauses and then clarifies for Vampirella, "Brightwind's the winged stallion that I work with, as part of my station."

Vampirella has posed:
    "Your names here are much more self-descriptive than I was led to believe I would learn," Vampirella observes. "Fair child; rain maker; black foot; bright wind. Is that a coincidence?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild had been occupying herself attending to her personal fussiness, in this case by making sure all of her giant mound of laundry is folded, put away and properly organized. Since she had put off doing this laundry for well over a month, that task has taken her a great deal of time, which is the reason why she scarfed a fast enchilada and dashed out to get to it.

She comes out in her Einstein tee and leggins, her hair a bit damp as she grabbed a shower while she was back there. "Hello, hello," she smiles to Priss, wondering just how their vampiric guest has handled dinner.

Voodoo has posed:
"Good to see you again, Caitlin." Priscilla offers, nodding to the towering redhead. She nibbles at the first bit of enchilada, and considers the conversation. "Interesting. I didn't realize you could do anything quite that big." she admits to Sarah. "Then again, bolts of lightning aren't tiny. Just my own lack of awareness, I guess. I'm glad you were able to handle it. My way takes a lot of ritual work, and the Loa."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well, in my case it's a translation...and my people tend to be descriptive in their naming. I imagine everyone's people were, at some point, though some might have forgotten what the name originally meant?" Sarah says thoughfully. She raises a hand, wiggling her fingers at Caitlin as she returns. "Welcome back...you just missed Dani, she had to go take care of a Valkyrie thing." She turns her attention to Priss. "Well...I can do it, it just takes more time. It's like...setting up a complex system of dominos so when they all drop, the conditions are right for the storm. I generally just do localized effects normally, because it's harder to judge what messing with a big weather system will do, so I try to be really careful when I'm doing large changes."

Vampirella has posed:
    How Vampirella handled dinner must remain a mystery for the moment, because while everyone else has a plate and a glass, Vampirella has none. She has an arm chair, from which she rises when Caitlin enters the room and moves to stand beside it, insisting, "Please, Caitlin, sit." The couch technically has a seat available, but for a girl as big as Caitlin, it might be a bit of a squeeze. She's nodding along politely at Sarah's explanation of storm spirits and weather fronts, but it's all going right over her head... but luckily, no comment on her part seems to be called for anyway.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild doesn't mind a bit of a squeeze, sliding onto the couch and going hip to hip with the vampire. She and the other Gen13ers were often crammed into tight quarters when they were on the road, this is nothing compared to that. She smells of peach-scented lotion and a fragrant shampoo, kicking her bare feet up on the table as she tries her best to stretch out her oversized frame.

"I'll never get used to the magic stuff," she says, shaking her head. "I know it's real, but I grew up on Isaac Asimov and Richard Dawkins, all this spirit woojie stuff just makes my head spin," she says. "I'm also lucky my powers are so simple."

Voodoo has posed:
"Complicated powers are complicated." Priscilla teases, offering a wink towards Caitlin and squirming over to make room as the towering redhead sits on the sofa in the space Dani's departure opened up. She nibbles on more enchilada as she considers the curiosity of descriptive naming; does that mean she's related to a cat? Probably not. Without a better classical education, she has no idea what the Latinate roots of her name might be or their meanings. "When in doubt, I avoid magic whenever possible. Sometimes, it's just not possible."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well, think how I felt. I grew up on stories of the spirits, but I never expected they were actually real..or that I'd talk to one. Sorta of." She frowns. "It was a bit like a really spoiled child, honestly. But at least it was able to take a compromise, and now it's fixed. So....just need to be careful in the future, I guess...."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella nods along with Caitlin and Priss. "Magic is..." She pauses to consider, green eyes abstracting, and decides, "Magic is overrated. You can spend years learning to cast some bolt that will smite your enemies, or you can find a suitably long stick on the ground, tie a sharp rock to one end, and accomplish much the same end, much faster and many times over, without ever risking the spear becoming a snake that will bite you and leave you to die of the venom, or whatever other foolishness happens when a spell is miscast. I admire people who have the sense to let it pass."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild nods, "Fair enough," she says, "I don't even use a sharp rock, I just use my fists and feet, pretty much. It's taken me some time to learn my own strength to make sure I use it properly though," she says. "I suppose everything takes practice and discipline to master. But yes, I do not envy anyone having to do magic, it seems a complicated subject. And I say that as a person who enjoys advanced multidimensional calculus."

Voodoo has posed:
"I don't bother much with magic bolts." Priscilla admits. "I prefer the sharp stick method. Or the heel, or claw, or fist as needed." Priss is kinda old-school that way. Sometimes, she does use her telepathy, but not very often. Turning to Caitlin, Priss asks a different question. "I wanted to ask: with your new ID, what are you going to do? Sarah's always telling me how smart you are. I thought you'd end up going for a degree or two."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "I"m more in the stick or lightning bolt side of things, yes." Sarah says with a faint smile. "I have met people who did magic, but in their case it seemed more...innate? One said she had the ability to draw on the power of cities to cast her spells, so she was more of a conduit I suppose." she adds thoughfully. "But I haven't run into too many people who actualyl cast spells like classical witches or warlocks." She cocks her head. "Though I'm certainly not as capable in a hand-to-hand fight as all of you, either.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella nods at Sarah. "Few humans would be," she says, matter of fact again. Neither pride nor pity in her voice. She glances at Priss and Caitlin, mildly curious but also having no idea what they're talking about.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild nods eagerly, "That's the general idea. I"m not really sure what kind of program I want to get into. I was comp sci before, but I'm also interested in applied physics and technology in a broader sense. But since everything happened, I've also gotten deeply interested in genetics, genetic engineering, evolutionary psychology, it's all..." she laughs, "I may end up getting a lot of degrees, provided I can put together the financial aid I need to do it. New IDs are the first step, but most schools still expect to be paid."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla nods. "I get that. But I figured with the new ID, you could start applying for financial aid and stay safe. I'm glad that's working out." Not that Priss has enough money to really be helpful on the financial side of school; she may not be poor, but she'd have to reconnect with HALO before she could finance something as big-ticket as college for anyone. She eats more enchiladas, and gives Sarah's thigh a squeeze. "So, what brought you here after the trolls, Vampirella?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks thoughful. "Maybe you should see if you could get an internship at STAR Labs or something? They do all sorts of cutting edge stuff. Though you'd probably need to be accepted to a school somewhere first before being able to apply to something like that." she admits, going back to munching on her enchiladas hungrily.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella's eyebrows raise at Caitlin's last sentence. "Paid? Do your people not wish you to know everything you can, so you can use that knowledge for them?" But the ways of this world are very strange to her, aliens using alien logic, so she rolls on to Priss's question. "They were not very close to here, by most standards," she explains rather than corrects. "During the day, I spend some time underground away from the sun (but also closer to the stench of your waste tunnels), and chanced upon the stink of troll. Since I had stumbled onto their hunting grounds, I had to find them and kill them before they could scent me in their grounds and move on to a new location, so..." She shrugs, as if there's nothing more to say.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild smiles to Vampirella, "You would think so, but not in this country, at any rate. Were I a citizen of most European social democracies, I could expect a college education as part of being a member of a civilized society, but alas. And yeah, I've thought about interning, either at STAR or Stark or maybe at the Baxter Building. Somewhere where I can be a superhuman student and not raise too many eyebrows. I know there are super-specific schools, but most of those are undergrad or even high schools," she says.

she frowns at Vampirella, "Its' unfortunate that you're forced to seek refuge from the sunlight. Maybe that would be something worth working on. I wonder if some kind of sunscreen or anti-allergen could be developed," she says, crushed in a bit against the vampiress.

Voodoo has posed:
To Vampirella Priscilla clarifies. "No, I was more wondering why, after dealing with the trolls, you came here to see Sarah?" Priss is curious, and sees no reason not to ask. She nods towards Caitlin and Sarah's conversation, but has no real advice there; she herself never considered the possibility of higher education, given her challenges with even high school, so she has no knowledge with which to speak of such matters as any of that. Her assets are pretty clear to see and have nothing to do with intelligence, thanks.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Considering how things went the last time she tried to discuss education with Priss didn't go well, Sarah hasn't brought it up with her either. "I don't mind you dropping by, really..." she says to the pale woman. "Or even helping bandage you up, really. I am a bit concerned if you don't have a place to go for this, or a place to stay that's safe?" she offers curiously.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella shakes her head at Caitlin, but smiling, to take the edge off it. "I am not forced to. The day is simply too bright and too hot." Looking at how black her hair is and how white her skin is, yeah, sunlight probably is uncomfortable. She's nowhere near an albino, but could she fit in with the Goth kids? You bet.
    Her smile vanishes when Priss asks the question Vampirella had been steering the conversation away from for so long. Unfortunately, it's the kind of question you can't lie about or dismiss; unless you're talking to pure fools, a question like that one will demand an answer. "I was thinking of her previous capture by the dopplegangers," Vampirella explains frankly. "It is possible, even likely, she was only captured because chance permitted it. Yet when I think of the circumstances--a random, lone woman finds them to be replaced, thus offering the dopplegangers a chance to escape into the larger world and get closer to her lover the witch--the possibility of chance seems less likely, does it not? Does not Sarah even knowing you and this Valkyrie in the first place, Priss, suggest there is a quality about her which attracts magic? When I found a troll's nest so near her home, I became suspicious that they were perhaps drawn here, and I thought it prudent to spend time here, examining the situation... and letting my scent nest here, as a warning."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla listens, and grows visibly more tense as the alien/vampire/lingerie model continues. Finally, she nods a bit jerkily. "Alright. Reasonable point. I'm glad you thought to come check on her." She does not ask, right now, how it is Vampirella knew where Sarah lived. That can wait for another time. "Excuse me, ladies. I'm going to go make a phone call. Hopefully I'll be back quickly." She stands, offering her hand to Caitlin first, and then to Vampirella. "It was good to see both of you again. Figure I should say that, before I step out, just in case." She gives Sarah a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for dinner. It was delicious." And with that, the mocha-skinned dancer steps out into the hallway, her phone coming to her hand.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild listens to Vampirella's tale and nods, "Not an illogical assumption, provided that your scent is significant enough to these kind of supernatural predator's, to serve as a ward or something like that. I wonder if it could be synthesized in some fashion, the way they do deer scent. Monster repellent is certainly something that could be worthwhile," she says.

She stands a bit when Priss departs, her manners remembered, "It was good to see you, too," she says with a smile, before sitting awkwardly back down.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks fairly suprised at the answer, then is distracted as she stands as well to give Priss a last hug and kiss goodbye as she's called into work, before seating herself again. She then frowns, looking thoughful. She -does- get kidnapped or captured an awful lot...then again, so does Caitlin. And Roxy. "I don't know if that's the case or not..." she admits. "It's possible though. And I suppose if I'm somehow...drawing attention, it's good to have you close by." She chews her lower lip. "...I did mean to ask if you had a place to stay earlier, in fact. We do have a free bed. If you needed a place to stay for a bit?" She looks at Caitlin, unsure how she might feel about this idea.

Vampirella has posed:
    "It may only be a coincidence," Vampirella reminds both the remaining women without taking the freed couch space to scoot away. The company doesn't bother her, it seems. "You are extraordinary among humans; it is only natural you will find extraordinary people, and extraordinary situations. Five instances of inhuman beings being attracted to you over your entire life is proof of very little."
    More specifically to Sarah, she offers, "Thank you, but it is best I sleep in no place for very long. Letting my scent linger in any one place could serve to warn my prey away, and to attract my enemies so they may study my habits and learn my weak points. These things are unadvantageous at best."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild had been about to nod to Sarah's suggestion but, given that Vampirella makes a good point in regard to staying at a centralized location, she nods, "Still, you are always welcome and can certainly use the room anytime you like while it's unoccupied," she says.

"I wonder if you've ever undergone a physical examination? What do you know about your endocrine system, that it produces these kinds of hormones?" she says, peering at the vampiress with avid interest, then suddenly realizing what she's doing, "I mean...if you wanted to...obviously that's not something you'd have to...I'm sorry," she says, self-conscious.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hmms. "Caitlin is pretty brilliant..." she says, very matter-of-fact about it. "She might be able to find a way for you to hide your scent when you choose to, if you give her some time to work at it? It might be helpful for your hunts, if nothing else. And you did save me...and we certainly don't want any monsters eating little kids around here." she says with a deeper frown. "She's also brilliant with computers, she might be able to help you find other incidents of creatures doing things like this, maybe?"

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella looks blank at approximately half the things Caitlin and Sarah just said, though she does notice Caitlin's stare with a little, crimson smile. Cautiously, as someone who's confused often sounds, she asks, "You propose to... perform some manner of medicine on me? Physick medicine, to... find the smallest part of my scent?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild blushes a bit and nods, "THat would be the gist of it, yeah. I'd have to draw some blood and probably put you through a full body scan, get a sense of your anatomy and how it worked. It has to be fundamentally different than a human, in a variety of ways, especially in terms of endocrinology and digestive systems, but even the nervous system is probably radically different. Although we barely understand the human nervous system as it is," she says.

She bites her lip, "I don't want you to feel like...an experiment, though. Whatever you're comfortable with is fine. I think it would be useful and beneficial research, but you're a person, not a lab subject, and I wouldn't ever want to do anything that made you feel otherwise," she says.

"Just think about it. No rush and no pressure," she says, with a smile, blushing under Sarah's compliments, "And thank you, I do try, although there are way smarter people than me, for sure. I've still got a lot to learn," she says.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah lets Caitlin explain, then tries to be equally helpful. "She also could find out information about possible monster sightings all over the world. Computers are a way that people all over talk about stories and things they've seen. It can be very useful, though if she could help you hide yoru scent when you wished, I could see that being very helpful. But she's a very ethical person; as she says, she won't do anything you don't want her to do."

Vampirella has posed:
    "Speak to me in simpler terms, Caitlin," Vampirella suggests, but with a smile and a gentle squeeze on Caitlin's knee to rob the criticism of its sting, if she can. "I understand little of what you have asked of me. What do you want from me? My blood?"
    She breaks eye contact with Caitlin to look across the redhead at Sarah, and nod. "If you wish, you may attempt such a thing, but I warn you there are many monsters in this world, and not all of them are my prey. You remember of what we spoke in the forest, Sarah. It may be that you would rather not know of these things that hunt you but that are not for me to hunt."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild nods and reaches down, patting the hand on her knee gently, "Blood would probably be a good start," she says. "But I'd want to take it under lab conditions and such. If I find the right facility," she says. "Someplace discreet that we could trust," she says.

She puts her mind to Sarah's suggestion, "I could probably put together an algorithm that could run through social media and police reports, correlating for a likelihood of supernatural involvement," she says, then realizes she's speaking a bit obliquely again. "I might be able to make a program to help," she says. "BUt I would need data and a lot of it."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tilts her head. "She would probably need blood, maybe sweat." she says thoughtfully. "If I understand it right. Medicine here is a lot more advanced than you're used to, from the sound of it." She looks thoughful. "Would your ability to change your shape affect that, do you think? Is it a magic that you can create to change yourself, or is it inherent in your body?"

Vampirella has posed:
    Encouraged by the pat, Vampirella lightly squeezes Caitlin's rock-hard knee again. The redhead's physical strength is astonishing, and Vampirella observes within herself a childlike desire to explore it. "Very well. Blood I can spare, if you will promise to burn it the moment you're done with it."
    To Sarah's question, she shrugs, hand leaving Caitlin's leg. "All my people can hide our claws. If it is magic, then it is magic we all possess." If Sarah knows anything about conservation of mass, she might have something to say on the topic.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild finds that color in her cheeks growing stronger, her eyes lowering at that squeeze in return, "I can promise that, absolutely," she says. "And if I can't, I won't take it."

"Could be a matter of shifting matter to an extradimensional source or just redistributing mass. The cell structure must be unique to be able to have such fluidity of purpose," she says, leaning into the couch next to the vampiress and considering her curiously.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well...if you don't mind a little poking and proding, I'm sure we could find a way to help." Sarah says thoughfully. "I'm not nearly the scientist Caitlin is, unfortunately. But I can help where I can, at least?" she offers.

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella smiles. "I comprehend almost nothing of what you say, except that you want my blood and sweat for whatever alchemy you practice," she says frankly. "Therefore I cannot suggest how you can be helpful, Sarah. I am entirely in Caitlin's hands, it seems."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild smiles, "Well, it's all theoretical, at this point. I don't have a lab space or research technology my disposal. So, the only examination I could make now would be purely, um, unprofessional," she says, then realizes she's blushing a bit more, "Do we have anything to drink?" she says to Sarah, a little nerves in her voice as she jumps just a bit.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah raises a brow at that, smiling faintly as she notices Caitlin getting a bit flustered. "Water okay? Or cola?" she offers. "Or...wine? Priss left most of her glass..." She offers it to Caitlin. "As for lab work...hmm." She looks curious. "I wonder if Priss could get you time in a SWORD lab? They do all sorts of analysis like this, to detect and understand aliens when they arrive."

Vampirella has posed:
    Caitlin speaks, and Vampirella laughs. "Then we have been negotiating for you to take my blood once you have built a sanctum in which to do the magic you need to study it?" she asks in good humor. "What of these unprofessional examinations you could make? Would they teach you anything?"
    At Sarah's suggestion, though, suspicion crosses her face. "Sword lab? It sounds less than pleasant, Sarah."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild waves a hand, "SWORD is an organization, dedicated to fighting extraterrestrial threats. I guess she maybe could, although I dunno if I'd wanna get them involved. I can understand not wanting to be in anybody's database and I wouldn't want to put Priss in a bad spot by tryig to get her to do it off the books," she says.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah frowns thoughfully, nodding absently to Vampirella. "They're guardians, mostly, not....dealing with actual swords. It's just the name of the group." She hmmms. "I could maybe get you into a lab on a campus, though...I have some friends who I've been at protests with, they'd probably be willing to sneak you in, as long as it wasn't too often." She tilts her head. "I mean, as long as we're careful and don't break anything."

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella flips her wrist, brushing Sarah's concern away. "I can cause the guards o' watch to let us pass without knowing it, if that must happen," she says blithely. "Is that the only thing required?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild purses her lips, seemingly trying to concentrate, "I'm not sure. It would depend on what security there is like," she says, obviously not too thrilled about the idea of breaking and entering. "Really, it's just an idea, it's not...vital or anything, "she says. "I was just interested by the idea, more than anything."

Rainmaker has posed:
"It's a good idea, and the labs are open for students. We wouldn't have to break in so much as...just make use of a lab and pretend we're students there." She glances at Vampirella. "...which might involved a wardrobe adjustment for you, but otherwise...I think we could do it wihtout too much trouble?" She smiles. "I mean, not right NOW, but...soon? Though if you'd like to stay the night to make sure your scent is....stronger here, we could do it tomorrow perhaps?"

Vampirella has posed:
    Vampirella smiles at Sarah. "As you like, Sarah. One night won't hurt, as long as it doesn't become a habit. So. How shall we pass the daylight hours?"