2534/Online chat with a real bot

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Online chat with a real bot
Date of Scene: 20 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Katherine, Vibe

Katherine has posed:
The online forum site that some nerds frequent caters to those who already have some level of science understanding. Most of the posts are so involved that people rarely are able to fully grasp everything that is happening on particular subjects outside of their own small section of expertise. And, even then, within those groups there's some people who still get things, well, wrong. Blatantly.

A name starts showing up in many different areas. Katherine. She's posting on biology papers, chemistry, physics, software coding, new fringe programming languages. She's posting in Russian, German, English, Spanish, every language that the site has. And... the odder part, is that she is a new user, maybe a few days, and has already received moderator status on some sections of the site and even more startling has gold microscope status on many different subjects. Over 1000 posts as of this morning. And there's a message waiting Cisco, it reads somewhat generically, "Hello, my name is Katherine. I noticed from your posts and responses to posts that you have an advanced understanding of various sciences. Whenever you login next, here's a link to an online chat where hopefully we can talk. Thanks! I could really use the help."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco mostly surfs said forums when he's bored and wants to be entertained. It hasn't happened too much lately with the switching of the jobs, but every now and again, he likes to keep them up in the background. It's fun to take little breaks and read some of these forums...and not-so-gently correct some people who are just plain wrong.

When the message pops into his forum inbox he switches over to that screen and contemplates it for a moment. There's always the question of 'Is this a scam? Is it one of those people pretending to be some hot woman to lead guys on to giving them money'? But then again, who would do that on a scientific forum besides Sheldon Cooper? It's that line of reasoning that has 'TheMadEngineer' clicking on the link to the chat. He's not worried about his computer being hacked; after that kid with the languages did it, he figured out a few more firewalls and programs to add to the already very-secure system.

'Anyone there?' is typed into the chat window.

Katherine has posed:
"Yes. Hi." Katherine messages back. Her avatar, when her face pops up, looks like a real person but one of those very attractive women who are just too attractive to be anywhere near a science community. "I was just interested in your responses to people. Your corrections are spot on. Especially the correction about ion drive propulsion. That thread had quite a long list of people jumping on the, so-called, band wagon... not sure why a band would require a wago, except maybe a station wagon since they could likely fit enough musical equipment inside." THere's a ... ... indicating she's still typing, before she comes back with a flurry of lines.
"The message."
"Um, I am seeking super minds, or genius folks, especially engineers for a project to save the entirety of the universe from total destruction." She adds an emoji of a cat giving a thumbs up.

Vibe has posed:
The avatar has the engineer giving a roll of his eyes, "Of course..." is said aloud to his computer. 'Well, the whole 'Bandwagon' thing was just that...the bands would ride through towns on wagons in parades and stuff when they were coming through to give concerts before they had television. And people would sometimes jump on the wagon to hitch a ride...' Cisco types but then pauses as her message comes across. He starts to type something a few times, pauses and deletes, and then tries again. Finally, the message he responds with is:

'Ok, what's the real deal here? Because I cannot tell you how many times I see stuff like that and then all I have to do is buy some Gift Cards and send the numbers and voila, our economic system is somehow fixed!'

Katherine has posed:
"This is the real deal..." Katherine mentions with a frowny face emoji. "I do not want money." She indicates to possibly prevent fears, "I do not see how gift cards could actually save the economic system. The economic system is mostly doomed to failure as it is, while automation takes over and replaces labor and allows for more luxury time. As that becomes more and more prevalent, you will have people in power backlash against this ideology until said time that your Earth becomes united under one leadership. Otherwise, well, there's always gonna be a person who wants to be top dog and nerd rage on others."
Katheirne is typing...
"Oh, right, so, anyhow. I was looking for someone who could work on microsizing already microscopic objects without losing their power. At a particularly small level, electrical transistors break down and quantum computing begins. Nanites, powered by quantum computing, could potentially help to solve much of the problem I am having. I know they can be made, but I am not entirely certain how to get from point A to point B."

Vibe has posed:
'Whoa, whoa, whoa...one ruler? Seriously? You really think that could ever happen?' And are they actually debating politics in a scientific forum? 'I mean, just because it seemed to work in Star Trek doesn't mean that it will happen in reality...or could happen. Not while people still have egos.' But that's not the question at hand.

As 'Katherine' writes her actual request, he reads it a few times, 'To what purpose?' is finally asked. 'Because, as cool as the idea seems, it strikes me as potentially insidious.'

Katherine has posed:
"Certainly, yes." Katherine responds, likely to the first section and there's a delay with some ... ... waiting before she adds on, "Typed words are actually pretty slow to receive responses... do you mind if we video chat? I think it would be easier for you to believe me by seeing me, and then potentially talking this through in person at some point in the near future, if not also now. I know you, and I am attempting to help you know me, so you can trust me more easily."

"Oh, and yes, I just finished watching all of Star Trek. It is ... not the way it would work, but similar. No one is paid for work, everyone does work still, and everyone lives healthy long lives. It is not a matter of whether or not it can work, it will be required in order to have any measure of a future for humanity. That said, the purpose is to defend the world against an invasion of alien nanites with 1 purpose in mind, conversion of all matter into it's own replicated self."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco leans back in his chair and crosses his arms at the first response. "Huh..." is once again offered to no one. He then arches an eyebrow at the mention of watching 'all' of Star Trek...'That must have kept you pretty busy,' as there are so many different spin-offs of the franchise! His eyebrows arch higher as he reads the reason for the nanite request. Dark eyes glance around to see if anyone might be looking over his shoulder (he's already checked the office for any bugs or surveillance of any sort) before typing:

'Ok. I'm with you on not having all of Earth Borged into nanites.' If she's seen 'all' of Star Trek, she'll get the reference. 'Not so with you on this world-wide central governing power thing. So no, not going to video chat. But I'm willing to meet in person.'

Katherine has posed:
"Great! I would love to meet, thank you for agreeing." Indicates this Katherine person, before she adds on, "I am currently at a cafe at -" She gives an address that's not too terribly far from where you are. A 10 - 15 minute walk, or a quick Uber or bicycle ride. And she mentions, "I will be easy to find, I look exactly like my avatar, well depending on exact screen settings... and I'm bigger than the avatar is usually, since there's no exact pixel to pixel representation in real life." She waits a moment before adding, "What coffee do you like? I can have something ready for you."

Vibe has posed:
Suuuuure she does. 'You're at a cafe sending all of this?' There's an actual facepalm before he types back, 'No need to get me coffee, thanks,' because he's still being a bit wary and, of course, his imagination runs a bit wild. He's not paranoid per se, but some things do set up warning signals...like an apparent model trying to get information on building microscopic nanites so that the world can 1) not get taken over by other nanites, and 2) become somehow unified by a 'central governing body'.

Danger Will Robinson!

It might also be why he puts on his power cuffs under the sleeves of his hoodie and tucks the goggles into the pocket. 'I'll be there shortly'.

Katherine has posed:
And when Cisco arrives at the Pepe Le Pew Cafe there certainly is some exaggeratedly model-esque looking woman who matches Katherine's description. This cafe is one of those new cat cafes who donate a large chunk of their proceeds to saving stray cats and have a bunch of cats wandering the insides of said cafes, and it has some rather good online reviews. Katherine is not inside right now, she's seated on their separately accessible patio where there's even a window to the people who can do the orders. She's sipping at something that's steaming, and slightly smiling but otherwise not really moving at all. Oh, and she's got no shoes, but this is an eccentric cafe, and she comes from a science forum, lots of eccentric people go online...

The only other thing of note is probably that she has no cellphone out or laptop, but maybe she's got a fancy smartphone and keeps it in those very conforming business slacks.

Vibe has posed:
Cisco squees internally! It's a cat cafe! Ahhh! He makes his way through the cafe looking for someone even close to the avatar's image...and he might have to pet some cats on the way. He does note the blonde seated outside and squints a little as if to express 'really?' Huh. There's another glance around as part of his mind is screaming 'It's a Trap!' while the other is kind of curious.

The lack of computer and cellphone out are noted, but maybe she heeded his warning when he mentioned the discussion from a -cafe-. Pausing by the window, he orders some sort of frozen, mixed, sweet espresso drink with an adorably clever cat name and then moves to the table with the blonde.

"Katherine?" Because that's the only name he was given from the forum.

Katherine has posed:
Katherine has brown hair with blonde highlights, but of course she can't read your mind and in the bright sun it likely looks more blonde than brunette. She does sit there waiting though, staring with that same smile on her face, sipping her coffee on occassion. When finally Cisco comes up to her, her facial expression changes to one of a happy smile, closing her eyes a bit as her cheeks rise up, very happy to see you. "The Mad Engineer?" She wonders a moment. "I did not know if you would like a cat cafe, but anyone on the internet even semi-regularly must love cats, right?" Looking back to the inside of the cafe she raises up one of her hands and gives one of those waves people give to babies where they just kind of close and open their hand a few times, "Kitty kitty." And then she turns her attention back to Cisco, "Please, sit. By the way, my name is actually Katherine." She sips some of her coffee again and mmmms with a deep appreciation of the drink, holding it in both hands now and smelling over her coffee cup, "I do so love coffee. Maybe not love, so much as I like it a lot."

Vibe has posed:
"Unless you're allergic," Cisco offers, "But yeah, cats are pretty popular." CATS! Ahem. "So you used your actual name on a forum?" Not entirely verboten, but a bit odd nowadays. "I'm Cisco," and he offers a hand. "Uh, sure, coffee's great," and his sugary frozen concoction will be brought to the table once it's done. "So..."

He does take a seat when it's offered, "About this...question you have. I just...Look, I'm not sure if I should help you or call the FBI, to be honest."

Katherine has posed:
There's a few nods of Katherine's head as she understands when you say someone could be allergic, "Allergies, thanks to their abundance these days, are going to be gotten rid of not too far in the distant future. That is my prediction." She allows for another sip of her coffee and an happy mmmm again, slumping her shoulders into the taste and everything, then she perks right back up, "Of course! Sorry, just rambling on and on and on about cats and allergies, and whatnot."

Settling her coffee down on the table she mentions, "Well, so. Inevitably all intelligent biological life will attempt to manipulate, construct and alter their surroundings. Obviously that's already being done. Hence the cat cafe. As time goes on, our willingness to construct and alter at such a superficial level will, of course, become a barrier to what we can imagine and hope to complete. Given the prospect of this, and the abundance of alien life that has, to some extent, already made itself known... there is a high probability that some other race is already moving in this direction." She takes in a deep breath before adding, "Eventually AI will progress to a point where it is also quite... self-sufficient, and self-sentient, indistinguishable from a biological brain, well, not fully indistinguishable, but hardly different. Both, will be considered, for not other term, as selfs. And at which point then, does the nanite cease to want to replicate? It is after all, a prime motivation of life. I wish to help defend this planet from that inevitability and I have some... designs or thoughts on the idea."

Vibe has posed:
"Ok, lady...Katherine. It seems like you're taking Asimov's writings pretty seriously. I mean, sure, it's 'possible' that those could be outcomes of eventual technological progress, but you're leaving out a lot. Like...a human's individuality and ability to imagine. Their ability to connect with each other...and emotions. AI's can't replicate that. I mean, unless you watched that freaky Spielberg movie..." he gives a shake of his head, "Anyways. I'm sure you mean well and sure, in case something like this happens at some point in the future, it's good to have plans. But preparing for something like that now?"

Cisco's drink is delivered and he takes a long sip of it before continuing. Maybe he needed the forification.

"That's Supervillain stuff right there."

Katherine has posed:
Pulling back a moment, Katherine looks around and fidgets a bit, before she leans in some and then kind of whispers, "I'm no supervillain." She says, her mouth gaping a little as she shakes her head, a bit taken aback. "I don't want to rule over the world with them or anything. It is just, that, well, I am a very good programmer and engineer, but I am missing some... steps. To get to what I know is possible." She reaches up and taps at her mouth a bit before she adds, "Emotions are replicatable. I mean, we can even analyze brain activity already and check to see what is happening. You just don't have fast enough of a computer yet to fully analyze those models. Though, it is not impossible. Nor is it impossible to conceive of conciousness without, well, biology. Look at cybernetics, and other things." She quirks her mouth to the side, "I would have thought from your... well, advanced, posts, that you'd understand. I am sorry, I am probably not explaining myself well."

Vibe has posed:
"I understand all of that," Cisco points out, "But I'm not going to jump at the chance to help eradicate the human race. And I'm not going to build anything, purposefully, to do just that. I know that AI's can be made, eventually, that behave exactly like humans, but there's still going to be something missing. Imagination, spontanaity...generating something random isn't the same." He's actually speaking fairly gently about this even though it seems to counteract his own career skills. "Will computers and AI eventually take over some jobs? Sure. That's inevitable. But they just can't take over everything to the point of human eradication."

There's another sip from his frozen drink before he offers, "Global warming's going to do us in long before that can happen."

Katherine has posed:
Taking in a deep breath, Katherine lets out a sigh, "It's not to eradicate the human race, it's to protect all of life." Katherine lets out a little groan before grimacing a bit, "There is... well, nothing missing." Katherine mentions as she glances about for a moment and then adds, "If it was possible. Let us say, for an AI to be a set of quantum codes, where two events with exact same scenarios and the exact same context could have different responses and different evolution of tha tcode. Would it then not be the same as a human mind? Capable of thought, imagination, feelings, spontaneity... all of those same things? The next, inevitable, step in the progression of Artifical Intelligence. Not just quantum computing, where different results could occur from the same code structure, but different structures, actual code, could be self-generating with an uncertain progression? What would you say to someone like that, about your statement there will always be something 'missing'?"

Vibe has posed:
"You said you watched all of Star Trek, right?" Cisco asks, as this is somehow relevant. "So...the character Data. He had all the complex computer functions that you're talking about and, even later, got that 'emotion chip'..." Cisco rolls his eyes at that, "Stupidest thing ever, if you ask me," but he takes another sip of his drink before continuing. "For all intents and purposes, at some point, he -thought- that he was just like a human. But was he? When it came down to it, was he?"

There's a shift in his chair, "Look, I'm not saying that it's not possible for AI's to be so advanced that they're nearly indistinguishable from...organic creatures." Not just humans. "But there will always be something, won't there? Because in the end, they're -not- organic. Their evolution is entirely from human-made technologies." There's another shift, "Going back to the original conversation, I think you're going down only one logic path. Sure, that -could- happen. But so could a lot of other things. Someone could press a button and we'd all be destroyed by a nuke tomorrow. That -could- happen as well."

Katherine has posed:
"Nuclear destruction, is not an inevitable, and it is also highly likely that some life, however little, would survive such a catastrophe. Meteor hitting the planet? Again, mass extinctions would occur, but eventually animal life would again arise, and sentient, and inevitably intelligent sentience as it might get classified." Katherine leans forward some as she places her arms on the table, crossing them, and she reaches up and wipes some of her hair out of her face, before making note, "I have actual reasons to believe that this outcome, is coming. That it is, perhaps, already on a trajectory toward Earth but far beyond our current observable universe. That said, there are means by which others can transfer data and matter through great distances far faster than normally would be allowed. Transdimensional movements, wormholes, raw teleportation of sorts, all of these things have come from science fiction to science fact..." A pause as she reaches up to tap on her lower lip again in thought, "I would gladly help you with, research, on whatever it is that you would want to accomplish. If you would be willing to continue to discuss... and help figure out ways to alter current technologies to be able to defend against a foreseeable future enemy. The AI powered nanite."

"And, Data played a role. As you well know. He was an android. He was created, and locked out of free development, but even with full development capacity he is just a series of if, then, gates. A logic based algorithm that can only react, and predict. Given enough knowledge about his inner workings he could even likely predict his own responses to events. A quantum AI could not. They could only hypothetically describe their most likely actions, and may then even be surprised when an event occured. Just like you do. That said, organic is still more important than artificial, which is why I need your help.

Vibe has posed:
Cisco watches the other for a long moment, "Do you remember the episode when Data's 'mother' came on board? It wasn't until the end of the episode that Data realized that the woman who was the wife of his creator was also an android? You remember how he figured it out?" Some whipped cream is taken onto the straw of his drink and slurped off, "Look, I'm still not convinced that this isn't some beginning of some supervillain plot to take over the world because...I mean, put yourself in my shoes. Doesn't it sort of sound like it?"

Katherine has posed:
"I rarely wear shoes..." Katherine then pauses and nods, "Oh, okay, yes. If I were sitting on the opposite side of the table, and I did not know what I know about things, then I would probably assume that there was no... 'threat' or imminent threat. That said, I would like to think that I would find the possibility of such an event highly probable to the point of being willing to help." She smiles lightly and then adds, "He was playing music with her, if I remember correctly, and the performance goes perfectly. Perfection, was a non-human trait." She huffs a bit and folds her hands together, resting her head on her hands, "But do... I even look like a super villain? I abhor any kind of violence, or death. Though, I suppose super villain females are still ultra attractive... perhaps I should start wearing faux glasses to look more nerdy?"

Vibe has posed:
"Are you purposefully not getting my analogies?" Or is that an indication that she might be one of the AI's that she's so vehemently defending? "I'm not saying that it's not possible but...look." Cisco leans forward some against the table, his hands out in a sort of encompassing gesture. "If we were to try to prepare for every single possible eventuality that might come out of our imaginations...well, honestly, I don't know what could happen because I just don't think we could. We'd get nothing else done...ever. We'd be working on 'what ifs' so much that we wouldn't be paying attention to what needs us now. Think of all the technology or medical advances that wouldn't happen because we were ignoring the 'now'? It's fine to look ahead to the future some, but...to try and protect against -everything-?" He shakes his head.

Sitting back some as she asks about 'looking like a super-villain', his eyebrows arch. "Just because you're not wearing black spandex or some sort of dramatic outfit...clothes don't define the way someone thinks. I'm not saying that you mean harm to anyone. But...there's something off about what you're asking me to do. I feel it in my gut."

Katherine has posed:
"There's a lot you don't understand here about what's going on." Katherine comments, before grimacing a little bit, "This is not random, nor a one out of a million billion things that could go wrong scenario." Katherine keeps smiling before adding on, "Nanites, controlled by people with good will, and who are good, programmed to be only able to do good acts... could solve illness, heal the injured, and do so much good. Life, as we know it, would no longer be a struggle and since it would be us leading the way there would be no paywall to get in the way for the poor." She shakes her head a little bit, "I know this threat is coming, when is really the only question. All other concerns can be solved along the way of progressing to this very same goal."

Vibe has posed:
"Nanites, controlled by people with good will, meaning to do good...intending to do good...will 'do good' us into a great deal of trouble. Again, going back to Asimov here," Cisco points out. "It's too black and white...and life isn't that. Life is all crazy shades of grey and colors and...never as black and white as we want it to be. If you try to force it, then you're just going to get rebellion...as well there should be." He shakes his head, "I appreciate that you mean well and that you're looking out for the good of all, but...there has to be another way. A way that isn't going to force people into some sort of boxed up, robotic slavery."

Katherine has posed:
Tilting her head, Katherine shakes her head, she looks at you, "Why would people be in some kind of robotic slavery? Biological life would not be enslaved, it will be destroyed if we do nothing, but it will not be enslaved." She mentions and is perhaps a little confused but remains smiling at you a bit. "What would you be willing to work on in order to help out the people who are alive right now? I have a vast working knowledge of engineering and things that matter for the livelihood of people. And I am willing to work with you on whatever you are looking at accomplishing. And then, perhaps, by doing so you will learn that I am a good person and not just my intentions are good, but that I am correct in my assessment of the future as well. But I am willing to work with you pro-bono, to aid you on small tasks, large tasks, or whatever it may be. In order to gain your confidence as well as your trust."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco finishes off his drink with a slurp and sets the cup aside. "Look, I appreciate that. I...I don't really have any personal projects that I need help on and as for work projects...I sort of have to use the people that they have there. But...tell you what. If you come up with a project that's less...uh..." super-villain-y? Less Asimov-y? Less kind-of-freaking-him-out..."Less pervasive? Let me know and I can try to help you with that. Sound good?"

Katherine has posed:
There's a bit of a nod, and Katherine lets her shoulders slump some. "Okay. I'll, think about it. And maybe find you again on the same forum? I'll message you Cisco and see if you can help with something else." And she perks up a bit more after saying that, "I do have other projects, was thinking of creating a food bar that ... well, a person doesn't create any waste by consuming it. All perfectly balanced, capable, and able to feet all portions of your body without having waste product." A few taps to her lip as she looks off after a cat, "Though I still need to work out the packaging materials... anyhow. Thanks for meeting me, sorry that I gave you the wrong impression and hope it won't happen next time."

Vibe has posed:
"Here," Cisco digs into a pocket of his jeans and pulls out a wallet so that he can hand her a card. "Probably best not to go through the forums, but you can reach me here." There's an email address and an instragram account listen. "See, that food bar idea I like! It's not that you gave me the wrong impression, it's just...Something tells me it's just not a good idea, you know? I know you mean well so...let's find other do-good projects?"

Katherine has posed:
Nodding her head a few times, Katherine agrees while she sips the rest of her coffee down. Taking the card she looks it over and then smiles as she settles the cup. Standing up she stretches a bit, her feet are bare but she doesn't seem to be concerned. Not that she has callouses or anything, in fact she's got quite remarkably well cared for feet, possibly one of those hippy coders from the west coast who doesn't wear shoes, "Well, thanks. I'll work up a small project plan then, and then email it to you for the food bar? I'm in the very very early theory portion of it, so I have a small list of 'must-haves' but not a lot of places to go from there."