2516/Ever been in Madripoor

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Ever been in Madripoor
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Ravager

Superboy has posed:
It has been months since Conner last say Rose. Since they returned from the Savage Land, really. That trip didn't work out well, so she said she would go to Africa to do something that paid well and pretty much vanished from Conner's life.

Conner suspect she left alone to do something he wouldn't approve. Which kind of hurt. But he wasn't her boyfriend or anything. Just something like a partner. Part time partner? The... hell if he knows! Rose stood a little out of the rules. Or maybe a lot. Like Knockout did a couple years ago, which is why Conner didn't press the issue. Burned once.

Still, he has checked her apartment a couple times, but had no luck. He has also checked the Tunnel club a couple times. This is his first visit in September.

Ravager has posed:
The mysterious and busy Rose Wilson is still at The Tunnel because she hasn't been fired and the place hasn't blown up. For her, living this long in one place is unusual. Except for the recent month which shall remain a mystery until sometime later when she can talk to Conner about it. Or maybe she likes to be mysterious and isolated. Or maybe not. She is too busy smirking at a teenager's attempt to sneak in with a stupid fake ID to consider that.

She points him in the other direction and nudges Nabiko to not be too rough tossing this jerk out. She covers the door while Nabiko takes the teenager away and smiles knowingly as Conner comes to the entrance, "Hmm, excuse me sir," she tells him and then adds, "You'll have to show me some ID," she explains amusedly.

Superboy has posed:
"And here I thought you had found the treasure of the Pharaohs and left New York for good to live a life of luxury in Australia or something," replies Conner with a smirk. Seriously, bouncer does not pay enough. "Wait, did you call me 'sir'? 'Cause that gives me a moment of cognitive dissonance right there."

He does have an ID somewhere. And it says he is eighteen, which is actually a vague guess based one his physical age since he may be just 3 or 4 years old. No one knows. "What time do you leave today?"

Ravager has posed:
Motioning him into the Tunnel, Rose Wilson rolls her eyes, "I was just playin'," she explains to him, "What? Did you leave me a message?" she asks.

"Yeah I was out of town, Conner," Rose explains, "I went overseas and junk for somethin. Are you comin in or what?"

Superboy has posed:
"Sure," replies Conner, pulling off his shades and following Rose into the club. "Er... I didn't leave messages, just checked your place a few times. Hey, you didn't leave messages either. Besides, I have been busy with college and stuff." If she can be vague, he can too. Fair is fair. "Anyway, are you back to New York for good?"

Ravager has posed:
"I thought you were done with school," Rose Wilson says and gives him a table in the bar area. She puts a tiny lil bowl of peanuts down in front of him, that she swipes from another empty table. "Yeah, why? Do you have a job for us? Maybe I could dig one up. We could find Vanya and swipe some treasure like old times," she says amusedly.

Superboy has posed:
"Eh? Never had luck with school," admits Conner. In fact he went to high-school a few months and then aliens blew it up. "But I needed something to do besides fighting super-villains, and I want to meet people."

So he went to college. What was he thinking? Well, there was some peer pressure somewhere.

Seeking treasures was much more fun, even if they never found anything really worth to be called a treasure. He has to wonder if Rose's dad could afford to lose that plane. He has no idea who is her dad, really.

He shakes his head, "I don't..." he starts, but then realizes something. "Well, but I can get you in touch with someone maybe does. Have you ever been in Madripoor?"

Ravager has posed:
"Uhh, I don't remember," Rose Wilson says and plops down a drink in front of him, "Actually, it's kinda slow today," she admits. She leans her hip idly on the table.

"Yeah you should look up a job. Who do I need to contact?" she asks him.

Superboy has posed:
Conner was waiting for Rose to sit down, but since she seems to be decides to stay up, he flops down and reaches for the peanuts. "Me?" He munches. "I have the cash I need, Rosie. Oh sure, to be rich will be nice. But I guess when I get older I will be able to do that trick to turn coal into diamonds with super-strength or something."

No, he won't. It doesn't work like that!

"Anyway, I know someone in Madripoor that is the mercenary business. She has a bar and it is connected to other places. Also, she has really good tech. I bet she can get you some work. And I like her much better than Vanya, to be honest."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms, "Wow that's kinda harsh," she notes after she listens to his story, "Hey whatever, I'm just saying. I don't think the Yakuza jackasses are planning anything so I guess I could go to Madripoor or some shit," she explains, "In the mercenary business? Who's that? Is she an Amazon with a short skirt you like?" she wonders.

Superboy has posed:
Conner uhs. Amazon with a short skirt? Where did that came from? "Nooo... she is not an amazon. Actually I don't know her full name. She goes by as Molly. She has mirror lenses instead of eyes. Hard to forget that."

Wait a sec. "What was harsh anyway?

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson doesn't acually sit down because she's technically supposed to be working, so she mills about to kill time, "Nevermind. What? You don't know her full name? How am I supposed to find her?" she asks Conner.

Superboy has posed:
Conner offer Rose the peanut bowl, since at least she can eat some, right? Peanuts are great. "I know where her bar is, and besides I know how to get in touch with her. It is not as if in our business we use many full name, right?"

He is Conner. Just Conner. Usually Superboy. "Anyway, how was Africa? I guess you didn't get a lot of cash since you are still here?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs a little, "Well, I spent it," she explains blandly, "It was okay, nothing special," she adds.

"So I'm a loser if I work here? Is that it? Maybe I like being normal," she explains. Pretending to be normal, she means.

Superboy has posed:
"Bouncers don't get much," points out Conner. "With your abilities you could be a SHIELD agent or something awesome. Still, I guess this place is pretty cool," and since she kept the job after vanishing for weeks, maybe she has a cut on the business or a deal with the boss. "Or not. After all having a super-powered bouncer around must be very good for a place that can get rowdy at times. Why are you here anyway?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson eyes Conner, "Because they're the evil that still stalks my country. I'm here for revenge," she explains simply and shrugs, "The Big Boss Man is never alone. And I've never seen him here, so I can only fantasize about stabbing him in the neck," she explains, "What's the difference anyway? I like the place. It's not fuckin complicated."

Superboy has posed:
"Wait... are you serious?" Probably she is not serious, decides Conner. "Nah, it is okay to like the place. Just you are not going to get rich here, hmm?" Which seems to be her goal in life. As 'treasure huntress' at least.

"Okay, anyway," he pulls out a card and scribbles some numbers. "My phone number, and Molly's number. You can tell her I sent you and you can talk business or whatever."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson takes the lil card and stares at it, "Okay whatever," she mutters, "I gots to go back to work now," she tells him blandly, "I'll see ya."