2379/Mutant Town - Heisenberg

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Mutant Town - Heisenberg
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Katherine, Leander Lawson, Feral

Katherine has posed:
The area is probably one that should be considered dangerous. Katherine still walks down the street in relative unconcern. And she still doesn't have any shoes! While walking down the street looking like some mix between a prostitute and a business woman, Katherine is given looks and some miscreants give her those 'I'll take all your money' kind of looks even as she's walking past them. Perhaps it's the fact that she has no purse, nor noticeable jewelry or other expensive items, she doesn't even have pockets in her pants to hold a cellphone or credit card, and so after a few brief glances the miscreants decide she may not be the best target. Besides, it's Mutant Town a person without noticeable accessories might still be more powerful than a megaton of nuclear energy.

On a cornert Katherine stops and begins to look around, analyzing some things before she stops a passerby with a quick smile and stepping in front of them, "Hello, you, there. Might you know where mutants who have super brains hang out? Or engineering telepathies, or invention luck abilities?" She gets some strange looks by the passerby and the guy just looks around before pointing... and then heads off. "Most kind, thank you!" She calls back, though the person has mostly pointed at the front of a seemingly rundown cafe.

Katherine has posed:
The area is probably one that should be considered dangerous. Katherine still walks down the street in relative unconcern. And she still doesn't have any shoes! While walking down the street looking like some mix between a prostitute and a business woman, Katherine is given looks and some miscreants give her those 'I'll take all your money' kind of looks even as she's walking past them. Perhaps it's the fact that she has no purse, nor noticeable jewelry or other expensive items, she doesn't even have pockets in her pants to hold a cellphone or credit card, and so after a few brief glances the miscreants decide she may not be the best target. Besides, it's Mutant Town a person without noticeable accessories might still be more powerful than a megaton of nuclear energy.

On a cornert Katherine stops and begins to look around, analyzing some things before she stops a passerby with a quick smile and stepping in front of them, "Hello, you, there. Might you know where mutants who have super brains hang out? Or engineering telepathies, or invention luck abilities?" She gets some strange looks by the passerby and the guy just looks around before pointing... and then heads off. "Most kind, thank you!" She calls back, though the person has mostly pointed at the front of a seemingly rundown cafe.

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson is around. Mutant Town isn't usually his kind of place, being a middle class white kid and all, but he's found himself here nonetheless today, for stuff...and things. He's actually coming out of a run down looking computer supplies store where he does a little freelance work fixing up some old, broken down machines. In skinny black jeans and a charcoal grey hoodie, he's at least innocuous enough not to stick out right away, even if he's just a little too clean, his clothes a little too new, to really fit in here. He's just turning the corner to head back toward his bus stop when he hears Katherine across the street calling out for...well, somebody that sounds a little like him, actually. The boy reaches up to rub at the back of his neck a little nervously, chewing on his bottom lip as he glances up and down the street, as though in two minds as to whether he should just continue on his way or not.

Feral has posed:
Stepping out with cup in hand, a flash of orange and black catches the eye as a certain chimera barges out the doorway and looks around, sniffing at the morning air as she stretching her free arm over her head with a grunt. If Katherine's a prostitute this one's homeless, or maybe even outright feral; equally barefoot and naked from head to toe, the weretiger's only clothes of sorts is the thick mat of fur that's covering her primal body. While still a normal human height and sporting a slender, harmless tail at her back, the rest of the lady tiger is swelled by thick muscles and altogether pointed enough to set hairs on edge. Oddly, she's also sporting a runic tattoo across her face that's dyed into her fur.

Pausing when she catches a familiar scent, then sight, the werewoman smiles toothily and waves to Katherine, accidentally flashing a set of large canines. "Hey, barefoot. How is your search going?"

Katherine has posed:
Stopping at the coffee shop entrance, Katherine looks over the weretiger woman. There's a quick once over, pairing up with previous data and then Katherine smiles, "Ah, you were the one who told me to come here. Yes. Uh, it is not going so well. I have checked in on multiple locations and have found limited information to indicate that there might be someone who is possibly going to be able to maybe help with my project." There's a lot of 'ifs' in that statement. And Katherine then adds, "But thankfully in searching it gives me time to piece together other things that I am working on. Only so much thinking can happen at one time, after all." And she looks to the coffee, "Are you sure that a feline metabolism and caffeine are a good pairing?"

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson blinks in surprise when a weretiger comes wandering out of the coffee shop, all casual like, and starts talking to the woman that was asking after a technopath a few moments prior. His hand rests on the back of his neck a few moments longer as he lingers indecisively on the other side of the street. Finally though, he draws in a deep breath, checks both ways and then crosses over, making his way in the direction of where Katherine and Vanya are talking. He doesn't barge in or anything...he just sort of, hovers nearby, hands in his pockets and shifting awkwardly from foot to foot as he scuffs his sneakers across the sidewalk, sucking air through his teeth and suddenly feeling this might actually just be really awkward.

Feral has posed:
Vanya laughs - a carefree, hearty sound - and takes a long sip of her drink as an answer. "Yes, and you still talk as much as ever."

"We're both hunting something now. You haven't heard of the giant tiger that was in Harlem last week, have you?" The tiger's fuzzy ears twitch and her golden eyes flit over to the well-dressed young man as he crosses towards her. Leander gets a toothy smile before Vanya's eyes return to the barefoot woman in front of her.

Katherine has posed:
There's not much that makes Katherine seem perturbed, "It is difficult to get out ideas sometimes in a way that makes sense." She smiles lightly and then offers, "My friends say that I can be a chatterbox. Though, I am not sure how box, comes into anything, though the etymology of the saying that it combines the two into one, and that's as far back as the 18th century. That still does not really explain anything." She quirks her mouth a bit before looking over to where Vanya looked. "Hello, excuse me?" She is talking toward Leander now, "Do you happen to know where I might find super minds, brainiacs, computer telepaths and intuitive engineers? Or similar equivalents?" She smiles big toward the man crossing the street. Looking back quickly to Vanya she shakes her head a little, "I did not hear of a giant tiger in Harlem... I apologize, though I could attempt to search for information. I am a great researcher."

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson takes a half step closer to Katherine and Vanya as the two women acknowledge his presence and then Katherine speaks to him, which makes his cheeks flush a little red as dark eyes dart off to some very interesting litter being blown about by the wind, just over yonder. "I'm err..." there's a slight pause "...like, I'm one?" he mumbles out seeming a little uncertain, though he taps his hand against his chest as he says it, just for emphasis. "Well, I'm like a...erm..." another pause as his hand falls back to his side, before being jammed into his pocket "A Technopath. It's where you can like, erm, talk to computers, yeah?" he offers, the other arm folding across the front of his body to grab the other elbow as he tosses his bangs out of his eyes, glancing up at the women. "I didn't like...I dunno where the tiger is." he adds, mostly as an afterthought as he gives his foot an awkward scuff.

Feral has posed:
"Any help is nice, but sooner or later I will sniff him out," Vanya chuckles to Katherine before turning back to listen to Leander. The young man's awkwardness just makes her smile really big. "It sounds like you just got lucky, barefoot, but kid if you were any more beta I would expect you to bow to an ant. Don't worry - I won't bite," she assures as her tail swishes widely behind her.

Katherine has posed:
Looking to Vanya, Katherine grins, "You were right then. Mutant town is the place to continue looking. I was side tracked for a few days, but that led me here, and ta da." She indicates, pointing in Leander's direction. "Hello, my name is Katherine. And I am looking for those who can help me in developing a means to protect the entire world, and ideally the universe, from an all consuming technologically alien threat that may already be on its way. Though, it may not be." And then turning to Vanya she squints at her, "Anymore beta? As in the second major distributable version of a product, usually coinciding with the time just before release? In gaming terminology, often referencing a full-near complete product, these days, a far cry from alpha?"

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson flushes bright red when Vanya calls him out on his shyness, visibly wincing as he looks up, down, to the side, almost as if he would run off right then and there if he could. Though Katherine seems to have the more pressing matter at hand for now, and he listens to her quietly. "Erm..." the boy doesn't really seem to know how to answer that, his eyes widening as his brows knit together somewhat, peering at Katherine as though she's not quite certain maybe that's some kind of a joke. "An all consuming technologically alien threat..." he mumbles to himself, the hand that had been resting on his elbow running back and forth along his arm a few times as his gaze falls to his sneakers, seeming to consider it a moment or two. Eventually, he simply comments "That's like...that's a lot..."

Feral has posed:
"Try again, think animals," Vanya suggests mirthfully to Katherine, sipping again from her coffee. "I'm calling my a coward." Content for the moment, the tiger turns back to Leander to watch the exchange and give him a small reprieve.

Katherine has posed:
"There's plenty of time to work on it." Katherine grins to Leander, with a positive tone. "What I am looking for is working on the beginning stages of the plan. You understand, work on design, how to approach development, research. And those that are most accustomed to that, and useful in those regards, are the ones who may benefit." Pausing when Vanya explains talking about animals and she hrms a little, tilting her head to the side some, "Ah, you are referencing the separation of roles and dominance by such statements as 'alpha male' or 'alpha female'. That makes more sense, then you are complimenting him by calling him second in rankings, prepping to be alpha, not quite there, but when the alpha dies it will be his responsibility to take over." She nods her head, "That makes sense, except with the reasoning of coward, and shy... unless those are seen as useful traits." Furrowing her brow some, she looks back to Leander, and then grins big, "It is a lot. Quite a lot, which should be fun to work on. Would you care to speak about it further? I am in desparate need of help. I have a long list of things to acquire and potentially develop, there are certainly gaps in my engineering prowess, and I am not sure how to finish all of ..." She pauses, "I am talking a lot again, sorry."

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson frowns a little when Vanya calls him a coward. "I'm not..." he begins, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck again, a sure sign of him being uncomfortable. Dark eyes flip up and watch the tiger woman for a few moments, before flicking back down to his sneakers as the boy lets out a quiet sigh. Figuring it is probably not worth arguing about, he introduces himself "I'm Leander...Leander Lawson" a pause "Err, Lea is totally fine too" is added, before his attention returns once more to Katherine, his brow furrowing lightly in concentration as he listens to the steam of consciousness. As he does, something seems to catch his interest and he narrows his eyes just a little, leaning slightly forward to peer at Katherine closely. He doesn't say anything about whatever it is he's noticed though, simply rummaging about in his pocket until he can produce his cellphone, offering it to the woman. "You can like, y'know erm...put your number in" he offers, before explaining "And we can talk more"

Feral has posed:
"Aww how cute you're making friends," Vanya murmurs teasingly from the sidelines, shifting to stand with her weight favoring one leg and a lazy tilt to her hip and back. "If that doomsday whatever-it-is does show up, when are you expecting it?" she asks to Katherine while taking another sip.

Katherine has posed:
With Leander's phone, Katherine grabs it and just sort of holds it for a moment while lightly tapping here or there on the screen. And then she hands it back to Leander, "My number is now in there. Thank you for being willing to help!" She gives a thumbs up that is very enthusiastic and pushing it forward to almost being in Leander's face since they are already in conversation distance. Turning her attention to Vanya she adds, "Hmm? Oh, there's no real expectation time frame. It could be tomorrow, I see no indication of that but it may also be in 4 to 8 thousand years." She offers, "There is an inevitability about it that I am working on defending against."

Leander Lawson has posed:
"Erm...thanks" Leander mumbles, leaning backward a little when Katherine nearly shoves his phone back into his face and reaching up to pluck it from the woman's hand as he does. The young man takes a moment or two to flip through a few screens, verifying the needed number is, in fact, stored in there, before locking the phone and slipping it away into his pocket. Vanya gets a look, the boy's brow furrowing just a touch and his expression darkening slightly, when the weretiger continues to tease him about his shyness, though he doesn't really do anything to push it, his eyes darting off to look at something on the other side of the street a moment or two after. Not really sure what to do at this point, the boy listens closely as Katherine explains about the inevitability of this threats arrival, while shifting from one foot to the other a little awkwardly.

Feral has posed:
"Hmm, nothing to worry about then," the weretiger concludes. Vanya's tail swishes again when Leander makes eye contact and she waggles her brow. She chuckles softly and thinks for a moment, perhaps weighing the chance for more verbal jabs, then puts a finger over the top of her cup and springs into the air, neatly vaulting over Katherine and Leander both to land at the young man's back. "You two have fun building whatever it is you're building. I've got a cat to find," she says with another smile over her shoulder before turning to pad down the sidewalk.

Katherine has posed:
On the phone, there's a phone number, email, various instant messaging services, a list of sites with contact data on them, and then an image of Katherine in her current outfit, but cropped to include only her head and half of her upper torso.

Looking after Vanya as she starts to head away, Katherine waves to the woman, following her trajectory with her head as she turns her body about to continue waving from the beginning of the leap to the end, "Buh bye. If you do not find the large cat, let me know. I will help you find it." She indicates, then turns to look back at Leander, "I was told there may be other super intelligences over here at this cafe. I had planned on sitting there and waiting to see if any show up. If you would like to sit and talk more, I think that is as good a place as any to wait."

Leander Lawson has posed:
Leander Lawson watches Vanya as she leaps clear over his head from a standing start, his mouth falling open just a little in surprise. When the weretiger begind to stal off in search of her kin, Leander lifts a hand and curls his fingers in an awkward sort of half wave in her direction, before looking back to Katherine and responding "I err...I could but like..." the boy looks off down the street, befoe responding "I really need to catch my bus, or I'm err...like, I'm gonna be late for class" he explains a little sheepishly. "I'll call you though!" he adds, before turning to race off down the street.