2335/Voodoo Clubbing

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Voodoo Clubbing
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Voodoo, Shadowcat

Voodoo has posed:
It has been an interesting adjustment for Priscilla of late. She has gone from attending clubs only to dance in them professionally - with lots of tips, and lots of nudity or near-nudity - to attending clubs for fun and enjoyment, on her own time and on her own dime. But she still loves to dance, and so dance she does.

Tonight the towering and curvaceous mocha-skinned young woman has come to a newer club in New York City, getting away from the Metropolis stomping grounds that have become such a staple of her prior professional efforts. This one is closer to the Fulham where she is staying these days, and supposedly - so she has heard - has some really good music, great DJs.

Even with her clothes on - what there is of them - Priss tends to draw attention. It could be that in those five-inch platform heels she's almost six-four. It could be that she has 'curves for days.' It could be how little she chooses to wear to grace said curves. Or it could be her really great dancing. But it might also be the empathic aura she projects like breathing, which tends to make her one of the most attractive people most have ever encountered up close.

Probably why Priscilla tends to only go to clubs with good bouncer staffs. Just in case.

Shadowcat has posed:
    The club scene isn't something entirely foreign to poor Ms. Pryde, with is oddly not one of the stranger turns her life has taken in the past few months. The girl came in with a pair of blondes and an ID that clearly showed she was under 21. Now it seems the two have snuck off and left Kitty to her own devices. Again, in a turn of events, this is something she can do.

    At the moment the pony-tailed brunette is moving with the music on the dance floor. Her hair whips about her as she moves with the rhythym. The barely five foot girl almost doesn't notice Priss before the pair bump into each other. There's an embarassed squeak at the collision that's hidden by the pulse of the music.

    With the help of a hand on Priss's hip Kitty manages to force some distance between the pair even against the press of the overpacked crowd. What follows is a few moments of impromptu dancing with the taller woman before the song shifts. In the few seconds of interlude Kitty comments with a yell over the crowd, "Sorry! It's really..." She almost looks annoyed as she gets bumped against again, "crowded." She offers an apologetic smile before adding, "I like your outfit! You're really pretty!"

    For her part Kitty is wearing nothing special, a pair of light metallic blue lame leggings and a slightly darker blue crop top that shows off just a hint of her abdomen. It seems that cellphone and essentials are just tucked into the waistband at the moment. She adds in the last few seconds of non-music, "I like the shoes!" For herself she's just wearing some goofy looking white high-tops with neon-yellow laces, straight out of the 80s or 90s.

Voodoo has posed:
Pretty aware of her surroundings, Priscilla sees Kitty 'coming' before she bumbs into her, but she doesn't stop it; bumping into other people is part of how one meets new people at clubs. Instead, when Kitty rebounds, Priss just quite naturally lays her hands on the smaller girl's hips, enabling them to dance together but maintain just a hint of distance. Not much more, especially not as crowded as the dance floor is; besides, Priss hasn't a shy bone in her body.

"It is pretty crowded." the tall mulatto woman offers, smiling warmly. When she turns that wattage on someone, it's not hard to imagine falling completely into those deep purple eyes -- what, serious? Purple? -- and losing oneself. There's a whiskey-toned accent that is not quite Cajun, but definitely has commonalities, as she speaks enough words in a row to allow it to be heard. "I like your outfit, too. Very cute." She winks. "Like you."

Then the towering beauty leans over Kitty, her painted lips lightly brushing the girl's ear as she calls loud enough to be heard, "My name is Priss. What's yours?"

Shadowcat has posed:
    Kitty is fairly toned, however the girl has a pleasant softness to her figure that makes her at least approachable. The brunette flushes at the compliments and simply smiles. Breaking out of Priss's grip she spins once, enjoying the music as she lets herself move with it. Slipping close again she gets on tip toes so she can yell, "Kitty" at Priss.

    Then the pair are back into the music. Kitty isn't a professional, but she's young and limber and can keep up fairly well. By the end of the next song she's grinning and perspiring just a tiny bit. With a wink she waves at Priss again, even though the pair are right next to each other the sounds of the floor make conversation difficult.

    She holds up her hand with thumb extended towards her lips in the classic 'drinky drinky' motion and tilts her head towards the bar. Another little wave and the girl starts pushing through the press of people, only half glancing back to see if Priss is following her as she makes her way through the crowd.

Voodoo has posed:
Catching the sign, Priscilla gives a little nod, and she does follow Kitty when the smaller girl starts winding her way through the crowd towards the bar. The advantage to this is that while most would tend to ignore Kitty for her small stature, making her work harder, almost everyone seems to melt out of Priscilla's way; they can't miss her, and most want to do whatever they can to make or keep her happy. So Kitty will likely have a feeling like getting through the crowd is easier than usual.

Once up at the bar, Priscilla barely has to make a sign before a bartender is headed their way. When said staff member seems ready to ignore Kitty in favor of the much taller and curvier woman, Priss catches those eyes and then directs her own down at Kitty suggestively. Be nice, that look seems to say.

"Hey!" the bartender calls out to Kitty, checking her stamp. "Whatcha want?" At least he didn't follow that up with 'kid'.

Shadowcat has posed:
    Kitty leans up casually against the bar, totally at home here, completely not awkard. Like at all. Maybe, okay a little. "Water," she says simply and with a sweet smile. Glancing over at Priss she offers up an embarassed shrug as she looks over the woman again. Eyes flick over various bits of the woman's outfit before she giggles, "I was going to ask if you came here often, but I think I can guess the answer." Her voice is raised somewhat to be heard over the music, which thankfully is much more muted here than on the floor, but still is a burden to the conversations of decent folk.

Voodoo has posed:
Hooray for planned acoustics. Priscilla smiles as she ambles up behind Kitty, not quite pinning the other woman against the bar, but close enough she's as far out of others' way as she can manage; she doesn't seem to have a shy bone in her body. "I'll take water." she calls out over Kitty, and nods at the bartender, then glances down at the brunette, smiling warmly again. "Actually, this is my first night at this club." Sure, she looks like a pro, and dances like one, so most folks assume she's a hire, a plant, or that she's a minor celeb they haven't themselves heard of.

Shadowcat has posed:
    Kitty turns to actually have a conversation with Priss and... whoa, right there. She smiles and nods, "That's cool, could you take a step back?" The girl tries to maintain eye contact as she leans back against the bar, picking up her own cheap cup filled with aqua and ice before someone can fiddle with it. "I like your perfume, but that's all I can smell right now!" The girl has a teasing tone to her voice as she carefully moves to take a sip, tight quarters at the moment.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla laughs and does take a step back; of course, she gets bumped almost immediately. Priss reaches over Kitty to take her own cup of water, and drops a tightly rolled $20 as she does so. "Thanks." She sips her water, keeping eye contact with Kitty. "Sorry if the perfume is too strong." Of course, Priss is wearing some, but it's not very strong, not at all as strong as it would be when she was performing. And no body powder, or glitter.