2313/SWORD Coworkers Cafe

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SWORD Coworkers Cafe
Date of Scene: 04 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Voodoo, Taboo

Rainmaker has posed:
    It's a fairly pleasant Sunday evening...a little cloudy, but no sign of rain yet, only thick cottony clouds occasionaly drifting to block off the sun briefly before moving on. A perfect day to take a moment, or perhaps an hour or two, to enjoy the (moderately) fresh air and sunshine. And because Sarah hasn't met many of Priss's new co-workers yet, she jumped at the idea of inviting one along for said adventure in leisure. So, Amanda's been asked to meet them at an open-air restaurant called, appropriately enough, the Open Air Cafe, near the border of New Urecht, on the edge of Little China.

    The restaurant is interesting, with slatted oak tables in warm wood tones, with matching padded chairs made of rattan, that run between the sidewalk and the much smaller indoor area of the Cafe. It's basically a long counter and stools that look out the front window, with a counter separating it from the rest fo the kitchen as servers scoop up plates that are deposited on the top of the counter, marked with multicolored pieces of paper to match them easily by table. This is simple because each table has a small vase of flowers, each a different color that's easy to spot, and have Chinese-style umbrellas stuck through the middle to provide some shade. It's a open, airy setup, not suprisingly, with mosty small tables that make it more of a place for couples or small groups than for larger parties.

    Sarah and Priss have already staked out a table on the edge of the outdoor area, where they can see people going by on the street easily to wave down Amanda if needed. "Hmm, I hope she found this place..." Sarah says, with a tone of slight concern. "I mean...it kinda stands out, but still...are you sure it wasn't too out of her way?"

Voodoo has posed:
"Sarah, honey, she's working on a space station with working teleporters. I'm pretty sure there's nowhere that's an unreachable distance away for Amanda at this point." Priscilla comments. Of course, if Amanda is having to walk from home, that might be different. But it's easier to mollify her girlfriend than to let her obsess over the situation.

"Thank you for agreeing to skip on the coffee place." Priss offers with a wry smile. "I tried that once. Never again. Amanda has some very, very solid feelings on the proper brewing of coffee, and is not terribly forgiving on the subject."

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed is weaving in and out of traffic, earbuds in her ears, riding a KTM street bike. To say that Amanda lives a life of irony would certainly be an understatement to anyone who knew her. Her playlist seems to have caught onto that resonant irony around her as Canned Heat's Speed Kills comes up as she is flying through traffic in an effort to only be just a 'little' late.

And so the redhead in denim jeans and tanktop atop the bright orange, white and black bike comes into view - rapidly. There is no helmet; such a rebel. Pulling up onto the sidewalk away from the street and parking where she probably shouldn't, Amanda looks over to the two not so far away and waves as she swings her leg over the bike. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic." She tugs the earbuds from her ears, stuffing them into her bocket as she makes her way around the patio's railing and into the establishment then finally out to the table, looking to Priss and then Sarah with a smile. "Hey.."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The Amerindian woman sighs a bit at Priss. "I know, I know..." she grumbles goodnaturedly. "And skipping the coffee is fine, I don't think I want first meetings to be consumed with discussing the proper way to make a latte." she says with a grin.

    She perks up slightly as she sees the redhead walking their way, waving to her. "Oh, no problem! We've just been chatting as she waves to the other open chair between her and Priss, then offers her hand. "I'm Sarah, nice to meet you. Priss has told me a little bit about you. All good so far." she teases a bit. And settles back into her chair after the shake, having pulled her legs up to sit crosslegged, her long chair hair currently gathered in front of her right shoulder to avoid leaning back against the ratan. Which eats hair, she's pretty sure, given previous experiences. "We haven't even looked over the menu really, other than getting some water to drink."

Voodoo has posed:
Of course, Priscilla has a bike, too. It's probably parked right near where Amanda just parked, though hers is parked legally. But she wears helmets, carries an extra for a rider, and her sound system runs into the helmets. Just like she's supposed to do.

Priss saves her rebellion for little things like illegal weapons for alien fighting, and dress code violations.

The mocha-skinned woman raises her hand, waving towards Amanda in reply, inviting her over. Once the redhead arrives, Priss stands and gestures as she makes introductions. "Amanda Reed, my new coworker, this is Sarah Rainmaker, my girlfriend. Sarah, this is Amanda. We're both working directly with Abby. Amanda is also the one who helped me out when I got myself blown to bits a few weeks back." This last is said softly, so as not to carry to the other tables.

Then Priscilla takes her seat again, and gestures to the menu awaiting Amanda at hers. "Get comfy."

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed pretty much never does what she's supposed to. She hasn't since she was 15. And look where it's gotten her! (wait)

She smiles at the two. "Hey..." she pauses then oh's internally at the relationship bit. "Hey.." she begins again. "Nice to meet you Sarah. You have amazing taste, obviously." She smiles and then nods to Priss. "It kinda helped you got blown to bits almost atop my apartment so I knew you needed help..." She then moves over the free seat and settles into it, elbows on the table even. "So yeah... still waiting to find out when I start. Where I start.. all that. But guess I'm gonna be a Space Ranger now. Blast Aliens and.. stuff."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah grins at that the question of her taste, her eyes twinkling a bit. "I like to think so, yes. And for some reason she puts up with me too." She says, leaning over to give Priss a soft peck on the cheek, before looking more serious as she leans back, her voice going quieter. "But thank you so much for helping her...I only saw what her clothes looked when she got back, but...." She shivers a bit. "Thanks." She smiles gently, then shrugs at that. "Well...I can't help you there. I'm just...what's the term...the people who are in a relationship with someone whose a serving soldier or officer or...agent, I guess, in the case of you two?"

Voodoo has posed:
"For the navy, it's called 'wives of the fleet'." Priss offers, smiling warmly. "But what matters is that you're an amazing civilian, and you care." That and Priss considers Sarah quite capable; she'd just rather the younger woman find something less dangerous to do with her time when possible. Sometimes it won't be; damn International Operations anyway.

"Don't worry about that stuff. Honestly. We get our assignments from Abby; as soon as she knows where she needs us, we'll know where we need to be." Priss isn't in any rush; she'll take all of the 'down' time she can get. Soon enough, they'll be fighting Daemonites and space starfish and whatever the Hells else is coming. "So. Peruse the menu. Lots of nice options here."

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed looks away as the PDA happens, the menu looking pretty interesting it seems. She nods to the conversations though. Namely about helping Priss, "Of course. She was one of the first I met when I got on my feet. Friends help each other." She smiles and looks back to the menu. "It looks amazing. I'll need a few minutes to decide what sounds the best though.."

"I'm not worried. Well not about the job. I'll do whatever I can. Mostly? Trying to figure out when and where a girl gets paid. The bills don't care if we're intergalactic protectors or baristas. They just want paid on time."

Voodoo has posed:
"Oh, that part's easy. When you fill out the paperwork, the money just shows up. It's bits and bytes and things. Funny computer stuff." Yes. That's what Priss said. Because as far as Priss is concerned, computers are one step away from black magic. Except, see, she actually can work with magic. Computers? Not so much. "You should have already gotten your first pay. Did you check your account?"

Priss kept the PDA relatively minimal, really. But she isn't shy about it either. She pores over the menu, hemming and hawing over all of the many options available. She just can't decide. The unfair thing is that alien hybrid metabolism which means she can eat all of it and probably never gain a pound. So unfair.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed isn't going to make a deal of it. They're together. She just opted to give them a bit of visual privacy as it were. She then nods. "Then it's going to be a while I guess before I get my first paycheck." She glances to the bike, "Maybe I was a bit premature in my optimism." She laughs some. "I haven't signed anything because I haven't heard from Abigail again. Figure she's someplace past Jupiter or something. It'll work out."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well, she's probably busy too, running all over." Sarah says thoughfully as she picks up the menu to scan it. "I mean, she always looks like she's working too hard as it is...." There's a faint disapproving tone in Sarah's voice...she's liked Abigail (even though they haven't officially met, perhaps) and she knows from Priss how hard the older woman works being Director of SWORD. "I'm tempted to throw a house party just for SWORD types so you all can get a night to chill and let your hair down." She grins and flicks at her own raven strands. "Like me."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla chuckles. "Fill out the papers. I can take them up and get them on the right desks. Then I can bring down your badge and comm unit." Because Priss just doesn't believe in allowing red tape and 'how things ought to be' to get in the way of what needs to be done. And besides, she knows she and Amanda are a little exceptional in the annals of what SWORD is setting up.

Priss is also more than willing to barge right into Abby's office, hide all of her work, and make her relax for a bit. She can get signatures then.

"I think Abby is the only one of us so far who is really stressed about keeping her hair up." Priscilla offers, with a grin. She eventually seems to find the things she wants to order and waits for the wait staff. "I'm avoiding seafood for a little while. Giant mind-controlling space starfish. Yech."

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed listens and nods. "Just doing what she said. I'm not... exactly a rule follower. But I'm trying. Now you're saying I should just bypass them." She laughs. "Can't win." She then sips at her glass of icewater. yay for considerate servers! Looking at Sarah she shakes her head, "Can't imagine hair that long. I'd have so many snarls I'd never leave the house.." Her short style seems to work for her so she's good with it.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles at that. "It takes some work and a lot of brushing." she admits. "But it's an Apache thing...we don't cut our hair very often. Only when we're grieving, usually." she explains, eyeing Amanda's very red hair. "Though yours is lovely as it is really, it's a beautiful red." she says, leaning back in her chair. "Ugh, starfish? No, don't wanna know." she says after a moment. "But salad sounds good for me though. No plants have tried to eat me lately." She tilts her head. "So, how long ago did you join up, Amanda?" she asks curiously, picking up her glass to sip from her water.

Voodoo has posed:
Once a server arrives, Priscilla puts in her order for a spicy Southwest-inspired chicken and vegetables wrap, along with a small bowl of curry soup (ramen-inspired, obviously). She also asks for a specialty iced tea.

"I'm only saying that when trying to wait for the rules takes too long to the point it is actually a problem, then let me step outside the rules and try to fix it." Priss offers Amanda, with a wink. "If Abby gets cheesed off, she'll be cheesed at me. I can fix that."

As for a house party? "It could be fun to have a party. Though, right now, I think it would just be Abby, Amanda and I. I always keep my mask on when I'm on the station, so I couldn't invite the others."

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed nods. "That's fine, Priscilla. You're more familiar with her and her personality." She idly runs her fingers through her hair as if realizing it probably was wind blown after riding over. "Think I'm going to go with the Caprese salad with chicken.." she announces, perhaps a topic change or.. perhaps just because she'd finally made her decision.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Cobb salad for me then, thanks..." she says, handing her menu over as the server takes the orders and any drinks then heads off inside, before turning her attention thoughfully to Amanda now, curiosity in her eyes. "So....I think this is the part were we ask the possibly embarrasing questions to get to know each other." she says, her lips curving up in a faint smile. "Um...so...are you okay with me asking what your...talents are?" she asks after a moment. "It's okay if you don't want to, by the way." Pause. "...I may die of curiosity, but it's fair." She grins a bit.

Voodoo has posed:
"I'll resuscitate, I assure you." Priscilla offers with wry amusement. No expiring on her watch, certainly not from mere curiosity. But Priss isn't going to try to change the subject, either. it's up to Amanda what she anwers.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed orders a beer to go with her salad. And it isn't a lite beer. Scandalous. She then laughs as Sarah asks the question. "Yeah.. I guess so? It's fine. I'm kind of surprised you don't already know but that's also fine" she states, casting a glance toward Priss. "I was the lucky 19 year old hooker the Daemonites chose to kidnap off the streets for their little lab experients because no one would miss her." She shrugs some, "Ended up with a sybmiotic bio armor bonded to me. They couldn't separate us so they decided to keep us both instead and test what all we could do together. On my own I'm just a girl with no GED or Degree, but I've got a very talented tongue. When I'm Taboo? Mostly bullet proof. Metal ripping claws. fifteen foot barbed tail. Wings. Some Vampiric mind control I'm not really all that good at because I gave the Daemonites the Bird and escaped. I got a lot of practice with my tongue in prison when they framed me for murder as their way of wishing me well in my freedom. So. There's that. But it's probably not the kind of ability or skill you were meaning, I'll bet."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah blinks a bit, getting a faint flush. "Ah...wasn't expecting that on the resume, now...not that I'm against having the, uh, skill...' she stammers a bit, a bit taken off guard by the bluntless. Still...that openness does remind her of Priss, so she's starting to see why they'd get along well.

    Still, Sarah needs a moment to process that and figure out what to say. "...I actually find it valuable, when it's a little more willing." she manages finally, before frowning, getting a definite sympathetic look, as she wars with herself a bit, then finally says softly. "Yeah, I...know what that's like...a bit. I escaped from a research facility like that. I pissed off the director in charge, so....she made sure I didn't enjoy it. I only got freed because some other kids there staged a breakout and found me on the way out, otherwise...well...' She tilts her head up slighty, old terrors in her eyes briefly. "Well."

    And Priss can feel that rush of terror and fear from those memories as they run briefly through her mind, before Sarah banishes them by force of will. She shakes her head. "So...ah...were you paroled then? And...you live in Hell's Kitchen?" she says slowly.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla winces just slightly at the scathing way Amanda puts down her accomplishments and herself. But none of it is actually untrue, so she doesn't argue, except to interject, "Hey, talent is talent. None of them should be ignored. And now you've built a life for yourself in spite of them and their crap, and you can use your talents against them. I think that's progress." Because hey, Priss knows all about feeling like you're trash, and has seen how important it is to fight against that. Mostly. Y'know, as much as she can. "She's also really crafty in a fight."

Priss does catch Sarah's emotions, and she lends support in the simplest of ways: a hand, clasping one of Sarah's, in the Amerindian's lap. Presence. Reassurance. An anchor against the maelstrom of those dark memories.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed looks to Sarah. "Sorry. I'm about as tactful as a cement truck. I am who I am. Not that I can't change. Just... haven't and anyone really care enough to make the effort worthwhile, y'know?" She smiles some. "I was broken out. Last year. Another meta asked me to help him track down a daemonite lord." She looks to Priss figuring she'll know the reference, "His name was S'ryn. He's not around any longer. Neither is a block or so of Detroit.. but I'm not sure anyone actually noticed that." She shakes her head. "I was told my record would be cleared. But I think it was just smoke. I'm not sure. But no one has tried to come get me." Yet.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The touch does calm Sarah again, letting her center herself. Both from being taken off guard from the bluntness from Amanda and the memories. She tilts her head, then smiles a bit. "It's okay, just most people aren't so forthcoming about their...tongue talets. Surprised me." She smiles and shrugs. "I don't mind tactless, as long as it isn't done to be mean?

    She listens, frowning thoughfully. "Well...I'd think Abigail would have some pull there? I mean...you're certainly doing what could be considered community service. Making sure the community doesn't get burned to the ground, I mean." she notes wryly.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla nods. "Your record still exists, but all pending charges and warrants have been expunged." She should know: she had a few of those herself, and all of that is taken care of now that she's working for Abby. "Nothing to worry about. And, you should choose the changes that will mean something to you. That's why I decided to try for SWORD in the first place." True, Sarah suggested it; Priss never thought it was possible. But once she was convinced it might be, she decided to pursue it for her own reasons.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed nods and gets quiet. Probably because she can (sorta) sense Sarah's uneasiness. "Yeah. Well. My life has been change. So what's a little more? It's my normal state of being, pretty much, so I'm good." She offers a confident grin that doesn't quite reach her eyes but they flit away to someplace else quickly enough it may be missed in the moment. She looks back to Sarah, "What are your powers? If I can ask?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's dark eyes do note that flick away, her lips twitching slightly. "Change can be good...but a place to put down some roots is nice too." she says thoughfully. "Even if it's just having more friends." She smiles a bit, then tilts her head at the question. "Oh, well...weather control...lightning, water, wind, all that sort of thing." she says, with only a slight hesitation. She's getting much better at trusting people with that knowledge...and if she can't trust someone from SWORD, well... "I don't try to advertise it though, usually. Even Abigail doesn' tknow, she's only seen me disguised when she came to interview Priss."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla smiles, remembering some of what Sarah has proven she can do when pushed. "She's a natural organizer, and likes to encourage and push people. She's good at that, too." Mostly, she is remembering Sarah's protest efforts, but that was only the beginning. "I confess, I didn't realize you had a bike, Amanda. Nice one. You clearly have learned how to ride well." Given all that reckless weaving, either she gets good, or she gets road rash.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed nods to Sarah, "That's really cool. Better than turning ghostly pale because your armor feeds on your own blood to do all the neat tricks it can do.." She laughs. What a conversation to have in public. Good thing no one is really paying attention. She looks to Priss, "I... well.. financed it based on new job and all, right?" She laughs weakly. "I've known how to ride for a while. Just couldn't afford anything." She's not even licensed right now. Gasp. That'll change though.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles a bit as she leans back to nod at Amanda. "Well...I think both of you have slightly better abilities for dealing with your jobs than me. I mean...I'm not very durable." she admits. "I don't think I could take nearly as much as the two of you." She blinks, then almost facepalms at what she just said and tries hard to pretend she didn't realize it either as she covers it by sipping from her water as the other two women start to discuss bikes.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla just blinks and chuckles at Sarah's turn of phrase and the turn of thought and emotion that follows. "Well, I will point out that neither of us can manage to fry the enemy where they stand from meters away." Truth. "But you're right. You don't have quite the healing factor or resistance to damage we do." Priss can even create armor - chitin - if she transforms into a Daemonite form. Not a good idea around Amanda, but still true. "But they do make body armor. Heck, some of them can go toe to toe with some of the big capes." But enough about that. Food has arrived, and yes, that was Priscilla's tummy rumbling aloud.

Taboo has posed:
Amanda Reed pauses as she moves to take a drink of water. She coughs at Sarah's double entendre. Then drinks. Catch in her throat. Really really. For reals. She then sits back. "Well. We all have our abilities" she fires back dryly. Oh look! The food is here!

Rainmaker has posed:
    Gawd yes, saved by the food. Sarah sighs with a bit of relief, digging in after a moment as she mmms, then munching as she considers, before swallowing. "Well...the uniform I escaped in has some armor in it. I'm not sure how it compares though. I almost never wear it...besides, its...." She rolls her eyes. "It's missing its left leg. Because the person who ordered it for me was a perv."