2268/Friends Like These

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Friends Like These
Date of Scene: 31 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Karrin Murphy

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-Girl has not heard from Harry or Renee on her pre-paid cell phone, so she decides to check in. Possibly it is taking longer to gather info than they thought...or possibly Harry's magic has hexed the phone calls. Either way, she should find out. She stops a few blocksd away and changers her costume and tricks out her bike...she should not be seen going to Harry's as Sarah, when it is Goblin-Girl who visited him before. The eirie green glowing patterns on the bike show the green and purople armor in high relief as she enters traffic and heats towards the Wizard's office.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Of course, Karrin is practically living at Harry's these days. At least three or four nights a week, because that's when she actually sleeps, and sleep is vital to actually being functional now that she's back to work. Of course, she's also on a crap shift having been on paid leave for weeks and now half the department is getting their revenge. So, now just freshly showered and uniformed up, she headed across a few blocks to stop in his office. Dropped off coffee and a donut on his empty desk, the man nt having been in, she's now heading out the door to the familiar place. She clearly has her own key to the office, so isn't just some cop visiting the man, so she properly locks it behind her.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The strange motorcycle and rider are noticable even in Gotham...though admittedly less so than most places. The ridere appears from a distance to have green scales and a goblin head, with purple clothing. Up vlose it is apparent the green is some kind of light body armor. Goblin-girl does not think much about Karrin coming out of the building one way or another, she has met Renee here before and knows Harry works with the police on occasion. Wat Karrin thinks of someone dressed like a female Green Goblin is possibly another question.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Turning around, Karrin absolutely freezes for a second or two as she sees the Goblin Woman on the bike and blinks. Her mind processes the possible threat, except that the woman isn't acting in any threatening way. No guns out, no tossing magic, nothing in her body language to say she's here to attack. It was Gotham, stranger people were normal. So, Karrin forces herself to stop and take a deep breath, calming the panic that still comes too easily up in her chest. She gives the woman a slight nod, but seems hesitant to leave Harry's office door now. SHe had to be certain the woman wasn't here to do something uncouth to him. "...afternoon."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The costume includes a voice distorter, so Sarah is not worried about people recognizing her, well not AS Sarah. Bweople may recognize her as Goblin-Girl, "Good afternoon, is Wizard Dresdan in? I was dropping in to check on a case we have been working on."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That makes Karrin blink more. Nothing about the girl's body language tells Karrin that she's lying, but the blonde isn't certain if goblins have the same body language as humans. "I'm...sorry, he isn't in, must be off in a case. I just checked in and no sign of him. Can I... maybe help you?" Karrin offers gently, keeping her voice as neutral and even as possible.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah nibbles her lower lip nehind her goblin mask, "Hopefully he did not run off to confront the Demon without me, He is good magically, but physically he is onnly human." She has been working on some weapons to deal with the demon, though they are not with her just now. Heavy weapons are only for special occasions...they are expensive too.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Demon? Is this thing what was... killing the women? I only was assigned back to duty now, but... I've seen the files. If he's run off to handle it alone I'll murder the man myself." Karrin grumbles rather fiercely, a clear protective touch of love in her voice. She cannot entirely hide the emotions on her face over Harry, though she tries to keep it professional.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Possibly fortunately for Karrin, Goblin-girl may be a genius in most things, but understanding human relationships eludes her. Possibly that is because of her youth, or the fact that she has been superhumanly strong and smart half her life. It is hard relating to others who are not on your level. Sarah says, "I was the one that brought him the blood sample that I saved from being used as a drug injection, that proved o be demonic blood."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well... I... I'm glad you brought the evidence in. I genuinely don't know where he is, I'm sorry. I'd try and call him but... well, most cell phones fry within an hour of him owning them." The woman had said 'Wizard' Dresden, so clearly they knew that Harry was special and Karrin doesn't even bother covering it up now. "Uh...I'm...Karrin. Lieutenant Karrin Murphy." She offers her hand, a touch awkwardly but respectfully.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah accepts the offered hand, "In Bludhaven, they call me Goblin-Girl. I have met a local police officer, Renee Montoya. I am not certain what she has put into her reports about me." Sarah is careful, she does not break any bones with her grip, but it is clear she is strong.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin arches a single brow as she feels the power behind that palm, well able to recognize it, but then she gives Sarah a brief, respectful nod and straightens a bit more. "Renee was my partner. Still is, technically, I suppose. I've been off duty a bit. On the job accident. But...I'm back now. Hopefully I can get caught up. Is... there any avenue of this investigation you don't think has been yet properly explored?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah comments, "We know, we think, where the bad guys are and we have a good guess WHAT they are. However, we do not yet know how and why. I would think, given they are magical foes, Harry may be investigating that."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A slight nod comes to Karrin, "Well...I'll speak it over with Montoya and see where I can fit in... and Harry. I'm ready to go so...consider someone else at all of your backs." Karrin gives a half smile, then looks down to her watch. "But...I should get on shift. So... you all be safe. DOn't be a stranger."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-Girl waves to the officer, then rides away on her bike. Noce to know there are honest cops in Gotham...rather unlike Bludhaven.