2225/Arrows vs Quarrels: The Great Debate
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Arrows vs Quarrels: The Great Debate | |
Date of Scene: | 29 August 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Huntress, Green Arrow
- Huntress has posed:
After the incident with the gunmen at the Career Fair, Helena and Ollie make their way to a restaurant a few blocks away. It's close, so they walk. Both have a lot to talk about, so of course for the first block the silence is pretty thick between them. The rich businessman -somehow- produced a bow and arrow and dropped some of the thugs with ridiculous trick-shots. And the amiable school teacher beat a gun away from a thug before emptying the mag like a military marksman.
After a little more than a block, Helena can't stand the silence anymore. "So listen, Oliver. Our stories matched pretty well in the police statements. Can I propose a pact of silence on this whole issue at the Career Fair? Meaning you don't tell and I don't tell."
- Green Arrow has posed:
Hands in his pocket and with the gait of a man who has no fears nor guilt, the incognito archer gets a sorta small smile as he strolls. He eyes Helena sidelong, at first drawing in a breath through his teeth and hmms, "Well," He offers as a start, "It all sort of depends on what we both saw, really. Doesn't it?"
The footsteps click upon the sidewalk, curiously in synch what with their same height and stride. He looks forwards, brow furrowing a touch. "I mean, I figure if anything... we both were probably a bit panicked, in a rushed situation. So anything we say is probably questionable at best."
He lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully, but pauses a moment as they take a corner at her behest. He tells her calmly, "I think what we each witnessed, doesn't really paint a clear picture. So we should obviously confide more in each other, in for a penny, and all that."
A small group of people rush past, moving towards the site of the recent mayhem, holding their cameras at the ready even as the two vigilantes wander past them. "So what do you say, you show me mine and I'll show you yours?"
- Huntress has posed:
Helena glances up at him, offering a wry smile in return to his sidelong look. They reach the restaurant when he offers the exchange. Outside the front door, she waits for him to hold it as she replies. "I'm game for a little 'show and tell', Mister Queen. But you're buying me dinner first."
Once they're inside the hostess greets Helena with a double cheek-kiss and happy words in Italian, which are answered. The two are led towards a table near the back, with more spoken Italian along the way. Yeah, she's been here before.
After they're seated, Helena offers "She'll pick out a wine for us once we've ordered." A pause, then those blue eyes turn on the blonde-haired man with the goatee. "Want to go first, or should I start?"
- Green Arrow has posed:
As they're escorted back he'll smile his regard to the hostess and offer a nod of thanks, resting a hand on the back of the chair he's proffered. Of course he'll wait a moment and step to the side to affect a subtle drawing out of the chair for Ms. Bertinelli, not that she needs the help but perhaps more that he has a certain muscle memory in regards to taking a seat at a table with an individual such as herself.
Once they're settled he'll consider the menu with a glance, but then his attention slips away to focus on those blue eyes, his own a warmer shade of blue. "Well, as we walked I'd kicked over a few possible ideas." He leans forwards a little, resting his arms upon the edge of the table and crossing them, fingers light on his forearms. "A few of them would be terribly disappointing, but wouldn't fit with your day job. But then again that could make it an all the better cover."
His lip curls then he offers as his first guess, the smile making light of it as he murmurs, "International Assassin?"
- Huntress has posed:
Helena chuckles softly, shaking her head at the suggestion. "I'm afraid not." she replies, although she certainly wasn't squeamish about violence. "Like I said, Mister Queen... do you prefer Oliver or something shorter?... I had uncles and cousins who liked guns. And I was a quick learner. My family is from *Sicily*, if that has any meaning to you."
Helena sips her water, menu folded and put away. Likely it's already memorized. "But I'm afraid I'm neither an international assassin nor a secret agent who's licensed to kill. And, for the record, I'm incredibly protective of my private life. Because if anyone should make certain connections, it could get very, very dangerous for me. I'm sure you understand."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Oliver is fine, Ollie if you aren't afraid of making the leap over the social chasm from first name to nickname." The archer smiles a bit as he looks at her. She can tell that charm, that casual manner, it comes easy to him. Perhaps part performance, perhaps part face to be worn in place of what else there may be, but no hint of deception nor dissembling. Sincerity at the least is there.
Yet as he speaks he's going over internal check boxes in his mind. Ticking them as he goes. Her training, what he perceived of it, was clearly strong. Her explanation could cover it. Her selfless action, however, shifted it away from various options. But what in part sells it the most for him was the calm way she approached the situation and executed. As if it was something she's done well before.
"But alright," He says after that consideration, "You have taken away my favorite guesses with assassin and spy being right out. Doesn't leave a large playing field to select from. So I'm thinking, vigilante or space alien." A broad spectrum there, Mr. Queen.
- Huntress has posed:
The woman chuckles and she nods. "Helena, then. No nickname." She returns his smile, head tilting a little to study his expression. There's a small twitch in her smile when he makes his next guesses, and she almost hides it with another sip of water. "Have we switched to 20 Questions? If so, then I think it's my turn to ask a few." She pauses to set down the water, then.
The waitress arrives in time to prevent any dangerous disclosures, and Helena orders in Italian.
"I don't mind telling you that I'm -not- a space aliaen, however. But while I'm familiar with firearms, I prefer a crossbow."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Ah, the crossbow." Oliver assuredly has strong feelings about such things, being who he is. "No need to be embarrassed, a perfectly acceptable weapon for some people." His tone is light, easy-going, and she can probably tell he's perhaps teasing a smidge as he flares his hands a little, "Nothing wrong with that. Though, as you pointed out, I prefer a more traditional approach."
But that is, of course, the moment when the server comes by to politely gather their orders. To which Ollie smiles and says, "I'll have the special of the day," He states, having perhaps seen what that was while they had been entering. Or perhaps not, perhaps he just likes to live 'dangerously.'
Once she gets their orders, she'll head off, leaving them again to their momentary peace, the faint music of the restaurant's sound system playing quietly as they consider each other. "But as you said, forgive me for hogging all the questions. Ask whatever you like."
- Huntress has posed:
Helena chuckles at his comments on the crossbow. "Why is it I think we're about to start a 'Ford vs. Chevy' discussion here?" she replies, once the waitress slips away. A bottle of wine is brought, then, opened and poured before Helena actually asks her questions.
"Okay, I can accept for the moment that a CEO has some skill as a hunter. Just like golf, right? But I'm really curious *where* that bow came from." She tilts her head, then, as if looking for some secret pocket. "I'll save the questions about the trick shots for the moment."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Ah," Oliver tilts his head as he looks to her. "Collapsible bow, latest thing. For when you need to travel. You know, I bet you have a devil of a time when you get in at the airport, and security insists on you checking your crossbow. It's big, and bulky, and takes up too much space. So this was my..." His blue eyes lift for an instant, then back to hers almost in the same moment as he searches for words he already has. "Travel bow?"
Curiously enough, that's the truth. Just not... all of the truth. And with his manner, his smile, the subtle way his fingertip lightly taps upon his forearm, she can perhaps see it. Though it's a truth withheld not out of fear but... Almost as if he's playing a touch hard to get.
"My turn again?" He nods slightly towards her, hand uncurling, "When you took that one guy out, you've obviously trained a lot. Curious where since I've only seen one other person with that sort of extension and form."
- Huntress has posed:
"I prefer a collapsible crossbow, myself." Helena replies. "And when I travel I put the crossbow in my checked luggage." She takes a sip of wine, then, still watching him. "A travel bow? Okay, I'll let that one go as well. At least for the moment."
Helena tilts her head, then, the small smile returning. "You mean the kick. Okay, so I've... dabbled... in martial arts. Nothing definitive, I mean I don't have a 'belt' or anything. But there was this one guy I studied with who taught me to make the -best- tea."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Making tea, impressive. Here I thought you were interesting because of your perfect aim and your situational awareness. But there's something to be said about making the perfect cup of tea." Perhaps there's a little joviality there, making light, but then perhaps not.
He spreads his hands a little, "The thing is," Uh oh, rarely good things start out that way. But he goes on, "I used to sort of date a gal who was pretty good at that whole karate thing." Then again that's a little bit of an understatement. "So when I say your form was pretty decent." He pauses for a moment, eyes lifting, "Well I mean actually two things, but we'll talk about this one." A pause then he continues, "I mean that it seems a bit more than just dabbling. But hey, perhaps that's just raw talent or the like."
That having been said a small basket of bread is brought over to their table and he'll avail himself of a roll, tearing it in half though not eating one yet. His smile, however, is amused as he meets those so very blue eyes of hers, "Your turn?"
- Huntress has posed:
Helena chuckles softly at the comparison to the other martial artist, folding her hands casually before her. "Well I'd say your form isn't so bad, yourself." she quips back lightly. "But I do get the idea. And yes, I'll just say I've been trained for fighting by some pretty capable people." Another gross understatement to add to the building list.
Another sip of wine follows, her smile knowing. "I won't tell you my street name, Ollie. But you're a bright guy. Now I'm -really- interested in hearing about the trick shots. And especially about the trick arrows. I've seen smoke bombs before."
- Green Arrow has posed:
She'll see him draw his lower lip up between his teeth for a moment, worrying at it as he considers. There are so many paths that could be taken with this, considering this could be an elaborate ploy to a degree. Could have been a set up. Big mess of terrorists busting down a career fair to get at Oliver Queen. She could be a plant, set there to worm out his 'sekrits' all told. But then again there are a few factors that are working in her favor.
After all she's a career teacher, would take some dedication to hunker down and get someone planted there. A lot of forethought, a lot of effort. Also would take a lot of malice and at this point, Oliver Queen has built up a fair rogue's gallery of a sort... but it's not been anyone with a particular mad on to go to this length.
Chances are she's sort of what she seems. But then one thing sort of settles it for him, and it's that Oliver has always been a risk taker on top of being a decent read of character. So he settles on his path here, the truth.
"Well, ages ago I went through some tough things. Lost my family, was stranded for a time out of touch with people for a few years. On this..." He frowns and lifts a hand to wave it to the side, as if trying to simultaneously conjure an image and wipe it away, "Island, stuck there. Five years. Was pretty terrible." An understatement. "Had to learn to survive, was able to fashion a sorta..." He grins a bit at her, almost embarrassed, "Crude bow, twigs and this pig's... nevermind." They're at dinner after all. "Suffice it to say I survived, and it sorta came natural to me. The whole shooting something with something. So now it's more of... how I deal."
- Huntress has posed:
Blue eyes watch his face the whole time, especially his expressions. Helena nods, taking a roll and stabbing into it with a thumb to tear it open. She's still nibbling when he finishes, already knowing what she's going to say. "I was eight years old when mafia hitmen broke into my house and murdered my entire family, right in front of my eyes." she declares almost impassively. A moment to take a sip of wine, then to let it sink in.
"My adoptive uncle and cousins took me away to Italy to raise me there, as well as for protection. I had nightmares every evening; the kind where you wake up hoarse from screaming. When I was eleven they told me how to make the nightmares stop. That's when I started learning how to fight, and how to shoot. The hunted became the huntress." Small 'H', but the inference is drawn all the same.
- Green Arrow has posed:
As she responds his own blue eyes will meet hers and he gives a faint rhythmic nod as he agrees with the sentiment of her tale, identifying with it, connecting with it. He looks to the side when it comes to her speaking of the passing of her family and then it flows onto the revenge, the dealing with it. His eyebrows lift as he recognizes those elements in her story and gets a small and faintly sad smile. So often such a story of damage leads people down this path, and so often it ends poorly for all involved. A fact they all most likely accept.
Turning back to her as she finishes he murmurs, "Have you had much contact with other people who handle things like... this?" He gestures a hand to the side, as if indicating the world as a whole. Sure he might be gesturing at a restaurant really, but he means the whole cape and grapple-line crowd. "The other people in Gotham. Bludhaven. New York?" He leaves out Metropolis since that place has a group of loonies all their own.
But then his lip twitches slightly as he tries to lighten the mood faintly when he adds, "I mean heck, so many of us figure we could make our own support group."
- Huntress has posed:
Helena tilts her head, lifting a brow. "You mean like therapists?" she replies with almost a droll smile. "But yes, I know what you mean. And I've... met... a few of the noctournal set. I have a loose 'understanding' in Gotham, at least at present."
She eases back into her seat a bit, taking another sip of wine. "Do you know of such a support group, Ollie? Like 'AA' or something? I've exchanged radio frequencies with a few others, but that's really the extent of it. Or are you suggesting something?"
Helena shifts her attention more fully towards him again. "I've discovered something that you should probably know, however. I've been accused of being on the... rough... side, in my dealings. That little action in the conference? Just another day at the firing range for me. I have no tolerance for people like the ones who killed my family. And no qualms about breaking bones or shooting kneecaps to get what I want from them."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Very important to have that understanding, they can be rather uptight in Gotham." Oliver Queen gives a solemn nod even as he takes a bite of the roll he had on his small plate before him. But that's the moment when the server returns, silently turning their wineglasses over and beginning to fill one of them for the sampling to be had. Once it has a fair amount he gestures for either Ollie or Helena to make the judgement.
To which Oliver smiles towards her, "I figure this is more your wheelhouse than mine."
But then as that is handled and after the result he smiles back to her as he settles into his seat. "But no, I don't think there is a support group. Then again maybe that's sort of what they do in those big justicey clubhouses of theirs."
But when her manner turns a touch more severe and she meets him eye to eye, he'll lean forwards, arms upon the tabletop as he chews the inside of his cheek for a moment before answering. "I can't say I'm known for like in my own past times. But the last person I ran around with regularly, she had a sort of penchant for not exactly being gentle. Though guns weren't her thing."
- Huntress has posed:
Helena wrinkles her nose when he mentions justicey clubs, even chuckling softly. "Well it's not exactly typical to put the words 'arrow' and 'non-lethal' in the same sentence." she replies, once the server does the wine-thing and departs. "I know what you mean."
Taking her glass, she sips slowly and then offers an amused smile. "I wouldn't have placed you as the sort of guy who's into rough girls, but I'm glad to see it's not a turnoff for you." And apparently she has no problems putting herself into that category.
"Many of my... subjects (victims?)... are remarkably chauvanistic. Getting a beat-down by a -girl- is especially difficult to stomach."
- Green Arrow has posed:
A small snort comes from him as he looks away, taking up his own wine glass. He takes a moment to swirl it a little as his eyes lower at it, then takes a sip. Eyebrows lift as he looks to her, lifting the glass in her direction as if saluting her taste in wine. But then he smiles, "Oh, now see you broach an interesting subject. To me at least." He turns to the side, setting the wine glass down before him though holding it between both hands, lightly tilting it back and forth a little as he watches the ruby liquor swirl faintly.
"What sorta girls did you think I would be into?" He asks her, head turned aside slightly as if eyeing her sidelong, warily. "Since I didn't exactly think that was a quantifiable trait. But it also leads to more dangerous topics, Ms. Bertinelli."
There's a pause as he takes another sip of wine, then smiles easily. "Such as what sort of man intrigues a rough and tumble brawling teacher?"
- Huntress has posed:
She meets his gaze, fingertip gliding lightly along the rim of her wineglass. And there's a playfulness in her blue eyes as well. "The sort of man who gives as good as he gets, for starters. Or at least the sort whose ego isn't easily bruised. I'm not much for coddling, as it were."
Taking a sip of wine, she considers for a moment before the smile returns. "But to be honest, I would've guessed that you prefer blondes for some reason. Call it a hunch. In any case, you should know that I'm a firm believer in fighting dirty. And I don't like pulling my punches; especially not with a guy who's bigger than I am to start with."
Helena chuckles softly, then. "But I somehow think when you said we're leading to more 'dangerous topics' you weren't referring to me kicking your ass. At least not in the literal sense." She pauses, swirling the glass before continuing. "Are you attached, Mister Queen? I believe the society papers still consider you a bachelor, at least."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Ms. Bertinelli," Oliver affects a measure of chagrin as he takes a sip of his wine then, as if admonishing her for her forwardness even though there's a faint tinge of colour that might be perceived in the ruddiness of his cheeks, though assuredly more from the wine and the moment than any true sense of embarrassment. But then he goes on to answer her once the wine glass is set back down upon the tabletop with a faint glassy clink. "I do at times go out and about and have been graced with the pleasure of fine company. However,"
He pauses as he looks across the table at her, his own smile mildly edged with a hint of mischievousness. "I am not currently seeing anyone," He lets those words float there before he appends to them, "And yourself? Is there a vice-principal of some repute in your life who has swept you off your feet?"
There's a brief pause as he looks up and to the side as the server walks past, but then those blue eyes return to hers. "Though for some reason I get the feeling you're more intrigued with someone who might be able to keep up with you and your extracurriculars."
- Huntress has posed:
Helena laughs softly, especially at the latter. "Mr. Queen, I'll have you know that I date men who are nice and respectable. Usually. And your ability to hold your own in a fight with me has *no* bearing on the likelihood of you waking up in my bed." And whether it's her olive complexion or simply that the woman is shameless, her cheeks don't color in the slightest.
In a lower voice she adds. "And no, there isn't anyone currently punching my dance card. I'm still going on a fair number of *first* dates these days. You're strong and assertive, but you don't come across as a jerk. A very unusual combination. One that I'd like to explore a bit longer."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Ah, well that's good." Oliver says as he takes up the bottle and refills his glass, the liquor gurgling faintly as the bottle is tilted on its side. He lifts his eyebrows inquisitively towards her as he gestures with the bottle, offering her a refill should she so wish. If she agrees he will do so, then set the bottle down and to the side.
After having taken another sip he'll smile back, "For a moment I was worried I'd have to lace up the ole boxing gloves before asking you on a second date..." But then he catches himself as he says, "Or a first?" He glances towards the door as he ponders. "I mean..."
Looking back towards her he says, "We did go dancing," He says that with a smile, albeit their dance partners are well on their way to jail. "We did share a lovely stroll together." He then brings his gaze back to her and that smile becomes something more akin to a grin, edged with subtle amusement as he murmurs, "And here we are breaking bread together and sharing a drink."
But then he says, "All told, Helena, this has been a rather amazing day. If only to have made your acquaintance." That said he offers his glass towards her for them to share a 'clink' of glass should she so wish.
- Huntress has posed:
Helena nods to the refill offer lifting her glass a bit. She smiles, clinking glasses with him before taking another sip. "I have to agree with you, Ollie. A rather amazing day indeed. I'll definitely have to give you my number so that we can have a -second- date. Preferrably one that doesn't involve fighting or guns this time."
"You're more than welcome to bring the boxing gloves, of course. Or at least the laces. If you're into that sort of thing." Does this woman ever NOT flirt? "But we can talk about the details when you ask me out. I'm fond of the opera, I like classic movies, and I have a weakness for good wine. I'm pretty open when it comes to food. Pasta is usually a safe choice, but I also like good Sezhuan."
She considers for a moment, then adds. "If you call in the evening and I don't answer, please leave a message."