2162/The Motto

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The Motto
Date of Scene: 25 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The Dynamic Duo discuss the Scout creed.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
The array of hyper-resolution monitors that surround the Batman's worksation in the cave are, by and large,,all lit tonight,displaying an inricate web of datestamped points throughout the city, alternately added or removed as more details are analyzed.

Analyzed, and re-examined by both the Caped Crusader, and the formidable artificial mind forged from the combined computing power of he vast bank of servers far below them, cooled in the same waters that house several of the clan's submersible superboats.

Other monitors flash through and mattch off perons of interest, sometimes corresponding with certain points on the map of Gotham. Some, certain younger Waynes might recognize from their tussles with demonic drugs and pit fighters. As is often the case on late nights in the cave, Bruce is sans cape and cowl, but still wearing the Suit. He is, after all, at work.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The youngest Wayne had spent his time tonight training, having dealt many a blow to the holographic simulations, he had decided to break for now.

  He held a towel in one hand, and the skull whistle in the other. Walking from the training hall to the suiting area, that was until he noticed what his father was looking at. "Hellborn again?" He asked, looking up at the park where Dick not only had suffered a good injury, but the location of his one foray into street fighting as 'The Demon'.

  Damian was clad in his full kit, sans mask, making sure his muscles would retain the memory with cape and hood and armor on.

Batman has posed:
A few keypresses and a pause to eye a status monitor precede any attention turned to Damian, but when that analysis shifts, the fledgling Robin finds he has his father's full, if inscrutable attention. Bruce ignores the rhetorical, and obvious question for one of his own..

"The hellborn." Sue him-- it's a good name. "How will you defeat them? What could you and Dick have done to manage the threat or be prepared for it?" And then he makes it a double. There's a certain weight to the inquest, to likely no one's great surprise.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian watches the monitors, remembering the fight as much as he could, which was almost perfect.

  "We, -I- should have aimed to distract them, then while they were paying attention elsewhere, home in for an attack to blind temporarily or immobilize their legs." He'd thought hard on that over the week it took for Dick to recover. Though with as reckless and willing to deal deadly damage as he was, the Damian back then would have most likely used his katana for slicing damage.

  Damian looked back to the whistle, he hadn't fixed it before now, so did not have the ability to call Goliath either.

Batman has posed:
Damian's answer draws a simple nod from Bruce, a pensive intensity lingering on his features as he offers his own advice on the matter, "In combat with a physically superior foe, creative use of your surroundings to gain an advantage in maneuverability or to turn your adversary's power against them can make all the difference."

In other words, the bolas carrying reinforced coils that fight harder against superhuman foes are a good decision-- as is turning focus elsewhere, in general. Batman 101, there. "Then there's countering specific possibilites and seeing the threats before they unfold."

At this, Bruce gestures to the board. "There have been ritual crimes tied to these underground bloodsports for weeks now, maybe longer. They've already raised something far worse than what you faced; we're going to need specialized countermeasures." The Bat smirks, glancing askance at his son, "Montoya warned us not to hurt ourselves chasing after this."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The former Assassin had much to learn, even if Damian himself had thought that he was more than equipped as is. He didn't have the equipment needed back then for such endeavors, only his katana and a grapple gun, but was much too proud to admit he wasn't prepared.

  "That's bull$@^ GCPD is ill-equipped for things like the Hellborn." Damian had looked back, his green eyes catching the light a bit. "I got hurt, Grayson got hurt. We lived, we still fight." And he did now have a strong relationship with his older brother to boot.

Batman has posed:
"The skilled hunter does not risk maiming to take his prey." The Dark Knight observes simply, with a substantial but subtle amount of patience undertoning the obvious criticism. Most sane natural predators don't try to take healthy, deadly marks en masse, either-- but every metaphor has a little wiggle room.

"This isn't the first spillover from mad spells gone wrong." The Caped Crusader informs Damian evenly, too calmly for the subject matter, really. "I'm going to see a friend of mine. The jet should be refueled by now." The word 'friend' is a meaningful thing. So is the obvious intention that the newest Robin should join him. Later, Bruce might teach his protege to make demonbane bombs.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     While the young Robin was quick to anger, he can also quickly come down, should he so choose. And really, any opportunity he had to go out with Batman had made the rage elemental a bit happier.

  By the time Bruce had said 'now' the teen had already placed the whistle on his neck and was running to the suiting area to grab his mask and put away his towel. It seems that being the newest Robin in the Dynamic Duo was not a bad way to get to know his own father.