2123/Who Do Ya Wanna Be When You Grow Up
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Who Do Ya Wanna Be When You Grow Up | |
Date of Scene: | 22 August 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Green Arrow, Huntress
- Green Arrow has posed:
The release of the teleportation technology by the Rand and Queen companies has made some waves and made it rather easy for the people on either coast to get to the other side of the country relatively painlessly. It's been a little slow for people to adopt, to be fair, and the numbers are down. But it does what it says, and it's curious that it hasn't been received better. But, at the least, it allows one thing for Oliver Queen. He's able to attend functions when normally he wouldn't consider it due to the distance involved.
Such as the invitation he received to come to a Career Day that sees the students from several schools gathering in a great sweeping auditorium. That sort of thing sort of appeals, but Ollie... knows that sometimes his opinion isn't exactly what the teachers like to hear.
Such as when the entrepreneur stands in front of an exhibit of the teleporter technology and seems to be holding a form of court as it were with a ton of teenagers who are all listening in rapt attention.
"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. But really guys, you shouldn't emulate me." He waves a hand, "Sure I've got money, and sure I do this whole business thing."
He smirks and flares his hands, "But all I do is really say yes and no to things. If you want to make a difference in the world," He looks to one of the students, "Go into science. Research, invent."
He grins at the redheaded kid and fuzzles their hair, "This world has too many business degrees. Learn actual decent stuff. Like how this whole dealio works." He jerks a thumb at the teleporter display behind him.
Of course, this doesn't entirely go over very well with some of the supervisory figures in the area.
- Huntress has posed:
Taking a field trip to a Career Day function requires faculty chaperones, and Miss Bertinelli has drawn one of the escort spots. Part of it is her job, to be true, but Helena is always interested in hearing about new tech whenever she can spare the opportunity.
The students may be completely captivated by the charismatic man, by from their body language the teachers seem a bit more skeptical. Miss Bertinelli included. Teleportation? Yeah, maybe on TV shows.
Like so many of the other faculty, Helena is standing rather than sitting. All the better to survey her students, right?
- Green Arrow has posed:
The crowd of kids, at least, seem to be taken in by the tall blonde man's charm even as he smiles as he stands up. "Alright, keep it moving, guys. Remember, STEM research." Of course to some folks that's the holy grail, but to Ollie it's at least kids not getting lost into the whole capitalism thing.
But, to his credit, he does at least offer a small apologetic smile to one of the dour teachers who sort of looks at him and shakes his head. He steps to the side and grins at one of the children and whispers, "Can't please them all." The kid grins back.
"I'm gonna take five, guys. Grab something to drink. Have fun, grab some pamphlets, and the t-shirts. Don't forget those." And that said he'll step away from their display area in that particular corner of the auditorium. His eyes distancing as he checks his watch. Man, another three hours of this? What was he thinking?
It's in that height of momentary self-pity that he steps away only to espy Miss Bertinelli and pause for a moment. Hnh. He'll slip around a small cadre of kids going their way and steps closer. When he's near enough he'll lift his voice. "Some of these sproglings yours running around?" And when she looks he'll offer that goateed smile.
- Huntress has posed:
Miss Bertinelli isn't one of the teachers with the dour looks, at least, although she -does- seem a bit suspicious of the billionaire. Philanthropist or not. Blue eyes cast about the milling crowd of students... her teacher radar is definitely on. But she still smiles when the charming blonde man steps closer.
"Mine? Well they're my students, if that's what you mean. But we really don't call them 'sproglings', Mister Queen. Extending a hand, she offers. "I'm Miss Bertinelli, and I teach English Lit. But at least it's not Business, right?"
Outside the building, there are others with an interest in some of the tech at Career Day. They didn't go to school for degrees in Business, but neither did they listen to Mr. Queen and study STEM research. Dispersing outside, there's a dozen of them and each one pulls on a black mask upon entering the building.
One by one, the doors are quietly locked from the inside. Security? There are only a couple of guards as token Security, and they're all walking the main floor.
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Really?" Oliver accepts her hand and gives it a shake, firm but unaggressive as really she is just a gentle little... his brow knits slightly when she's able to shake back just as firm. But then he smiles easily. "Here I thought Sproglings was the official term the state used."
But as she speaks he lifts a hand to the back of his neck, expression amused if a little guarded in case he may have actually offended. "Indeed, worthwhile profession. Can't let the kids grow up ignorant of the great works and all."
As he speaks he looks across the way, then back to her. "Though, I'll admit grudgingly that I should have perhaps spent more time on my studies when I was attending school."
- Huntress has posed:
Her grip is indeed firm and confident, and there are callouses upon the palm in all the right places for someone who's accustomed to holding weapons. If he would recognize such things. Miss Bertinelli returns his smile as well. "Only after the State has had a couple glasses of wine." she admits.
"Don't mistake me, Mister Queen. I very heartily approve of developing interests in technology. After all, that's where the real opportunities lie. Not necessarily in Business, and certainly not in Education." Chuckling softly at his admission, she places a hand casually upon his shoulder as she gives the room another scan. "You aren't the only one who wasn't a perfect stu-..." Dark brows knit, and she frowns.
Masked figures are filtering into the large room, some remaining at the doors while others seek the Security guards. Two are tasered immediately, the third actually getting his pistol clear of its holster before he's knocked out.
The hand on Ollie's shoulder squeezes, and Helena's voice lowers to a soft hiss. "You need to -hide-, Mister Queen. We're all expendable hostages, but you're the only one here worth a big ransom..."
- Green Arrow has posed:
The smile on his face quickly dies as he realizes what's happening. Oh he had noticed the hand, the callouses, the inclination of his thoughts angling her towards possibly a fencer... with that reach and her build. All thoughts that rush through his mind instantly before he sees the masked men. His brow furrows and he steps back, "Actually..."
Oliver rounds back to her as he ducks back behind the display of his ever so famous teleportation technology. He peers at her, "You should. Because I intend to finish this conversation later and I'd be staggeringly heartbroken to think we wouldn't have the chance to."
He pulls up some of the fabric under the raised pedestal that the mock up teleport chamber rests on. "C'mon, it's hollow under here, you take cover." He says as he perhaps tries to urge her into the hiding place... alright she has callouses and biceps. Definitely a fencer.
As for Ollie he'll look to her, "I've... got a bodyguard in the crowd, let me see if I can find him." That said he'll try and slip to the side and away as best he can... even as the gunmen move in.
- Huntress has posed:
Helena resists being pulled into hiding, blue eyes narrowing. "Mister Queen, those are my -students-..." she hisses, already starting to cast about for possible options. The auditorium is full of assorted display panels and support frames.
But before things get too far, one of the gunmen reaches the center of the large room and fires a short burst into the ceiling. "I need everyone on their knees. NOW! Obey, and nobody has to die." As kids and adults alike begin to kneel, several of the other gunmen will start separating likely teachers and faculty from actual students. It's going to take a little while before they get to the teleporter mock-up, however.
- Green Arrow has posed:
And as quick as that she's left alone, all to herself and her devices, abandoned by the supposedly stalwart pillar of society, Oliver Queen. It leaves the woman with time to reflect on the situation and the fickle nature of blonde goateed entrepreneurs who talk a big game and don't always back it up apparently.
Yet having slipped out behind the mock teleporter Ollie makes it to where he had set down his briefcase, his coat, his phone. Blocked, of course. He grimaces there behind the curved facade of a neighboring display, something from DeVry. Who knew that was still a thing? But he pulls open the briefcase and frowns, only to hear the bellow of the gunmen. He withdraws the bow, the green housing snapping open with a faint click and a whir, then he looks down and frowns all the more.
Six arrows.
What is he going to do with six arrows? Why are there so few? His quiver is usually full and when he gets back from a gig usually Dinah... oh right.
His frown shifts a little smaller, but then he shakes his head and slings the quiver over his shoulder, and then attaches the domino mask to his brow. No time to do the full change...
- Huntress has posed:
Left to her own devices, it seems. Shit. Men. Helena does see something promising in one of the display stands, at least. Metal pipes. A lot of them. Crouching, she twists a couple of them free of the stand and tests the weight. Aluminum; light but sturdy. They'll have to do.
In the auditorium the kids are herded into one group while faculty and adults are circled up in another. A couple gunmen watch over each group, and the leader speaks again. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to make this simple. We want Oliver Queen, that's all. If he doesn't show himself in the next minute, I'm going to kill one student at random. A minute after that, if he still doesn't appear another one will die. And so on."
- Green Arrow has posed:
Crap. The aforementioned Oliver Queen can hear them, hear them clearly. And right as he had been planning on rolling out and taking the mess of them as they started to gather up the loot from the hostages. But now... he realizes he's the loot. That sets his plans off entirely and he looks around the corner of the display piece. His brow furrows as he counts, one... two... three... lots. Crap.
Almost remorsefully he compacts the bow down to its smaller box-like size, slipping it into the small of his back. Then he touches the fletching of the arrows each in turn as he considers his jacket. Just room for two. Hopefully that might be enough /somehow/. He shakes his head and settles them in their hiding place, swings on the jacket...
And then rises from his cover as he holds up his hands.
"Alright fellas." He says, "You want me, you got me. No need to harm these people."
- Huntress has posed:
All eyes turn towards the aforementioned billionaire, and that's an opportunity Helena's not going to waste. She isn't exactly hidden but she's certainly out of the line of sight, but it's the best chance she's going to get.
fwoop! fwoop! fwoop! *CLANG!* An aluminum pipe sails across towards the nearest gunman, catching him full in the face.
And even before it knocks him out the woman is sprinting towards him. If she were in costume she'd be vaulting in handsprings now. But then again, if she were in costume she'd have her crossbow. Diving the last few feet, Helena scoops up the dropped handgun as she skids behind a table.
For a moment, the whole room goes deathly quiet.
- Green Arrow has posed:
What the...
Out of nowhere the pipe clangs hard against the man's face sending him sprawling to the ground with a spatter of blood as the weapon goes skittering across the ground, only for the woman to grab it and get hold. For a moment most everyone in the room is frozen as surprise has taken its grip on people. Only for the man known as Oliver Queen to snap out of it rather abruptly.
It's all one fluid motion. The reach behind, the grip and extension of the bow as it comes up, the drawing and nocking of an arrow as it comes up into line, and then the so casual release of it followed by the /twang/ that breaks the deathly quiet.
It's only when the first of them are looking back that it impacts...
It's a pity nobody sees the shot. Masterful and precise. The arrow arcs through the air /slamming/ into the hand of one of the men holding their weapon, sending it flying even as it ricochets off of that wrist into the side of the noggin of another man and laying him out entirely with a /THWOK!/ But when that arrow falls to the ground it begins to emit a burst of smoke that hisses and begins to fill the room with vapor, starting to obscure line of sight.
But even as that arrow is hissing, another is drawn and fired, bouncing between three men in a quick /pok-pok-kapok!/ and then ends with a burst of electricity that zorches the last man while the other two lose their weapons.
- Huntress has posed:
The leader of the terrorists tries to retake control of the situation, yelling at the top of his lungs. "STOP RIGHT...." He's lowering his gun towards one of the students, and then a gunshot rings out. But the man starts cursing, holding his now-bloody hand. Without the gun.
Miss Bertinelli has come up shooting, and like Mister Queen she's not wasting either time or ammo either. Forget the concept of hostage negotiations, she's shooting at the remaining gunmen under the cover of the smoke.
And for a teacher, she'd do pretty well on the police range. Hand. Shoulder. Kneecap. Kneecap. Kneecap. The terrorists are going down quickly, and without their leader being coherent, they start to panic.
- Green Arrow has posed:
The farthest ones had been instinctively targeted first, leaving just the ones nearest to him. Two of the thugs had been stepping forward to grab control of their charge, only for them to turn around at the thrown pipe, then the sudden craziness of two arrows thwipping past... only to hunker down for cover as Helena starts to lay down the lead.
It's enough for Ollie to bring his bow around and /smash/ it into the side of the head of one of the men, sending him down to the side with his own weapon skittering away. Mr. Queen, however, doesn't have any time to linger as he spins back around only for that other gunman to be bringing his weapon around.
But not quick enough. The man's wrist is grabbed and pulled forwards, drawing him off balance as he twists the wrist sharply and then _slams_ his forearm against the man's elbow, shattering the arm as he withdraws the weapon from the man's hand and now covering him as he writhes in pain...
He spins, seeing Helena's situation. She's done a damn sight better with those crippling shots, only for her weapon to click on empty. Ollie brings his own weapon up tracking, but there's no clean shot. "Bertinelli!" He yells, trying to draw her attention to the one moving to take her down.
- Huntress has posed:
Helena is in the zone, dropping terrorists when the slide on the automatic locks in the open position. She curses in Italian, doing a quick head-count. And then she hears Ollie yell her name across the room. Head cocked a bit, she hears the terrorist approaching from behind. It's not like he's actually trying to be sneaky, after all.
She rises slowly, letting the gun drop to the floor with both hands up. His gun is aimed and he almost reaches her when she suddenly pivots. The sweep-kick is high, taking him under the chin. She completes the rotation as his head snaps back, the gun falling from numb fingers. Picking it up quickly, Helena surveys the room.
"Clear!" she calls out.
- Green Arrow has posed:
Some of the other teachers have moved to help as they can, a few dove on top of the fallen injured gunmen, getting them pressed to the ground and restrained while others have gained the other firearms that went flying in the melee. All in all the matter is under control, though the doors are still locked and...
Oliver kicks over the fallen man with the broken arm, starting to pat over his body with his hands until he finds the blocker in its black oblong case. No hesitation in him as he drops it to the ground and then crushes it under the heel of his shoe. "Alright folks, call the cops, we gotta make sure everyone is safe." He grabs another of the fallen pistols and starts towards one of the locked doors, frowning as he tries to open it but then finagling with it some... until it clicks open. "Okay through here, get on out. Just like a fire drill, kids."
Across the way he'll catch Helena's eye, brow furrowed as he lifts his chin. "I'll uhh, go see if there are anymore outside!" And with that he breaks from the room to do what he said... but also to avoid difficult questions.
- Huntress has posed:
Difficult questions? Helena gets more than one curious look from fellow faculty members before she drops out the mag, clears the chamber and finally puts the gun down. But then the focus shifts to getting kids out of the auditorium, which provides a more than adequate distraction.
A few minutes later the whole place is lit up by red and blue flashing lights. Police filter in, terrorists are cuffed... and in more than a few cases given first aid. Statements are taken from pretty nearly everyone, and it's only some time later that Miss Bertinelli has the opportunity to approach Mister Queen again.
"So. I think this is an excellent case for self-defense classes, wouldn't you agree?"
- Green Arrow has posed:
The statements they get are this wild amalgamation of what happened. A lot of people know /something/ happened. For some of them it is a bit hard to tell exactly what.
"Well, this one guy got jumped. And then there was some tear gas, and then people just started shooting."
"I think Mr. Queen had some sort of high tech device that he used on one of the guys, and it tazered like three people at once."
"Ms. Bertinelli is a ninja!"
"I think they turned on each other, but then the smoke blocked my view."
"When I grow up I want to be an onterpenoor."
And so on. Until eventually the word gets out that somehow, the group of teachers and students and business people were able to somehow hold off the terrorists until help arrived. A victory for our side. Hooray.
But outside there, in the red and blue flashing lights, off to the side and seated on one of the cement fences that mark out the garden features outside that school, Oliver Queen is drinking some coffee looking pensive. But then the voice of that terribly curious Ms. Bertinelli is heard and he looks at her sidelong, "Way I see it, Ms. Bertinelli... you've already had a few. And then some."
- Huntress has posed:
"I'm Sicilian, and I had older cousins who liked to play with guns." Helena replies, not entirely untruthfully. Casting a look at the taller man, she offers a wry smile and adds. "But I don't carry weapons to school. Not even... was that a -bow- you pulled out of your pocket, Mister Queen?"
She leans in a bit, then, looking from his face down to the cup. "But more importantly, where did you find the coffee? Although I'd much prefer a glass of wine."
- Green Arrow has posed:
The tall blonde man furrows his brow at her, one eyebrow cocking curiously. "You're clearly traumatized, Ms. Bertinelli. You must have been seeing things." Question dodged. He does, however, get a small smile in return to hers as he had been about to take another sip of his own coffee. But he stops and looks up at her, "I don't know exactly."
He lifts the coffee cup towards her, offering it to her should she wish even as he says, "You know how these things sort of happen. Sitting around while all the craziness is going off. Somebody rushes by. Sometimes they hand you a blanket. Sometimes a cup of coffee. Sometimes both."
He smiles sidelong at her, blue eyes meeting hers as he lifts his chin slightly. "Though, whomever is handing them out, they like their cream and sugar."
- Huntress has posed:
His explanation is met with another smirk, then a soft chuckle. "Clearly." she replies with a knowing nod. Accepting the coffee with casual ease, she claims it with both hands and sips. And no, her hands aren't trembling.
"I definitely prefer espresso, and black." Helena quips back, nodding in agreement. A moment passes and she sips again, regarding him. "Would you consider it forward of me to give you my number, Mister Queen? There's a lot more to discuss, but this really isn't the place. And rather than both of us continuing to be coy and clever, a change of venue might be more suitable."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Well," Oliver looks towards the mass of assembled emergency vehicles, his gaze drifting over them as they tend to all the people needing their focus. So many young folk upset, and so many school faculty all aflutter. But not Ms. Bertinelli. Not her at all. He tilts his head back towards her and says, "I seem to have the rest of my week free as I doubt they're going to continue this shindig."
He gains his feet smoothly and then reclaims his coffee from her, lest she deny him it, and then takes a sip as he ponders. "You did mention something about a drink. And to be honest... I could use a chance to get away from all this."
- Huntress has posed:
"You pick the time and the place." Helena replies. "Just give me an hour to get ready, if we're going anywhere fancy." Thumbs hook into her jeans pockets as she sizes him up in a new light. "If you like Italian, there's a nice place a few blocks..."
Her words are cut off by a couple of girls, then. The two students walk right up and hug her, then do the same for Mister Queen before slipping away. Drawing a deep breath, Helena exhales slowly and then offers. "So I figure I'm either going to be up for Teacher of the Year or I'll be fired for endangering students."
- Green Arrow has posed:
Oliver seems surprised at the sudden embrace, holding his arms up and the coffee cup to make sure he doesn't spill on the poor munchkins. He gets a small smile and his cheeks even colour a little bit as he accepts the hug, then when they start to head off he gingerly lowers his arms. His lip curls up a bit at the corner, and he heaves a small sigh. "Well, if they do..."
The archer turns and looks to her and gives her a warmer smile. "I really have been thinking about getting a bodyguard." At that his smile curves a touch wry, but then he gives a nod to her. "If it passes your discerning sicilian sense of taste, then by all means."
He uncurls a hand to let her lead the way, perhaps in some way glad to get clear of the mayhem they escaped... and partially caused.
- Huntress has posed:
Helena starts to lead, then she pauses with a sudden laugh. "I, um, rode a school bus here." she replies, almost sheepishly. "Don't suppose you drove anything, or can flag down a limo?" Heading in the general direction of the parking lot, or at least the curb, she adds. "And I'm -not- really the bodyguard type, believe me."
No, bodyguards don't usually shoot first.
"But seriously, I'm not really worried. I've got a pretty good relationship with the administration, and there are going to be enough stories going around that the truth of what happened will be more than a bit fuzzy."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Well, it's not too far to walk?" Oliver steps up to stand beside her, cocking an eyebrow curiously as he looks to the side, "Honestly I could use some of the time to clear my head." He slides his hands into his pockets and glances sidelong towards the school, the ambulances, the fire trucks, the police vehicles. He shakes his head and grimaces a touch, then looks back to her.
"But I did use a car service. I'll call them on the way and let them know to grab us from the place." He withdraws his phone from his pocket and swipes his thumb over it, but then pauses to look at her. "If that's alright?"
- Huntress has posed:
"Nothing wrong with a little exercise." Helena replies. And once he slides hands into his pockets she slips her arm through his and points. "Sure thing. The name of the place is Mario's Cafe. Give the name but keep the time open, if that's alright. I like to enjoy my meals."
She flashes a grin up at him, then. Busses are already starting to load up with kids, and things are beginning to settle back to normal.