2067/Parisian Comfort League

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Parisian Comfort League
Date of Scene: 18 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Moonstar, Voodoo

Rainmaker has posed:
    It was a quick flight, to say the least, mostly a once around the Eifel Tower and back to the balcony again, and mostly so Sarah could calm Dani down a little bit, before suggesting gently they return to the room. Once there, the Amerindian woman slides off the horse, helping Dani down (not that she needs it, but Sarah still likes to, then takes her hand, tugging her inside as she waves to Brightwind.

    "C'mon...Priss will want to hear this too..." she says gently to the other girl, squeezing her hand, then walking over to knock on the door to the room Priss is napping in, before opening the door slightly. "Priss?"

    The empath will certainly feel her distress, though it's controlled. Dani is upset and unhappy, but she's not hurt...and thus it's more a desire to comfort and help her, and a definite desire to have Priss here for her own comfort as well, as she feels a little out of her depth. I mean, what do you say to your girlfriend when her wedding party was dragged into another dimension and the groom was murdered, really?!?

Moonstar has posed:
    Danielle sighs a bit, sitting down on the small sofa in the suite as Sarah goes off to get Priss. The girl was strong throughout the fight. She was even strong afterwards when she had to help Tabitha recover Lexi. But... well, it looks like her strength has its limits.

    And right now, she's reached them, looking just drained and utterly depressed by the death of one of her teachers, the ruining of the wedding, and she couldn't even do what she's supposed to do as a Valkyrie.

    The worst part being... her feelings are still so jumbled up that she's not sure which of those three things is upsetting her the most. She could have given Gambit eternal life in Valhalla after all. And she's sure they would have had visitation rights.

Voodoo has posed:
The knock is answered relatively quickly, Priscilla opening the door and stepping out, instantly gathering Sarah into her arms for a hug when she feels that distress. She doesn't yet know what is going on, but already she can tell she is needed, right here, right now, and so she does what comes naturally: she comforts.

Of course, Priscilla gives no thought to the fact that she just emerged from the small single bedroom dressed in only a hotel robe. What's wrong with that? At least she wasn't wandering around nude, right?

"Hey, you two." Priss murmurs softly, sliding one arm around Sarah's back and guiding her towards the sofa and Dani, herself the most entangled and distressed of the two. "I don't want to be too presumptuous. But Dani, you really feel like you need a hug. Would it be OK if I gave you a hug?" They haven't exactly discussed boundaries, so it's worth asking first. Best not to get herself stabbed by an angry valkirie.

That could hurt.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah sighs a bit as she melts into the hug, just having Priss present calming her a bit as she touches her, snuggling in, but only briefly...not because she wants to, but because she completely agrees with her going to the other girl moving along with her, and only pulling away to sit on the other side of DAni so she can pull her legs up, then slides her arms around the younger girl, hugging her quietly. She doesn't say anything at the moment, just being a comforting presence as she lets her and Priss work that out...and for Dani to explain in a bit more detail than the brief explanation she got.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani looks up at Priss, and smiles wanly, "Of course you can hug me, Priss... it's just... it's been a long day." She then reaches up and hugs Priss tight, clinging to her as she sighs, "It was almost a Game of Thrones wedding." Oh geez, that's NOT good, as Dani continues, "Turns out an old... enemy of the X-Men was waiting for us there. She's a sorceress, and sent us all to some Hell dimension. We had to fight our way out, which we did, but... she... she killed Gambit. The groom." And then she can't help it, she breaks down crying again, having held it in for so long because she had to be strong. She's a leader. It's her job.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss settles on the sofa, enfolds Dani in her arms, and just holds on, hugging firmly for all she's worth. She can't just fix things, but she can be present, completely present, and make sure Dani knows she's not alone. "I'm sorry, Dani. That sounds pretty horrible. And I'm very sorry about your friend." Hey, she doesn't know Gambit from Adam (though they //are// both from Lousiana ...) but it seriously sucks the guy got karked off at his own wedding. That's just so wrong. "Just let it out." she murmurs. "It's OK. Take as long as you need." Because Dani's not //her// leader. "We're here for you, honey."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The mention of the X-Men causes a faint twitch from Sarah. Well. She'd suspected that might be the case...mutant, talks about being a team leader, trained in combat (though the valkyrie part could have explained that) but she hasn't pushed to asked directly before, sensing Dani would say something when she was ready. And apparently that's now.

TShe leans into her from the other side, resting her cheek against Dani's other shoulder as she hugs her tight too. "Always here, beloved of my heart..." she says softly, a soft, fierce love for Dani, and for Priss as well leaking from her. She's still distressed, but she's hiding it now from Dani, though she can't from Priss, the other girl's pain causing her pain. But focusing on doing all she can to comfort her for the moment.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani nestles tight against Priss, smiling as she feels Sarah snugging her from the other side, and murmurs, "I... I know. I'm so glad 'Yana got you out here." She slows the crying, just resting against Priss, then she blinks as she realizes, "Oh, um, yeah, I'm not in the X-Men, Sarah... but I might be once I graduate?" Her lips quirk slightly, "It's the school, after all."

Voodoo has posed:
"I'll ask later." Priscilla offers towards Sarah, not asking for any clarifications. She has no idea who the X-Men are, or anything about a school full of mutants. She misses a lot. "I'm very glad that she did, too. I would definitely not want you here facing this without our support. I'm really very sorry that the wedding got ruined." After all, no groom? Wedding is definitely a fail. "So we're here, together. For as long as you need us."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah raises her brows, then smiles faintly, mostly at this being the moment it came out. It's a sort of wry humor, though she leans forward to plant a soft kiss on Dani's cheek gently. "You can tell us about that part later..." she says gently. She reaches up, stroking the other girl's hair lightly. "Whatever you need." she says, echoing Priss quietly. What do you offer in a case like this?!? Comfort, obviously...she wants her to be comfortable. What else would be comfortable? Priss can feel what might be an amusing (under other circumstances) little bit of slight panic for a moment from Sarah as she draws a blank, not knowing what to do at first.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani smiles a little, "Um, well... I think spending the rest of the night like this would be a good start." She looks up at Priss, then back at Sarah, "I just... I'm so glad you two were able to be out here. I don't know what I would have done otherwise." She sighs, content to be curled up between Priss and Sarah for now. Not exactly /how/ she wanted to wind up in such a position, but she's not going to complain about this result.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla lightly caresses her fingers through Dani's hair, and then brushes those fingers over Sarah beyond her. "I have a suggestion. I know it helps me a great deal to clear myself out, brush away strong feelings and let myself start fresh. Why don't we help you change, and then a nice long bath. We'll stay with you. We can even help with your hair and your back. Then we can put that oversized King bed to use for some group snuggling." Because the empath's solution to the world's problems starts with snuggling.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah blinks, eyes widening in suprise slightly as she examines the idea, coloring just a tad, then nodding softly. "Yes. Let's get you out of that dress, and cleaned up a little with a nice soak." she agrees gently. "You'll feel better? We won't leave you..." she promises. She kisses her cheek again, very gently. "And then snuggling on the bed, yes." she asks softly. "Does that sound good?" She's pretty sure it is. She trusts Priss's judgement on this, but feels like she should at least ask regardless. For form's sake, if nothing else, as she gives her a little squeeze.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani sighs, "Oh, that sounds /perfect/." She smiles a little, "I was hoping... well, I was hoping you'd see the dress under better circumstances." And it's a very nice dress, that's for sure, and she whispers, "We've got to have a great bathtub here, I'd hope. Maybe one with jets..."

Voodoo has posed:
"We'll get it all fixed up, Dani. I promise." Priscilla assures the Amerindian in the middle. "And then you can show it off to us in all its glory. And hey, with some warning we can actually get gussied up, too." As opposed to basically being portal-napped off the street on the way back to the apartment building from ... well. Work.

That said, Prscilla helps coordinate with Sarah, getting Dani up and then working on all of the fasteners to peel off the dress and get it hung up. Yes, Priss will demand that the high-dollar high-class hotel find some professional seamstresses to get the dress reconditioned, but that can wait for a bit later.

Once they have Dani undressed, Priss leads the way to that nice oversized tub she noticed earlier, and gets it started heating up as she gently suggests Sarah work on removing hairpins and the like and brushing out that lovely mane, to make washing it easier later.

Once the tub is ready, Dani has two lovely assistants to help her up and over the edge, down into the steaming, sudsy water, and situated comfortably. And if neither one seems to mind joining her in said water for comforting purposes, that's all to the good.

What are friends for, after all?

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah is curiously passive, letting Priss lead Operation Bathe Dani. She's not holding back, nor does she stint on the attention she gives Dani as they get her out of the dress. But she seems to be comfortably following the other woman's lead here...she trusts her.

    While Priss gets the tub filled, the other Amerindian woman guides Dani to sit on the top cover of the porcelain throne nearby, as she begins to gently if deftly start removing the pins, bit by bit loosening Dani's hair, before she reaches over to snag a brush from the sink as she gently runs it through the long strands a few times, to carefully work out any possible snarls.

    She does hesistate once Dani is at last bare, feeling slightly guilty admiring her when she's still a little distressed...thus she doesn't move to follow her immediately. Partly because she's the most dressed girl in the room now in her blouse and shorts...hmmm.

    With little twists of her fingers, she unbuttons, then shrugs out of her shirt letting it fall to the floor behind her, then sending the shorts to join her, leaving her in matching black lace underthings as she perches. She likewise lets Dani choose to invite if she wants. She badly doesn't want to be pushy. It's a bit adorable how she fidgets when perching on the corner of the square tub, easily big enough to seat several people comfortably.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani settles into the tub, sighing a bit at the bubbles and the steaming water, feeling herself relax. She closes her eyes and gets a bit of a small smile on her lips. She slightly teases Sarah by splashing very lightly at her, looking perfectly content as she lets the stress and pain of the past few hours melt away.

Voodoo has posed:
Once Dani is safely ensconced in the tub, Priss shimmies out of her borrowed robe and leaves it hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. It's just easier that way, and she's less likely to get the thing soaking wet. She doesn't immediately slither into the tub's hot water to join and help Dani, but instead just stays close, a mere hand of contact while Dani relaxes. She can do more later. Soaking is the proper stage right now. She does smirk at the playful splashing, however, and offers a wink at Sarah.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah lets out a soft squeal as she's splashed. "Hey! Who's getting a bath here!?" she protests, catching wink from Priss as she smiles softly at her. And she can't help it...she takes a moment just to admire the other woman, a soft surge of warm feelings mixed with a healthy amount of desire for both girls swirling up, before she firmly tamps it down a little bit. Bad Sarah.

    But she'd be lying if she hadn't pictured this or something similar, really.

    "Here...come over here..." she says gently to Dani, patting the tub on her side, then reaching for a bottle of shampoo. "Let me get that dust out of your hair..." she murmurs softly.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani laughs a little, "Okay." She scoots over in the tub by Sarah. Which, by a happy coincidence, leaves enough room for Priss to get in if she wants. She looks a bit wry at that, "Brimstone and sulfur in my hair no doubt." She makes a bit of a face, then sighs deeply as she relaxes, feeling herself get cleaned up thanks to the bubble bath.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla does indeed slide into the tub, letting her caramel-colored legs brush against the other women's. "Just relax, Dani. We're here to pamper you for a little while." It is Priss' best idea to help the other woman relax; it will set all of those bottled emotions free to flow. In the empath's estimation, there's nothing better for cleansing the spirit and preparing for new challenges.

And besides, frollicing with friends in the tub is fun! And fun should never be ignored.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "It's not your best fragrance.." Sarah notes ruefully, pouring some of the slick shampoo into her hand, then starting to gently and thoroughly lather up Dani's hair, working it into the long strands. "You know...this is the first time I've seen your hair out of braids..." she murmurs affectionately. "Mmm, I should offer shampoo services more often..."

    Her fingers massage into Dani's scalp, a relaxing, gentle motion, before she murmurs. "Eyes shut for a moment." And when Dani closes her eyes, leans down to cup the ater, gently starting to pour it over Dani's hair in short, little waterfalls, until she's worked the shampoo out again.

    Then she reaches for the scented conditioner and repeats the process, working it into her lover's hair with the experience of someone who knows what it's like to keep long hair well kept.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani sighs deeply, slipping an arm around Priss lightly as she murmurs, "I'm trying to think what I did to deserve this..." She definitely feels more relaxed, the tension not nearly as prevalent as she lets her eyes drift closed, allowing Sarah to work the shampoo and conditioner into her admittedly matted-hair. Note: Hellscapes are very bad for hair.

    No wonder Spiral is so cranky.

Voodoo has posed:
"I would say the one thing you have done to deserve this is to be yourself." Priscilla offers, smiling as she rubs her leg against Dani's. Then she wriggles over and starts helping with scrubbing her back and shoulders. More of that lovely moisturizing cleanser; this is a pampering mission, after all!

"I have to admit, you definitely smell better with less sulfer and brimstone." Priss teases, with a wink. Isn't this fun?

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles more as she watches Dani relax under the ministrations of both women, leaning down to cup water again, then after making sure her eyes are closed, again rinsing her hair clean. She snags the brush again at that point, then gently starts to comb out her hair, straightening it, before setting it aside. "I agree...you're wonderful...and I think that deserves plenty of pampering." she says with a faint smile.

    She stands, then shimmies out of her remaining clothes, before gracefully stepping into the tub and lowering herself into the water as she snuggles up against Dani from the other side as Priss works, leaning in to nuzzle her gently. "And you do smell much nicer like this..." she says teasingly. "Hmm, maybe you need our professional bathing services -all- the time."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins slightly, "I think I could get used to that Sarah..." She sighs, just relaxing under the touches of Priss and Sarah, arching her head back a bit as she laughs a little, "Pampering... that's not really something I'm used to. I mean, really, it's... not easy to get that back home." She mmms, "But I think I'm gonna have to start finding ways."

Voodoo has posed:
"I think we can help with that." Priscilla offers, smiling. "Finding ways." she promises, as she helps to rinse the soap from Dani's shoulders and back, as promised. Then she starts with the moisturizer.

"I have to admit, I've never known a professional bather before. But it sounds like fun work, if I share it with you two." Priss opines. And joking around really helps with the release of endorphins that ease the remaining internal tensions. (Yes. Laughter is literally good emotional medicine.)

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well there's always asking. That's an excellent way." Sarah jokes softly, nuzzling Dani's hair as the other woman works on the girl's back. "Well, I'm certainly enjoying it." she admits, flushing a little. "I'm looking forward to this promised bed snuggling as well. Clean and scrubbed and snuggly sounds wonderful."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani chuckles, "I would be very happy with some bed snuggling with both of you, for sure. I think the bed in this suite is large enough." She takes a deep breath, "You two are so good... I don't know what I've done before I met you. Both of you." She keeps her eyes closed, just relishing in the feeling of being cleaned so thoroughly with the bubble bath.

Voodoo has posed:
"That's coming soon." Priscilla promises to both of the other women, smiling as she continues rinsing Dani off completely. "I think one more run with the hair, and we should be done. Then we can apply some of those warm, super-fluffy towels and snuggle in the bed together."

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's a soft chuckle from Sarah, then smiles. "Oh, twist my arm why don't you?" She wiggles over again, snagging the bottle again, before the massaging fingers return to Dani's scalp once more as she takes her time, more concerned with the massaging part than the cleaning part this time. Her fingers gently stroke down through Dani's long, wet hair to coat it again, getting it good and sudsy, before starting to gently rinse again to clean it off again.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani sighs happily, and murmurs, "Priss... I think while we're in Paris, we need to get Sarah a makeover. It felt great for me." Because she did treat herself before the wedding, though now... well, it's nice to be fully unwound from the earlier events. "And the bed sounds delightful now."

Voodoo has posed:
"Mmm. A makeover sounds like a lot of fun." Priss admits. Maybe she'll get in on that action herself; after all, as much as Priss loves looking at pretty fashion, she doesn't have much that isn't ... well. Her style is generally more 'street sexy' than 'high fashion'. Which doesn't mean she doesn't recognize and respect said high fashion. And this is Paris, for pity's sake. "Here. Let me help." Priss reaches up and starts massaging her fingers through Dani's hair as well.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "...makeover?" Sarah says, suddenly looking slightly wary. Yeah, she...hasn't done that. Casual fashion, maybe, but high fashion is not a Sarah thing previously. She looks slightly intimidated at the idea.

    Priss's fingers joining hers in the massaging draws a soft laugh, before she teasingly starts to rub Priss's fingers as much as Dani's hair, teasing lightly as the two play.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani mmms, letting off a happy sigh as she murmurs, "It'll be fun Sarah... why bother coming to Paris if we're not going to enjoy it? I'm thinking a day or two of shopping, makeovers, enjoying things... and then I'll text 'Yana and she'll port us back to the States." Her lips curve in a warm smile as she enjoys the tangling of fingers in her hair.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla playfully joins in the teasing with Sarah in Dani's hair, as they continue to massage in the moisturizer. It's fun!

"She has a point." Priss offers Sarah. "We're in //Paris//, for pity's sake. It would be criminal to leave before you embrace the opportunity." Hey, if the woman who was nearly a streetwalker can embrace the wonder of some high Paris fashion, how can anyone else say no?

More massaging ensues, and then finally some rinsing. Once all of the rinsing is done, they can finally start enjoying those super-soft, very thick, fluffy towels.

Aren't high-end hotels amazing?

Rainmaker has posed:
    "W-well...as long as you're both going with me..." Sarah says, grudgingly. "I guess I should try it, at least." And then they're stepping out and fluffy toweling ensues. Perhaps a bit more, ah, thoroughly than absolutely necessarily, and definitely a bit more ticklishly than needed too, all involved!

    Finally, with Sarah a bit flushed and grinning, she takes both other girl's hands, pulling them out to the big king bed, before she sits and wiggles back cross it to make room for Dani between her and Priss, then holds out her arms to her, smiling. "C'mere, beautiful.." she says softly.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani laughs softly, "Hey, if I survived it, so can you." She slips onto the bed with Sarah, nestling up against her as she murmurs, "Thanks. I feel a lot better, thanks to both of you." She then reaches over towards Priss, beckoning her closer as she cuddles comfortably against Sarah.

Voodoo has posed:
Hooray for super-soft, ultra-thick fluffy toweling-off and playfulness. Priscilla follows and climbs onto the bed, snuggling up happily, a Dani sandwich as it were.

"Hey, we feel a lot better having you here." she offers, smiling as they nestle against one another. Yes, a King sized bed can be very handy. This is worth noting for the future.

To be fair 'c'mere beautiful' uttered in this room should be inherently confusing.

"This is pretty nice." Priss murmurs, after a bit.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Well, both girls got to the bed! The purpose of the 'cmere' achieved! Sarah rolls on her side, then snuggles into Dani's side, gently sliding her leg over the other girls comfortably before sliding her left arm over her waist loosely. She sighs out softly, then nuzzles the other Amerindian girl's damp hair gently, before planting a soft kiss at her temple. "Very..." she murmurs. "...I'm going to start saving up for one of these."