1958/One Night in Madripoor

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One Night in Madripoor
Date of Scene: 13 August 2017
Location: Madripoor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Deadlights

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Madripoor is a city of extremes, high technology, crime, and plenty of places inbetween. Many unusual ships come into Buccaneer Bay, one of them is a luxury yacht, on the smaller side, sleek and expensive looking, with the sort of bodyguards that suggest this ocean-going craft is not particularly meant for pleasure.

Aboard the yacht currently is Talia, she is sitting out on the rear deck, it is the middle of the afternoon in this part of the world, and she seems to be lounging, relaxing even? Though a keen observer might notice she is paying an awful lot of attention to one of the boats docked across the bay.

Deadlights has posed:
The water stirs slightly along the side of Talia's yacht, in the one place the bodyguards and the woman herself are not looking. Specialized grip gloves attach to the side, and quietly a small figure is climbing like a water ninja up the side of the boat.

Shape and size, despite being covered in a black wetsuit simplistic costume, would indicate that this individual is either a very small adult, or a youngster. An orange skull-and-crossbones-bullseye mark is the only real splash of color on a headband and the atmosphere tanks, two orange X's glowing from the darkened glass of the goggles. Soft noises of a rebreather are lost among the waves, as the intruder makes it to the stop of the yacht's railing and flips over, darting across the decking towards any alcove or shadow.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There is no immediate alert, or alarm, to Deadlights coming aboard the yacht, at least nothing that is audible or noticeable, anyhow. Whether that is a testament to Deadlight's skill, or a more subtle security response aboard the ship, who can say. That said, Talia remains lounging where she does. The smaller size of the yacht, does limit the available hiding spaces for the thief, yet, of course there are plenty of spots for a talented infiltrator, still.

Deadlights has posed:
The infiltration has some specialty equipment that most do not:

She can see -everything-.

Sound, the electricity flowing through the yacht, the heat of bodies, the electromagnetic waves spectrum in its entirety, even fluctuations in time, magic and reality itself. She can see the positions of all the security through the walls and floors, right down to the squeezing and expanding of their hearts in their chests.

She moves with precision past all of them, a silent ghost leaving no indication of her passing but a but a small puddle of water where she stopped and waited for it to finish dripping. She continues to move up and around the yacht.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The Infiltration contiues to go undetected, the technology is infact rather good at avoiding the expert bodyguards Talia has in her employ, and it would seem, by all indications, that noone knows that Deadlight is currently there.

Deadlights has posed:
At the balcony where Talia is in repose, the infiltrator leaps up and swings both legs over the guardrails, standing in front of the older woman.

She stands with feet apart, legs and knees in a relaxed but ready stance. Hands are at her sides. The unusual looking gun-like devices on either hip are holstered in tight. The skull-like mask over her face covers her expression, hides her identity. The X's behind those goggles flicker in Talia's direction, then ... blink?

The infiltrator then stops, drops to one knee, and bows respectfully.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The appearance of Deadlights draws an immediate reaction, but a calculated one. Rather then leap up, or jump to any sort of action, she just rises up to a proper sitting position, her brow rising ever so slightly at the sudden kneel, and bow, then peaks finally. "Who are you, and what are you doing aboard my boat?"

Deadlights has posed:
"Your family is well known to mine, madam." It's a young girl. "I have come seeking your sage advice and wisdom, if you would honor me with it." She does not rise from her bow just yet. She hasn't been bidden to.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Is that so?" Talia asks, her brow raising up ever so slightly as she moves to take her feet now, looking down at the kneeling woman before her, her arms moving to cross over her chest. "You did not answer who you were, however. But ask what questions you would, I may or may not answer them, however."

Deadlights has posed:
"I am called Deadlights," the girl answers. Hey, Talia's getting more conversation in five minutes that Damian did in an entire conflict. "I am chosen of bloodline of the pirate Ching to continue in her footsteps by the curse I bear."

"I as you, honored of Al Ghul. .... how does one kill a conscience that does not die?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Well, Deadlights, of the Ching family." Talia says, gesturing slightly towards the woman for her to rise up from where she kneels still. "I am not certain I understand your question, do you mean you struggle with guilty that does not go away, or do you refer to something else when you say conscience?"

Deadlights has posed:
"If I am to rise to become the equal of my ancestors, I must be capable of acting without the confines of conscience. I sought you, as you know well how to ... assassinate these things," the younger woman says plainly.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"I see." Talia says at that admission and she shrugs her shoulders ever so slightly in response, "Training, much training, meditation, and a self assurance of who you are." She answers, "It is a simple answer, perhaps not the one you were hoping for, but you most hone that like you would anything else, with much hard work."

Deadlights has posed:
"It is enough," Deadlights says, accepting it. "And are you now, my lady, without conscience from this method?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"I am confident, and comfortable with who I am, what I do, and why I do it." Talia replies simply to the wisdom seeking Deadlight, her brow raises a touch as she walks, taking in the figure of the woman, and the gear she carries. "What else would you ask me?"

Deadlights has posed:
Deadlights looks up at last, and it's at this point that the lighting is just right - enough to pierce through the smoke glass of the goggles. Which raises the question of why one would wear the equivalent of a welder's mask while diving.

Those googles are just goggles, not technology. Deadlights' eyes are the glowing orange crosses.

"You did not answer my question, but I am not yet worthy enough to demand an answer. I will consider the wisdom of your words, as you have achieved much, and I am only beginning to carve my name into this world."

"I am a pirate. I intend to amass to myself wealth in the tradition of my ancestor, Ching Shih. Out of respect for your family and the honor it carries, what should I not steal so as not to anger you?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"You came asking for sage wisdom and advice, sages do not always answer the way you wish them to, or with clarity. It is for you to determine the meaning and how to apply it." Talia counters to the woman, a soft laugh escapes her lip at the question of wealth, "If you steal something from me, you shall anger me, of course. At the moment, there is nothing I have my eye on, however I reserve the right to change my mind in the future, should something catch my fancy."

Deadlights has posed:
Deadlights then makes obesiance to Talia, in a manner similar to those displayed by old Chinese courtiers in the days when there were still emperors. Rising after doing so, she stands. "I pray then I do not anger you. I know what your family is capable of. I shall be... less ostentatious. Good bye."

The girl hops up onto the railing of the yacht, and with one strong leap, flips up, back, and down into a dive, hitting the waters off to the side of the vessel cleanly.