193/Grasshopper Training

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Grasshopper Training
Date of Scene: 28 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, Harry Dresden, 184

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Someone NEW has entered Gotham City. It's left it's trace some sort of mutant. Police have questioned or rather arrested one of the gang members who had his right wrist broken, elbow bent backwards, two broken ribs on his right side, and his right knee smashed. Apparently it was some kid with a sword, who sliced the lamp posts down with a wave of his hand, and made a gun fly to peices, and took an aluminum baseball bat leaving it in shreds.

The Edges of the street lamp posts, the peices of the gun, even the baseball bat have an interesting feature on the cut edges. They are reflective. Mirror smooth and almost polished. An Examination indicates them being sheered, as if some high powered cutting laser just sliced right through the molecular bonds.

But the Bat has something else, An energy about it, Magic, magic has been left on it from where a sword bit into the metal.

Powerful and old, and harmful. In particular to demon, devils, their ilk.

The Gang members described the kid as a being one of those oriental types, and wielded a bloody Ninja sword. Which means Katana.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Normally, Harry waits for Murph to approach him with jobs like this, because then he gets paid, but when he hears about the destruction wrought by some individual using what appears to be magic? Well, that has sorcerer written all over it, and you don't delay with those that deal in the black.

"Ok, Grasshopper" the wizard says to Molly as they make their way to the location, "Let's see what we can find. I want to track down this guy and stop him before he hurt or kills anyone else. Last thing I want are the wardens poking their noses in my town again."

Molly (184) has posed:
The student follows the master. Usually in such affairs, the student wanders along several steps behind reciting the answers of a day's learning, proving that rote memorization has tattooed important facts onto the thirsty, empty brain. Even better with a book or a tablet to peer into. Not really the case in China Basin, where a blue-haired girl in a kimono jacket and black leggings basically radiates //weird// without even trying. But weird is cool. And cool is her stock in trade.

"So, what, you figure they're going to have a blender blow up if I go in and get some bubble tea?" Molly gazes longingly at a glass window, the Cantonese melting into English advertisements for delicious boba. "Come on, you'd love it. Like, maybe one of the normal flavours, strawberry and lemon and rose, like a lemonade. Nothing too wacky. It's good to walk around on a full stomach, right?"

Compelling logic there from someone who might, just might, be legal drinking age. She whisks a jade lock off her nose and gives her head a good shake, peering through her bangs at one of the sheared light posts. Gotham is a strange place, this is a given. "Maybe it'll stop for a bubble tea. I would, if I were a big laser-eye kaiju."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The Repairs in the street are doing well to replace the lap posts. A couple of the repair men asking "What could have cut the posts so cleanly."

The other replies "Nothing I want to meet."

And they continue working as the place does have a couple of onlookers. Most in the area do know what happened. But as the area is not a bloody mess. The kid obviously has self control to avoid killing.

As Molly and Dresden walk down the area they can see a young man dressed in black, backpack over his shoulders, and nestled inbetween the backpack and his back is a long cloth covered object, narrow, and long enough to easilly be a sword in a scabbared, or Tsuba for those who what to be perfectly accurate. He has an Asian look to him and he is keenly aware of his surroundings as he seems to be heading to what looks like an abandoned subway station that the homeless are known to use.

For those who have any sense of magic detection up, the object, on his back radiates magic.

Harry Dresden has posed:
A snort eminates from the large wizard, "I don't need fancy teas with balls of gelatinous goop in them when I can just as easily have a Coke, Molly. Hell's bells, that concoction you just spouted off sound worse than some of the potions Bob has me make."

He glances over at the young adult, "And don't give me any lip about it rotting my teeth. I get enough of that from Murph."

As they reach the area where the workers are, Harry stops suddenly. "Do you feel that, grasshopper?"

Molly (184) has posed:
"I like Coke. Not the stuff with all the different flavours, but like, good old Coke. Or diet." Molly shrugs her shoulders and flits away from the shop, giving the workers a grin as she goes past. To be sure, having bright blue lipstick and killer pearly eyeshadow helps her be the equivalent of a signal flare in the night. "I don't intend on trying to be your mom. I have one of my own, remember?" The strained tone and the playful smirk are completely at odds with one another.

It's all a grand cover, besides, for her tipping her senses to the odd. Symphonic vibrations, meet your metronome. "Mmhmm. Harry Wonka, your golden ticket is flying away at one o'clock. Don't Violet Beauregard anything straight up, please?" It's all she can do not to laugh at herself, and the sound is a warm, clear addition to the peculiar neighborhood. Her eyes narrow on the entrance to the station, and her fingers curl around the ragged tulle hem of her skirt.

"Ugh. Why is it always in the dark and spooky places we go?" Shocked //this// is the youngest queen of air and darkness? Welcome to the club.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he takes a look around the area there are the man and woman with the strange jacket is. And in that moment, The young man actually bolts down the passage. It wasn't harry or molly he was looking at but the two people who are running up behind and then past Harry and Molly as they take off running as hard as they can after the young man.

Even from this encounter they simply feel dark, evil. As if the Taint of the underworld is upon them, and bred into the bone.

Heading off down the subway the one thing about Gotham, most people don't seem to care unless something directly effects them? but as they reach the abandoned subway the draw blades high tailing it after the kid.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Banter and joking aside, Harry is just about to start after the kid with the thing on his back when the two other guys shove him out of the way and make chase.

"Hey!" Harry exclaims, casting a glare at the one who jostled him, "Watch where you are going, you overgrow...". It's just around this time that they start drawing their swords. "Oh stars and stones. It can never be easy, can it. Come on Grasshopper, seems we have a party to crash!"

Molly (184) has posed:
Trusting Harry to clearly take the lead on this fandango, Molly loosens her jacket and pulls out a marble, or a gumball. It's hard to see which. She holds it beneath her palm, the tight fingerless gloves doing a good job of maintaining her manual dexterity. "Seriously, //swords//? You finally take me somewhere cool and it's swords?" Grasshopper indeed. "You know you live for it. You'd be stuck in that damp basement of yours with nothing to do without excitement like this."

It's a mutual curse. Every road leads to the direction of trouble, and might as well accept it. Her fingers curl around the sphere, and while the others have their attention mostly on the guy with the shrouded object, she simply fades out of sight.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As they enter the subway, there is a straightaway as one of them raws a gun and the sound of gunshots is heard making the boy ahead of them stop and with a flick of his hand comes a slight flash of light along a wire, no magic but there is a burst of Psychic energy as he brings down a large second of the tunnel. The sound of breaking concrete and dust falls as it impacts the area between the two killers and the young boy who takes the oppertunity to continue running down the tunnel. Leaving a very large obstical infront of them as they cursh and call out in Japanese

((We will never stop hunting you Akenda!)) They seem to have given up the chase. and turning around to find themselves face to Face with Dresden. "Out of our way." and they start walking to eyes making contact with Harry, these two are murders, killed, and worse. They enjoy it!

Harry Dresden has posed:
Not being one to make eye contact with anyone on a matter of principle, Harry manages to avert his eyes before he gets drawn into any type of soulgaze, but he never the less has taken measure of the men in front of him.

Lifting his staff in his right hand as he shakes out his shield bracelet and conjures up his will to form an invisible half dome of energy in front of him as he gives the pair a snort. "And if I don't? Look, why don't you back off a bit so we can..oh the hell with it...Fozare!"

A heavy gale force of wind rushes down from the subway entrance towards the goons.

Molly (184) has posed:
It's good to be bad. Sometimes it's bad to be good. Molly winces at the displacement of the cement from behind the veil concealing her from sight, a tight illusion muffling the sounds of her feet and the jingle of her bracelets, even the scent of her perfume. It wouldn't be helpful to give away her presence so obviously. Her narrowed eyes and healthy stalk do put her directly behind Harry, making it the harder for anyone to sneak up on him or try to make a run for it. The marble keeps rolling around her palm, throwing little sparkles through the translucent interior, and she focuses on the mental image of what she's trying to do. A dark tunnel, a confined place full of wind and fury.

A twitch of her fingers, and behind the gale goes a melodious banshee shriek radiating off the concrete and the rails. It's damn loud, to be sure, and probably enough to temporarily stun the goons she can actually see.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As HArry is about to talk to the goons and instead simply attacks with a Magic funnel of wind they are caught off course as one says, "Mutant!."

"No Mage!" And then as the do not fight it, instead they allow them selves to be blow back to that collapsed barrier, and while they would have had to climb over the debris to continue their chase. They use the wind to help push loose rocks past and then start to climb over the debris attempting to escape that way!

"You will Suffer your your interferance into our affairs!" one calls out. They are not out of the area yet and could be stopped.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh, you think so do you?" says the wizard as he bares his teeth in a grin, "Tell you what, pay my bills and I will take all the suffering you can muster. Until then.."

He lifts his right hand, the one with the ring that holds back a little kinetic energy overtime he move his arm and triggers it. A blast of force tears out of the object, heading like a freight train for the goons, and the rubble behind them.

Molly (184) has posed:
So much for the sonic scream doing anything right off the bat. Annoyed, Molly shakes her head and creeps closer to Harry, still giving him room to work with. The one on the left is subject to the murmured spell under her breath, the tones of which are hard to hear through the veil. But the effect isn't: an explosion of brilliant, disorienting lights and sounds becomes visible as illusions swirl and jostle around him. It's like standing in the center of a disco ball spinning at 150 rpm, extremely disorienting, and the twinkling glare probably likely to destroy any night vision a being has. After images and screwing around with the inner ear are fun, but the seizure-inducing display probably keeps anyone from wandering away as long as they're trying to get to their feet. Which way is up?

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Of course The two killers are bowled over as the debries behind them sudden bursts and explodes knocking them down as they just lay on the ground dazed trying to recover and gather their blades. The Disco ball is enough to really impare them as they just seem to give up right now. But these two don't vanish or die. But they seem to accept their fate at being captured. They can escape later.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Molly," Harrys says as he moves to approach the two downed goons, "Go find a payphone, call Murph. Let her know we got a couple of...I don't know whats." He takes a couple of zip ties from his duster, and moves to bind the men, ready to kick a head if they give any resistance.