1915/Someday In The Park With Vorp

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Someday In The Park With Vorp
Date of Scene: 10 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Cats and bats don't mix together well. As for birds... that is yet to be seen.
Cast of Characters: 87, Robin (Wayne), Batman

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Wednesday evening. Vorpal has temporarily taken a break from being Georgie, by virtue of pretending to go to a movie as Georgie and then Rabbit-Holing out. The park is always a place he comes to in order to put his thoughts in order and meditate.
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE's amazing how few people try to bother you when you're an upright feline sitting in the dark, staring ahead and unblinking for long periods of time.

Chips. He also brought chips with him. He reaches into the bag and crunches on one, trying to put his thoughts in order as to what had happened earlier today, too, with the kidnapping.

"Curioser and curiomnomnom-"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Once the sun started to set, Damian had already been changing into his uniform. He took to patrol the streets, but once he had passed the park, Robin had spotted the upright feline. The undersized Boy Wonder had raised a brow. The master of stealth had made his way behind Vorpal. For some reason, Damian had been intrigued by this fellow.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The Cheshire isn't aware of Damian. Usually, his ears are extremely sensitive and it is very hard to sneak up on him... but, truth be told, while a regular cat might have been able to sense the little ninja, those creatures are usually not burdened with having to to carry out an internal monologue and a very developed frontal lobe that is capable of taking your attention away from matters of pure survival. He was more or less on auto-pilot while he tried to think about the events of the day.

And suddenly, there's another Vorpal by his side, leaning on the bench in a devil-may-care, sprawled pose.

"You think too much."
The cat looks at his counterpart. "And you, too little."
"Sometimes you just have to act when the iron's hot, you know."
"I think you got that wrong."
"Whateva." The other Vorpal smirk and props his chin on his hand, "So how are we going to handle Little Miss Murder?"
"I... have some ideas."
"OH, that's cute. You're going to try to Alice her, aren't you?"

Vorpal remains silent and grunts, looking away. "somethinglikethat. Maybe."
"Hah!" The other cat chuckles and leans back against the bench. "Be careful touching someone else's madness. You never know if they're spring-loaded." And with that, the other vorpal vanishes, leaving behind a grin, and then nothing at all.

"Cheeky bastard..."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin had listenened in on the conversation and was not able to make heads or tails of it until close to the end of the dialogue. "I can guarantee whatever you are planning, you are ill-equipped to do." He offers, his arms crossed in front of himself and his eyebrow raised behind the high tech mask he wore. "Harley Quinn is mad, but she's not easily taken down."

Vorpal (87) has posed:

The cat literally jumps out of the bench. In a move that is very much driven by instinct, it is as if a dozen Vorpals had gotten up from that bench and jumped to different locations. Illusion in order to disorient someone who had just ambushed you was something that had become ingrained in him.

"Who the he-" the Vorpals all call out, crouching into a defensive position as one man, and then stop.

"Robin?" the twelve voices say with some incredulity, and then they vanish as only one Vorpal remains.

"You've... shrunk since the last time I saw you. Did Batman put you in the wrong dry cycle? Or are you another part of my subconscious that's trying to tell me to embrace my inner child. Vigilante. Bird. Child bird vigilante."

He walks back to the bench and climbs onto it, balancing on the edge of the seat while looking at Robin with curiosity.

Finally, he frowns "You're not the Robin I met, where's my Robin? Did he retire?""

Batman has posed:
From a distance Batman watches Damian, and his new... friend? He sits quietly adjusting the binoculars in his hand watching them though Vorpal isn't really why he is here he came to find Damian, and he just happened to be here. Then there are three of them so Batman sighs, and lowers the item from his eyes getting his hook ready as he aims it up at a nearby building. The wind was blowing in a north to south direction so he decided it would be best to approach from the south direction. He had seen the Vorpal double, and then spawn more Vorpals so he immeditly thought magic, and where there was magic it was best to approach from a blind spot.

As he swung in Damian might see the black on black shadow approaching quickly, as he is facing Vorpal, and batman is coming in behind him. Though as he comes in he see's Vorpal turn back into one again as he nods to himself thinking silently how this makes things easier. He comes in as silent as a whisper in the wind to land behind Vorpal looking down at him even on his Bench though he doesn't say a word.

Silently he stands behind him staring down as a hunter would his prey though he doesn't attack. He does have two new Batarangs he had made though they were for Dresdin he hoped he could help Damian in this spot as he knew how dangerous magic could be. If Vorpal turns, Batman would release both of them, though they would have different targets at this range it wasn't hard to toss two at different targets. One would go to the face, it isn't ment to do damage but to wrap around the mouth to prevent speach. The other is a thick sticky substance that is aimed at the hands, and it is ment to lock the fingers in place so that hand motions are restricted. Still even if this happends he doesn't speak just stare at him for a moment before finally in a deep gravley tone that sounds extremly serious he adds.. "Why are you here?" though it seems not to me directed at Vorpal, but at Damian.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian was not phased by the antics of Vorpal as they merge back to the older teen. "Different Robin, he's still around...sadly." He says, if not scowling at the shrinking comment. "My height is hardly the most pressing matter, I'm not the one planning on laying a trap for Harleen Quinzel."

  Out of the coner of his eye, he sees the Batman, or what he could only assume was Batman. And the Father makes his way as silently as Robin did. "The psych professor at Gotham U. Joker and Harley have been targeting him. I was explaining to this one, that he is ill equipped to attempt to take them down." His response had a tinge of resentment in them, but he worked under the assumption that Batman was always watching him.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Unfortunately? Hey, he's not a bad sor-" Vorpal begins, and then THAT VOICE comes at him from behind.

He has never heard The Batman speak, all he knows are the second-hand stories of other people who have heard him speak. The best way that he can describe that voice is to call it a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up. In that sense it was similar to the Joker's voice, which he *did* hear firsthand, but that one was all razor blades and shattered mirrors covered in blood in funhouses, this voice goes straight to the lizard brain and says 'predator.'

Vorpal, unfortunately for him, does turn around because how could you NOT? The next thing he knows, he's got a battarang to the mouth and he's got goo on his hands, and he falls back on his ass in the park, startled.

"MmmMMmm. MmMmmmmMph! MMMMMMM!"

He gives up.

An illusory Vorpal appears next to the real one, looking just as pissed but twice as mouthy.

"Dude... what the hell? I'm, like, your biggest fan and you ballgag me and then sploosh all over my hands?"

The real Vorpal holds up his hands, indignantly.

"And maybe instead of expla-" In an act of admirable temper control, the illusion stops. "I am angry and I'm bound to say something I'll regret. So." The illusion reaches across his mouth and, literallly, zips it closed and vanishes.

The cat, on the ground, is still obviously fuming and probably saying things that are bringing Batman's entire genealogy into question, but because of the gag, they aren't heard. It's a good way to get something off his chest without actually insulting anyone.

Batman has posed:
Batman looks at Damian, then back at Vorpal.. He stands quietly watching him quietly letting him get through speaking though he notes the magic again. So the gag, and the new restraints didn't work he would note that maybe he needed to extend the part that wrapped around the head though he would need something so they could continue breathing. This whole time he just stared at Vorpal with that same look even when the new Vorpal appears he doesn't stop, or laugh, or make any sign of emotion whatsoever. He just stares at him though as he fumes Batman finally takes a single step forward, his hand moves quick grabbing the front of his lapel lifting the man up with an arm he reaches forward, and takes off the gag, yanking it off in one solid movement, something Vorpal could of done.. had he been hands free.

He brings him in closer, and looks at him eye to eye.. "This isn't a game." is all he says before he lowers him down again letting go a bit so he would reland in his sitting position. He turns to face Damian.. "And we don't use bait." he adds, though he does bring out a small vial of some blue liquid. He extends other hand to pour it out over the goo that is holding Vorpal's hands.. It would eat through the goo like it is melting it, though it would not hurt flesh, nor fur as the goo is a specialy made adhesive that is made to be removed by it.

He turns again, and looks up at the buildings around them falling silent for a moment he thinks about what he is about to say next then just finishes with.. "If you know where the Joker is tell me.. If you face him he will kill you." his tone is a bit more reasoning then threating now, as he didn't want some random person killed for no reason.. Though when he glances back as he speaks his view on Vorpal is still as fierce as before. "Both of you.."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian holds up his hands in protest. "I wasn't using -anyone- as bait. Not that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. I was just keeping tabs on the Doctor, making sure -he- was safe." As much as Damian was dangerous still, he did care for the Doc's well-being, even if the doctor himself thought he had been abandoned by the representatives of the Bat.

  Robin pointed to the R on his chest. "I take this seriously." He adds, feeling a little frustrated. "This one is a friend of the Doctor, apparently knows Red Robin." Damian adds, pointing to Vorpal.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I assure you, I have no intention of dying."


Vorpal sits up, regaining his dignity rather stiffly. This is not how he hoped his first interview with The Bat would go. He finds himself missing Red Robin and wonders where he's gone off to. At least *he* smiled.

"Yes, I know Red Robin. I am a Titan." He walks over to the bench, but doesn't sit down. "Georgie Goodspeed is my friend and I have sworn to keep him safe. You weren't there when Harley Quinn came for him." Before it is taken as an accusation, he lifts up a hand, "And you can't be. You can't be everywhere. Neither of you can. He is my friend, while he's just another civilian in Gotham to you out of countless you have to keep safe."

"I'm not doing this to be bait, or to play. It's the right thing to do and he needs to be safe."

And then he frowns and sits down on the bench, keeping an eye on both bats.

"And it hasn't occurred to either of you that you might be underestimating me."

Batman has posed:
Batman shakes his head, "I was there on the rooftop when they first got him." he states planly as his normal threating voice came back just like that. He turns to face both of them, "Let me ask you two then since you are so concerned with this.. Who is funding the joker? How did he get that Van?" he looks at one to the other. He falls to silence again waiting for an answer that he doubted they knew, as the mystery man behind the scenes was still a mystery even to him. "You have no idea what you are getting yourself into." he finally continues.

He walks past Vorpal and looks down at Damian, "Not here.. Not now." he says to him as if it explains everything. He would not talk to Damian in detail about this yet, as they were infront of someone, but he wouldn't say that in detail. He nods to him, and turns to face Vorpal again quietly.. He moves past once more, and shakes his head again... "Defend your friend.. Though do not go after him. Intention or not.. you will die." he adds before he lifts his arm to the side he peers at Vorpal with that look as if he is looking through him.. "Underestimating you? If you do not know what Harley, and Joker are not working alone.. Maybe you should think about who is underestimating whom."

With the standard sound of the hook firing off he just continues looking at Vorpal for a long moment, "Rarely do we indend to die.. though it still happends.. always." and with that he is pulled away just as fast as he entered he is leaving again. Damian could tell the look turn to him as he goes, and one might know from experience they were prob going to have a nice long talk when he got back.. One that Damian might not like that well.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian scowls just a bit, his father had pretty much said what he had been saying before. And then the founding member of the Justice League makes his exit, he caught that look. "Shit." is all he can say.

  "He's right, but keep baiting the clowns, they'll come to you eventually. " Robin took out his own grapnel, he was sure to have a great conversation when they got back to the cave. "For what it's worth, I'm glad he's not in the wind, the doctor."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You know, Wonder Woman isn't a jerk to people," he mutters. "*He* could learn a thing or two from her."

The Cheshire cat glares after Batman, and watches him leave. For a moment he is tempted, oh so tempted to illusion his cowl a nice neon pink- the color that only exists if you time-travel back into the eighties now. But he decides he probably doesn't want to find out how large the Batarang budget is, and he turns to face Damian.

"I'm not here to stop Joker and Harley in whatever plot they've got going on. That's your job, and word on the street says you don't tolerate anyone helping you. So, I get it. Harley's got a bee in her bonnet to do to Georgie what the Joker did to her, I'm convinced of it- that's the shape of her madness... he broke her, and she wants others that are broken just like her. I -know- madness. I came from a place where that was the main export!"

"So I'm standing in her way. Because a sweet guy who shouldn't have this stuff happening to him is now in the middle of the clown train special. And it concerns me."

He gives Damian a look. "I'm trusting you and him to take the Joker and Harley down while I protect Georgie from *her*"

He narrows his eyes. Pride is winning today. "And I think we could do a lot more without lecturing and throwing disdain at each other. But what do I know? I'm mad."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian almost wishes one could see his eyes roll in his head right now. "You should try living with him." He offers, an equal opportunity smartass.

  Robin gives a nod, he and the Batfamily could do this, and he didn't want more people getting hurt. "Just make sure that Georgie doesn't die." Not that he's doubting Vorpal, okay he is. But they don't really know each other that well.

  The teen fires the grapnel, zipping it along after the cable is taut.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal was prepared for a line of snark, but it doesn't come. That throws him off balance completely, so point to Robin. "Er... it's what I'm trying to do-"

When Robin is gone, he addds "No pressure, right?"

He sighs in frustration and sits down at the bench. A. S. Neill once said you should never meet your heroes, lest they be found to have feet of clay.

There was something worse- meeting your heroes and finding them to have asses on their hats.

He sighs and stands up, briefly pondering Rabbit Holing to the tower and spending some time with Gar. A hug would be welcome right now.

But he looks at his phone. No. It's time to return to playing the doctor. The movie should be ending soon.


He steps through the Rabbit Hole.