1904/Three by the Sea

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Three by the Sea
Date of Scene: 09 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Moonstar, Voodoo

Rainmaker has posed:
    The day of judgement has arrived!

    Well, of meeting. Judgement optional. After a bit of schedule juggling, and a pair of invitations, Sarah has arranged for the threesome to be able to meet at the finest of Asian fushion restaurants, a comfortable little place called Hayashi. The inside is booths along the outside of the fairly large room, with a trio of hibachi grills with chairs surrounding them in the middle. At the back is a half bar on the left side of the open square, while the right is a fairly nice looking sushi bar, complete with displays of the fresh fish ready to be turned into culinary creations. It's all cherrywood and comfortable dark green cushions, with some tasteful Japanese prints along the walls, along with a large ornate vase here and there, and some attempts at adding a little more green in the small indoor trees that are set here and there. The booths are separated by relatively high partitions for privacy.

    Sarah is waiting, having gotten slightly nervous despite herself and arrived well before the time she gave, up in the area just inside the door, by the cloth hangings tha tlead to one of the side private rooms.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani arrives pretty promptly, wearing a rather fashionable pink silk blouse with short sleeves. Her hair is tied back in her usual braids, and she wears her ever-present blue jeans as well as cowboy boots. She whistles a bit as she looks around, and then she grins at Sarah and hugs her, "Hey, how's it going?" She glances back and forth, looking for Priss as she seems... not awkward, but curious more than anything else.

Voodoo has posed:
Truth is, Priscilla originally had intended that she and Sarah would arrive together riding her motorcycle. But with the new job thing happening - however slowly - things have been a bit more chaotic than usual. And Priss' usual level of chaos is pretty high. As such, she had to beg off and leave Sarah to get herself to this meeting on her own. To make //sure// she arrived on time, Priss had to get rather friendly with the guy running the teleporter platform on the station, to convince him to re-target the scanners from an alleyway behind her dingy apartment building to the bathroom stalls of the restaurant.

As such, while Sarah is watching the front and has been for like half an hour or more, Priscilla comes tottering gracefully out of the back of the restaurant, right up to Sarah to slide an arm around the other woman's waist and hug her close. "Relax, honey. You look like you're expecting one of us to bite or something. We're here for sushi." Well, assuming this goes normally. They could be here for something else entirely; that sort of thing happens in their lives.

Of course, Priscilla has dressed up ... in her own way. Which is probably not at all what anyone else would expect of 'dressed up' for a tensely casual dinner with one's girlfriend and a stranger. So that's why Priss' head crests a good near-half-foot over Sarah's right now. Modest and low-key are not really in Priss' wardrobe or lexicon. Funny for a woman who spent three years in a team that prided itself on operating secretly, unknown by anyone.

Priscilla smiles and nods to the other Amerindian. "Hi. You must be Dani? I'm Priss. Nice to meet you." The mulatto young woman extends her hand to Dani; her manners are great, even if her fashion sense may be questionable.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's face breaks into a smile as she sees Dani step in, waving to her, her eyes flicking over her outfit with appreciation. "Hey, you found it..." she says cheerfully. "I don't know if Priss is - "

    And then she lets out a little squeak as Priss comes up behind her and slides that arm around her waist, flushing as she catches herself as she looks over at the darker skinned woman, smiling at her. "Oh, hey, there you are...' she says, relaxing slightly. There's a faint nervousness in her emotions, but also genuine pleasure at seeing both women here together. Also a bit of amusement as she realizes Priss is towering over her a bit in those heels today.

    She's quiet for introductions for a moment, just watching curiously. Which is because she's pondering logistics a bit. Hmmm...how can she successfully hug both yet make it to a table without knocking things over. Hmm hmm.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani can't help but grin at the squeak, and takes the offered hand from Priss, "Yeah, that's me. Glad to meet you!" She sounds actually rather delighted to met Priss finally, and looks back at Sarah, not losing the smile as she says, "Not used to being the shortest one in the room, but I guess that means I'll be overlooked for once."

    Dani then nods at Priss, and stage-whispers, "I think she was half-expecting us to fight or something, but I left the winged stallion and armor at home since it's just dinner." With that, she tosses Priss a wink, obviously kidding. Well, about the fighting part at least.

Voodoo has posed:
The towering caramel-skinned woman's smile broadens as Dani plays to the joke perfectly. "Well, I'm glad you left that at home. No stables, here, and I've always found armor to be a pain in booth seating." She offers a wink in return, and yet there is an equal measure that she's taking the joke and running with it, //and// she somehow gets that Dani is only half-kidding and also knows exactly how inconvenient those things could be. Darned empath!

Priss then lightly tugs on the handclasp, bringing Dani in closer so that she can wrap her arm around the other woman for at least a brief hug with she and Sarah. But she only holds the hug for a few long seconds before letting go. "I think overlooking you would be a shame, Dani. Let's go find a seat, shall we, ladies? Were you thinking hibachi, Sarah? Lead the way."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Priss reads Sarah perfectly, as usual, already pulling her closer to Dani and into the hug, as the other woman leans into the two of you, hugging you both firmly. "No duels at the table, also, this is a respectable place." she chides mockingly, then grins. "I know Dani likes sushi, but they bring that to the table? I've...never been to one of these places before." she says apologetically. "But yes, I figured the hibachi would be good, and maybe we can move to a booth if that's too busy. It's like...showing off at grilling, right? The cook's not there the whole time?" She sounds a little uncertain about that whole thing.

    She cocks her head, then takes both of your hands, and pauses a bit, just admiring the two of you together, dark eyes flicking between you, a little happy feeling rising in her, before she tugs you towards one of the grill/tables. She pauses when she arrives, hmming as she realizes you can't really sit across from each other quite...so who sits next to?...hmm. She wants to let them talk, so she picks a corner seat, figuring that that way Dani and Priss can sort of look at each other without having to talk through her head.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani takes the offered seat, sitting across from Priss as she grins towards her, "Well, I've been at hibachi a few times since I started taking classes at the School, so..." She hmms, "They'll bring sushi over, normally, if you order it, but I might just go hibachi today." She then tilts her head towards Priss, "Yeah, and in Asgard they don't even pad the benches you sit on when you eat either. Those leg guards can really chafe, let me tell ya." Mainly she throws that out there to see, well, how much Sarah did tell Priss about her... and how weirded out she'll get.

Voodoo has posed:
Pre-briefing? Nope, not Sarah. Priss didn't know a thing, until she heard it, and felt it was true. Hence the widened eyes. Asgard, hunh? Weird, definitely. "I've done unpadded benches, and chafing leg guards. But never at the same time." she offers, gamely, with a little smile as they settle down around the outside of the hibachi grill. "Sounds like it could be an interesting story, though. I'll look forward to maybe hearing it in the future."

Priss settles in around the corner, so she can indeed face Dani as well as Sarah, and then rests a hand on Sarah's thigh gently, maintaining contact. "So, this is the first one I'm wondering about, if I may?" Priss looks to both for approval before flaoting a question. "How did you two meet?" And yes, she intends to counter with how she and Sarah met, once asked.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There is, perhaps, a very slight hint of a smile at Sarah's lips as she listens. Yes, she didn't. She felt if she wasn't supposed to tell too much about Priss, it was only fair to not tell her as much about Dani either.

    And it's a -little- fun to watch the suprise on Priss's face. She told her she might be suprised by how unusual Dani was, after all! But she does have to push down a little giggle at it, all the same.

    She pauses for a moment as the server comes over to take orders and drinks, bringing little pads to write down sushi orders on as well, before vanishing again towards the kitchen again. She seems to relax a little, her lingering nervousness vanishing with the comforting hand on her thigh, replaced with curiosity as she listens to the two chat a bit, then tilts her head as she peers at Priss. "...well...I was sitting in the park, reading an interesting treatise on the evolution of third wave feminism and its effects on LGBT movements in the early 21st century, when there was this big crack of thunder and a hole opened in the sky." She peers over at Dani. "...then this cute, if unconscious, Valkyrie girl fell out of it being chased by this big white horse with wings." Her eyes twinkle, lowering her voice slightly. "...so I flew up and caught her."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins as Priss looks a bit surprised at that, "Yeah, she caught me before I could go splat in the park. Good thing too, I don't think Brightwind would have caught me in time." She tilts her head to Priss, "Well, a few years back, when I first started at the school, some villain's plot sent us all to Asgard. I rescued a winged stallion from some hunters and we... well, we bonded. Which, according to the Valkyries, made me one of them by definition. Not bad for growing up on a rez, I suppose." She grins a bit, tilting her head towards Priss.

    "So... how did you and Sarah meet up?" Dani looks curious about that herself, even as she lightly nudges Sarah's leg with hers under the table. Not really playing footsie so much as letting Sarah know she's not getting neglected.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla smiles, a playful sparkle in her purple - yes, purple - eyes as she listens to the story of Dani's arrival. "Wow. And here I thought I would be the one with the freaky backstory. That's cool." She doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.

"Well, Sarah and I met when she was leading a protest group on the Met U campus. They were protesting a fraterity party for the fourth of July, because the frat was letting in for free any girls who showed up 'dressed patriotically.' Which the guys judged to basically mean 'hot and sexy with the suggestion of stars and stripes." Now doesn't that sound like a protest their Sarah would lead?

"I showed up as a drunk pair of guys started 'counter protesting' and getting very pushy and handsy about it. I leg-swept one of them and put him down, then disarmed the whole thing by dragging the guys back inside." A beat. Another one. Priss puts in her order for a drink, and selects a couple of simple sushi rolls so that she can share them around while they wait for the chef to arrive.

"I was there because I'd be hired to perform. So I invited Sarah to come along inside, and paid her cover charge, so she could watch out for my clothes. Guys like that, they often think it's funny to steal the stripper's street clothes and trap her at the party." And yep. That's how they met: Sarah being invited to come watch Priss strip and dance for a party full of drunk frat boys and their barely-dresed coeds.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah shifts her foot a little as she's nudged to gently brush back against Dani's foot as she listens, smiling to herself. "I would have punched the guy if you hadn't showed stepped in." she says, remembering. "I was trying to talk things down so I was out in front though, so I was a gropey target."

    She makes a face, laying her hand on Priss's on her leg as she squeezes. "...still don't feel bad about kneeing that guy who kept calling me 'Pocahontas' though. At least the doormen weren't jerks.' She pauses. "...well other than the one who tried to offer a bonus for a joint show." She -really- wanted to punch -him- too."

r    "So...one saving, one being saved." she says amusedly 'And both memorable, to say the least." She grins a bit. "And I got a ride home both times too, come to think of it. By flying horse and by sexy motorcycle.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah shifts her foot a little as she's nudged to gently brush back against Dani's foot as she listens, smiling to herself. "I would have punched the guy if you hadn't showed stepped in." she says, remembering. "I was trying to talk things down so I was out in front though, so I was a gropey target."

    She makes a face, laying her hand on Priss's on her leg as she squeezes. "...still don't feel bad about kneeing that guy who kept calling me 'Pocahontas' though. At least the doormen weren't jerks.' She pauses. "...well other than the one who tried to offer a bonus for a joint show." She -really- wanted to punch -him- too."

    "So...one saving, one being saved." she says amusedly 'And both memorable, to say the least." She grins a bit. "And I got a ride home both times too, come to think of it. By flying horse and by sexy motorcycle.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani laughs at that, "Wow, that's really cool." She chuckles, "I probably would have punched a few of them myself, Sarah." She makes a face at the thought of gropey frat boys, "Not exactly looking forward to college life with that description, boys like that better steer clear of me." A wry grin crosses her lips at that.

    Then she hmmms, "Well, my history isn't all winged horses and hunky Asgardians, but that's the part I like to focus on, for obvious reasons." She hmms slightly, ordering a Coke for herself as she still looks a bit undecided on what to order as far as dinner is concerned.

Voodoo has posed:
"I couldn't much help myself. Guy laid hands on a woman who was clearly asking for anything but; I had to do something." Priscilla admits, with a smile. "And the legsweep broke things up, without doing any serious damage." Becaus if Priss had actually punched the guy? Well, that very likely would have led to an all-out fight.

"My history is more frat parties and strip clubs than most would prefer. But it's my life, and I'm not starving." Priscilla waits until the waitstaff are //not// around before she explains, "No winged horses for me, though. Alien spacecraft, other planets, and lots of exorcisms. And stripping."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The woman between them is listening thoughtfully as she tentatively pauses to mark a few sushi options to try (Dani insisted eel was great; yet...eels, ick, but will try). She looks a bit a bit suprised, glancing at Priss. Huh. She was expecting her to ease into the other stuff, but...no, it's good, she decides, straightening a bit. Besides, this isn't a part of Priss she's talked a lot about with Sarah either, at least not in details.

    She can't resist saying, with both a bit of dry amusement but interest in her voice. "Yes, you're both out of this world. Literally.' Her eyes twinkle a bit as she glances at Dani. "...I've only seen the stripping part, mostly." she mock whispers.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, and winks over at Sarah, then looks at Priss curiously, "Cool, wait, alien spacecraft?" She brightens a bit, "Like outer space? That sounds wild. I mean, I've heard of a few things at school with the Shi'ar and stuff, but never actually met any. Haven't been off the planet either... well, not in space. Asgard is a bit more sideways, I guess."

    Dani's expression does darken slightly at the mention of exorcisms, though. Bit of painful history there, from what Priss' empathy can pick up, though Dani covers it pretty well otherwise. Then she continues, "But yeah, it does look like it's working for you, and... well, um." She pauses, as if not quite sure where to go from there save, "You just look so amazing." And there's a pretty good streak of envy there, as Dani wishes she /did/ look that good. Not that Dani looks bad, and she knows it, but... well, there's good and there's Good.

Voodoo has posed:
Always pretty damned humble about herself, Priscilla just shrugs a little bit. "Well, you look pretty darned good, yourself." she offers honestly to Dani. "And it is. Or it was. Working for me, I mean." This is all kind of new to Priss, but she bears up as best she can. "I'm actually in the middle of attempting a ... what do they call it? 'Change of profession'? With my experience with aliens, someone suggested I consider working with an international task force established to watch out for off-world threats and do their best to contain them. I don't do any good as a suit, but they seem open to other viewpoints." It helps she actually likes Abby, and that Abigail likes her. So they're adapting as best they can.

"I've met Shi'ar. I never learned their language, though. Most of my contact has been with Kherubim and Daemonite. Thanagarian. About a dozen others." Priscilla admits. "By comparison, I've never been to any mythological realms. Or seen a pegasus, let alone bonded with one." Are they not called that? That's what they taught her in what passed for a school back in the parish, at least.

Priss reaches out and lightly lays her hand over Dani's on the table's surface. "I'm sorry if the exorcism bit hurts to hear. I won't push. But if you ever want to talk about it ..." That's as much as she says. "And since I'm pretty sure Sarah didn't mention it, I'm an empath." So no, Dani wasn't somehow doing a terrible job of bucking up.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's expression says that, no, she did not...she didn't want to be the one controlling information between the two, after all. You can be friends, or...well, part of a threesome like this if you aren't able to talk directly, certainly, she thinks, taking a moment between the two, just...admiring the different ways they are. Thinking of of three, that does give her an odd, not unpleasant sensation. Sort of uncertain but interested but affectionate but feeling....belonging. That's an emotion she wasn't expecting to feel outside of her fellow Gen-Active escapees, but...both women have made it so easy to feel like that for her. And she likes it. Very much so.

    At the mention of exorcisms, Sarah gets a faint frown, then almost in sync with Priss reaches out with her hand to gently squeeze Dani's thigh comfortingly. She doesn't say anything more then...that's really Dani's story to tell, and she doesn't want to lightly churn up those emotions when she knows it causes her pain.

    The mention of being an empath brings a faint curve to her lips, however. "Which makes her awesome at being someone to talk to about stuff, among other things." she says gently. That's something she actually is curious if they have more in common with each other - they both have powers that affect feelings, as she understands, after all.

Moonstar has posed:
    Priss gets a warm smile at the mention of being an empath, and Dani also grins back to Sarah, winking at the hand on her leg as she appreciates the gesture, clearly. Dani then turns her hand and squeezes Priss's fingers a bit, "Thanks. It's okay, I mean, not /okay/, but Sarah knows... I told her, anyway." Her smile fades a bit, the memories a bit hard, but not too much to tell, "When my mutant powers first manifested, I was hunted by a demon bear. It possessed my parents, then killed my grandfather. The school took me in, but the bear followed me. Fortunately, we managed to kill the demon without hurting my parents."

    Dani then brightens a little as the empath comment registers a bit more, "I'm an empath too, actually. Well, sortof. Just with animals. Or people that have a strong animal side, like werewolves and such, I can bond with them, which is how I bonded with Brightwind." She perks up at the mention of meeting aliens and such, "But what you do now? Working in space? That sounds /really/ great. I... I have to admit, I was looking at being a vet, which seems kinda boring in comparison." And she has to wonder... do they make spacesuits that are winged stallion sized?

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla frowns momentarily, and gives Dani's fingers another gentle squeeze. "I am sorry you lost your grandfather. I lost my parents when I was so young I don't even remember them. Foster families and a group home for me, until I went independent. That's when I started dancing professionally." She sips some of her drink and lets Dani continue.

"Nice. My powers don't do much for or with animals at all. My shapeshifting can allow me to take on animal characteristics, but only temporarily. Thankfully, I always revert to me." Priss smiles. "I don't think being a vet is boring at all, though. That's being a doctor, and a doctor for another often underprivileged, underrepresented group in need of help. I think that's pretty amazing." Given Priss has been an underprivileged or underrepresented group all her life, she's totally in favor of that.

"And for the record, I will always try to be available as someone to talk to, hang out with, or whatever else you need. It's kinda my thing." The mulatto woman smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "By the way: I know Sarah is learning more martial arts, working with me. You look pretty toned, and you're part Valkyrie. Do you do any sparring or training? We could work out together, the three of us, sometime."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah giggles softly at that. "I did bring that up with her...and I thought that gym you introduced me too would be awesome for her as well, though its a bit more of a commute." Her eyes twinkle. "Not that I mind flying either of you around, or riding by flying horse, or by motorcycle." Snuggling a beautiful girl for a nice long flight..." She mock siiighs. "How will I bear it?!?"

    She tilts her head. "Though seriously, I would love if you joined us Dani. I get the feeling I'm not nearly as good as the two of you, since most of my stuff was learned independently; I didn't really have a sensei or any organized training when I was growing up after a certain point." She smiles softly. "I know Priss is very good, she can kick my hiney if she puts her mind to it."

    She pauses to take a sip from her water. "Mm, and I'm with Priss, I think you being a vet is wonderful Dani. Really, of the three of us, I'm kind of the slacker, I don't actually HAVE any plans or things about what I want to do. So I admire the two of you a lot for working towards your goals." She grins. "And not just because it makes me happy to see you both succeed due to, well, girlfriend support."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani smiles at the mention of training, and looks a bit sly for a moment, "I do regular sparring at the school, I'm... ah, actually a team leader with the students. Tactics and strategy, plus I've had to fight since I was a kid on the Rez. That just honed it a bit more for me."

    As Priss mentions her grandfather, Dani smiles a little, a wistful expression, "He's the one that really taught me how to fight. How to be a warrior. I still miss him." She turns her hand and returns the squeeze of her fingers to Priscilla, then looks over at Sarah, "Well... I'd love to join you to spar and work out. It sounds like a lot of fun, to be honest. And it'd be nice to get away from the school a bit more often, I think. I mean, it's home, but..." She trails off, then shrugs a bit.

Voodoo has posed:
"Very cool." Priscilla opines as Dani explains how awesome she is in a fight. "I learned to fight from an ex-teammate of mine. She was a bit of an immortal alien badass, and she was a hardass of a teacher. So I learned a lot. But I have to admit, I generally suck at strategy, and my tactics are relatively minimal. Not non-existent, like the used to be, but minimal." It's not that Priss is a blunt weapon. But she's definitely more weapon than general. "Maybe I can learn some of that from you."

"I know what you mean about getting away." Priss offers to Dani. "I had feelings like that, back when I was with my old team. Then, of course, it all fell apart, and I ended up going out on my own for good. That part was pretty damned lonely, until lately." She turns her head, smiling at Sarah. "Things have gotten a lot better, now. Deciding to reach out and make connections with other people was a big part of that for me. Hopefully it can be the same for you. For all of us."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hmms, giving Priss a quiet, gentle smile, her emotions gently surging with affection and happiness towards knowing that Priss feels better now. She turns those dark eyes to Dani, grinning playfully, a certain pride welling up as she considers how lucky she is to have met both girls in her. "Well...you're definitely the team leader for our threesome then." she notes, shaking her head, sipping her drink. "I don't know much about leading like that, or at least, not with powers. I'm better as a peacemaker or debater than I am as a leader." It's an honest appraisal of herself, she seems to feel.
    "But I can completely understand wanting to get out and away from things, especially when you're living at a school like that." She leans forward a bit. "I still want to meet your friend there sometime though, maybe Priss and I could meet you at that...Hanleys place you mentioned? Sometime, I mean, if you're going ot be headed out that way anyway." she says with a smile.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "Well, Harry's, and I suppose we could try and arrange something." She sounds a touch ambivalent about it, and then she chuckles, "And if you want me to our 'leader', I suppose I could. Been doing it for a few years already with the students and such, so..." She then blinks over at Priss, "Wait, immortal alien warrior badass? I want to meet her!" She grins, "I'm sure she could teach me a few things, after she kicked my ass repeatedly no doubt."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla sighs softly and shrugs. "I'll try. She's not exactly the most responsive contact." Another brief frown follows. "She was part of my original team. They were the closest thing to family I ever had. But that kinda fell all to crap a year or two ago. Zee was in the area recently, but I haven't seen her in almost a month. And she's not exactly chatty." Zealot is not exactly a 'girls night out' sort. Like. Ever.

"Anyway, I'll do what I can. But honestly, I don't know that I need a leader right now. Mostly, I want a friend I can train with who can on a semi-regular basis make me work for it, or even whup my butt a bit." Priss gives Dani's hand a gentle squeeze, then reclaims that hand to swat it against her own stool-perched backside. Naturally, she does this just as the chef is approaching the hibachi table, starting to take orders of what meats folks want and any restrictions like avoiding shellfish mixing or the like. Soon, there will be fancy onion slice choo-choos of flaming oil.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah lets out a little laught at the swat, but pauses from commenting to let everyone order, and the show to begin! There is juggling of shrimp! There are flames shooting up, and decorative grilling. And of course, the fancy choo-choos! Sarah seems to not know what to think, but she starts to enjoy it as it goes on, a definite smile on her face. She goes for something simple...steak and veggies. Can't go wrong there she figures. The chef will put on a show, before separating out each girl's dish with their side of choice, then bowing and wishing them all to enjoy their food.

    Sarah watches him go, then says. "Okay, that was neat." she admits, smiling a bit.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani smiles, "Yeah, if I wasn't underage, he'd probably try to feed us saki by the squirt bottle there." She chuckles, "Personally, my favorite is the onion volcano." She picks up her chopsticks, and actually manages to handle them pretty well, having had some practice.

    Dani tilts her head at Sarah, "I thought you'd get a kick out of that. It's really fun just to watch them doing it. Especially when they do all the tricks with the egg..."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla definitely seems to enjoy the show, clapping and giggling along throughout. She also proves to have quite a talent for managing to gobble up little shrimp tossed from the spatula. Her own selection is a mix of shrimp, scallops, vegetables and steak, and she isn't shy about eating all of that. Clearly she trusts her workout regimeine to power through all of those calories.

"I've seen some of them do the saki squirt bottle before. But these family places don't usually go for that." Priss watches Dani jealously, and sighs. "I have to admit, I'm really good with the language. But I'm not so hot with the chopsticks." And she has no desire to wear her dinner.

Rainmaker has posed:
    SArah giggles a bit, then hmms. "I didn't know you spoke Japanese?" she says curiously. "Really? How many languages do you speak, actually? I mean, I have...well, two." she says, nibbling on her steak. She also is using chopsticks! She hmms. "Maybe we can teach you the fine art of martial arts chopsticks!" she teases a bit, leaning over to try and steal a little bit of Priss's food with hers.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani blinks, "Well, that's one up on me, I don't speak Japanese... maybe you could teach me and I can show you chopsticks?" She grins at Priss, and nods at Sarah, "Yeah, we can probably do that." As Sarah steals from Priss, Dani takes advantage and snatches a piece of steak from Sarah's plate!

Voodoo has posed:
Priss scrunches up her face a bit as she thinks, counting to herself. She does not use her fingers and toes, but one gets the sense that she's honestly not far away from that. "Uhm. Eleven, maybe twelve? It depends on your point of view." -- "Hey!" Priss protests, as her food is stolen. She swats Sarah on the bum unabashedly. "You sneaky chopstick-wielding food thief. You think just because you're adorable and beautiful that I won't punish you?" The game is afoot! Or something like that. "I'd love someone who could be patient enough to teach me. Zealot was never very patient with me about those sorts of things."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The thief in question squeaks as she's swatted, squirming, then acks as Dani steals some of her steak. "Hey!" She pouts as her, then peers at Priss. "...eleven or twelve?" she says, sounding very impressed. "Wow. You're like the Language Guru here." she says with a giggle. "If you didn't already have a job you just started, I'd be pushing you to be a translator or something."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "I just speak three, so..." She shrugs, "Always wanted to learn Russian though, there's a lot of students, and one of the faculty, that speak Russian, so that'd be handy." She smiles and looks a bit smug at Sarah, "Always gotta defend your flank, hon." With that, Priss gets a wink.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss winks at Dani. "I learned Russian. It was one of those Zealot insisted on." she admits. "English, French and Creole I grew up with . After I met the team and started training, I picked up several more. Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Kheran, Daemonite, Greek, Syrian and Japanese. I also know a good bit of Thangarian, but only individual words. The syntax messes me up." That said, she nibbles at her food, head down for a bit. Sarah knows how humble Priss can be; she doesn't consider her facility with languages to be anything worth celebrating, so everyone else's high opinions make her uncomfortable.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah may now she's humble, but she still looks vaguely amused and astonished at the same time. "Wow. I'm really slacking with English and Western Apache." She smiles a bit and leans over to give Priss a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Denzhone ch'ikii, you amaze me." she says gently, unable to not sound a little proud of her.

    She leans back, stretching a bit. "I can't even imagine learning an alien language, just learning one from Earth would be a challenge" she says thoughfully. Then tries to quickly sneak some of Dani's food."

Moonstar has posed:
    Which prompts Dani to start fencing with Sarah's chopsticks, "Naturally, but I find that Thibault cancels out Capo Ferro, don't you?" She smiles, fending off Sarah with a flourish as she looks rather happy, even as she passes a glance to Priss, "Well, I just got Asgardian and English, and Cheyenne of course. Asgardian is... well, it's very Norweigian, obviously."

Voodoo has posed:
"Obviously." Priscilla offers, grinning at Dani. "Hey. I recognize that line. Uhm ... it was something Jeremy was always quoting." Of course Priss never quite realized //why// Jeremy was always quoting Princess Bride to her. Even an empath and telepath can be blinded sometimes. It happens.

"I'll admit, the telepathy gives me a heck of an advantage on learning additional languages." Priss comments. "I can read another's thoughts, understand what they mean, even if the words don't yet make sense. So it helps a lot. Even better if they actually know a language that I do. I can watch them translate in their heads."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hahs! "Unless your enemy has studied her Agrippa!" And totally cheats by tickling Dani with her off hand to try and get past her defenses. "Which I have!"

    Her eyes are dancing now as she peers back at Priss. "Princess Bride. We, ah, sort of tried to watch it again actually, a bit ago." Though they didn't get past the opening scene pretty much before being...ahem...distracted.

    "Even then, Priss, that has to require some impressive memory too." Sarah says curiously. "I mean, I could see translating when you're there, but speaking it yourself without needing a native speaker there." She grins. "Aww, I'm not going to be able to secretly tease you without you realizing what I'm saying then." She pouts cutely at that.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani yeeps at the tickling, her guard faltering, "Nooooooo! Inconceivable!!!" She giggles and then says, once the tickling stops, "Yeah, I'm trying to talk our drama teacher into doing Princess Bride as one of our plays this year. I think I'd make a great Dread Pirate Roberts." Because, what? Buttercup? Heck with /that/ noise.

Voodoo has posed:
The mulatto dancer watches the interplay of the other two and grins impishly, feeling their playfullness and the feelings behind it; being an empath can be a lot of fun, sometimes. "Neat. I'm pretty sure Jeremy used to quote that to me all the time. But I never saw it." Poor girls from the wrong side of the track don't have money for movies, and don't get to choose what is on a TV if it is in a foster home. Priss soaked up popular culture mostly through other people, until she was a 'grown up', out on her own. Like now.

"What is a Dread Pirate Roberts?" Priss questions Dani. "Why would you want to be a pirate? You're a valkyrie." She questions, and lets it go. It's up to Dani what she wants to be. But Valkyrie vet seems like an awesome combo to her. "I don't usually just go prodding around inside someone else's mind, Sarah. You can apache-tease me all you want. Until, that is, you ask me to learn the language from you. I won't be able to forget, after that." Purple eyes still twinkling merrily, she leans close to both of the other woman, arranged as they are around the corner of the hibachi table. "By the way: you two are adorable." Because hey, if you can't tease your girlfriend and her Amerindian crush, who can you tease?