1891/Roxxon Discovery

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Roxxon Discovery
Date of Scene: 08 August 2017
Location: Savage Land
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Ravager

Superboy has posed:
Still in the Savage Land. But to be honest, it is only their third day. So Conner and Rose are not exactly dying of hunger. Just somewhat annoyed and bored. Not exactly great investigators or explorers, the abandoned and empty Roxxon factory has been too mysterious and reluctant to reveal its secrets. On top of that, it is raining.

But after searching about around, they came upon an interesting discovery. A helipad just a couple miles from the factory. Mostly eaten by the jungle, it took them a bit to find. "So, they moved the refined ore by helicopter. Makes sense, there are no roads in this freaking jungle. And building an airstrip would have been too much work."

Nevermind they came by plane without having any airstrip to land! Maybe Rose counted with Conner being able to grab the whole plane and put it back in the air? That option is gone due to the kryptonite.

"There must be some kind of control or radio building, so they could communicate with incoming choppers. Lets take a look," adds the young man.

Ravager has posed:
Walking to the helipad, Rose Wilson looks up at the large mountain in the distance that looms nearby, "I guess it's easy to cart ore back by helicopter," she comments, "Yes, it's underground. I spotted the Roxxon markings walking up," she tells him, "I just don't know where the entrance is, Conner. Look around for the entrance. The hatch," she tells him, waving her hand. She walks off the helipad and tries to trace the edge of the area with her eyes.

Superboy has posed:
"Makes sense. A dino-proof bunker," comments Conner. His enhanced senses are also dependent of sunlight, but he other trick, and uses his tactile telekinesis to scan the ground under him. It takes him a minute to find a hatch only partially covered by vegetation.

Rose can see the helipad must have had a sturdy fence around it, with barbed wire, and maybe electrified. It is long gone. Apparently there was also a small minefield; she can still spot the holes of exploded mines. The victims long devoured by the predators and scavengers. Roxxon definitely didn't pull its punches.

And still the jungle reclaimed the place incredibly fast when the humans left. Truly a Savage Land.

There is a loud sound of ripped metal as Conner tears off the entrance to the bunker. "Coming, Rosie?" He asks, grinning at the white haired girl. At least it won't be raining down there!

Ravager has posed:
Putting a hand on her hip, Rose Wilson smirks, "I'm waiting," she comments, then walks over to the hatch, "Wait, I got somethin for this rerun," she explains. She has something in the pounch at her hip and she hands Superboy what looks like a small calculator-size electronic device, "Throw this detector down in the dark. It'll beep it something is moving nearby," she explains to him. She cracks a couple of purple light-sticks and tosses them down the hole, "Make sure you watch where you're going," she reminds him.

Superboy has posed:
"Motion sensor? I have better," Conner telekinesis would have revealed if anything was moving down there, but the light sticks are great. "Good idea," he jumps down and peers around. "Seems safe, smells stale."

Grabbing the glow-stick, he wanders around... not many places to go, really. There is a small living space with kitchenette. Food is long gone except for a few cans. But Conner finds and appropriates a battered leather jacket that must have belonged to a pilot years ago. "Do you want it? Your clothes are..." well, skimpy and wet. Not that he is complaining. He only has torn jeans right now.

There is a more interesting room, though. A control station. Much of the electronics have been removed. No radar, or radio or computers left. But the cabinets have maps. "Hey look, are these flight plans?" He offers Rose. If she can pilot she can read flight plans, right?

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson snatches the jacket away from Conner and puts it on, "I'm only wet in my shorts cause you can't navigate around a lake," she complains. She walks slowly into the control room, which is straight out of an old NASA movie.

Grabbing the flight plans, Rose hmms, "Well, this is a plan for the helicopter to touchdown kinda near the mountain. I guess to get the ore, right? Hey look, the ore dropoff is marked on the map. It looks like a huge underground depot that holds rocks. A whole bunch of rocks. Lots and lots of rocks," she explains blandly, then flips to another flight plan, "This is a map of the boat dock."

Superboy has posed:
Conner peers over her shoulder. Rocks. Bleh. "They can't get out by boat, can they?" But there is a huge lake there. And rivers. It makes no sense, the jungle area can't possibly be that big. "Hey, look at this other. It has half a dozen routes in different colors and all go to the same place." Those are helicopter flight paths, probably, and a central point. "Maybe Roxxon's main base? We should check. Unless you want to go look for the rocks."

Ravager has posed:
Smirking again, Rose Wilson says, "No I don't wanna look at rocks," she grumbles and shakes her head. She walks over to the map with the colors and looks at it on the wall, "It says there's a huge lake, but I didn't see a huge lake. I mean, besides the one we walked around. There's not two lakes. I thought we were in the headquarters, right?" she asks.

Superboy has posed:
"Eh, this place is abandoned, Rose! And stripped off most stuff. They moved out years ago," well, that is his theory. Maybe they got all eaten by dinosaurs. Hopefully not, they need a way to get out.

No looking for rocks. Fine. But maybe they were gold or something... no, he better not mention it. Conner has enough of jungles for now. He is a city boy. "Can you guide me there? I will fly us," he offers.